
Geometry Level 1

Consider a closed curve of finite length, which encloses a convex area. Is the following statement true or false?

"There is at least one straight line that can bisect both the perimeter and the area of the curve."

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11 solutions

Michael Mendrin
Jun 16, 2014

Starting with any point P on the closed curve, which has an "antipodal point" P', which is halfway around the curve, so that line PP' bisects the perimeter. Let A and B be the areas created by PP' dividing the enclosed area. Let's say A > B, where A is on the right side of the line PP', going from P to P'. Move the point P along the perimeter until it reaches where P' was. The new area A' is the same as the old area B, so that A' < B', which is the opposite of what it was at the beginning. Therefore, there has to be a point between P and P' where the areas had to be the same.

Note that you are only given that the curve is closed, and not that the curve is convex.

The biggest issue I have with this solution is the definition of the "antipodal point". You have not demonstrated that PP' bisects the perimeter, especially if PP' intersects the perimeter at several points. If so, the perimeter that lines on one side of the straight line is not evenly split.

This question also assumes that a closed curve has finite length, which is not necessarily true. For example, take a closed space filling curve.

Calvin Lin Staff - 6 years, 12 months ago

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Calvin, you're right, this proof doesn't fully take into consideration "any" closed loop, where the line (through) PP' could cut across the loop in multiple locations. For that, the proof will run longer. However, by "antipodal point" P', it's simply that point that is halfway around the perimeter back to P, so as P moves along the perimeter by some arc length s, P' moves by s as well, so that when P reaches where P' used to be, P' will reach where P used to be. The assumption is that the perimeter length of the closed curve is finite. Maybe the problem will be different if that length could be infinite, and the loop infinitely convoluted, like a Sierpinski-like curve, so that the existence of such an "antipodal point" would first have to be proven.

Michael Mendrin - 6 years, 12 months ago

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I understand that the definition of P' is the point which is distance s s along the perimeter from P, where the curve has length 2 s 2s (assuming that the perimeter is finite).

However, this does not imply that the straight line P P PP' will bisect the perimeter into 2 pieces of s s . If P P PP' does not intersect the closed curve again, then the result follows. However, it could be possible that P P PP' intersects the curve again, in which case this straight line doesn't bisect the perimeter.

As an explicit example, consider the polygon whose vertices are ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 4 , 0 ) , ( 4 , 2 ) , ( 3 , 2 ) , ( 3 , 1 ) , ( 1 , 1 ) , ( 1 , 2 ) , ( 0 , 2 ) (0,0), (4,0), (4, 2), (3, 2), (3, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2) , which is a U-shape. It has perimeter of 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 14 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 14 . With P = ( 0 , 0 ) P = (0,0) , then the point P P' which is 7 units away along the perimeter is ( 3 , 2 ) (3, 2) . However, P P PP' clearly doesn't bisect the perimeter.

Note: Your solution will work if the shape is convex, in which case P P P P' cannot intersect the curve again.

Calvin Lin Staff - 6 years, 12 months ago

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@Calvin Lin If we assume that the line through PP' divides the plane, so that all the perimeter segments on one side added up equals the same on the other side, then the proof is more involved. I'd start with the idea of looking at 2 families of lines that, the parameter being the angle or direction, one family bisects the perimeter as described, and the other bisects the area. Most of the time, given an angle, the lines aren't coincident. In a simplified case (as with convex closed curves), it's not hard to show that as the angle increases continuously and up to 180°, then at some point in time, the two lines have to switch sides, which means they'd have to be coincident at some point in time. But of course, if the closed curved is complex, then it's harder to show this. In other words, "I'll get back to you with this". I know that there are problems similar this, see Stone-Tukey Theorem, which I think could be made to apply in this case.

First thing I should do is to prove that, given an angle or direction, there can only be one bisector of the perimeter and one bisector of the area, because otherwise suppose there are 2 bisectors, they would define a 3rd region in which to tally up either the perimeter length or area, and that would necessarily be the difference between the measures on either side of either "bisector". Once this is proven, then the next step is to show that this line cannot "jump" discontinuously as the angle continuously increases, because otherwise there is at least one particular angle where we have 2 possible bisectors. Next, we reach the contradiction as described before. When I get the time.

Michael Mendrin - 6 years, 12 months ago

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@Michael Mendrin That there is at most 1 bisector of perimeter and area is easy to show, by a similar continuity argument. Move the line down, and the perimeter (area) can only increase. With area, we can show that one exists, and further that it is a continuous family of lines.

