100 Followers Crossing Confusion !

How many ones are there in the decimal representation of 100 ! 100!

When I saw the no. of followers, it was 100. I overwhelmed and I decided to post my 100 followers tribute problem.

19 15 13 17 24

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3 solutions

Brock Brown
Feb 18, 2015


from math import factorial
print "Answer:", str(factorial(100)).count('1')


What do you mean by "from math import factorial" and why is 'math' underlined,is it a link?

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 1 month ago

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"factorial" is a function in Python, and from the line "from math import factorial" he meant to load the function factorial from the package "math" into the interpreter.

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 1 month ago

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ah!thanx a lot bud!did u go for coaching in CS??If yes,where?

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Adarsh Kumar No coaching bro, self taught !

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru sites or books?

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 1 month ago
Ivan Koswara
Feb 17, 2015

Python one-liner:

import math
print(sum((1 if i=="1" else 0) for i in str(math.factorial(100))))
# prints 15

Mathematica Code :-

DigitCount[ 100 ! , 10 , 1 ] 100!, 10, 1 ]

Note :-

DigitCount[a,b,c] gives the number of digits c in the decimal representation of a in base b.

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