Binary Strings

A binary string means a sequence of zeros and ones, e.g. 1011.

Consider all the different strings of length eight. If you pick one of these strings uniformly at random, what's the probability that it contains two (or more) consecutive 1s?

The answer is 0.7852.

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4 solutions

Paul Hindess
Dec 10, 2016

Thanks for a fun little problem and a Fibonacci surprise. I Explain why at the end, but the number of strings that don't contain any consecutive 1s forms a sequence of Fibonacci numbers. For strings of length 1 to 8 respectively, we have 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 that don't contain any consecutive 1s. This means there are 2 8 55 = 256 55 = 201 2^8 - 55 = 256 - 55 = 201 8-digit strings that contain 2 or more consecutive 1s.

Hence the probability required is 201 256 = 0.785... \frac {201} {256} = 0.785...


For a string of length 1 there are 2 sequences that do not contain consecutive 1s: 0 , 1 \color{#3D99F6}0\color{#333333}, \color{#3D99F6}1 .

For a string of length 2 there are 3 sequences that do not contain consecutive 1s: 00 , 01 , 10 \color{#D61F06}00\color{#333333},\color{#D61F06}01\color{#333333},\color{#D61F06}10\color{#333333} .

Now for the clever bit. We can append "0" to the front of each string of length 2 and append "10" to each string of length 1. Combining these gives all the strings of length 3 that do not contain consecutive 1s:

0 00 0 01 0 10 10 0 10 1 0\color{#D61F06}00\color{#333333}\\ 0\color{#D61F06}01\color{#333333}\\ 0\color{#D61F06}10\color{#333333}\\ 10\color{#3D99F6}0\color{#333333}\\ 10\color{#3D99F6}1\color{#333333}

More generally, we can get a string of length n n by appending "0" to the front of each string of length n 1 n-1 that satisfies the conditions and appending "10" to each string of length n 2 n - 2 that satisfies the conditions. Conversely, for each string of length n n , if it starts with a "0", then we can drop it and get a string of length n 1 n - 1 that satisfies the conditions; if it starts with a "1", then the next number is not a "1" hence it is a "0", then dropping these first two digits gets us a string of length n 2 n - 2 that satisfies the conditions.

Continuing in this way, it becomes clear that, as we increase the length of the string, the number of strings that do not contain consecutive 1s form a Fibonacci sequence.

Good business! If you approach the problem by determining the number of sequences that contain consecutive 1s, you will obtain a Lucas sequence

Mateo Matijasevick - 4 years, 6 months ago

We would like to feature this problem. Can you help fill in the details, so that others who are unable to solve the problem can understand how you proved the pattern?

Calvin Lin Staff - 4 years, 5 months ago

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Were you talking to me (or Mateo or both)?

I've added an explanation that I hope is satisfactory. (-:

Paul Hindess - 4 years, 5 months ago

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Both / Whoever answered first :)

Looks good, thanks. I've added a paragraph to help establish the bijection.

Calvin Lin Staff - 4 years, 5 months ago

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@Calvin Lin I don't understand Mateo's reference to Lucas numbers here, so would love to see his approach too! (-:

Paul Hindess - 4 years, 5 months ago

Let a n a_{n} be the no. of binary strings of length n that contains no consecutive 1's. Let among these strings b n b_{n} be the number of strings ending with 0 and c n c_{n} be number of those that ends with 1. Clearly b n + 1 = b n + c n b_{n+1} = b_{n} + c_{n} , since in order to have a string of length n + 1 n+1 ending with 0 and having no consequtive 1's, we may append 0 to any string of length n n . Again c n + 1 = b n c_{n+1} = b_{n} , since only way to create a string of length n + 1 n+1 maintaining the required condition and ending in 1 is to append 1 to a string of length n n that ends with 0. Noting that a n = b n + c n a_{n} = b_{n} + c_{n} , and by performing some algebraic manipulation of the recursions obtained we obtain a n = a n 1 + a n 2 a_{n} = a_{n-1} +a_{n-2} . Also note that a 1 = 2 a_{1} = 2 and a 2 = 3. a_{2} = 3. Hence we obtain a 8 = 55 a_{8} = 55 . Thus there are 55 total binary strings of length 8 that do not contain any consecutive 1's. There are a total of 2 8 = 256 2^8=256 binary strings of length eight. Hence total no. of strings having atleast two consecutive 1's is 256 55 = 201 256-55= 201 . Thus the required probability is 201 / 256 = 0.785 201/256 = 0.785

Abhishek Sinha
Jan 31, 2017

Here is a ``brain-dead" solution that does not require any thinking on our part.

