2 Problems, 1 Question (Part 1)

Calculus Level 2

Here are the instructions:

  1. You must first find a = lim x 1 ( 2 x 1 ) 2 ( x 2 ) 2 x + 1 \displaystyle a = \lim_{x \to -1} \frac {(2x-1)^2-(x-2)^2}{x+1} .

  2. Then find b b as given in a 2 + 4 a b + 4 b 2 = 0 \sqrt{a^2+4ab+4b^2} = 0 .

Submit the value of b b .

The answer is 3.

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1 solution

Chew-Seong Cheong
Feb 23, 2017

a = lim x 1 ( 2 x 1 ) 2 ( x 2 ) 2 x + 1 = lim x 1 4 x 2 4 x + 1 x 2 + 4 x 4 x + 1 = lim x 1 3 x 2 3 x + 1 = lim x 1 3 ( x 2 1 ) x + 1 = lim x 1 3 ( x 1 ) ( x + 1 ) x + 1 = lim x 1 3 ( x 1 ) = 6 \begin{aligned} a & = \lim_{x \to -1} \frac {(2x-1)^2 - (x-2)^2}{x+1} \\ & = \lim_{x \to -1} \frac {4x^2-4x+1-x^2+4x-4}{x+1} \\ & = \lim_{x \to -1} \frac {3x^2-3}{x+1} \\ & = \lim_{x \to -1} \frac {3(x^2-1)}{x+1} \\ & = \lim_{x \to -1} \frac {3(x-1)(x+1)}{x+1} \\ & = \lim_{x \to -1} 3(x-1) \\ & = -6 \end{aligned}

a 2 + 4 a b + 4 b 2 = 0 36 24 b + 4 b 2 = 0 ( 2 b 6 ) 2 = 0 2 b 6 = 0 b = 3 \begin{aligned} \sqrt{a^2+4ab+4b^2} & = 0 \\ \sqrt{36-24b+4b^2} & = 0 \\ \sqrt{(2b-6)^2} & = 0 \\ 2b-6 & = 0 \\ \implies b & = \boxed{3} \end{aligned}

Sir dont you think this is calculus problem

Md Zuhair - 4 years, 3 months ago

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Yes, it should be calculus. Do you want me to change it? In another problem that you post. What do you mean by m ( A B C ) = 13 0 m(ABC) = 130^\circ ? It is A B C = 13 0 \angle ABC = 130^\circ . Use ^\circ instead of ^{o}. The braces {} are not required if there is only one character after the function. For example \frac 12 for 1 2 \frac 12 .

Chew-Seong Cheong - 4 years, 3 months ago

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Yes you can change it. But for 3 digit numbers what shall I do for fractions?

Md Zuhair - 4 years, 3 months ago

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@Md Zuhair Do you mean that m ( A B C ) m(ABC) is A B C \angle ABC ? Just use \angle in the future. \frac 1{23} 1 23 \frac 1{23} , \frac {12}{34} 12 34 \frac {12}{34} . \sqrt 2 2 \sqrt 2 but \sqrt {12} 12 \sqrt{12} .

Chew-Seong Cheong - 4 years, 3 months ago

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