Ahmad's equation

How many ordered sets of integers ( x , y ) (x, y) are there such that there exists a (positive) prime number p p satisfying x ( x + y ) = 2 ( y 2 + 15 p ) x(x+y) = 2( y^2 + 15 p) ?

This problem is posed by Ahmad .

The answer is 8.

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14 solutions

Gabriele Farina
Dec 30, 2013

We have p = x 2 + x y 2 y 2 30 = ( x y ) ( x + 2 y ) 30 p = \frac{x^2+xy-2y^2}{30} = \frac{(x-y)(x+2y)}{30} Now, since x y x-y and x + 2 y x+2y are congruent modulo 3, and 30 divides their product, both x y x-y and x + 2 y x+2y are multiples of 3. Let x y = 3 k , x + 2 y = 3 h x-y = 3k, x+2y = 3h . But then p = 3 h k 10 3 p p = 3 and h k = 10 p = 3\frac{hk}{10} \quad\Longrightarrow\quad 3|p \quad\Longrightarrow\quad p = 3\text{ and }hk=10 Since for every ordered pair ( h , k ) (h,k) we find exactly one ordered pair ( x , y ) = ( 2 k + h , h k ) (x,y) = (2k+h,h-k) with an injective map, we just need to count the number of distinct ordered pairs ( h , k ) (h,k) of integers with the property that h k = 10 hk=10 . This number is 2 τ ( 10 ) = 8 2\cdot\tau(10) = \boxed{8} .

A million times better than my solution.Excellent!

Rahul Saha - 7 years, 5 months ago

May I know what the symbol at the last line mean? Thanks

Fan Zhang - 7 years, 5 months ago

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You mean the tau τ \tau ? I use it to denote the number of positive divisors of n n . In this case it was 2 τ 2\tau we needed, because we wanted to account for negative divisors as well :)

Gabriele Farina - 7 years, 5 months ago

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Ohhh sorry I have read wrongly! Thank you for the wonderful solution! Voted up!

Fan Zhang - 7 years, 5 months ago

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@Fan Zhang No problem, I'm glad you like it :)

Gabriele Farina - 7 years, 5 months ago

That's similar to what I did; however, instead of setting the expression equal to h and k, I just manually computed each pair (just for safety)

Sam Thompson - 7 years, 4 months ago
Daniel Chiu
Jul 28, 2013

We expand, and write as a quadratic in y y : 2 y 2 x y + ( 30 p x 2 ) = 0 2y^2-xy+(30p-x^2)=0 Using the quadratic formula, y = x ± 9 x 2 240 p 4 y=\dfrac{x\pm\sqrt{9x^2-240p}}{4} Now, note that 9 x 2 240 p = 3 ( 3 x 2 80 p ) 9x^2-240p=3(3x^2-80p) must be a square. Therefore, since 3 divides it, 9 must too, and so p = 3 p=3 . y = x ± 3 x 2 80 4 y=\dfrac{x\pm 3\sqrt{x^2-80}}{4} Let x 2 80 = k 2 x^2-80=k^2 . We have that ( x k ) ( x + k ) = 80 (x-k)(x+k)=80 We know that 80 = 1 80 = 2 40 = 4 20 = 5 16 = 8 10 80=1\cdot 80=2\cdot 40=4\cdot 20=5\cdot 16=8\cdot 10 , and also we know that the sum of x k + x + k = 2 x x-k+x+k=2x is even, and so we can divide 80 into 2 and 40, 4 and 20, or 8 and 10. From this we get that x = ± 9 , ± 12 , ± 21 x=\pm 9,\pm 12,\pm 21 . It is easy to find which values of x x give integer values of y y , and our solutions are:

( 21 , 9 ) (-21,9) , ( 12 , 9 ) (-12,-9) , ( 12 , 3 ) (-12,3) , ( 9 , 3 ) (-9,-3) , ( 9 , 3 ) (9,3) , ( 12 , 3 ) (12,-3) , ( 12 , 9 ) (12,9) , ( 21 , 9 ) (21,-9)

The answer is 8 \boxed{8} .

