50 follower problem

Calculus Level 3

lim x x 2 ( 1 c o s 1 x ) ( 1 c o s 1 x ) ( 1 c o s 1 x ) . . . = ? \lim_{x\to \infty} x^2 \sqrt {\bigg( 1-cos\frac{1}{x} \bigg) \sqrt {\bigg( 1-cos\frac{1}{x} \bigg) \sqrt{\bigg( 1-cos\frac{1}{x} \bigg) \sqrt {... }}}} =?

3 4 \frac{3}{4} 1 2 \frac {1}{2} 1 0 \infty

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2 solutions

Satyajit Mohanty
Jul 23, 2015

Let α = ( 1 cos ( 1 x ) ) ( 1 cos ( 1 x ) ) ( 1 cos ( 1 x ) ) \alpha = \sqrt {\bigg( 1- \cos(\frac{1}{x}) \bigg) \sqrt {\bigg( 1-\cos(\frac{1}{x}) \bigg) \sqrt{\bigg( 1-\cos(\frac{1}{x}) \bigg) \sqrt {\ldots}}}}

So, we obtain α 2 1 cos ( 1 x ) = α \dfrac{\alpha^2}{1-\cos \left(\frac1x \right)} = \alpha

α = 1 cos ( 1 x ) \Rightarrow \alpha = 1-\cos(\frac1x) .

So we have the limit as:

lim x x 2 α = lim x x 2 ( 1 cos ( 1 x ) ) = lim x x 2 ( 2 sin 2 ( 1 2 x ) ) \lim_{x \to \infty} x^2 \alpha = \lim_{x \to \infty} x^2 \left( 1-\cos(\frac1x) \right) = \lim_{x \to \infty} x^2 \cdot \left (2\sin^2 \left(\frac{1}{2x} \right) \right)

= lim x sin 2 ( 1 2 x ) 2 ( 1 2 x ) 2 = 1 2 = \lim_{x \to \infty} \dfrac{\sin^2 \left( \frac{1}{2x} \right)}{2 \cdot \left(\frac{1}{2x} \right)^2} =\boxed{ \dfrac12}

Without l'hopital the limit become more interesting :)

Refaat M. Sayed - 5 years, 10 months ago

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I didn't use L'Hopital in my solution.

Satyajit Mohanty - 5 years, 10 months ago

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I know. And I said it was an interesting solution. 👍

Refaat M. Sayed - 5 years, 10 months ago
Refaat M. Sayed
Jul 23, 2015

( 1 c o s 1 x ) ( 1 c o s 1 x ) ( 1 c o s 1 x ) . . . = y \sqrt {\bigg( 1-cos\frac{1}{x} \bigg) \sqrt {\bigg( 1-cos\frac{1}{x} \bigg) \sqrt{\bigg( 1-cos\frac{1}{x} \bigg) \sqrt {... }}}} =y 1 y = c o s 1 x \ 1-y = cos\frac{1}{x} so lim x x 2 ( 1 c o s 1 x ) ( 1 c o s 1 x ) ( 1 c o s 1 x ) . . . = lim y 0 ( 1 c o s 1 ( 1 y ) ) 2 × y \text{so}\lim_{x\to \infty} x^2 \sqrt {\bigg( 1-cos\frac{1}{x} \bigg) \sqrt {\bigg( 1-cos\frac{1}{x} \bigg) \sqrt{\bigg( 1-cos\frac{1}{x} \bigg) \sqrt {... }}}} = \lim_{y\to 0} \bigg(\frac{1}{cos^{-1} (1-y)}\bigg)^2 \times y cos 1 ( 1 y ) = x \cos^{-1}(1-y) = x lim y 0 ( 1 c o s 1 ( 1 y ) ) 2 × y = l i m z 0 ( ( 1 z ) 2 × ( 1 c o s ( z ) ) × 1 + c o s ( z ) 1 + c o s ( z ) ) = 1 2 \lim_{y\to 0} \bigg(\frac{1}{cos^{-1} (1-y)}\bigg)^2 \times y = lim_{z\to 0} \bigg( \bigg( \frac{1}{z}\bigg)^{2} \times (1-cos (z)) \times \frac{1+cos (z)}{1+cos (z)} \bigg) = \frac{1}{2} If you like this solution upvote it and reshare the problem if you don't like it post another solution and reshare the problem also :)

How do you know the radical in the first line converge?

Pi Han Goh - 5 years, 10 months ago

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Sorry but I didn't understand your question. Could you explain more.

Refaat M. Sayed - 5 years, 10 months ago

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An infinitely nested function does not necessarily converge. See this

Pi Han Goh - 5 years, 10 months ago

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@Pi Han Goh The limit of the first line is exist when x approach to infinity and equal to zero

Refaat M. Sayed - 5 years, 10 months ago

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@Refaat M. Sayed how do you know that?

Pi Han Goh - 5 years, 10 months ago

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@Pi Han Goh Sir... Let y = 1 c o s 1 x 1 c o s 1 x 1 c o s 1 x . . . . \text { Let } y=\sqrt{1-cos\frac{1}{x} \sqrt{1-cos\frac{1}{x} \sqrt{1-cos\frac{1}{x} \sqrt{.... }}}} y = 1 y c o s 1 x y= \sqrt{1-ycos\frac{1}{x}} y 2 = 1 y c o s 1 x y^2= 1-ycos\frac{1}{x} y 2 + y c o s 1 x 1 = 0 L e t , 1 x = t t 0 a s x y^2+ycos\frac{1}{x}-1=0 Let, \frac{1}{x}=t \implies t\to 0 \ as \ x\to \infty

Can you take it from here?

Refaat M. Sayed - 5 years, 10 months ago

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@Refaat M. Sayed I know what you're trying to say. Like I said before, it is an infinitely nested function, the examples in the link I've sent you shows that not all nested functions converges.

Take this as another example: see this link . Are x = 2 x = 2 and x = 4 x=4 both true at the same time?

Pi Han Goh - 5 years, 10 months ago

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