1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Logic Level 2

× = \Large \square \, \square \times \square = \square \, \square \, \square

In each \square , we use a distinct digit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

What is the right hand side?

The answer is 162.

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1 solution

The single digit in \square can't be 1 , 5 , 6 1,5,6 because If you multiply a two-digit number by 1, you get the same number. If you multiply a two-digit number by 6, with last digit 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 1,2,3,4,5 , you'll get a number ending in 6,2,8,4,0 and this implies that this case is impossible . If you multiply a two-digit number by 5, the last digit will end in 0, 5,. So this case is impossible too, (why?).

Therefore, the single digit in \square is 2 , 3 2,3 or 4 4 . Playing a little bit, you'll get 54 × 3 = 162 54 \times 3 = 162 .

Final review.- We just only have the digits 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 1,2,3,4,5,6 and we can just only use it once. If you multiply a two-digit number A A by 2 \boxed{2} , to get a 3-digit number, A A must start with 5 or 6. But, then what happens?... ( 65 × 2 = 130 65 \times 2 = 130 , uff, you/we almost get it :)... )

If you multiply a two-digit number A A by 4 \boxed{4} , to get a 3-digit number, A A must start with 3,5 or 6. But, then what happens?... If A A start at 3, what happens?... If A A start with 5 , you'll get a three digit number starting at 2, and if you multiply a number by 4 with last digit 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 1,2,3,5,6 you'll get a number ending in 4,8, 2, 0, 4. For example, ( 53 × 4 = 212 53 \times 4 = 212 ,uff, you/we almost get it :)...). If A A start at 6 , you'll get a three digit number starting at 2. For example, ( 63 × 4 = 252 63 \times 4 = 252 ,uff, you almost get it :)...).

So, we only can use 3 \boxed{3} like single digit in \square . If you multiply a two-digit number A A by 3, to get a 3-digit number, A A must start at 4,5 or 6. A two digit number ending in 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 6 1,2,4,5,6 multiplied by 3, you'll get a number ending in 3,6,2,5,8. This implies that the two digit number can't start at 4 (why?) (Hint: Use hit, hit and trial... 42 × 3 = 126 42 \times 3 = 126 uff, you/we almost get it).The two digit number can't start at 6, either, (Why?) (Hint: this time don't use hit and trial) . Therefore, The only possibility is 54 × 3 = 162 54 \times 3 = 162

Wow, this was an old problem of mine. Thanks for adding a solution!

My approach was to look at the possible "last-digit multiplications", like how you pointed out that the single digit needed to be 2, 3 or 4. After that, it felt mostly trial and error, so I wasn't surprised that this problem didn't become well-liked.

Chung Kevin - 4 years, 4 months ago

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I still have to prove that there are no more solutions, that is, that 162 is the only possible solution to this problem...

Guillermo Templado - 4 years, 4 months ago

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Yes. I used a lot of trial and error to show that no other values worked, so my solution wasn't exciting.

Chung Kevin - 4 years, 4 months ago

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@Chung Kevin be calm, I'll try to solve this question... But I used trial and error, too. It's necessary many times.

Guillermo Templado - 4 years, 4 months ago

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@Guillermo Templado I have finished the proof, Chung, I would like your review. Effectively, the only possibilty is 162

Guillermo Templado - 4 years, 4 months ago

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