Wiki Writing Party: June 20 to July 3

Hello Brilliant Contributors,

The last Wiki Writing Party was a great success! We had so many comments and discussions on the note, and the Brilliant Lounge sessions were all fantastic.

In the party, we were able to create 4 great wikis pages: Square Roots, Rational Root Theorem, Conservative vs non-conservative forces and Interest Rate. If you have feedback or improvements to make, please leave feedback on the wikis to encourage the wiki editors.

How The Party Works

Every two weeks, 4 to 6 wiki structures across different topics will be created and need your help. Each of these wikis have a completed introduction and several detailed headers that scope out the body of the article (I call them wiki skeletons because they have just the bare bones filled in). Over the course of the challenge, wiki writers such as yourself will add their knowledge to the wikis for others to read, comment, and share.

For this party, we are focusing on these wikis:

Name of the wikiTargeted AudienceBrilliant Lounge SessionScheduled Time of Session
Irregular PolygonsLevel 2June 23, Thursday9:30pm IST/9:00am PST
ReflectionLevel 1-2June 25, Saturday9:30pm IST/9:00am PST
RotationLevel 1-2June 26, Sunday9:30pm IST/9:00am PST
Distance Between Point And LineLevel 2-3June 30, Thursday9:30pm IST/9:00am PST
Trivial InequalityLevel 3July 2, Saturday9:30pm IST/9:00am PST

Our Goal: We want to complete each wiki skeleton before the challenge is over so that they can all be featured as our wiki of the day over the course of the following week. Many of you are talented writers, so we'd like to see you leave your mark on the Brilliant wiki library.

Use This Note To

  1. Chat in with the other editors working on the listed wikis.

  2. Ask/clarify any questions you have.

  3. Provide suggestions/feedback for the wikis.

  4. Have any discussions you want in relevance to wikis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Brilliant Lounge Session?

It is a chat session of 45 to 60 minutes where we all work together to improve a wiki. You can join the session by logging in \to Brilliant Lounge.

Do I have to be an expert on one of these wikis to participate?

You do not need to be an expert on any of the wiki topics to contribute to the challenge. You add what you know about a topic even if it's just a single sentence, a formula, an example you recently learned, or a relevant problem that inspired you.

Can I work on more than one wiki?


Can I alter the structure of a wiki by adding headers that I think are relevant?

Yep. If you think a wiki skeleton is missing an important header, then you should add it!

What if I don't feel comfortable contributing to a wiki yet?

If you don't feel ready to contribute to a wiki, you can always add feedback to a wiki that's in progress. For more information on how to add feedback, watch my one minute tutorial.



Note by Sandeep Bhardwaj
4 years, 12 months ago

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  Easy Math Editor

This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.

When posting on Brilliant:

  • Use the emojis to react to an explanation, whether you're congratulating a job well done , or just really confused .
  • Ask specific questions about the challenge or the steps in somebody's explanation. Well-posed questions can add a lot to the discussion, but posting "I don't understand!" doesn't help anyone.
  • Try to contribute something new to the discussion, whether it is an extension, generalization or other idea related to the challenge.
  • Stay on topic — we're all here to learn more about math and science, not to hear about your favorite get-rich-quick scheme or current world events.

MarkdownAppears as
*italics* or _italics_ italics
**bold** or __bold__ bold

- bulleted
- list

  • bulleted
  • list

1. numbered
2. list

  1. numbered
  2. list
Note: you must add a full line of space before and after lists for them to show up correctly
paragraph 1

paragraph 2

paragraph 1

paragraph 2

[example link]( link
> This is a quote
This is a quote
    # I indented these lines
    # 4 spaces, and now they show
    # up as a code block.

    print "hello world"
# I indented these lines
# 4 spaces, and now they show
# up as a code block.

print "hello world"
MathAppears as
Remember to wrap math in \( ... \) or \[ ... \] to ensure proper formatting.
2 \times 3 2×3 2 \times 3
2^{34} 234 2^{34}
a_{i-1} ai1 a_{i-1}
\frac{2}{3} 23 \frac{2}{3}
\sqrt{2} 2 \sqrt{2}
\sum_{i=1}^3 i=13 \sum_{i=1}^3
\sin \theta sinθ \sin \theta
\boxed{123} 123 \boxed{123}


@Deeparaj Bhat @Sharky Kesa @Ashish Siva @Ameya Daigavane @Christopher Boo @Prince Loomba @E Tyson Ewing III @Ritu Roy @abc xyz @Svatejas Shivakumar @Alex G @Hjalmar Orellana Soto @Vignesh S @Ayush Rai @Skanda Prasad

Thanks to all of you and the others whom I could not mention here and helped out the previous wiki writing party to become successful. I'm very happy about your contributions in the party.

I'm pretty excited about taking the current Wiki Writing Party down and make it more engaging and come up with created awesome wikis at the end. Thanks!

