Wiki Weekend Party - Brainstorming sessions

As you are aware, we have been making numerous improvements to the wikis writing process. We have also been developing a Wiki writing process, so that everyone can write a great wiki page easily. I’ve tried this out with several people, and am excited to share Pi Han Goh’s success with Cryptogram and Sandeep Bhardwaj’s success with Arithmetic-Geometric Progressions. If you have any specific feedback for them, please let them know in #logic and #mathematics respectively.

For this Wiki Weekend Party, I would like to share this process with you, and work through the steps to develop out a great wiki similar to those above. We’ve chosen 2 wiki pages, and would like you to help us out:

  1. List out interesting examples and concepts that help contribute to an understanding of the page. You can do so directly in the wiki page, by selecting an Example # and editing just that section.
  2. Meet up on Slack at the appointed time, to discuss how the page should be structured, and organize it accordingly.
  3. Add in the details of the explanations and examples, knowing that people would be motivated to read through this article.
Wiki PageOperator SearchDivision Algorithm
Current statusFleshing out detailsFleshing out details, mostly done
Target AudienceLevel 1-2 LogicLevel 1-2 Number Theory
MotivationPlay and experimentConceptual understanding
Meeting at8/14 8am PDT, 8:30pm IST8/16 7am PDT , 7:30pm IST

Here are the steps that we will accomplish during the meeting:

  1. Come up with a bunch of examples
  2. Discuss the examples
  3. Choose the ones that we love (and didn’t)
  4. Figure out the target audience, and motivation for reading the page
  5. Discuss how to organize the structure of the page
  6. Settled on what the structure of the page should look like
  7. Assign out sections to write

Let me know if you have any questions!

As a reminder, this is what makes a great Brilliant wiki:

Note by Calvin Lin
5 years, 10 months ago

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  Easy Math Editor

This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.

When posting on Brilliant:

  • Use the emojis to react to an explanation, whether you're congratulating a job well done , or just really confused .
  • Ask specific questions about the challenge or the steps in somebody's explanation. Well-posed questions can add a lot to the discussion, but posting "I don't understand!" doesn't help anyone.
  • Try to contribute something new to the discussion, whether it is an extension, generalization or other idea related to the challenge.
  • Stay on topic — we're all here to learn more about math and science, not to hear about your favorite get-rich-quick scheme or current world events.

MarkdownAppears as
*italics* or _italics_ italics
**bold** or __bold__ bold

- bulleted
- list

  • bulleted
  • list

1. numbered
2. list

  1. numbered
  2. list
Note: you must add a full line of space before and after lists for them to show up correctly
paragraph 1

paragraph 2

paragraph 1

paragraph 2

[example link]( link
> This is a quote
This is a quote
    # I indented these lines
    # 4 spaces, and now they show
    # up as a code block.

    print "hello world"
# I indented these lines
# 4 spaces, and now they show
# up as a code block.

print "hello world"
MathAppears as
Remember to wrap math in \( ... \) or \[ ... \] to ensure proper formatting.
2 \times 3 2×3 2 \times 3
2^{34} 234 2^{34}
a_{i-1} ai1 a_{i-1}
\frac{2}{3} 23 \frac{2}{3}
\sqrt{2} 2 \sqrt{2}
\sum_{i=1}^3 i=13 \sum_{i=1}^3
\sin \theta sinθ \sin \theta
\boxed{123} 123 \boxed{123}


Thanks for helping with Operator search! This is what the community did

  1. Came up with a bunch of examples that they wanted to see on the page

  2. Talked about the examples

  3. Chose the examples we loved (and didn't)

  4. Figured out the target audience, and the motivation for reading this page

  5. Discussed how to organize the structure of the page, bearing in mind the target audience and the motivation

  6. Settled on what the final structure of the page should look like

And now, we're ready to fill in the details! We know how the page will look like, and when things will be covered. So it's much easier for everyone to add in small parts into each section :)

Calvin Lin Staff - 5 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for helping out with Division Algorithm! This is what the community did

  1. Brainstormed on better examples

  2. [Talked about the examples]

  3. Chose the ones we loved, and didn't

  4. Figure out the target audience, and the motivation

  5. Discuss how to organize the structure of the page

  6. Settled on the structure of the page.

  7. Assigned out sections to people to work on.

Thanks @Kaito Einstein, @Gautam Sharma , @Sandeep Bhardwaj @Pi Han Goh @Sravanth Chebrolu @Nihar Mahajan @Nicole Tay for your assistance to make this a success.

Calvin Lin Staff - 5 years, 10 months ago

Please reply to this comment if you will be attending the meeting, so that I can get a rough gauge of the attendance.

Calvin Lin Staff - 5 years, 10 months ago

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This is a reply.

Pi Han Goh - 5 years, 10 months ago

I'm attending!

Satyajit Mohanty - 5 years, 10 months ago

I'm attending too.

Anuj Shikarkhane - 5 years, 10 months ago


Nihar Mahajan - 5 years, 10 months ago

I am ready to participate

murali mohan - 5 years, 10 months ago

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Oh sorry! You just missed us. Check out #mathematics to see how the discussion went. I also gave a brief summary of it above.

I look forward to seeing you next week!

Calvin Lin Staff - 5 years, 10 months ago

Please reply to this comment if you're interested in attending the meeting, but would be unable to make the time slots listed.

Don't worry, we will organize more of these next week, so if you let me know what time works for you, I can adjust accordingly.

Calvin Lin Staff - 5 years, 10 months ago

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please allow me, I am very much interested

Atul Shivam - 5 years, 7 months ago

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Great! Sign up for an account on Slack and see you there :)

Calvin Lin Staff - 5 years, 7 months ago

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