It is noontime and the sun is shinning overhead. If the sun suddenly stopped shining, how long in
would it take you to become aware of the fact?
Details and assumptions :
Distance between the Sun and the Earth = 1 AU = 1 . 5 × 1 0 8 km
The speed of light = 3 × 1 0 8 m/s
1 day on the earth = 8 6 , 4 0 0 s
Credit image : Wikipedia
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I read this in a book a while back, but I remembered it being about 8 seconds and not minutes. Luckily it was multiple choice.😄
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Very good Robert! :)
Anyway, did you know my point decreased almost 5 0 points when I incorrectly answered problem Measuring the diameter of the moon . It took hours for me to get back to level 5 . Jeez! The system must have been error.
UPDATE : Brilliant already fix the system and give me back my lost point.
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I avoid all the low rated problems...having solved them i just move on, hence avoiding any risk
That stinks. I lost some points on that question too. I knew the right answer, but when scrolled down I acidently pressed on the wrong one.
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@Robert Fritz – :D Same feeling,bro.I've lost tons of points having done that,but not for this one.
I think you probably shouldn't post the answer to the question that you missed. :D
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@Finn Hulse – Sorry Fine. That's really stupid of me. I've edited my comment. Thanks for noticing me. Anyway, I lost again lots points when answer Snehal problem. I should listen Shikhar advice, avoid the low rated problems especially multiple choices. :(
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@Tunk-Fey Ariawan – Yeah... Something that I really hate is that because I have really low levels, Brilliant feeds me problems that are on my "level". Those problems are the ones that if you miss, you lose 100 points, and that if you get right, you gain 5 points. Really annoying.
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@Finn Hulse – Yeah!? That's really annoying me too. Anyway, I've just followed you & Robert. Nice to know you guys... :)
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@Tunk-Fey Ariawan – Thanks! I feel honored.
@Tunk-Fey Ariawan – Hey yeah, nice talking with you. Have you tried any of my problems?
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@Finn Hulse – Recently, I've answered your problem: "be smart about this one".
it takes 8 minutes not 8 seconds
It's about 8 minutes, possibly a source of confusion.
haha.. tumben ngepost soal yang bisa ku jawab.
light takes a time of 8 minutes and 20 seconds in reaching earth.Obviously it will take same time when people come to know about darkness.
i have done it
why they gave us the duration for an rotation of earth?
its near about 8min 18sec
The sun is around 8 light minutes from the earth.
Multiplying its distance away in light minutes by 60 gets you the sun's distance in light seconds.
The last photon from the sun would hit at 500 light seconds.
the earth is 149,600,000,000 m away from the sun. light travels at 299,792,458 meters/second. so would cover the distance in 499.0118864164355 sec
light takes a time of 8 minutes and 20 seconds in reaching earth.Obviously it will take same time when people come to know about darkness.
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The time taken ( t ) for people on earth become aware of the fact is t = The speed of light Distance between the Sun and the Earth = 3 × 1 0 8 m/s 1 . 5 × 1 0 1 1 m = 5 0 0 s
# Q . E . D . #