8- A Pattern

Geometry Level 2

In the pattern above, each figure after the second is formed by joining three copies of the previous.

The perimeter of each figure is marked in red. The perimeter of the 1st figure is 4, of the 2nd is 8, of the 3rd is 20 and of the 4th is 56.

What is the perimeter of the 6th figure?

The answer is 488.

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5 solutions

Aaaaa Bbbbb
Jun 16, 2014

It is easy to see that perimeter of a figure is equal to three times perimeter of previous figure minuses 4. Hence perimeter of sixth figure is: ( ( 56 × 3 ) 4 ) × 3 4 = 488 ((56 \times 3) - 4) \times 3 - 4 = \boxed{488}

Serly Zubir
Jun 25, 2014

I simply find that the perimeter will satisfy 2 ( 3 n 1 + 1 ) 2(3^{n-1}+1) for n is the number of the figure. So, the perimeter of the 6th figure is 488 \boxed{488}

Bisa kepikiran polanya(rumus) kaya gitu gimana ka? atau emang nebak hhe?

Hafizh Ahsan Permana - 6 years, 11 months ago

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Dari gambarnya sih, kan dia bilangnya 3 kali dari gambar sebelumnya berarti 4 × 3 n 1 4 \times 3^{n-1} karena awalnya ada 4 sisi, tapi karena yang dicari perimeternya dan ada square yang berhimpit maka sisi yang berhimpit itu bukan perimeter lagi. nah tinggal cari ada berapa sisi yang berhimpit. Kemarin saya dapet polanya 3 n 1 1 3^{n-1} -1 (*bisa dicek). Karena sisi yang berhimpit itu merupakan sisi dari dua buah square, maka banyaknya sisi yang tidak lagi jadi perimeter itu ada 2 ( 3 n 1 1 ) 2 (3^{n-1}-1) .

Jadi, perimeternya 4 × 3 n 1 2 ( 3 n 1 1 ) 4 \times 3^{n-1} - 2 (3^{n-1}-1) atau 2 × 3 n 1 + 2 2 \times 3^{n-1} + 2 atau sederhananya lagi 2 ( 3 n 1 + 1 ) 2(3^{n-1}+1) .

Serly Zubir - 6 years, 11 months ago

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In which language are you talking????

Anuj Shikarkhane - 6 years, 11 months ago

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@Anuj Shikarkhane Sorry, we are talking in Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia) :(

Serly Zubir - 6 years, 11 months ago
Aravind Vishnu
Jul 9, 2014

let the perimeter of nth figure be K. that of n-1 th be L and n-2 th be M. then K=L+3(L-M)

Irtaza Sheikh
Apr 12, 2015

Its easy.just see the difference.4,8,20,56,?,×. 1st difference=4, 2nd difference=12 3rd difference=36... point is there every difference × 3 =Next difference. 4×3=12, 12×3=36 ,36×3=108,108×3=324 Add 108+56=164, 164+324=488 Got the Answer....

Arshad R Shaikh
Jun 24, 2014

for 1st perimeter is 4 and then for 2nd


Always its increase by 3 so multiply last copies no. to 3. so for 6th copies are 243 and then


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