Counting Sheep

Algebra Level 2

4 shepherds were watching over their flocks and they were commenting on how many sheep they each had.

  • If David had three more sheep, then he'd have one less sheep than Harry.
  • Whereas Sam has the same number as the other three shepherds put together.
  • If Peter had three less sheep, he'd have exactly treble the number of David.
  • If they were evenly distributed they'd each have eleven sheep.

How many sheep did David have?

The answer is 3.

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2 solutions

Rishabh Sood
Apr 8, 2016

If we denote David by A, Harry by B, Sam by C and Peter by D we can find the answer in the following way. Since A + B + C = D and A + B + C + D = 44, it is easy to see that D has 22 sheep. So A + B + C = 22. We can use this along with the two other facts, A + 3 = B - 1 and C - 3 = 3A, to find that A has 3, B has 7, C has 12 and D has 22. In a little more detail:

A + B + C = 22 (1) A + 3 = B - 1 (2) C - 3 = 3A (3)

Rearrange (3) to give C = 3A + 3 and replace the C in (1) to give A + B + 3A + 3 = 22. Simplified this gives B = 19 - 4A (4). Rearrange (2) to give B - A = 4. Use (4) in the place of B to give 19 - 4A - A = 4 to give A = 3. Now use A to work out B, and then C.

Ashish Menon
Apr 9, 2016

Let David have "w" sheep. Let Harry have "x" sheep. Let Sam have "y" sheep. Let Peter have "z" sheep. From first condition : w + 3 = x 1 w = x 4 1 y = w + x + z w = y x z 2 z 3 = 3 w 3 w = z 3 3 w + x + y + z = 4 × 11 = 44 4 Adding 1 and 2, we get : 2 w = y z 4 z = y 4 2 w 5 Adding 5 and 3, we get : 5 w = y 7 6 From 1 : x = w + 4 From 5 : z = y 4 2 w Substituting the above two equations in 4, we get : w + w + 4 + y + y 4 2 w = 44 2 y = 44 y = 22 Substituting y = 22 in 6, we get : 5 w = 22 7 5 w = 15 w = 3 So, David has 3 sheep \begin{aligned} \text {Let David have "w" sheep.}\\ \text {Let Harry have "x" sheep.}\\ \text {Let Sam have "y" sheep.}\\ \text {Let Peter have "z" sheep.}\\ \\ \text{From first condition}:-\\ w + 3 & = x - 1\\ w & = x - 4 \longrightarrow \boxed{1}\\ \\ y & = w + x + z\\ w & = y - x - z \longrightarrow \boxed{2}\\ \\ z - 3 & = 3w\\ 3w & = z - 3 \longrightarrow \boxed{3}\\ \\ w + x + y + z & = 4 × 11 = 44 \longrightarrow \boxed{4}\\ \\ \\ \text{Adding 1 and 2, we get}:-\\ 2w & = y - z - 4\\ z & = y - 4 - 2w \longrightarrow \boxed{5}\\ \\ \text{Adding 5 and 3, we get}:-\\ 5w & = y - 7 \longrightarrow \boxed{6}\\ \\ \\ \text{ From 1}:-\\ x & = w + 4\\ \\ \text{From 5}:-\\ z & = y - 4 - 2w\\ \\ \\ \text{Substituting the above two equations in 4, we get}:-\\ w + w + 4 + y + y - 4 - 2w & = 44\\ 2y & = 44\\ y & = 22\\ \\ \\ \text{Substituting y = 22 in 6, we get}:-\\ 5w & = 22 - 7\\ 5w & = 15\\ w & = \boxed {3}\\ \\ \text{So, David has 3 sheep} \end{aligned}

Moderator note:

Simple standard approach.

OMG such a small solution! 😜😂

Rishabh Sood - 5 years, 2 months ago

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LOL, your question was too good to get that.

Ashish Menon - 5 years, 2 months ago

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Jeez,thank you

Rishabh Sood - 5 years, 2 months ago

Why aren't you able to delete the top part?

Rishabh Sood - 5 years, 2 months ago

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@Rishabh Sood I dont know

Ashish Menon - 5 years, 2 months ago

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@Ashish Menon No prob. Your sol seems to be right anyway

Rishabh Sood - 5 years, 2 months ago

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@Rishabh Sood Come to slack,I have got something to tell

Rishabh Sood - 5 years, 2 months ago

@Rishabh Sood Thanks, alright

Ashish Menon - 5 years, 2 months ago

This requires editing

Rishabh Sood - 5 years, 2 months ago

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I am not able to delete that top part :-(

Ashish Menon - 5 years, 2 months ago

I did it, i forgot to write "&" , that was the only mistake in LaTeX

Ashish Menon - 5 years, 2 months ago

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