However, with perimeter, we have to be careful as the line segment could intersect the boundary in a set of positive measure, and hence such a line might not exist. As a simple example, take a U block shape where the horizontal cut requires the line to lie on the middle section.

As such, this could invalidate the continuity argument that we would like to use.

As an example which doesn't fully meet the rules, consider an annulus with a line between the two rings, where the closed curve overlaps itself (and hence isn't technically a closed curve). You can show that the only lines which bisect the area pass through the center. However, no such line bisects the perimeter, other than the one which lies along the connecting line. I believe that this example could be modified to become a correct counter example.

Calvin Lin Staff - 6 years, 12 months ago

Yes sir! I agree with you.

Sravanth C. - 6 years, 3 months ago

Yes its of finite length. The solution mentioned above is correct. Try to imagine plotting the areas on the 2 sides on a graph and the points of intersection are the required solution.

Venu Gopal - 6 years, 12 months ago

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Venu, we're just trying to find ways to muck this up even further.

Michael Mendrin - 6 years, 12 months ago

I do not think that the argument is rigorous. It relies heavily on continuity arguments, but the perimeter bisector line need not be continuous, as it might not exist at some points, due to intersecting the perimeter nontrivially.

For completeness, can you add your solution? I believe that you implicitly used some assumption, like convexity, or non-trivial intersections, in order to push through the argument.

Calvin Lin Staff - 6 years, 12 months ago

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@Calvin Lin Before we get Venu to tighten up the wording of his problem, why don't we find the best "short solution", and then rewrite the problem to match the solution? This is morning, it's my coffee time, and going with Venu's idea of constructing a pair of plots that "must" intersect somewhere, we can create a pair of polar plots as a function of angle, which is simply the distance between one arbitrary point on the plane and the the pair of bisectors for each angle. Both plots have to be radially symmetric, i.e., r(θ) = r(θ + 180°), because otherwise we could have a particular θ for which there exists 2 bisectors. Then those plots have to intersect somewhere. So now we just need to limit the problem to perimeters and areas such that there exists such a bisector at any angle. You gave an example of where such a bisector may be indeterminate, in the case of perimeter. I can use something similar to the Sinc (yes, Sinc, not Sine) function to create an closed area where such a bisector may be indeterminate in the case of area as well. Maybe all this problem needs is the statement that "at any angle, there does exist a line bisecting the perimeter, and a line bisecting the area", thus eliminating all these other pathologies?

Michael Mendrin - 6 years, 12 months ago

How would this work if you had PP' cutting the perimeter at more than two points?

Harsha Bacham R - 6 years, 11 months ago

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Never mind my first solution, it's based on an incorrect interpretation of what it means to bisect the perimeter. Calvin had pointed that out, so read his comments and the rest that follows.

Michael Mendrin - 6 years, 11 months ago

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Oh right. I didn't see the rest of the comment thread, thanks

Harsha Bacham R - 6 years, 11 months ago

@Venu Gopal Can you add your solution? I think that you are missing some conditions from the question.

For example, you make the implicit assumption that the closed curve has finite length.

Calvin Lin Staff - 6 years, 12 months ago

Its not valid because i can edit it i.e. strech it and then it would be different

Mayank Chouhan - 6 years, 12 months ago

What if the area is non-measurable ?

Abhishek Sinha - 6 years, 11 months ago

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The problem should say something to the effect, "area and boundary are non-pathological", so that we'd avoid these kinds of problems which would ruin a perfectly fun problem.

Michael Mendrin - 6 years, 11 months ago

NEED NOT necessary it to be a straight line , it can possibly be a curved line.

Vasu Goyal - 6 years, 11 months ago

need not necessary it be a straight line, it can also be a curved line.

Vasu Goyal - 6 years, 11 months ago

i didn't understood really your concept. but the figure i am thinking of is a (circle + in between 5mm thick bridge +now amoeba like structure frequently curved approaching minimum inside area) such that a line bisecting that bridge also bisects perimeter of amoeba and circle. so i think area would not be same for both sides.

and i have issues with MAP shown here of India. Not correct i guess

Ripudaman Kochhar - 6 years, 11 months ago

consider the curve on a Cartesian plane, bound by the x-axis. Say the curve is an arc of known length, a bisecting line passing through the center of curvature on the principal axis perpendicular to the curve would equally divide the perimeter of the arc. The resulting sector is thus equally divided in area.

