A digit reversal

Let S S be the number obtained by writing all the numbers from 1 to 100 in order, and removing the spaces in between. Let T T be the number obtained by writing all the numbers from 1 to 100 in reverse order and removing the spaces in between.

What is the remainder when T 2 S 2 T^2 - S^2 is divided by 1000 1000 ?

Details and assumptions

The number obtained by writing all the numbers from 1 to 10 in reverse order and removing the spaces in between, is 10987654321 10987654321 .

The answer is 41.

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16 solutions

Taehyung Kim
Aug 25, 2013

We know that T = 321 ( m o d 1000 ) T = 321 \pmod{1000} and S = 100 ( m o d 1000 ) S = 100 \pmod{1000} . Thus we see that T 2 S 2 = 32 1 2 10 0 2 = 103041 0 = 41 ( m o d 1000 ) T^2 - S^2 = 321^2 - 100^2 = 103041 - 0 = 41 \pmod {1000}

Won't Tsquared be smaller than Ssquared? They have the same number of digits, but S starts 123 while T starts 100. Can you have a negative remainder?

Max Sosna-Spear - 7 years, 9 months ago

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It is intentional that T T is less than S S , which caused several students a problem.

To answer your question, what is the remainder when 123 -123 is divided by 1000?

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 9 months ago

That is exactly my solution.

Adhiraj Mandal - 7 years, 9 months ago
Ho Wei Haw
Aug 26, 2013

We have S = 12345678910...100 100 m o d 1000 S=12345678910...100\equiv 100\bmod 1000 S 2 10 0 2 m o d 1000 0 m o d 1000 \Rightarrow S^2 \equiv 100^2 \bmod 1000\equiv 0 \bmod 1000


T = 1009998...321 321 m o d 1000 T=1009998...321\equiv321\bmod1000 T 2 32 1 2 m o d 1000 41 m o d 1000 \Rightarrow T^2\equiv 321^2\bmod1000\equiv 41\bmod1000

T 2 S 2 41 0 m o d 1000 41 m o d 1000 T^2-S^2\equiv 41-0\bmod1000\equiv 41 \bmod1000

R e m a i n d e r = 41 \therefore Remainder = 41

Thought of another solution in school today without the use of modular arithmetic :P

S = 123456789...99100 = 123456789...99000 + 100 S=123456789...99100=123456789...99000 + 100

S 2 = ( 12345...99000 ) 2 + 2 ( 12345...99000 ) ( 100 ) + 10 0 2 S^2=(12345...99000)^2+2(12345...99000)(100)+100^2

Clearly, all the numbers here are divisible by 1000


T 2 = ( 1009998...4000 + 321 ) 2 T^2=(1009998...4000+321)^2

T 2 = 1009998...400 0 2 + 2 ( 1009998...4000 ) ( 321 ) + 32 1 2 T^2 = 1009998...4000^2 + 2(1009998...4000)(321)+321^2

So, evidently, 32 1 2 321^2 is the only number that will give us a remainder when divided by 1000.

Hence, finding the remainder of T 2 S 2 T^2-S^2 when divided by 1000 is equivalent to finding the remainder of 32 1 2 321^2 when divided by 1000.

Therefore, the remainder is 41.

Ho Wei Haw - 7 years, 9 months ago

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Your solutions actually say the same thing, but in a slightly different language. Modular arithmetic is powerful because it allows us to express a complicated idea in a simple form.

Just imagine how hard algebra is, if you were asked to solve

Find a positive number such that what it is squared and added to three, it is equal to 4 times of itself.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 9 months ago
Tim Vermeulen
Aug 26, 2013

We wish to find T 2 S 2 ( m o d 1000 ) T^2 - S^2 \pmod{1000} . The last three digits of S S are 100 100 , so

S 2 0 ( mod 1000 ) T 2 S 2 T 2 ( mod 1000 ) . S^2 \equiv 0\text{ }(\text{mod } 1000) \implies T^2 - S^2 \equiv T^2\text{ }(\text{mod } 1000).

