600 followers problem

Algebra Level 2


( 1 + i ) 85 ( 1 i ) 83 \large{ \frac { { (1+i) }^{ 85 } }{ { (1-i) }^{ 83 } }}

Hint : There's an extremely fast way to solve this if you know why
1 + i = 2 e i π / 4 \large 1+i = \sqrt{2}e^{i{\pi}/{4}}

1 2 -i 2i

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12 solutions

Let the given expression be X X . Now solving it further: X = ( 1 + i ) 84 ( 1 + i ) ( 1 i ) 82 ( 1 i ) X = ( ( 1 + i ) 2 ) 42 ( 1 + i ) ( ( 1 i ) 2 ) 41 ( 1 i ) X = ( 2 i ) 42 ( 1 + i ) ( 2 i ) 41 ( 1 i ) X = 2 i ( 1 + i ) ( 1 i ) X = 2 i 2 i 2 ( 1 i ) X = 2 i + 2 ( 1 i ) X = 2 ( 1 i ) ( 1 i ) X = 2 X=\frac { { (1+i) }^{ 84 }(1+i) }{ { (1-i) }^{ 82 }(1-i) } \\ X=\frac { { ({ (1+i) }^{ 2 }) }^{ 42 }(1+i) }{ { ({ (1-i) }^{ 2 }) }^{ 41 }(1-i) } \\ X=\frac { { (2i) }^{ 42 }(1+i) }{ { (-2i) }^{ 41 }(1-i) } \\ X=\frac { -2i(1+i) }{ (1-i) } \\ X=\frac { -2i-2{ i }^{ 2 } }{ (1-i) } \\ X=\frac { -2i+2 }{ (1-i) } \\ X=\frac { 2(1-i) }{ (1-i) } \\ X=\boxed { 2 }

Hey , I am amazed by seeing your profile page , you are able to solve almost every problem on Brilliant.org. You recently solved my problem too i.e This problem Can you please provide a solution to it , I am trying it for almost 10 days , I will surely upvote and will be very thankful to learn from such a brilliant child. @abdulrahman khaled

U Z - 6 years, 5 months ago

Used the same method but made (1-i)^83 as ((1-i)^2)^42 * (1-i)^-1

:D Nice question

Farouk Yasser - 6 years, 5 months ago

Euler is better with higher powers! See @Chew-Seong Cheong 's solution. Btw its a nice idea to answer it "2.000" to make it decimal question!!

Pranjal Jain - 6 years, 5 months ago

Great... now i understand

Andro Dellosa - 6 years, 5 months ago

Very good! But is it necessary to let it equal X?

Whitney Clark - 4 years, 7 months ago
Chew-Seong Cheong
Dec 26, 2014

X = ( 1 + i ) 85 ( 1 i ) 83 = ( 2 e π 4 i ) 85 ( 2 e π 4 i ) 83 = ( 2 ) 85 83 e π 4 ( 85 + 83 ) i = 2 e 42 π i = 2 X = \dfrac {(1+i)^{85}}{(1-i)^{83}} = \dfrac {(\sqrt{2}e^{\frac {\pi}{4}i})^{85}}{(\sqrt{2}e^{\frac {-\pi}{4}i})^{83}} = (\sqrt{2})^{85-83} e^{\frac {\pi}{4}(85+83)i} = 2 e^{42\pi i} = \boxed{2}

Reference: Euler's formula e θ i = cos θ + i sin θ e^{\theta i} = \cos \theta + i \sin \theta .

can u please tell me which formula u have used

Guru Prasaadh - 6 years, 5 months ago

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a complex number can be written in the form as shown- It's know as euler's representation i.e x + i y = r ( cos θ + i sin θ ) = r e i θ x + iy = r(\cos\theta + i\sin\theta) = re^{i\theta}

U Z - 6 years, 5 months ago

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oh thank you

Guru Prasaadh - 6 years, 5 months ago

how did that 2 e power 42i become 2?

Guru Prasaadh - 6 years, 5 months ago

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@Guru Prasaadh 2 e 42 i π = 2 ( c o s 42 π + i s i n 42 π ) = 2 2 e^{42i\pi} = 2(cos42 \pi + isin42\pi) = 2

U Z - 6 years, 5 months ago

That's some sort of trigonometric form or De Moivre's Theorem is it? Looks the same when I saw the theorem in a trigonometry book.

Marc Vince Casimiro - 6 years, 5 months ago

Guru, Megh is right. It is called Euler's identity . Euler is a great mathematician who linked imaginary numbers to the real world.

Chew-Seong Cheong - 6 years, 5 months ago

I'm pretty sure he used Euler's Formula.