Moderator note:

Good use of the discriminant to quickly conclude that p = 3 p=3 .

why 3, why not 6 or any 3k?

Soham Chanda - 7 years, 10 months ago

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p p is prime.

Daniel Chiu - 7 years, 10 months ago
Joe Tomkinson
Jul 28, 2013

Expanding and rearranging gives the equation in the form

30 p = x 2 + x y 2 y 2 \qquad \qquad 30p = x^2+xy-2y^2

which can be factorised as

30 p = ( x + 2 y ) ( x y ) \qquad \qquad 30p = (x+2y)(x-y)\\

Now, either ( x + 2 y ) (x+2y) or ( x y ) (x-y) must have a factor of 3 3 , since there is a factor of 3 3 in the LHS; however:

( x + 2 y ) = ( x y ) + 3 y \qquad \qquad (x+2y) = (x-y) + 3y

So if one of them is divisible by 3 3 , then so is the other, since they differ by a multiple of 3 3 . This means that there must be an extra multiple of 3 3 on the LHS. The only way this can happen is if p = 3 p=3 - no other value of p p is possible.

Then we have:

90 = ( 2 y + x ) ( x y ) \qquad \qquad 90 = (2y+x)(x-y)

Each of the brackets has exactly one factor of 3 3 , so subject to that restriction there are 8 ways to split 90 90 into the two factors ( x + 2 y ) , ( x y ) (x+2y),(x-y) -

( ± 3 , ± 30 ) ( ± 30 , ± 3 ) ( ± 6 , ± 15 ) ( ± 15 , ± 6 ) \qquad \qquad (\pm 3, \pm 30)\\ \qquad \qquad (\pm 30, \pm 3)\\ \qquad \qquad (\pm 6, \pm 15)\\ \qquad \qquad (\pm 15, \pm 6)\\

These each give the only unique values of x , y x,y that work. At this point we can say, after verifying that every pair above gives integer solutions, that there are 8 8 possible pairs x , y x,y , which are:

( 21 , 9 ) , ( 21 , 9 ) , ( 12 , 9 ) , ( 12 , 9 ) , ( 12 , 3 ) , ( 12 , 3 ) , ( 9 , 3 ) , ( 9 , 3 ) \qquad \qquad (21,-9),(-21,9),\\ \qquad \qquad (12,9),(-12,-9),\\ \qquad \qquad (12,-3),(-12,3), \\ \qquad \qquad(9,3),(-9,-3)

Moderator note:

Nice approach of expressing 30 p 30p as the product of several terms, which gives us control over what they are.

Rahul Saha
Dec 30, 2013

Quick,what makes a prime number different from others?The fact that it always has only 2 positive divisors!So,what if,what if,we can turn our solution into something of the form

a b = p ab=p where a , b a,b are integers and p p is a prime.

Then,if a a and b b are integers,then we have only 8 possible ordered pairs,counting negatives of course.So we want to keep p p on the right side only.Now let's look at the problem at hand.

x ( x + y ) = 2 ( y 2 + 15 p ) x(x+y)=2(y^2+15p)

We expand,and keep p p on the left side.

x 2 + x y + 2 y 2 = 30 p x^2+xy+2y^2=30p

and now we try to factorize the left side.We try completing the square.

x 2 2 x y + y 2 3 y 2 + 3 x y = 30 p ( x y ) 2 + 3 y ( x y ) = 30 p ( x y ) ( x + 2 y ) = 30 p x^2-2xy+y^2-3y^2+3xy=30p\implies (x-y)^2+3y(x-y)=30p\implies (x-y)(x+2y)=30p

Ha!I know this isn't exactly the same as what we wanted.But it's good enough.Now,suppose that x y = m , x + 2 y = n x-y=m,x+2y=n where m and n are integers.Solving the equation gives us y = n m 3 y=\frac{n-m}{3} .But since y y must be an integer,, n m n-m i.e. difference of the two factors must be divisible by 3.Now,we come back to our original equation.

