2019 is going to be a fine year for number theory!

Write S = n = 1 gcd ( n , 2019 ) n 2 = a b ζ ( 2 ) S=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{\gcd(n,2019)}{n^2}=\frac{a}{b}\zeta(2) where a a and b b are coprime positive integers. Submit b \sqrt{b} as your answer.


The answer is 2019.

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3 solutions

Otto Bretscher
Jan 9, 2019

Write S = k = 1 1 k 2 + k = 1 a ( 3 k ) 2 + k = 1 b ( 673 k ) 2 + k = 1 c ( 2019 k ) 2 S=\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k^2}+\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{a}{(3k)^2}+\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{b}{(673k)^2}+\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{c}{(2019k)^2} , with a , b , c a,b,c to be determined.

If gcd ( n , 2019 ) = 3 \gcd(n,2019)=3 then 1 + a = 3 1+a=3 so a = 2 a=2 . If gcd ( n , 2019 ) = 673 \gcd(n,2019)=673 then 1 + b = 673 1+b=673 so b = 672 b=672 . If gcd ( n , 2019 ) = 2019 \gcd(n,2019)=2019 then 1 + a + b + c = 2019 1+a+b+c=2019 so c = 1344 c=1344 . Thus S = ( 1 + 2 3 2 + 672 67 3 2 + 1344 201 9 2 ) ζ ( 2 ) = ( 1 + 2 3 2 ) ( 1 + 672 67 3 2 ) ζ ( 2 ) = 4989611 201 9 2 ζ ( 2 ) S=\left(1+\frac{2}{3^2}+\frac{672}{673^2}+\frac{1344}{2019^2}\right)\zeta(2)=\left(1+\frac{2}{3^2}\right)\left(1+\frac{672}{673^2}\right)\zeta(2)=\frac{4989611}{2019^2}\zeta(2) . The answer is 2019 \boxed{2019} .

his is the definition of Riemann zeta function.

ζ ( s ) = n = 1 1 n s ( ) \zeta (s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^s} \ (*)

here s = 2 s=2

g c d ( n , 2019 ) gcd(n,2019) can be either 1 , 3 , 673 , 2019 1,3,673,2019

n = 1 g c d ( n , 2019 ) n 2 = g c d ( n , 2019 ) = 1 1 n 2 + g c d ( n , 2019 ) = 3 3 n 2 + g c d ( n , 2019 ) = 673 673 n 2 + g c d ( n , 2019 ) = 2019 2019 n 2 = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{gcd(n,2019)}{n^2}=\sum_{gcd(n,2019)=1}\frac{1}{n^2}+\sum_{gcd(n,2019)=3}\frac{3}{n^2}+\sum_{gcd(n,2019)=673}\frac{673}{n^2}+\sum_{gcd(n,2019)=2019}\frac{2019}{n^2}=

g c d ( n , 2019 ) = 1 1 n 2 + g c d ( k , 673 ) = 1 3 ( 3 k ) 2 + g c d ( n , 3 ) = 1 673 ( 673 k ) 2 + k 2019 ( 2019 k ) 2 = \sum_{gcd(n,2019)=1}\frac{1}{n^2}+\sum_{gcd(k,673)=1}\frac{3}{(3k)^2}+\sum_{gcd(n,3)=1}\frac{673}{(673k)^2}+\sum_{k}\frac{2019}{(2019k)^2}=

ζ ( 2 ) + g c d ( k , 673 ) = 1 3 1 ( 3 k ) 2 + g c d ( n , 3 ) = 1 673 1 ( 673 k ) 2 + k 2019 + 1 ( 2019 k ) 2 = \zeta(2)+\sum_{gcd(k,673)=1}\frac{3-1}{(3k)^2}+\sum_{gcd(n,3)=1}\frac{673-1}{(673k)^2}+\sum_{k}\frac{2019+1}{(2019k)^2}=