The last three digits of T T are 321 321 , so

32 1 2 = 103041 T 2 41 ( mod 1000 ) . 321^2 = 103041 \implies T^2 \equiv \boxed{41}\text{ }(\text{mod } 1000).

Harrison Lian
Aug 26, 2013

The question is asking for T 2 S 2 x ( m o d 1000 ) T^2-S^2 \equiv x \pmod{1000} , where x is the remainder. Since it's asking for the last 3 digits, we would only care about the last three digits of those huge numbers.

So T = 321 and S = 100 T=321 \text{ and } S=100 .

Calculating T 2 S 2 ( m o d 1000 ) T^2-S^2 \pmod{1000} , we get 41 \boxed{41}

Be very careful, the question is not asking about the last 3 digits of a number.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 9 months ago
Josh Petrin
Aug 27, 2013

Since we are only asked to find the remainder when T 2 S 2 T^2 - S^2 is divided by 1000 1000 , we need only find the last three digits of each of the numbers; then we can find the answer.

First, since S S is the first 100 100 numbers written in increasing order without spaces, S S has last three digits 100 100 . Also, we know that T T has last three digits 321 321 .

Now we calculate the last three digits of S 2 S^2 and T 2 T^2 . Since the last three digits of S 2 S^2 are only dependent on the last three digits of S S , the last three digits of S 2 S^2 are the last three digits of 10 0 2 = 10000 100^2 = 10000 , which is 000 000 . Similarly, the last three digits of T 2 T^2 are the last three digits of 32 1 2 = 103041 321^2 = 103041 , which are 041 041 .

So, our final answer is 41 0 = 41 41 - 0 = \boxed{41} .

Tilak Patel
Aug 27, 2013

S = 12345......99100 S = 12345......99100

T = 10099......54321 T=10099......54321

T 2 S 2 = ( T + S ) ( T S ) T^{2} - S^{2} = (T + S)(T - S)

= ( . . . . . 321 + . . . . . . 100 ) ( . . . . . 321 . . . . . . 100 ) = (.....321 + ......100)(.....321 - ......100)

= ( . . . . . . 421 ) ( . . . . . . . 221 ) = (......421)(.......221)

= . . . . . . . . . 041 =.........041

Hence, Remainder = 42

Sorry, the last statement has a mistake, the remainder comes as 41

Tilak Patel - 7 years, 9 months ago

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I disagree that the last three digits of T S T-S are 221. What is 4321 9100 4321 - 9100 ?

This actually gives some insight into the other statements expressing confusion which other students stated.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 9 months ago

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this is just an assumption.If we see first 4 to 5 digits of T and S then we will find that T > S T>S .If you solve T S T - S conventionally by solving on paper you will find last three digits as 221.You will find last three digits as 221 if you solve T S T - S by considering all the digits of T and S will will be hard to compute.

Tilak Patel - 7 years, 9 months ago

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@Tilak Patel Precisely. You have to find the last three digits of a number by considering all of the digits, which you have not done so.

You need to justify that "the last three digits are 221", which I disagree with.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 9 months ago
Caio Pelicioni
Sep 5, 2013

Given that: S = 12345...99100 S = 12345...99100 We have: S 100 ( m o d 1000 ) S ≡ 100 (mod 1000) S 2 10 0 2 0 ( m o d 1000 ) S^{2} ≡ 100^{2} ≡ 0 (mod 1000)

Now, given that: T = 10099..54321 T = 10099..54321 We have: T 321 ( m o d 1000 ) T ≡ 321 (mod 1000) T 2 32 1 2 41 ( m o d 1000 ) T^{2} ≡ 321^{2} ≡ 41 (mod 1000)

At this point, we have: T 2 S 2 41 0 ( m o d 1000 ) T^{2} - S^{2} ≡ 41 - 0 (mod 1000) T 2 S 2 41 ( m o d 1000 ) T^{2} - S^{2} ≡ 41 (mod 1000)

Thus, our wanted remainder is 41 41 .