( x y ) ( x + 2 y ) = 30 p (x-y)(x+2y)=30p

We sort by Values of x y x-y and x + 2 y x+2y .But recall that the difference of the factors must be divisible by 3.For example,if x y = ± 2 , x + 2 y = ± 15 p x-y=\pm 2,x+2y=\pm 15p ,then there is no prime p such that the difference of the factors is divisible by 3.So this lets us eliminate some possibilities.Now we do the tedious part.We are going to count unordered pairs,not ordered pairs.

1 ) ( ± 30 , ± p ) , 2 ) ( ± 2 p , ± 15 ) , 3 ) ( ± 6 , ± 5 p ) 1)(\pm 30,\pm p),2)(\pm 2p,\pm 15),3)(\pm 6,\pm 5p)

For each of these,only p = 3 p=3 works,which is obvious.However the pairs (2) and (3) are equivalent,after putting in p = 3 p=3 since they yield the same equations.Now,we are left with 2 values. sighs

( x y , x + 2 y ) = ( ± 30 , ± p ) , ( ± 2 p , ± 15 ) (x-y,x+2y)=(\pm 30,\pm p),(\pm 2p,\pm 15) and

( x + 2 y , x y ) = ( ± 30 , ± p ) , ( ± 2 p , ± 15 ) (x+2y,x-y)=(\pm 30,\pm p),(\pm 2p,\pm 15)

This gives us 8 solutions.

One doesn't need to scroll to the right apart from once.

Rahul Saha - 7 years, 5 months ago

I was feeling lazy after typing this.So there might be some inadvertent typos.

Rahul Saha - 7 years, 5 months ago

Also,when I say "we are going to count unordered pairs",I mean that we are going to count unordered pairs for the time being and later count all the ordered pairs.

When I say "..we keep p on the left side",I mean that we are going to keep p p on the right side.

Rahul Saha - 7 years, 5 months ago

Can you make it more clearer?

Jay Cyril Mijares - 7 years, 5 months ago

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If you can please specify the parts that you find unclear,then I will be happy to clarify.

Rahul Saha - 7 years, 5 months ago
Shamik Banerjee
Dec 30, 2013

x(x + y) = 2(y^2 + 15p) => 30p = x^2 + xy - 2(y^2) = (x - y)(x + 2y) => (x - y)(x + 2y) = 2 * 3 * 5 * p

Let (x - y) = a and (x + 2y) = b where a and b are also integers. We get x = (2a + b)/3 and y = (b - a)/3.

As ab = 2 * 3 * 5 * p, one of a and b would be divisible by 3. If a is divisible by 3, we get x = 2k1 + (b/3) and y = (b/3) - k1. If b is divisible by 3, we get x = {(2a)/3} + k2 and y = k2 - (a/3).

Thus, we find that b in the first case and a in the second case also have to be divisible by 3 for x and y to be integers. This can only happen when the prime p is nothing but 3.

Therefore, we get (x - y)(x + 2y) = 2 * 3 * 5 * p = 2 * 3 * 5 * 3 = 90. 90 = 1 * 90 = 2 * 45 = 3 * 30 = 5 * 18 = 6 * 15 = 9 * 10

The equations we need to solve to determine integral values of x and y are: (x - y) = {-30, - 15, -6, - 3, 3, 6, 15, 30} with the corresponding (x + 2y) = {-3, - 6, - 15, - 30, 30, 15, 6, 3} So, there are 8 ordered set of integers.

Solving for all the possible pairs of equations, we get (x, y) = {(-21, 9), (-12, 3), (-9, -3), (-12, -9), (12, 9), (9, 3), (12, -3), (21, -9)}.