Sandeep Bhardwaj - 4 years, 12 months ago

I am waiting for my university intake in late July. In the meantime, I'm really looking forward to every wiki writing party. It's like a festival of knowledge! See you guys in Slack!

Christopher Boo - 4 years, 12 months ago

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That's great! I like what you just said that "it's like a festival of knowledge", it's very true.

See you. :)

Sandeep Bhardwaj - 4 years, 12 months ago

Hi! I have some really good problems in trivial inequalities but my PC is not working so I can't post them. So how do I contribute to the wikis?

Racchit Jain - 4 years, 12 months ago

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Post them as a question and write the url in the wiki.
For example if you have posted a question with url as, then write the url [[problem-an-example-question]] in the wiki.

Ashish Menon - 4 years, 12 months ago

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Yeah, that's the way we link the problems to the wikis. Thanks a lot, Ashish.

Sandeep Bhardwaj - 4 years, 12 months ago

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@Sandeep Bhardwaj ;) Happy to help.

Ashish Menon - 4 years, 12 months ago

I don't get it, shall I post the problem on this note?

Racchit Jain - 4 years, 12 months ago

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@Racchit Jain No, post it in the community and put url in wiki as I mentioned.

Ashish Menon - 4 years, 12 months ago

@Racchit Jain

Hey, you can add those problems to the wiki in the form of examples and problems. I hope that your PC will work soon and then you contribute to the wikis.

If you need any kind of help, then I'm here for that.

Sandeep Bhardwaj - 4 years, 12 months ago

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OK let's hope my PC gets OK soon, I am really looking forward to contribute :)

Racchit Jain - 4 years, 12 months ago

@Racchit Jain, @Kshitij Alwadhi

Did you check your Phase Test?

Mehul Arora - 4 years, 11 months ago

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Nope I am not at home, enjoying the holidays, didn't want spoil my trip by checking the phase test ;) BTW how much are you expecting

Racchit Jain - 4 years, 11 months ago

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@Racchit Jain I checked and got 265 without CBSE and English

In all, I'm expecting around 352

Mehul Arora - 4 years, 11 months ago

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@Mehul Arora Saksham is expecting 290 with eng

Racchit Jain - 4 years, 11 months ago

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@Racchit Jain But let's not discuss this here

Racchit Jain - 4 years, 11 months ago

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@Racchit Jain Do you have the cpp's on wavy curve that sir gave us we can add them to the trivial inequalities section under the header wavy curve @Mehul Arora

Racchit Jain - 4 years, 11 months ago

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@Racchit Jain I don't think so, I could check for them though.

So, Even Saksham is expecting about 360 I guess

Mehul Arora - 4 years, 11 months ago

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@Mehul Arora Yeah

Racchit Jain - 4 years, 11 months ago

@Racchit Jain With English and CBSE?

Mehul Arora - 4 years, 11 months ago

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@Mehul Arora No just with English

Racchit Jain - 4 years, 11 months ago

In the trivial inequalities section we can explain the wavy curve method, I feel that it is very important with respect to the topic.

Racchit Jain - 4 years, 12 months ago

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Yeah, just go ahead and make the edits, please. :)

Sandeep Bhardwaj - 4 years, 12 months ago

Hi. I was working on the proof of the distance between point and line, but I'm not very good with latex and the last couple of fractions are not showing up correctly and I don't really know what am I doing wrong. If I post it the way it is, could someone (with better knowledge of latex) perhaps find what I was doing wrong and fix it?

Roberto Gallotta - 4 years, 12 months ago

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Very nicely done! I edited your LaTeX a bit, but overall it was very good.

Alex G - 4 years, 12 months ago

Nevermind, figured what was I doing wrong. Proof should be up (again, if anything I'm doing is wrong, sorry).

Roberto Gallotta - 4 years, 12 months ago

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Should we also write a proof using vectors and projection? Or would that go into the Higher Dimensions section.

Andrew Lin - 4 years, 12 months ago

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@Andrew Lin There are many different proofs for it, feel free to add if you have a different one!

Christopher Boo - 4 years, 12 months ago

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@Christopher Boo I wrote a rough draft of how to calculate d using vectors in the higher dimension section. Could someone help me expand on the details and explain it better? Perhaps with a diagram (I don't know how to make one).

Andrew Lin - 4 years, 11 months ago

@Andrew Lin For example, I've added a geometric proof. Looking forward to your proof using vectors and projection @Andrew Lin !

Christopher Boo - 4 years, 12 months ago

Hello, buddies :)

All the wikis listed look great. We have just 2 days left for this party to end. Let's review all the wikis and make the final edits if any.

Let me know if you have any questions/feedback. Thanks!

Sandeep Bhardwaj - 4 years, 11 months ago

@Andrew Ellinor ...

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