Adeposi Adeogun - 6 years, 11 months ago

ddnt get d last to conclude A'<B'

Soumak Bhattacharjee - 6 years, 10 months ago
Mark Hennings
Jun 19, 2014

We have to assume a certain amount about the curve to make things work. I shall suppose that the curve can be given by a polar equation r = f ( θ ) r \; = \; f(\theta) where f f is continuously differentiable and f ( θ ) > 0 f(\theta) >0 for all θ \theta . Then the arc-length function s ( θ ) = 0 θ f ( ϕ ) 2 + f ( ϕ ) 2 d ϕ s(\theta) \; = \; \int_0^\theta \sqrt{f(\phi)^2 + f'(\phi)^2}\,d\phi is a continuous strictly increasing function on [ 0 , 2 π ] [0,2\pi] from 0 0 to S S , where S S is the perimeter of the curve.Indeed it is a continuous strictly increasing function on [ 0 , 4 π ] [0,4\pi] from 0 0 to 2 S 2S . Thus the function s : [ 0 , 4 π ] [ 0 , 2 S ] s \,:\, [0,4\pi] \to [0,2S] has a continuous inverse. Thus the function β ( θ ) = s 1 ( s ( θ ) + 1 2 S ) 0 θ 2 π \beta(\theta) \; = \; s^{-1}\big(s(\theta) + \tfrac12S\big) \qquad 0 \le \theta \le 2\pi is a continuous function. If a point Q Q on the curve has angle θ \theta then the point Q Q' with angle β ( θ ) \beta(\theta) is such that the arc length from Q Q to Q Q' is equal to 1 2 S \tfrac12S . The area cut off on one side of the chord Q Q QQ' is equal to a ( θ ) = 1 2 θ β ( θ ) f ( ϕ ) 2 d ϕ 1 2 f ( θ ) f ( β ( θ ) ) sin ( β ( θ ) θ ) a(\theta) \; = \; \tfrac12\int_\theta^{\beta(\theta)} f(\phi)^2\,d\phi - \tfrac12f(\theta)f(\beta(\theta))\sin\big(\beta(\theta)-\theta\big) and this is a continuous function of θ \theta .

Since a ( 0 ) + a ( β ( 0 ) ) = A a(0) + a(\beta(0)) = A , the total area inside the curve, we deduce that either a ( 0 ) 1 2 A a ( β ( 0 ) ) a(0) \ge \tfrac12A \ge a(\beta(0)) or else a ( 0 ) 1 2 A a ( β ( 0 ) ) a(0) \le \tfrac12A \le a(\beta(0)) . By the Intermediate Value Theorem, we deduce that there exists some θ \theta between 0 0 and β ( 0 ) \beta(0) such that a ( θ ) = 1 2 A a(\theta) = \tfrac12A , which is what we want.

You just totally fried my brain lol

Clay Carpenter - 5 years, 10 months ago
Ethan Sussman
Jun 19, 2014

You could calculate the "center of mass" in a matter analagous to how one would do so in a physics calculation. By the definition of the center of mass, any line passing through that point will divide the area evenly. Imagine then extending a line randomly from that point. If the perimeters on each side are not equal, you can simply rotate the line by the necessary amount to make them equal.

Brad Morin
Jun 29, 2014

First, let me restate the last sentence in the problem with one of the two possible interpretations I would give it.

There is at least one straight line that splits the enclosed region R into two regions, or two collections of regions, of equal area; and, splits the curve into two curves, or two collections of curves, where the sum of the lengths of the curves in each collection is the same.

Proof: (without rigorous detail)

Construct a circle about the region R. Pick a point A on the circle then find another point B on the circle where line segment AB divides the circle into two segments and the region R into regions of equal area. Line segment AB will also divide the curve into two curves or sets of curves. The length totals of each set may or may not be equal.

If one set of curves has a greater lengths total than the other, then take points X starting at A, and Y starting at B, and move them clockwise about the circle. Do so in continuous way so that XY maintains the equal area split of region R.

At some point in the process, before point X reaches B and Y reaches A, the collection of curves (separated by XY) with smaller length total will become the collection of curves with the greater length total. Somewhere in the process, while maintaining an equal area split, the length total in each collection will be equal.

William Wang
Jun 28, 2014

This probably isn't a solid solution, but it's enough to convince me that I'm right. It seems reasonable to assume there exists a "smooth" way of rotating and and translating the line so that we change its orientation (i.e. a continuous funtion, of sorts), but maintain equal areas on either side of the line.

