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Algebra Level 5

Let α , β \alpha,\beta and γ \gamma be the positive roots of the cubic equation x 3 a x 2 + b x c = 0 x^3-ax^2+bx-c = 0 such that α + 2 β + 3 γ = 4 \alpha + 2\beta + 3\gamma =4 and 81 α β γ = 32 81\alpha \beta\gamma = 32 .

Given that the value of b b can be expressed as p q \dfrac pq , where p p and q q are coprime positive integers , find 5 q 2 p 5q - 2p .

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The answer is 13.

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1 solution

Rishabh Jain
May 1, 2016

By A M G M AM\geq GM . α + 2 β + 3 γ = 4 3 α 2 β 3 γ 3 \alpha+2\beta+3\gamma=4\geq 3\sqrt[3]{\alpha\cdot2\beta\cdot3\gamma} Some simplification gives:- α β γ 32 81 . . . ( 1 ) \implies \alpha\beta\gamma\leq\dfrac{32}{81}...(1) But in question it is given that α β γ = 32 81 \alpha\beta\gamma=\dfrac{32}{81} and hence equality holds in ( 1 ) (1) and condition of equality gives α = 2 β = 3 γ \alpha=2\beta=3\gamma . Using this and α β γ = 32 81 \alpha\beta\gamma=\dfrac{32}{81} , we get α = 4 / 3 , β = 2 / 3 , γ = 4 / 9 \alpha=4/3, \beta=2/3,\gamma=4/9 , Now we want b b which is nothing but sum of products of roots ( α , β , γ ) (\alpha,\beta,\gamma) taken two at a time i.e :- 4 3 2 3 + 2 3 4 9 + 4 9 4 3 = 16 9 \frac{4}{3}\cdot\frac{2}{3}+\frac{2}{3}\cdot\dfrac 49+\dfrac 49\cdot\dfrac 43=\large\dfrac{16}{9}

5 ( 9 ) 2 ( 16 ) = 13 \Large 5(9)-2(16)=\boxed{13}

Brilliant. My exact solution.

Sal Gard - 5 years, 1 month ago

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Great... ¨ \large\ddot\smile

Rishabh Jain - 5 years, 1 month ago

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Can it be done by any other method beside am gm

Riya Verma - 1 year, 9 months ago

13 is my lucky no

aryan goyat - 5 years, 1 month ago

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@Aryan Goyat Any particular reason?? :-)

Rishabh Jain - 5 years, 1 month ago

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@Rishabh Jain i was born on that

aryan goyat - 5 years, 1 month ago

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@Aryan Goyat Ohk.... Great... ¨ \ddot\smile .

Rishabh Jain - 5 years, 1 month ago

Hmm. To use the AM/GM inequality, you need to assume that α \alpha , β \beta and γ \gamma are all positive. You need to extend your argument to exclude the possibility of some of the roots being negative (or, for that matter, complex).

Mark Hennings - 5 years ago

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