8 is Nice

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 \Huge {\color{#3D99F6}8}^{{\color{#20A900}8}^{{\color{#D61F06}8}^{{\color{#624F41}8}^{{\color{#302B94}8}^{{\color{magenta}8}^{{\color{grey}8}^{\color{#BA33D6}8}}}}}}}

Find the last two digits of the number above.

The answer is 56.

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6 solutions

Prasun Biswas
Apr 14, 2015

Denote by n x ^n x the tetration operation, that is, n x = x x x . . n times ^n x=\underbrace{x^{x^{x^{.^{.}}}}}_{n\textrm{ times}} .

Lemma 1: x 8 0 ( m o d 4 ) , x 1 ^x8\equiv 0\pmod{4}~,~x\geq 1 .

Proof: Since 8 8 is a multiple of 4 4 , any arbitrary positive exponentiation of 8 8 will also be divisible by 4 4 according to the rules of modular arithmetic. Hence, the lemma is established and proved.

Then, our problem becomes:

Find the value of the following: 8 8 m o d 100. \textrm{Find the value of the following: }~~^88\bmod 100.

Note that gcd ( 8 , 100 ) 1 \gcd(8,100)\neq 1 . So, we can't use Euler's Theorem directly. Instead, we first find the residues of 8 8 ^88 modulo 25 25 and 4 4 .

Using Lemma 1 , we have 8 8 m o d 4 = 0 ^88\bmod 4=0 . Now, for modulo 25 25 , note that gcd ( 25 , 8 ) = 1 \gcd(25,8)=1 . So, we use Euler's theorem with ϕ ( 25 ) = 20 \phi(25)=20 to get,

8 8 { 0 ( m o d 4 ) ( 8 7 8 m o d 20 ) ( m o d 25 ) ^88\equiv \begin{cases}0\pmod{4}\\ \left(8^{^78~\bmod~20}\right)\pmod{25}\end{cases}

Now, again, note that gcd ( 20 , 8 ) 1 \gcd(20,8)\neq 1 . So, we find the residues of 7 8 ^78 modulo 4 4 and 5 5 . As before, by Lemma 1 , we have 7 8 m o d 4 = 0 ^78\bmod 4=0 . Now, for modulo 5 5 , we use Fermat's Little Theorem and Lemma 1 to get,

7 8 { 0 ( m o d 4 ) ( 8 6 8 m o d 4 ) 8 0 1 ( m o d 5 ) 7 8 { 0 ( m o d 4 ) 1 ( m o d 5 ) ^78\equiv\begin{cases}0\pmod{4}\\ \left(8^{^68~\bmod~4}\right)\equiv 8^0\equiv 1\pmod{5}\end{cases}\implies ^78\equiv\begin{cases}0\pmod{4}\\1\pmod{5}\end{cases}

Combine these results using Chinese Remainder theorem to get 7 8 m o d 20 = 16 ^78\bmod 20=16 . Now, using this value, our first congruence system becomes,

8 8 { 0 ( m o d 4 ) 8 16 ( 64 ) 8 1 4 8 ( 4 ) 4 6 ( m o d 25 ) 8 8 { 0 ( m o d 4 ) 6 ( m o d 25 ) ^88\equiv \begin{cases}0\pmod{4}\\ 8^{16}\equiv (64)^8\equiv 14^8\equiv (-4)^4\equiv 6\pmod{25}\end{cases}\implies ^88\equiv \begin{cases}0\pmod{4}\\ 6\pmod{25}\end{cases}

Again, combine the results obtained using Chinese Remainder Theorem to get,

8 8 56 ( m o d 100 ) \boxed{^88\equiv 56\pmod{100}}

Moderator note:

Nicely done, can you generalize this for n 8 ^n 8 ?

Here's the generalization:

The method is almost the same as the original solution, so I'm leaving out a few details of my steps. Keeping track of them is left as an exercise to the reader.

n 8 { 0 ( m o d 4 ) ( 8 ( n 1 ) 8 m o d 20 ) ( m o d 25 ) , n 2 ^n8\equiv\begin{cases}0\pmod{4}\\ \left(8^{^{(n-1)}8~\bmod~20}\right)\pmod{25}\end{cases}~,~n\geq 2

We have n 2 n\geq 2 here so that n 1 8 ^{n-1}8 is defined. Now,

( n 1 ) 8 { 0 ( m o d 4 ) ( 8 ( n 2 ) 8 m o d 4 ) ( m o d 5 ) ( n 1 ) 8 { 0 ( m o d 4 ) 1 ( m o d 5 ) , n 3 ^{(n-1)}8\equiv\begin{cases}0\pmod{4}\\ \left(8^{^{(n-2)}8~\bmod~4}\right)\pmod{5}\end{cases}\implies ^{(n-1)}8\equiv\begin{cases}0\pmod{4}\\ 1\pmod{5}\end{cases}~,~n\geq 3

Why do we have n 3 n\geq 3 ? Same reason as before. Because,

n 2 > 0 , n Z n 3 , n Z n 2 8 0 ( m o d 4 ) n 1 8 1 ( m o d 5 ) n-2\gt 0~,~n\in\Bbb{Z}\iff n\geq 3~,~n\in\Bbb{Z}\iff ^{n-2}8\equiv 0\pmod{4}\implies ^{n-1}8\equiv 1\pmod{5}

If n < 3 n\lt 3 , then n 2 8 ^{n-2}8 wouldn't be defined and we wouldn't be able to apply Lemma 1 to get a simplified computable congruence system. We'll compute the n = 1 , 2 n=1,2 cases separately at the end. Now, combining results of the last congruence system using Chinese Remainder Theorem gives us n 1 8 m o d 20 = 16 , n 3 ^{n-1}8~\bmod~20=16~,~n\geq 3 and subsequently makes our initial congruence system,

n 3 n 8 { 0 ( m o d 4 ) 8 16 6 ( m o d 25 ) n\geq 3~\land~^n8\equiv\begin{cases}0\pmod{4}\\ 8^{16}\equiv 6\pmod{25}\end{cases}

Combining the results using Chinese Remainder Theorem yields us the following:

n 8 56 ( m o d 100 ) n 3 , n Z ^n8\equiv 56\pmod{100}~\forall~n\geq 3~,~n\in\Bbb{Z}

Now, let us compute the n = 1 , 2 n=1,2 cases manually.

