0s make 120

Logic Level 2

What is the fewest number of 0s that are needed to make the number 120, using only two of the operators from the set { + , , × , ÷ , ! } \{+, -, \times, \div, !\} between the 0s?

Details and Assumptions :

  • Parentheses are allowed, but concatenating digits is not.

  • You may use each of the two operators selected multiple times.

The answer is 4.

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6 solutions

Rohit Ashiwal
Oct 2, 2016

( ( 0 ! ( 0 ! ) ( 0 ! ) ) ! 0 ! ) ! = 120 \Large ((0!-(-0!)-(-0!))!-0!)! = 120

The answer is 4.

Change ker diya mene

Rohit Ashiwal - 4 years, 8 months ago
Rishabh Sood
Jan 25, 2016

Explaining further: The two mathematical operators to be used are factorial(!) and addition/plus(+) Now, Factorial basically is as follows: For example factorial of 5 will be like 5!= 5x4x3x2x1=120 But, over here we have only zeroes, so it is necessary to know that 0!=1. Thus, we will have (0!+0!+0!+0!+0!)!=> (1+1+1+1+1)!=>(5)!=>120(as we saw above) So, N(that is the number of zeroes)=5 P.S. If u like my solution please like Ask for any further queries relating this

The fewest is "4" not 5

Here's why ((0!+0!+0!)!-0!)!=((1+1+1)!-1)!=(3!-1)!=(6-1)!=120

Caeo Tan - 5 years, 4 months ago

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You can only use 2 operators, u used 3

Victoria Guo - 5 years, 4 months ago

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Yeah true! See my solution is correct,#thanks victoria

Rishabh Sood - 5 years, 4 months ago

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@Rishabh Sood We can still use 2 operators and 4 zeros to make 120: ((0!-(-(0!))-(-(0!)))!-(0!))! = ((1-(-1)-(-1))!-(1))! = ((1+1+1)!-(1))! = (3!-1)! = (6-1)! = 5! = 120

Mu'amar Musa Nurwigantara - 5 years, 4 months ago

@Rishabh Sood Hey, who downvoted your solution. It is correct

Ashish Menon - 5 years, 4 months ago

Addition and subtraction are the same, subtraction is adding a negative number.

Brian Wang - 5 years, 4 months ago

and you used a negative 0. DNE.

Joshua Coddington - 5 years, 4 months ago

Use only 2 operator but u have used 3 I.e +,-,!

Pâwâŋ Mukhi - 5 years, 4 months ago

yeah we can use 3 operations that's good..

zubair ahmad - 5 years, 4 months ago

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So guys, concluding we can use 5 zeroes minimum. Thus me and those who answered 5 win!

Rishabh Sood - 5 years, 4 months ago

yeah that's right....

Anup Dhawan - 5 years, 4 months ago

Did it the same way dude

Ashish Menon - 5 years, 4 months ago
Prince Loomba
Jan 25, 2016


This is 10 mathematical operators, but only 2 kinds of mathematical operators.

Brian Wang - 5 years, 4 months ago

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OK I have clarified it more. Thanks.

Prince Loomba - 5 years, 4 months ago

Give me a hi5 bro!(prince)

Rishabh Sood - 5 years, 4 months ago

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I am not prince, but I give a hi5 rishab lol

Ashish Menon - 5 years, 4 months ago
Keil Cerbito
Jan 30, 2016

I think it should be four.. we have the same answer by Mu'amar Musa Nurwigantara .. ((0!-(-(0!))-(-(0!)))!-(0!))!

Thanks. I've updated the answer to 4. Those who previously answered 4 has been marked correct, while those who previously answered 5 has been marked wrong.

In future, if you spot any errors with a problem, you can “report” it by selecting "report problem" in the menu. This will notify the problem creator (and eventually staff) who can fix the issues.

Brilliant Mathematics Staff - 4 years, 8 months ago
Ashish Menon
Mar 9, 2016

[ c o s ( 0 ) + c o s ( 0 ) + c o s ( 0 ) + c o s ( 0 ) + c o s ( 0 ) ] ! [cos (0)+ cos (0)+cos (0)+cos (0)+cos (0)]!
= [ 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 ] ! [1+1+1+1+1]!
= 5 ! 5!
= 120 120 . _\square

Emil Choparinov
Jan 30, 2016


cos is not in the given range of operators

Prince Loomba - 5 years, 4 months ago

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