What is Acoustics for starters? Acoustics is my favorite and it means The studies of mechanical waves passing through solid, liquid, and gases or in other words, the Studies of physical sounds like vibration, sound, ultrasound, and infrasound. Acoustic is from the Greek word. "akoustikos" meaning "of or for hearing, ready to hear". People who study Acoustic is called Acousticians. There are many types of Acousticians like
Bioacoustician- the studies of birds of a given geographic region to determine that the human-made noise affects their action.
Biomedical Acoustician-which is people who develop medical equipment to treat Kidney stone,
Underwater Acousticians-An expert that uses sonar hardware that explores the ocean floors.
Audio Acousticians- An expert in this field diagnose hearing impairment.
Architectural Acousticians- An expert that field designs an opera house to manage the high pitch sound or likewise inside the house.
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