We have:

x ( x + y ) = 2 ( y 2 + 15 p ) < = > x 2 y 2 + x y y 2 = 30 p < = > ( x y ) ( x + y ) + x ( x y ) = 30 p < = > ( x y ) ( x + 2 y ) = 30 p ( 1 ) x( x + y ) = 2( y^{2} + 15p ) <=> x^{2} - y^{2} + xy - y^{2} = 30p <=> ( x - y )( x + y ) + x( x - y ) = 30p <=> ( x - y )( x + 2y ) = 30p (1)

So /(30p/) is the product of ( x y ) (x-y) and ( x + 2 y ) (x+2y) . Let a a and b b be positive integers such that a × b = 30 p a \times b = 30p . From (1) we get two equations:

x + 2 y = b x + 2y = b

x y = a x - y = a

( 2 ) (2)

The difference gives:

3 y = a b < = > a + 3 y = b < = > 3 ( a 3 + y ) = b -3y = a - b <=> a+3y=b <=> 3( \frac{a}{3} + y)=b

Because b is an integer a 3 + y \frac{a}{3} + y must be an integer too therefore 3 divides both a and b. Now (2) has exactly one solution (x,y) so the number of possible values a or b can take is the how many ordered sets of integers (x,y) satisfy the parameters given in the problem. We List the possibilities ( a , b ) : ( 3 , 10 p ) , ( 6 , 5 p ) , ( 15 , 2 p ) , ( 30 , p ) , ( p , 30 ) , ( 2 p , 15 ) , ( 5 p , 6 ) , ( 10 p , 3 ) (a,b): (3,10p),(6,5p),(15,2p),(30,p),(p,30),(2p,15),(5p,6),(10p,3) . Hence the answer is 8.

Albert Ho
Aug 1, 2013

Rearranging the equation as x 2 y 2 + x y y 2 = 30 p x^2 - y^2 + xy - y^2 = 30p , we see the LHS factors to ( x y ) ( x + 2 y ) (x-y)(x+2y) . The difference between x + 2 y x+2y and x y x-y is 3 y 3y . Since the RHS is a multiple of 3, either x + 2 y x+2y or x y x-y must be a multiple of 3, but since their difference is 3 y 3y , we see that both x + 2 y x+2y AND x y x-y have to be multiples of 3, so 30 p 30p must be a multiple of 9, and the only prime p p that satisfies this is p = 3 p=3 .

We are now seeking how many ordered sets of integers ( x , y ) (x,y) that satisfy: ( x y ) ( x + 2 y ) = 90 (x-y)(x+2y)=90 . 90 can be factored into two multiples of 3 in the following ways: 3 * 30, 6 * 15. However, note that we can have both factors be negative, and we also have 2 ways to assign each factor to being either x + 2 y x+2y or x y x-y . Thus, there are 2 * 2 * 2 = 8 total ordered pairs that work.

We can rearrange Ahmad's equation to obtain 30 p = ( x y ) ( x + 2 y ) 30p = (x - y)(x + 2y) . Setting a = x y a = x - y yields 30 p = a ( a + 3 y ) 30p = a (a + 3y) , whence 30 p = a 2 + 3 a y 30p = a^2 + 3ay . (1)

Since the left hand side of this equality is divisible by 3, so is the right hand side, and so 3 a 2 3 | a^2 , which shows that 3 a 3 | a . In other words, a = 3 k a = 3k for some integer k k . By substitution on (1), we get 30 p = 9 k 2 + 9 k y 30p = 9k^2 + 9ky . (2)

We can therefore conclude that 9 30 p 9 | 30p , and since p p is a prime, p = 3 p = 3 . Replacing and simplifying from (2), we get 10 = k 2 + k y 10 = k^2+ ky or, equivalently, 10 = k ( k + y ) 10 = k (k + y) .

Finding the solutions of the problem now ammounts to studying all possible factorizations of 10 (which are 8, if we allow negative factors). Each one will yield a distinct solution to Ahmad's equation.

Jeremy Kong
Jul 30, 2013

The quadratic formula gives us x = 1 2 × ( y ± 3 ( 40 p + 3 y 2 ) ) x = \frac{1}{2} \times \left( -y \pm \sqrt{3(40p + 3y^2)} \right) .