Snehdeep Arora
Sep 1, 2013

S = 123....................9899100

T = 1009998...................321

T 2 S 2 T^{2}-S^{2} = ( T + S ) ( T S ) (T+S)(T-S) =(1009998.......321-123......9899100) (1009998.......321+123.....9899100) =(........221)(......421)=..........93041

the number obtained would be exactly divisible by 1000 if there are three 0s at the end so remainder = 41 as when 41 is subtracted from ........93041 the number becomes exactly divisible by 1000

Tran Dinh Duy Vu
Aug 30, 2013

The last two digits of S is "00" , so the last four digits of S^{2} T can be expressed as T=(1000a + 4321) so T^{2} = a\times 10^{6} + 2a\times 4321\times 1000 + 4321^{2} It is obvious that the last three digits of T^{2} is the last three digits of 4321^{2} = 041 Therefore, the answer is 041 ( which is the last three digits of T^{2} - S^{2})

Actually , the question is indirectly asking the last three digits of T 2 S 2 T^2 - S^2 . Finding last three digits of S 2 S^2 and T 2 T^2 , S 2 = 0000 , T 2 = 041 S^2 = \dots0000 , T^2 = \dots041 . Hence T 2 S 2 = 041 T^2 - S^2 = \dots041 and thus , answer is 41 \fbox{41}

Moderator note:

You should be careful with your claim. This question does not ask for the last three digits of T 2 S 2 T^2 - S^2 .

I disagree with your first line. Think about why it is false.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 9 months ago

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i couldn't get why it is false , it seems obvious , please explain ..

kushagraa aggarwal - 7 years, 9 months ago

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T 2 S 2 ( m o d 1000 ) T^2 - S^2 \pmod{1000} only equals the last three digits of T 2 S 2 T^2-S^2 if it is positive, i.e. T > S T > S .

Tim Vermeulen - 7 years, 9 months ago
Waldir F. Caro
Aug 28, 2013

The rest of the product of two numbers can be of the follo form:

(a * b) % x = ( (a % x) * (b % x) ) % x

and the difference too:

(a - b) % x = ( (a % x) - (b % x) ) % x

where m % x represent the rest of divide the number m between the number x

Since T = ...54321 and S = ...9899100 Then fwe have that T % 1000 = 321 and S % 1000 = 100


(T² - S²) % 100 = ((T² % 1000) - (S² % 1000)) % 1000 = (((T % 1000) * (T % 1000)) % 1000 - ((S % 1000) * (S % 1000)) %1000) % 1000 = ((321 * 321) % 1000 - (100 * 100) % 1000) % 1000 = (103041 % 1000 - 10000 % 1000) % 1000 = 41

Barometer Nongbri
Aug 28, 2013

Last 3 digits of S are 100 so S^2 is divisible by 1000 Last 3 digits of T are 321 . So last 4 digits of T^2 are 3041 . when divided by 1000 remainder is 41

Jan J.
Aug 27, 2013

Note that any number is congruent to its last three digits modulo 1000 1000 , hence $$S \equiv 100 \pmod{1000}$$ $$T \equiv 321 \pmod{1000}$$ so $$T^2 - S^2 \equiv 321^2 - 100^2 \equiv 221 \cdot 421 \equiv \boxed{41} \pmod{1000}$$

Patrick Lin
Aug 26, 2013

Since we need only T 2 S 2 T^2 - S^2 mod 1000 we can just look at T T and S S each mod 1000.

The last three digits of T T are 321 321 , so T 2 = 041 T^2 = 041 mod 1000. Similarly, S 2 = 000 S^2 = 000 mod 1000, so the desired answer is 041 000 = 041 041 - 000 = 041 .

