1729 followers problem (a bit late may be)

Calculus Level 5

x = 1 1729 [ Γ ( 1 + 2 x 2 ) Γ ( 1 2 x 2 ) ] \large\sum_{x=1}^{1729} \left[\Gamma\left(\dfrac{1+2x}{2}\right)\Gamma\left(\dfrac{1-2x}{2}\right)\right]

Simplify the above summation and give your answer to correct four decimal places.

Clarification: [ ] [\cdot] does not denote greatest integer function; they are just square brackets. Also, Γ ( n ) \Gamma(n) is the gamma function .

Bonus Question: Find the value of x = 1 1730 [ Γ ( 1 + 2 x 2 ) Γ ( 1 2 x 2 ) ] . \displaystyle\sum_{x=1}^{1730} \left[\Gamma\left(\dfrac{1+2x}{2}\right)\Gamma\left(\dfrac{1-2x}{2}\right)\right].

The answer is -3.1415.

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1 solution

Nihar Mahajan
Mar 3, 2016

First note that 1 1 + 2 x 2 = 1 2 x 2 1-\dfrac{1+2x}{2} = \dfrac{1-2x}{2} .

Now we know the Euler's Reflection Formula : Γ ( n ) Γ ( 1 n ) = π sin ( n π ) \Gamma(n)\Gamma(1-n) = \dfrac{\pi}{\sin(n\pi)} . So in this problem we have n = 1 + 2 x 2 n=\dfrac{1+2x}{2} . So our summation changes to:

x = 1 1729 π sin ( ( 2 x + 1 ) π 2 ) = π x = 1 1728 1 sin ( ( 2 x + 1 ) π 2 ) + π sin ( 3459 π 2 ) \sum_{x=1}^{1729} \dfrac{\pi}{\sin\left(\frac{(2x+1)\pi}{2}\right)} = \pi\sum_{x=1}^{1728} \dfrac{1}{\sin\left(\frac{(2x+1)\pi}{2}\right)}+\dfrac{\pi}{\sin\left(\frac{3459\pi}{2}\right)}

= π [ 1 sin π 2 + 1 sin 3 π 2 + 1 sin 5 π 2 + 1 sin 7 π 2 + + 1 sin 3457 π 2 ] + π sin ( 3 π 2 ) =\pi\left[\dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{\pi}{2}}+\dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{3\pi}{2}}+\dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{5\pi}{2}}+\dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{7\pi}{2}}+\dots + \dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{3457\pi}{2}}\right] + \dfrac{\pi}{\sin\left(\frac{3\pi}{2}\right)}

Now since sin ( π + x ) = sin ( x ) \sin(\pi+x)=-\sin(x) , we have sin ( n π 2 ) = sin ( ( n + 2 ) π 2 ) \sin\left(n\dfrac{\pi}{2}\right)=-\sin\left((n+2)\dfrac{\pi}{2}\right) and hence , ( 1 sin π 2 + 1 sin 3 π 2 ) \left(\dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{\pi}{2}}+\dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{3\pi}{2}}\right) , ( 1 sin 5 π 2 + 1 sin 7 π 2 ) \left(\dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{5\pi}{2}}+\dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{7\pi}{2}}\right) , and so on till ( 1 sin 3455 π 2 + 1 sin 3457 π 2 ) \left(\dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{3455\pi}{2}}+\dfrac{1}{\sin\dfrac{3457\pi}{2}}\right) ALL EQUAL ZERO!. Hence we have x = 1 1728 1 sin ( ( 2 x + 1 ) π 2 ) = 0 \sum_{x=1}^{1728} \dfrac{1}{\sin\left(\frac{(2x+1)\pi}{2}\right)} = 0 .Also π sin ( 3 π 2 ) = π \dfrac{\pi}{\sin\left(\frac{3\pi}{2}\right)} = -\pi , hence our summation becomes:

= π × 0 π = π 3.1415 =\pi \times 0 -\pi = -\pi\approx\boxed{-3.1415}

Hint to Bonus Question: 1730 1730 is an even number.

Moderator note:

Good detailed explanation, once we use the Euler's Reflection Formula.

This comes in calculus

Aditya Kumar - 5 years, 3 months ago

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Its calculus due to ERF , its geometry due to trigonometry , its algebra due to summation. Damn!

Nihar Mahajan - 5 years, 3 months ago

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Lol. if u don't use calculus u won't be able to use geometry.

Aditya Kumar - 5 years, 3 months ago

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@Aditya Kumar I have no problem , changed to calculus.

Nihar Mahajan - 5 years, 3 months ago

Suppose one do not know ERF then how can he do this

Aakash Khandelwal - 5 years, 3 months ago

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@Aakash Khandelwal Suppose one do not know trigonometry then how can he do this

Nihar Mahajan - 5 years, 3 months ago

@Aakash Khandelwal If one doesn't know Euler's Reflection Formula he may learn it and apply it.

Aditya Kumar - 5 years, 3 months ago

Why did this get level 5? Haha!

A Former Brilliant Member - 5 years, 3 months ago

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May be many people dont know ERF...

Nihar Mahajan - 5 years, 3 months ago

your solution is cute,but this is way easier if you use

Γ ( 1 2 + x ) = ( 2 n ) ! 4 n n ! π \Gamma(\frac{1}{2}+x) = \dfrac{(2n)!}{4^n n!} \sqrt{\pi} and Γ ( 1 2 x ) = ( 4 n ) n ! ( 2 n ) ! π \Gamma(\frac{1}{2}-x) = \dfrac{(-4^n) n!}{(2n)!} \sqrt{\pi}

Then Your summation melts down to n = 1 1729 ( 1 ) n π = π \large\sum_{n=1}^{1729} (-1)^n \pi = -\pi

Parth Lohomi - 3 years, 3 months ago

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