ζ ( 2 ) + 3 1 3 2 ζ ( 2 ) + 673 1 67 3 2 ζ ( 2 ) + ( k 2019 + 1 ( 2019 k ) 2 k 3 1 ( 2019 k ) 2 k 673 1 ( 2019 k ) 2 ) = \zeta(2)+\frac{3-1}{3^2}\zeta(2)+\frac{673-1}{673^2}\zeta(2)+(\sum_{k}\frac{2019+1}{(2019k)^2}-\sum_{k}\frac{3-1}{(2019k)^2}-\sum_{k}\frac{673-1}{(2019k)^2})=

ζ ( 2 ) + 3 1 3 2 ζ ( 2 ) + 673 1 67 3 2 ζ ( 2 ) + 2019 3 673 + 3 201 9 2 ζ ( 2 ) \zeta(2)+\frac{3-1}{3^2}\zeta(2)+\frac{673-1}{673^2}\zeta(2)+\frac{2019-3-673+3}{2019^2}\zeta(2)

after summing up, one realises that the fraction is not reducible and, therefore, the denominator is 201 9 2 2019^2 .

Yes, that is roughly what I had in mind; thank you!

There might be a typo where you write 2019 + 1 2019+1 in the numerator; isn't it 2019 1 2019-1 ?

Otto Bretscher - 2 years, 5 months ago

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I think it is correct. Sorry if I didn't explain the steps well. The +1 comes from the two summations on the left, because multiples of 2019 had been counted twice and one of them would be added to 2019. Please investigate further and advise me accordingly.

A Former Brilliant Member - 2 years, 5 months ago

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It seems to me that you need a minus 1. You get one summand 1 201 9 2 \frac{1}{2019^2} from ζ ( 2 ) \zeta(2) , which you need to subtract. Multiples of 2019 are not counted in the two other sums because of the gcd \gcd conditions.

I must confess, though, that I'm currently vacationing in the Caribbean, so, I'm not really in a "mathy" mode ;)

Otto Bretscher - 2 years, 5 months ago

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@Otto Bretscher Haha, I know it is such a dilemma (same for me). It is either a "nice vacation" or a "logical mind", not both. Hope you are having fun there.

A Former Brilliant Member - 2 years, 5 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member If you write the expression as k = 1 1 k 2 + k = 1 2 ( 3 k ) 2 + k = 1 672 ( 673 k ) 2 + k = 1 a ( 2019 k ) 2 \sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k^2}+\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{2}{(3k)^2}+\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{672}{(673k)^2}+\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{a}{(2019k)^2} and consider the denominator 201 9 2 2019^2 , you see that 1 + 2 + 672 + a = 2019 1+2+672+a=2019 , so a = 2019 1 2 672 a=2019-1-2-672 . (I wrote up a brief solution.)

Otto Bretscher - 2 years, 5 months ago

How do we find the value of reimann zeta function for 2 ?? Also, how did u write the symbol for that (it's not in my phone's keyboard)??

Mr. India - 2 years, 4 months ago

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honestly, I do not know how to find the value of Riemann zeta function, but I think there is a table for that and the calculation is done numerically. About the symbol, all keyboards in Germany has the symbol. You do not have it? :)

A Former Brilliant Member - 2 years, 4 months ago

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Thnx. Also, I don't have it :(

Mr. India - 2 years, 4 months ago

The values of the Riemann zeta function for even integers is given by: zeta(2n) = (-1)^(n + 1)* (B 2n) *(2*pi)^(2n)/[2(2n)!], where the B 2n are the Bernoulli numbers. The first few are zeta(2) = (pi^2)/6, zeta(4) = (pi^4)/90, and zeta(6) = (pi^6)/945.

Edwin Gray - 2 years, 3 months ago
Hana Wehbi
Jan 8, 2019

@Otto Bretscher , nice problems as always.

Do you think my solution is correct? It seems there is a high probability that the nominator and the denominator of the fraction are coprimes. That is why many people (including me) got the answer right. I appreciate if you have a look at the solution, taking Otto's comments into account.

A Former Brilliant Member - 2 years, 5 months ago

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