1 8 = 8 8 ( m o d 100 ) 2 8 = 8 8 ( 512 ) 2 ( 64 ) 1 2 2 64 144 × 64 44 × 64 16 ( m o d 100 ) ^18=8\equiv 8\pmod{100}\\ ^28=8^8\equiv (512)^2\cdot (64)\equiv 12^2\cdot 64\equiv 144\times 64\equiv 44\times 64\equiv 16\pmod{100}

Hence, we have,

n 8 m o d 100 = { 8 , n = 1 16 , n = 2 56 n 3 n Z ^n8~\bmod~100=\begin{cases}8~,~n=1\\ 16~,~n=2\\ 56~\forall~n\geq 3~\land~n\in\Bbb{Z}\end{cases}

<Insert Challenge Completed Meme here>

Prasun Biswas - 6 years, 2 months ago

@Swapnil Das @Archit Boobna how did you guys do it?

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 2 months ago

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By Prasun Biswas's Process. And also some backside- the -envelope calculations!

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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meaning of the last sentence?

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Adarsh Kumar Ever saw Einstein scratching his head for hours for the most simple questions? Found no spare paper and wrote the rest backside the envelope. If U r talking to me, this implies that I am improving in Mathematics!

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das No,I never "SAW" Einstein and yes,you are improving in Mathematics!

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Adarsh Kumar How did U know,by my levels? Well, I never SAW einstein, but that is how the phrase is defined!

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das yeah actually!

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Adarsh Kumar I hated the "all yellow" look of levels initially!

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das yeah! me too!

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Adarsh Kumar It's quiet irritating! whoo! Well, thanks for talking to me!

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das hey!don't say that!i will talk to u whenever you want man!

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Adarsh Kumar further conversation after 30 mins,going to market sorry

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 2 months ago
Otto Bretscher
Apr 18, 2015

We will study numbers of the form 8 8 8 n 8^{8^{8n}} , where n n is a positive integer. This format includes m 8 ^m8 for m 3 m\geq3 .

Now 8 8 n = 1 6 6 n 16 ( m o d 20 ) 8^{8n}=16^{6n}\equiv16\pmod{20} since they are congruent both mod 5 and mod 4. Then 8 8 8 n 8 16 = 2 48 2 8 ( m o d 25 ) 8^{8^{8n}}\equiv8^{16}=2^{48}\equiv2^8 \pmod{25} because 20 = ϕ ( 25 ) 20=\phi(25) . Since all terms are divisible by 4, we have in effect 8 8 8 n 2 8 = 256 56 ( m o d 100 ) 8^{8^{8n}}\equiv2^8=256\equiv56 \pmod{100} .

Moderator note:


Mathh Mathh
Apr 15, 2015

In fact, 3 8 , 4 8 , 5 8 ^3 8,^4 8,^5 8\ldots all give the same last two digits. We'll prove it for n 8 ^n 8 , n 3 n\ge 3 .

100 = 4 25 100=4\cdot 25 . Obviously n 8 = 4 k ^n 8=4k for some k Z k\in\mathbb Z .

By Euler's Theorem, n 8 8 n 1 8 ( m o d 20 ) 2 3 ( n 1 8 ) ( m o d 20 ) ( m o d 25 ) ^n 8\equiv 8^{^{n-1} 8\pmod {20}}\equiv 2^{3(^{n-1}8)\pmod{20}}\pmod {25}

n 1 8 16 ( m o d 20 ) ^{n-1} 8\equiv 16\pmod {20} , since ( ( 8 2 ) 2 ) 2 ( ( 4 ) 2 ) 2 ((8^2)^2)^2\equiv ((-4)^2)^2 1 6 2 16 ( m o d 20 ) \equiv 16^2\equiv 16\pmod {20} and this pattern of squaring 8 8 modulo 20 20 continues (remember - n 2 8 ^{n-2} 8 is a power of 2 2 ).

4 k 2 3 ( n 1 8 ) ( m o d 20 ) 2 48 ( m o d 20 ) 2 8 4k\equiv 2^{3(^{n-1} 8)\pmod {20}}\equiv 2^{48\pmod{20}}\equiv 2^{8}

: 4 k 2 6 64 14 ( m o d 25 ) \stackrel{: 4}\Rightarrow\, k\equiv 2^6\equiv 64\equiv 14\pmod {25}

8 8 = 4 ( 25 l + 14 ) = 100 l + 56 ^8 8=4(25l+14)=100l+56 for some l Z l\in\mathbb Z .

Moderator note:


I got lucky hahaha I used a calculator and found that the last numbers are 2, 4, 6, 8 And the last second numbers are almost any number I tried 78 then 56 OMG ITS CORRECT

Hadia Qadir
Jul 22, 2015

. Obviously for some . By Euler's Theorem, , since and this pattern of squaring modulo continues (remember - is a power of ). for som

Ramiel To-ong
Jun 26, 2015

very nice solution,

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