75% Right

Algebra Level 1

A Brilliant member has solved 500 problems and got 350 of them right.

If he now starts getting every problem right, after how many problems will he have got 75% of all his problems right?

25 100 117 150

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5 solutions

Henry U
Oct 5, 2018

The percentage of right problems after solving x x more is given by

350 + x 500 + x \frac{350+x} {500+x} .

To get a percentage of 75% we set this equal to 0.75 and solve the resulting equation.

350 + x 500 + x = 0.75 350 + x = 0.75 500 + 0.75 x 0.25 x = 25 x = 100 \frac{350+x} {500+x} = 0. 75 \Leftrightarrow 350+x = 0.75 \cdot 500 + 0.75x \Leftrightarrow 0.25x = 25 \Leftrightarrow x = 100

When I solved this question, it said 75% of people got this right.

Abha Vishwakarma - 2 years, 8 months ago

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So now one could ask how many of the next people should get it right to make the percentage exactly 75% again. Of course, if the next person gets it wrong, it will still be over 75%, but after two wrong people it might go under 75%. Interesting observation

Henry U - 2 years, 8 months ago

It’s 73% now

Zoe Codrington - 2 years, 7 months ago

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Unfortunately, it has been like this for quite some time. I don't think it will eventually stabilize at 75%, which would be funny.

Henry U - 2 years, 7 months ago

I tried this with 3/4, not 0.75 and got x=-50. I just did trial and error after that

Zoe Codrington - 2 years, 7 months ago

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You did something wrong then.

Simplifying (350 + x)/(500 + x) = 3/4 results in:

4(350 + x) = 3(500 + x)

Which further simplifies down to:

1400 + 4x = 1500 + 3x

From this, we get x = 100.

Faisal Mujawar - 2 years, 5 months ago
Blan Morrison
Oct 5, 2018

The member in question's current score is 350 500 \frac{350}{500} , so the score after he gets p p problems correct is 350 + p 500 + p \frac{350+p}{500+p} . Then, we set this new expression equal to 75% or .75: 350 + p 500 + p = . 75 \frac{350+p}{500+p}=.75 350 + p = 375 + . 75 p \implies 350+p=375+.75p . 25 p = 25 \implies .25p=25 p = 100 \implies p=\boxed{100} β \beta_{\lceil \mid \rceil}

At my point of submission 75% of people got this right

Mohammad Farhat - 2 years, 8 months ago

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Now it says 73%

Zoe Codrington - 2 years, 7 months ago
Finn C
Oct 14, 2018

Lol, just saying - on a somewhat unrelated note - 75% of people also got this right,

Actually, this is the third time somone is pointing that out. This brings me to the question, when the percentage of people is at 75% what is the exspected number of people who solve or don't solve it until the percentage reaches 75% again. Interesting!

Henry U - 2 years, 8 months ago

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Keep in mind that if enough people solve this problem, it may stay at 75% for example 97/129 and 97/130 to the nearest whole percent are both 75%

(Incidentally, I got it right but it currently says 74%)

Jeremy Galvagni - 2 years, 7 months ago

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Oh right, of course that makes it difficult

So at the moment, 301 out of 405 people solved it, which is – as you said – about 74%. But all 17 fractions 301 + x 405 + x , 3 x 19 , x N \frac{301+x}{405+x}, 3 \leq x \leq 19, x \in \mathbb{N} get rounded to 75%.

Henry U - 2 years, 7 months ago

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@Henry U I actually submitted a related problem a few months ago: https://brilliant.org/problems/possible-percent-problem/?ref_id=1491623

Jeremy Galvagni - 2 years, 7 months ago

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@Jeremy Galvagni Interesting problem!

Do you know a generalization to it? I'd imagine the solution to be almost the same for all values of the percentage because you're always looking for a fraction that lies or doesn't lie inside this intervall of lenght 1.

Henry U - 2 years, 7 months ago

@Jeremy Galvagni I tried to find a pattern in the values of x x (the smallest possible denominator), but it's difficult to make predictions about specific numbers. Now, I have also posted a problem on this topic.

Henry U - 2 years, 7 months ago

Now it says 73%

Zoe Codrington - 2 years, 7 months ago
Steve Smith
Jan 2, 2019


Therefore x=100

Mahdi Raza
Apr 11, 2020

Let x be the problems the person does \text{Let }x \text{ be the problems the person does} :

350 + x 500 + x = 0.75 350 + x = 375 + 0.75 x 0.25 x = 25 x = 100 \begin{aligned} \frac{350 + x}{500 + x} &= 0.75 \\ \\ 350 + x &= 375 + 0.75x \\ \\ 0.25x &= 25 \\ \\ &\boxed{x = 100} \end{aligned}

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