So, Satvik trolled me by announcing at the last minute that he was going on vacation, hence dumped the rest of the Troll King Contest on me...
The biggest on Brilliant is Pi Han Goh with the entry My submission, asking for to 5 decimal places.
The runner up is a certain Calvin Lin with the entry TKC, asking for the probability that you can answer the question correctly. (Hint: 1)
The second runner up is Nihar Mahajan, with the entry Light is too fast to catch!, asking what happens when Satvik the Troll Hero plays a leading role in the file.
An honorary troll is James McGill with the entry, proving that the internet wins once again.
I’ve attached several more interesting Troll question in this set. Enjoy the creativity of your fellow Brilliant members!
The first person who gets 10 out of 10 correct wins a ! So get cracking! No one has claimed this prize yet!
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haha.. your meme is so funny w.r.t the context :D
BTW My problem got selected...... I must dance
I'm so close! I screwed up on the very last question.
Sir, when we'll the free T-shirt winner be declared.
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I will constantly check the set leaderboard, and see who is the first person to get 10 out of 10. Once that is done, I can declare who the winner is, and will get their home address.
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Aren't there just 9 questions?
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That is a correct observation.
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hi Calvin Lin, Can please tell me how do I get an entry to the troll contest. One more thing there are only 9 questions in troll contest not 10.
Several scientists were asked to prove that all odd integers higher than 2 are prime.
Mathematician: 3 is a prime, 5 is a prime, 7 is a prime, and by induction - every odd integer higher than 2 is a prime.
Physicist: 3 is a prime, 5 is a prime, 7 is a prime, 9 is an experimental error, 11 is a prime. Just to be sure, try several randomly chosen numbers: 17 is a prime, 23 is a prime...
Engineer: 3 is a prime, 5 is a prime, 7 is a prime, 9 is an approximation to a prime, 11 is a prime,...
Programmer (reading the output on the screen): 3 is a prime, 3 is a prime, 3 a is prime, 3 is a prime....
Biologist: 3 is a prime, 5 is a prime, 7 is a prime, 9 -- results have not arrived yet,...
Psychologist: 3 is a prime, 5 is a prime, 7 is a prime, 9 is a prime but tries to suppress it,...
Chemist (or Dan Quayle): What's a prime?
Politician: "Some numbers are prime.. but the goal is to create a kinder, gentler society where all numbers are prime... "
Programmer: "Wait a minute, I think I have an algorithm from Knuth on finding prime numbers... just a little bit longer, I've found the last bug... no, that's not it... ya know, I think there may be a compiler bug here - oh, did you want IEEE-998.0334 rounding or not? - was that in the spec? - hold on, I've almost got it - I was up all night working on this program, ya know... now if management would just get me that new workstation that just came out, I'd be done by now... etc., etc. ..."
:P (Two is the oddest prime of all, because it's the only one that's even!)
Oh God, there are so many trolls.
I am so afraid to go out tomorrow
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I think this whole contest is trolling us right now and no-one will get the free Brilliant T-shirts because there are only 9 questions in the troll king contest set but Calvin Lin wants us to answer 10 questions which is not possible. So I think this contest TROLLED US ALL.
I got everything right ........ 😃
Again a troll. Hats off to you sir, your collection is too difficult to solve that I can bet no one can get all 10 correct.
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hi Aniket Verma, just look at the leaderboard, nearly 10 people got 9/9 including me.
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Ya, I know that suman sharma and i am also one of those people who have solved all 9 troll questions correctly. But Sir Calvin had put up the challenge of solving 10 questions.
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hey guys I have just joined Brillant community and I saw this April fool contest. I got 9 out of 9.
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The point is that it can't be done. You have been trolled. This is, after all, the troll king contest.
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Yes it confused me a lot. I was going through comments to find out how we do these types of questions. I was trying to make a "troll sense" --- meaning I was thinking what could be a nonsense answer for these questions. That how I got them right.
I can't believe y'all fell for this .-. Even I wouldn't fall for that.