Let u ( n , 0 ) u(n,0) denote the number of binary sequences of length n n that does not contain two consecutive ones and ends with 0 0 . Similarly, define u ( n , 1 ) u(n,1) to be the number of binary sequences of length n n that does not contain two consecutive ones and ends with a 1 1 . Then we have the following recursions u ( n + 1 , 0 ) = u ( n , 0 ) + u ( n , 1 ) , and u ( n + 1 , 1 ) = u ( n , 0 ) u(n+1,0)= u(n,0) + u(n,1), \hspace{5pt} \textrm{and} \hspace{5pt} u(n+1,1)= u (n,0) In matrix notation, we can write u ( n + 1 ) = ( 1 1 1 0 ) u ( n ) \vec{u}(n+1) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 && 1\\ 1 && 0 \end{pmatrix}\vec{u}(n) where u ( n ) = ( u ( n , 0 ) u ( n , 1 ) ) \vec{u}(n)= \begin{pmatrix} u(n,0) \\ u(n,1) \end{pmatrix} Iterating the equation above, we conclude that u ( n ) = ( 1 1 1 0 ) n 1 u ( 1 ) = ( 1 1 1 0 ) n 1 ( 1 1 ) \vec{u}(n)= \begin{pmatrix} 1 && 1\\ 1 && 0 \end{pmatrix}^{n-1}\vec{u}(1)= \begin{pmatrix} 1 && 1\\ 1 && 0 \end{pmatrix}^{n-1}\begin{pmatrix} 1\\ 1 \end{pmatrix} From which, we compute u ( 8 , 0 ) = 34 , u ( 8 , 1 ) = 21 u(8,0)= 34, u(8,1)=21 . Thus the total number of binary sequences of length 8 8 , not containing conseuctive 1 1 s is 34 + 21 = 55 34+21=55 . Thus, the required probability is 1 55 2 8 = 0.7852 1- \frac{55}{2^8}= 0.7852 .

Mahir Jhaveri
Dec 26, 2016

Use the principle of inclusion and exclusion.

The number of binary strings which contain 2 or more consecutive 1's = Total combinations(2^8) - number of strings which do not contain any consecutive 1's

Number of strings which contain no consecutive 1's:

A Maximum of Four 1's are possible(PigeonHole principle) and will have to be place in the gaps of the 0s. This can be done in 5 ways. (10101010, 01010101, 10010101,10100101,10101001 )

Similarly Three 1's and Five 0's can be arranged in 20 ways.

Two 1's in 21 ways.

One 1's can be arranged in 8 ways

Zero 1's can be arranged in 1 way(00000000)

There total number of strings with no consecutive 1's = 5 + 20 + 21 + 8 + 1 = 55

The number of strings that have 2 or more consecutive 1's = 2^8 - 55 = 201

Probability that the selected string has 2 or more consecutive 1's = (201/256) = 0.785

Can you explain how 3 ones and 5 zeros can be arranged in 20 ways? Thank you!

Ashish Sacheti - 4 years, 5 months ago

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Because you don't want any 2 consecutive 1s, the problem reduces to filling 1s in the gaps between 0s.

Consider 5 0s: ( 0 0 0 0 0 )

Here there are a total of 6 gaps(1 before the first 0, between the first and second 0s, between the second and third 0s, between the third and fourth 0s, between the fourth and fifth 0s, after the fifth 0)

So now you have put the three 1s in any of the six gaps.

This can be done by selecting any three gaps from the total of six gaps.

This can be represented by (6!/(3!).(3!)) (the binomial coefficient 6C3)

= 720/36 = 20

Similar methods can be used for calculating other arrangements ie. two 1s in gaps of six 0s.

NOTE: n 0s will always have (n +1) gaps.

Mahir Jhaveri - 4 years, 5 months ago

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