Draw the horizontal line that bisects the area of the curve (this exists by sliding the horizontal line downward from the top until equal areas are achieved). Imagine our line has a "top" and a "bottom", and I have a meter that reads the perimeter on the "top" side and the "bottom" side. Let the top perimeter be T and the bottom perimeter be B. If T=B, then we are done. Otherwise, use the assumed "smooth" rotation/translation to spin the line 180 degrees. Then the bottom side is now on the top, and the top side is now on the bottom. The old bottom side reads T, and the top side reads B. Before the rotation, the difference of the two readings is T-B. After, it is B-T. Since one must be negative and the other positive, and it is reasonable to assume that both T and B are continuous functions of the line orientation, the IVT says the difference must have been 0 at some point, so at some point we had equal perimeters.

Pranesh Hari
Jun 19, 2014

Consider the center of mass of closed figure, C, any line through C will divide it into two equal areas. Consider a line through C intersecting the curves at A and B. Let 'x' be the measure of length along the curve from A to B, say clockwise and 'y' be from B to A in the same direction. Consider the measure ' d = x - y '. Now move the point A along the curve (say in clockwise direction) and get new line A B , such that it passes through C, till the points A & B are interchanged. Now the new measure, d is negative of previous measure with same magnitude. This implies that there exist a line A'B' passing through C, somewhere when moving the line from AB to BA such that measure d =0, in other words A'B' divides the perimeter.

NOTE : In case of non convex curve where the line through Center of Mass can intersect the curve at more than two points take points A and B on either side of C

It is true that a median for a triangle, which passes through the centroid, will bisect the area. It is not true that any line through the centroid of a triangle will bisect the area. Consider an equilateral triangle and a line parallel to one of the triangle sides. Let that parallel line be one that passes through the centroid. The line does not bisect the area of the triangle.

Brad Morin - 6 years, 11 months ago

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I have used center of mass not centroid. Assume the closed area has uniform thickness and hence find the coordinate of center of mass along the plane of the curve and neglect center along the thickness.

Pranesh Hari - 6 years, 11 months ago

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The centroid is the center of mass for a plate of uniform density. The centroid of a triangle is where the three medians intersect. A triangular plate of uniform density will balance on a supporting straight edge that touches the centroid. But at the same time, that same balancing straight edge will not split the triangle into two regions of equal area, unless it runs along a median. A proof of that last statement could be supplied if needed.

Brad Morin - 6 years, 11 months ago
Devang Dabral
Jun 18, 2014

This problem is better understood with fractal geometry. This curve (map of India) actually has an infinite perimeter but encloses a finite area. Hence we can divide the area in two equal halves and not worry about the perimeter. Also look up the coastline paradox for this (very interesting). :D :D

We need not think on such an intricate solution. Just take the example of a circle in which we have at least one diameter. Now a diameter bisects the circumference and also the area of the circle. True is the case with an ellipse like an oval or geoid shape. So we get at least two figures that satisfy the given conditions. Now on a Cartesian plane, a parabola or hyperbola subtend some area that can be bisected by a line which also bisects the length of the curve-bolas. So by PCI i.e. Principle Of Geometric Induction, the statement is true.

Lu Chee Ket
Jun 30, 2014

I like this question very much.

N-polygon of N >= 3 with center height h:

Area = N h^2 Tan (Pi/ N)
Perimeter = 2 N h Tan (Pi/ N)
Area/ (Perimeter x h) = 1/2

0 <= (unit perimeter with h of 1) <= (0.5 square unit area)

An area must make a perimeter but a perimeter could make zero area. A semicircle of curved unit path also makes a proportional area of half square unit, with h = 1. For several semicircles of different sizes at once, h's are varied for respective ratios. Part of perimeter with less curvature of a semicircle where h is greater gives a higher efficiency of area formed.

Modeling arbitrary circular perimeter of irregular shapes into an ellipse, which is not as regular as a circle, there is still infinitely many such bisectors. With a major vertex modified into an approximated small semicircle as a bulged substitution, there becomes only one bisector valid for the area with respect to the perimeter. Changing from infinitely many into an only one rather than from zero, it can be visualized that along 180 degrees of search for pairs that divide perimeter into halves for ratio of two areas enclosed, particularly for path that has just been left away from the semicircle, it will make greater area compared to the one with semicircle attached. This can be visualized at its 90 degrees. In either direction, the portion with fewer semicircles will be a greater area. Between greater and smaller when away from neutral with fixed comparison, there is one equal at neutral which becomes the sole bisector. Therefore, any circular path must have at least one bisector that equally divides both area and perimeter into two, as infinity of a regular has changed into one of a less regular. Since a less regular with no spur possess only one bisector, an irregular with no spur is most likely having only one bisector as it is away from the most regular.