Since x x is an integer, 3 ( 40 p + 3 y 2 ) 3(40p + 3y^2) must be a perfect square. This can only be true if 40 p + 3 y 2 40p + 3y^2 has a factor of 3. Suppose p 3 p \neq 3 . Then p p must be congruent to either 1 or 2 modulo 3 (as otherwise it would be divisible by 3, and either be 3, or a non-prime). Now 3 y 2 3y^2 is obviously congruent to zero mod 3, and thus the entire expression is congruent to either 1 or 2 mod 3, i.e. does not have 3 as a factor. But then 3 ( 40 p + 3 y 2 ) 3(40p + 3y^2) cannot be a perfect square. Thus by contradiction, we have p = 3 p = 3 .

By substitution we have x = 1 2 × ( y ± 3 40 + y 2 ) x = \frac{1}{2} \times \left( -y \pm 3 \sqrt{40 + y^2} \right) . Now 40 + y 2 40 + y^2 is only a perfect square for y = ± 3 y = \pm 3 and y = ± 9 y = \pm9 - this may be verified with casework, or by observing that the difference between two adjacent squares follows the odd numbers. Thus obtaining a difference of 40 40 by adding up consecutive odd numbers can only be done by adding 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 or 19 + 21 19 + 21 , and these are the differences between 3 2 3^2 and 7 2 7^2 , and 9 2 9^2 and 1 1 2 11^2 respectively.

Hence we have four values of y y . Each value of y y clearly gives two solutions for x x , and these values will all be integers. This is apparent as y y is odd in all cases, and 3 × 40 + y 2 3 \times \sqrt{40 + y^2} is the product of two odd numbers and thus odd - hence, adding them together or subtracting one from another will always give an even number. Thus, the multiplication by 1 2 \frac{1}{2} is safe and will leave all of the solutions for x x safely as integers. (Admittedly, it is probably easier to simply verify this with a substitution.)

Thus the answer is 4 × 2 = 8 4 \times 2 = \boxed{8} .

Lucas Reis
Jul 29, 2013

We have x ( x + y ) = 2 ( y 2 + 15 p ) x 2 + x y 2 y 2 = 30 p ( ) x(x+y)=2(y^2+15p)\Rightarrow x^2+xy-2y^2=30p\quad (*)\Leftrightarrow

( x + 2 y ) ( x y ) = 30 p 3 x + 2 y (x+2y)(x-y)=30p\Rightarrow 3|x+2y\quad or 3 x y 3 x + 2 y , x y \quad 3|x-y\Rightarrow 3|x+2y, x-y since that x y x + 2 y ( m o d 3 ) x-y\equiv x+2y\pmod{3}

where 9 ( x y ) ( x + 2 y ) 9 30 p 3 10 p 9|(x-y)(x+2y)\Rightarrow 9|30p\Rightarrow 3|10p 3 p p = 3 \Rightarrow 3|p\Rightarrow p=3 since that p p is a prime number and m d c ( 10 , 3 ) = 1 mdc(10, 3)=1

Now, by ( ) (*) and p = 3 x + 2 y , x y p=3|x+2y, x-y we have x + 2 y 3 x y 3 = 10 ( ) f g = 10 \frac{x+2y}{3}*\frac{x-y}{3}=10\Leftrightarrow (**)\quad f*g=10 , f = x + 2 y 3 , g = x y 3 f=\frac{x+2y}{3}, g=\frac{x-y}{3} integers and explicitly x = 2 g + f , y = f g x=2g+f, y=f-g .

Then every solution of ( ) (**) is a solution of ( ) (*) and contrariwise.

Thus and the number of solutions of ( ) (**) is the number of integers divisors of 10 10 . How d ( 10 ) = 8 d(10)=8 , we have 8 8 solutions.