Ivan Sekovanić
Aug 26, 2013

First of all, let us notice that S = 1234 9899100 S=1234\dots 9899100 and T = 1009998 4321 T=1009998\dots 4321 . Now, in order for a number to be divisible by 1000 1000 we know that the last 3 3 digits of the number need to be zeros, which we will use later on. Also, since T T and S S are very big integers, we will only use the last couple of digits in them to solve the problem, since the rest are not needed at all.


S 2 = a b c d 3610000 S^{2}=\overline {abcd\dots 3610000}

T 2 = m f g n 9971041 T^{2}=\overline {mfgn\dots 9971041}

On the other hand, T 2 S 2 = p q r s 6361041 T^{2}-S^{2}=\overline{pqrs\dots 6361041} .

According to the Remainder Theorem, x = y q + r x r = y q x=yq+r \Rightarrow x-r=yq , where r r is the remainder. This means that if a number divided by another one has a remainder, then that number minus the remainder is divisible by the original divisor. If we apply the theorem to our problem, we'd get

p q r s 6361041 r = 1000 q \overline{pqrs\dots 6361041} - r=1000q

Since T 2 S 2 r T^{2}-S^{2} - r needs to be divisible by 1000 1000 , we apply the divisibility rule mentioned above. Consequently, the only way to get the last 3 3 digits of T 2 S 2 T^{2}-S^{2} to be zeros is to have the remainder be 41 41 (since p q r s 6361041 41 = p q r s 6361000 \overline{pqrs\dots 6361041} - 41 = \overline{pqrs\dots 6361000} ), meaning that finally r = 41 r=41 .

Aman Goyal
Aug 26, 2013

last 3 digits of S^2 are 0000 and last 4 digit of T^2 are 1041 so when you subtract S^2 from T^2 , the last 3 digits will be 041..

Yes, but did anyone notice that the result of the subtraction is negative and therefore, result should be -41 or 1000-41, or am I wrong?

Alija Bevrnja - 7 years, 9 months ago

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T = 123 T = 123\dots and S = 100 S = 100\dots , and T T and S S both have the same amount of digits, so it follows that T 2 > S 2 T^2 > S^2 . Also, the question asks for T 2 S 2 T^2 - S^2 , not S 2 T 2 S^2 - T^2 . Also, if the last thee digits of S 2 S^2 had been greater than T 2 T^2 , then the answer would have been 1000 041 = 959 1000 - 041 = 959 , not 000 041 = 41 000 - 041 = -41 .

Josh Petrin - 7 years, 9 months ago

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Well that is what I am talking about, but you have made a mistake, T is not greater than S. Here: "Let T be the number obtained by writing all the numbers from 1 to 100 in reverse order and removing the spaces in between. " This means T=10099989796... which is less than S=12345... (S is more than 20% greater), so T^2 - S^2 is definitely negative

Alija Bevrnja - 7 years, 9 months ago

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@Alija Bevrnja This is exactly the confusion that I wanted to create from this problem, by making T 2 S 2 < 0 T^2 - S^2 < 0 . Consider the following question:

If N N is a negative integer such that N 041 ( m o d 1000 ) N \equiv 041 \pmod{1000} , what is the remainder when N N is divided by 1000?

This helps to test your familiarity with the concept of modular arithmetic.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 9 months ago

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@Calvin Lin Well, using plain division, remainder would be -959, since N = a * 1000 + (-959), where N, a < 0. But here, we have the case that remainder is -41; so I am a bit confused, why is the answer: 41.

Alija Bevrnja - 7 years, 9 months ago

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@Alija Bevrnja An integer n n , when divided by q q leaves a remainder of r r which satisfies 0 r < q 0 \leq r < q .

959 -959 is not between 0 and 1000.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 9 months ago

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@Calvin Lin Ok. I confused myself with speedy calculations and conclusions. Thank you for this.

Alija Bevrnja - 7 years, 9 months ago

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