A logic behind face of clock

Logic Level 1

On the face of an analog clock, which digit appears the most?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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3 solutions

In an analog clock the digit which is the most appear is 1.

If we count the digits, the digit 1 appears 5 times, the digit 2 appears 2 times, and the rest of the digits appear exactly once.

0 appears 9 times though, right? 01, 02 ,03...

Alex Li - 4 years, 6 months ago

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Actually 10, I forgot 10

Alex Li - 4 years, 6 months ago

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Hm, I don't know of an analog clock that shows 01. Are you thinking of digital clocks?

Let me add an image to the solution.

Calvin Lin Staff - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Calvin Lin Oh, I was thinking of digital clocks. Sorry L:

Alex Li - 4 years, 6 months ago

@Calvin Lin There is problem adding image in the solution through browser.

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member Can you explain the problem that you are facing? The more details you provide the easier it is for me to understand what the issue is. It would be helpful if you send a screenshot of what you see. You can email me: Calvin at Brilliant.org

Calvin Lin Staff - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Calvin Lin i do use opera mini browser to open brilliant.org There i tried to uplode photo, but it couldnt done.Also there is problem with choosing level of problems.please review the bug.

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

Can you explain why it is repeated 5 times more than any other digit? That seems really high to me.

Note that the number 2 appears twice.

Calvin Lin Staff - 4 years, 7 months ago

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That is otherwise hard to see I guess? It appears that much more just because an analog clock has 3 numbers which are 10 or higher. So each of them adds a 1

Peter van der Linden - 4 years, 6 months ago
Mohammad Khaza
Jul 7, 2017

In an analog clock the digit which is the most appear is 1.

If we count the digits, the digit 1 appears 5 times, the digit 2 appears 2 times, and the other digits appear exactly one time.

Vu Vincent
Dec 23, 2016

in terms of 12 consecutive numbers, 1 always appear the most, as to say that its tenth row/digit is a controlled variable/numeral that goes throughout 1 --> 19

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