The given equation is equivalent to x 2 + x y 2 y 2 = ( x + 2 y ) ( x y ) = 30 p = a b , x^2+xy-2y^2=(x+2y)(x-y) = 30p = ab, where a = x + 2 y a=x+2y and b = x y b=x-y . This implies 3 a b 3\mid ab and since 3 3 is prime, it follows that 3 a 3 \mid a or 3 b 3\mid b . Assume that 3 a 3 \mid a . Since a b = 3 y a-b = 3y , we have 3 ( b a ) . 3 \mid (b-a). Hence 3 ( ( b a ) + a ) 3 \mid ((b-a)+a) or 3 b . 3 \mid b. Similarly, if 3 b 3\mid b , then 3 a . 3 \mid a. Since 30 p 30p factors into primes as 2 3 5 p 2\cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdot p if p 3 , p\neq 3, then 3 3 would be a factor of either a a or b b but not both, contradicting to the previous argument we have just made. Therefore, p = 3 p = 3 and 3 3 is a common factor of a a and b . b. This implies we have only 4 4 possible set equations, namely { x + 2 y , x y } = { 6 , 15 } , { 6 , 15 } , { 3 , 30 } , or { 3 , 30 } . \{x+2y,x-y\} = \{6, 15\}, \{-6,-15\}, \{3, 30\}, \,\text{or}\, \{-3,-30\}. Each set equation gives two possible systems of equations, each producing an integer solution ( x , y ) . (x,y). Hence there is a total of 4 × 2 = 8 4\times 2 = 8 pairs ( x , y ) (x,y) of integers satisfying the given equation.

Thomas Baxter
Jul 28, 2013

Expand and rearrange to get: 30 p = x 2 + x y 2 y 2 = ( x y ) ( x + 2 y ) 30p = x^2+xy-2y^2 = (x-y)(x+2y)

Let a = x y , b = x + 2 y a=x-y,b=x+2y . Then a b = 30 p ab=30p and 2 a + b = 3 x 2a+b=3x (or b a = 3 y b-a=3y ). The first equality implies that at least one of a , b a,b is divisible by 3. The second equality then restricts that both a a and b b are divisible by 3, for x x (similar, y y ) to be an integer. Then the first equality again implies that p = 3 p=3 .

So a b = 90 , 3 a , 3 b ab=90,3|a,3|b . There are 8 choices:

  1. a = 3 , b = 30 a=3,b=30 then x = 6 , y = 9 x=-6, y=9
  2. a = 6 , b = 15 a=6,b=15 then x = 3 , y = 3 x=3, y=3
  3. a = 15 , b = 6 a=15,b=6 then x = 12 , y = 3 x=12, y=-3
  4. a = 30 , b = 3 a=30,b=3 then x = 21 , y = 9 x=21, y=-9

and the negative versions (that is, a = a , b = b , x = x , y = y a'=-a,b'=-b,x'=-x,y'=-y ) of each of the four cases above.

Therefore, there are 8 choices for ( x , y ) (x,y) that work.

Francis Naldo
Jul 28, 2013

solve for the left and right sides thus,

x 2 x^{2} + xy = 2 y 2 2y^{2} + 30p


x 2 x^{2} + xy - 2 y 2 2y^{2} = 30p

using factoring,

(x + 2y)(x - y) = 30p

now, we know that the two solutions of x and y on both factors and disregarding the 'p".. thus,

(x + 2y) or (x - y)

x = 1 and y = 30 or x = 2 and y = 15 or x = 3 and y = 10 or x = 5 and y = 6 or

x = 6 and y = 5 or x = 10 and y = 3 or x = 30 and y = 1

that are 8 values

Alexander Maly
Jul 28, 2013

Equation is equivalent to (x+2 y) (x-y)=30 p.
Some of left side multiplicants should divide by 3, but then the other divedes too, so 30
p divedes by 9, so p = 3.
Denote x-y=3 z. Then z (z+y)=10, z may be any divisor of 10 (there are eight of them), y=10/z-z, x=10/z+2*z.

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