2016 is absolutely awesome 12

Find the largest positive integer n n such that 2 2016 + 2 6012 + 2 n 2^{2016}+2^{6012}+2^n is a perfect square number.

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The answer is 10006.

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5 solutions

Rishabh Jain
Dec 25, 2015

Arkin Dharawat
Dec 26, 2015

I assumed that since n was the largest positive integer, it would be greater than 2016.

2 2016 + 2 6012 + 2 n 2^{2016}+2^{6012}+2^n can be written as 2 2016 . ( 2 n 2016 + 2 3996 + 1 ) 2^{2016}.(2^{n-2016} + 2^{3996}+1)

Now 2 2016 2^{2016} is already a square number, so for the second bracket we can use the following expansion:

( 2 m + 1 ) 2 = 2 2 m + 2 m + 1 (2^{m}+1)^{2}= 2^{2m}+2^{m}+1


2 m = n 2016 2m=n-2016

m + 1 = 3996 m+1=3996

Since doing the other substitution, i.e:

2 m = 3996 2m=3996

m + 1 = n 2016 m+1=n-2016

yields a smaller n, i.e: n= 4015.

Therefore,On solving n comes out as 10006

Nice assumption and method. Your solution is better than other's observatory solutions.

Priyanshu Mishra - 5 years, 5 months ago

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'More good' is grammatically incorrect

William Isoroku - 5 years, 5 months ago

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Sorry, i have changed "more good" to "better" which is correct grammatically. Thanks for identifying mistakes.

Priyanshu Mishra - 5 years, 5 months ago

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@Priyanshu Mishra No problem

William Isoroku - 5 years, 5 months ago

It's possible to prove that your answer is the largest. What are your thoughts? Give it a try.

Daniel Liu - 5 years, 5 months ago
William Isoroku
Dec 25, 2015

We can rewrite the equation as the following:

( 2 1008 + 2 3006 ) 2 = 2 2016 + 2 3006 + 2 n (2^{1008}+2^{3006})^2=2^{2016}+2^{3006}+2^n in which case n = 4015 n=4015

Or another possibility is:

( 2 1008 + 2 n 2 ) 2 = 2 2016 + 2 6012 + 2 n (2^{1008}+2^{\frac{n}{2}})^2=2^{2016}+2^{6012}+2^{n} . In this case, n = 10006 n=10006

Clearly the second case yields a way larger value of n n

Billy Sugiarto
Apr 2, 2016

I get it that n = 10006 n= 10006 satisfy the expression to be a perfect square. What I dont get is proving that 10006 10006 is the largest solution.

Pulkit Gupta
Dec 25, 2015

Compare the given expression to ( 2 m ) 2 \large (2^m)^2 + ( 2 p ) 2 \large (2^p)^2 + 2 ( 2 m ) ( 2 p ) \large 2(2^m)(2^p) = ( 2 m + 2 p ) 2 \large (2^m + 2^p)^2 , where 2 p = n \large 2p = n . Two cases arise, one when ( 2 6012 ) \large (2^{6012}) is the 2 ( 2 m ) ( 2 n ) \large 2(2^m)(2^n) term and second when its a squared term.

You shall notice that the former case gives a larger value for n.

I think you didn't make clear why in the first case we get the largest possible n n .

Chris Galanis - 5 years, 5 months ago

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