Vikram Sarkar - 10 months, 3 weeks ago

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You are right

Chew-Seong Cheong - 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Khaled Barie
Dec 30, 2014

X = ( 1 + i ) 84 × ( 1 + i ) ( 1 i ) 83 X= \frac{(1+i)^{84} \times (1+i)}{(1-i)^{83}}

Multiplying by ( 1 i ) ( 1 i ) \frac{(1-i)}{(1-i)} :

X = ( 1 + i ) 84 × ( 1 + i ) × ( 1 i ) ( 1 i ) 84 X= \frac{(1+i)^{84} \times (1+i) \times (1-i)}{(1-i)^{84}}

X = ( ( 1 + i ) 2 ) 42 × 2 ( ( 1 i ) 2 ) 42 X= \frac{((1+i)^2)^{42} \times 2}{((1-i)^2)^{42}}

X = ( 2 i ) 42 × 2 ( 2 i ) 42 X= \frac{(2i)^{42} \times 2}{(-2i)^{42}}

X = 2 X=2

Nice, I think it is the most practical way for the solution.

Abdulmennân Tor - 5 years, 3 months ago
Gamal Sultan
Dec 30, 2014

( 1 + i )/( 1 + i) = i

i^83 = -i

( 1 + i )^2 = 2 i

X = (2 i)(-i) = 2

Liftmeup Nguyen
Dec 28, 2014

it is clear that (1+i)/(1-i) is equal to i. So X is i^83 * (1+i)^2. So X is 2

Joe Potillor
Nov 14, 2016

Owen Berendes
Feb 28, 2016

1-i= -i(1+i) Substitute and simplify (1+i)^2/(-i)^83=2i/(-i)^3=2i/i=2

Sigmund Dela Cruz
Dec 29, 2014

solution : x = {[(1 + i)^85]/[(1 - i)^83]} = 2 so X = 2 is the answer.

Fidel R.
Dec 29, 2014

What I did was rewrite the complex numbers in trigonometric form. If you are to plot 1+i and 1-i on the complex plane, you get two 45, 45, 90 triangles. One of them is in the first quadrant, and the second is in the fourth. The legs of both triangles are 1, so the hypotenuse (or the absolute value of each number) is sqrt(2). Because the angle above the x-axis is 45 for the first number and -45 for the second, you can rewrite the problem as follows:

X = ( 2 c i s ( 45 ) ) 85 ( 2 c i s ( 45 ) ) 83 X = \frac{(\sqrt{2}cis(45))^{85}}{(\sqrt{2}cis(-45))^{83}}

Rewrite as

X = 2 85 2 83 × c i s ( 45 ) 85 c i s ( 45 ) 83 X = \frac{\sqrt{2}^{85}}{\sqrt{2}^{83}} \times \frac{cis(45)^{85}}{cis(-45)^{83}}

The first fraction can be simplified to 2 85 83 = 2 2 = 2 \sqrt{2}^{85-83} = \sqrt{2}^{2} = {2} To simplify the second, we need to use De Moivre's Theorem

c i s ( 45 ) 85 c i s ( 45 ) 83 = c i s ( 45 × 85 ) c i s ( 45 × 83 ) = c i s ( ( 45 × 85 ) ( 45 × 83 ) ) = c i s ( 45 × ( 85 83 ) ) = c i s ( 45 × ( 85 + 83 ) ) = c i s ( 45 × 168 ) = c i s ( 7560 ) \frac{cis(45)^{85}}{cis(-45)^{83}} = \frac{cis(45 \times 85)}{cis(-45 \times 83)} = cis((45 \times 85) - (-45 \times 83)) = cis( 45 \times (85 --83)) = cis(45 \times(85+83)) = cis(45 \times 168) = cis (7560)

Luckily, 7560 happens to be 21 revolutions. So if we're talking angles, 7560 is equivalent to 0.


X = 2 85 2 83 × c i s ( 45 ) 85 c i s ( 45 ) 83 = 2 c i s ( 0 ) X = \frac{\sqrt{2}^{85}}{\sqrt{2}^{83}} \times \frac{cis(45)^{85}}{cis(-45)^{83}} = 2cis(0)

Remember that cis means cos θ + i sin θ \cos \theta + i \sin \theta


c i s ( 0 ) = c o s ( 0 ) + i s i n ( 0 ) = 1 + i ( 0 ) = 1 + 0 = 1 cis(0) = cos(0) + isin(0) = 1 + i(0) = 1 + 0 = 1


2 c i s ( 0 ) = 2 ( 1 ) = 2 2cis(0) = 2(1) = \boxed{2}

This approach is very artistic. I solved it in many different ways (using Algebra) but using this (trigonometric transformation).

Roman Frago - 6 years, 5 months ago
George Basta
Dec 29, 2014

X=(((-i+1)/i)^85)/((1-i)^83) X= ((1-i)^2)/-i X= 2i/i

Anna Anant
Dec 29, 2014

X=(1+i)^2 * (1+i/1-i)^83 X=(1+i)^2 * (i)^83 X=(2i) * (i)^3 X=(2i) * (-i) X= 2* -(-1) X=2

Muhammad Ahmad
Dec 28, 2014

X=(1+i)^2 * (1+i/1-i)^83 X=(1+i)^2 * (i)^83 X=(2i) * (i)^3 X=(2i) * (-i) X= 2* -(-1) X=2

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