Further, with several small semicircles of different sizes attached, they should basically shift the sole bisector onto different place only. Imagine 3 rackets of different face sizes with handles meet as center of a circle; a modified perimeter can be drawn to combine as one irregular shape. For such perimeter with spurs and swollen areas, more than one such bisector could be valid. Regardless of more than just two intersect points generally; two total areas are obtainable similarly. Significant of proportion of areas weighted at circular edges make more than one bisector possible. The N-polygon view gives a better perception of whether bisecting at any racket could restrict another emergence of change of greater and smaller.

As long as there is a pair that is switching between greater area and smaller area which must occur at least once within 180 degrees, the answer must be true, even if we could get a wrong perception of which one is greater or smaller. With gradual additions, any shape of map could be formed from portion of such polygons finally.

Lu Chee Ket - 6 years, 10 months ago

Efforts had been put to wonder if there could be more than 1 bisector. Prediction in theory guesses actual possible outcomes.

Advanced programming by scanning in pixel coordinates to solve graphically is general. First, collect coordinates in an anti-clockwise sequence. Second, find perimeter and total area, with sum of sqrt [(x0 - x1)^2 + (y0 - y1)^2] and (x0 y1 + x1 y2 + x2 y3 + x3 y0 - x1 y0 - x2 y1 - x3 y2 - x0 y3)/2 for example. Third, from (x0, y0) set, (x0m, y0m) is rounded out to take a nearest (x i, y i) with respect to half perimeter and its area is calculated while in search for 50-% and 50+% to occur next. Fourth, move to (x1, y1) and repeat the third step until (x i, y i) for appropriate (x i-1, y i-1). Techniques of mathematics and programming are required with little creativity.

With mark(s) found to switching of 50-% and 50+%, produce a count and display the coordinate pairs. The total number desired bisector is obtainable. By this implementation, exact number of bisectors is obtainable to any single circular border with an enclosed area.

Lu Chee Ket - 6 years, 10 months ago
Jason Chen
Jun 28, 2014

There are an infinite number of lines that bisect the area. Choose a line with an arbitrary slope. As we "slide" a line from one side to the other, the area on one side of the line changes from 0 to a. Since an infinitely small change in the position of the line results in an infinitely small change in the area, the area is a continuous function of the position of the line. By the intermediate value theorem, there exists a line where the area on one side is a/2, which is half the area.

Now consider an arbitrary line that bisects the area. As the direction of the line changes, the portion of the perimeter does as well. Let the portion be x. Now rotate the line 180 degrees, and now the portion is p-x. Again, by the intermediate value theorem, the perimeter is p/2.

Krishna Garg
Jun 18, 2014

Considering a curve AB, there will be one straight line passing at point C where this will bisect the perimeter and the area of curve and that is TRUE statement.


Good question but the answer is TRUE.


(0, 4), (0, 3), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0) with

(2, 0), (3, 0), A, B, C, D,

at around (1.5, 0) and E.



(0, 3), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0) with

(3, 0), (4, 0), A, B, C, D,

at around (0, 1.5) and Z.

Obviously, there is only one such bisector situated between side 3 and side 5.

Lu Chee Ket - 6 years, 10 months ago

Exact answer for 345:

(0, 1.22474487139159) and (3.37979589711327, 0.465153077165048) where 1.22474487139159 and 0.775255128608413 are figures wanted, measured from side 4.

(0, 1) and A (16/5, 3/5) give enclosed area of ratio 14/5 to 16/5, while (0, 1.5) and Z give a ratio greater than 1 obviously.

Solved 25 x^4 - 200 x^3 + 384 x^2 + 192 x - 576 = 0 with one correct root among 4 real roots as for perimeter and area of

Sqrt [(x - 4)^2 + (-3 x/ 4 + 3)^2] + y + 4 = 6 and -3 x + 12 + x y = 6

x = 3.37979589711327 and y = 1.22474487139159 are obtainable.

From this example, it tells the reason why it can be quite complicated in general, as a simplified particular case ought to involve with solving a Quartic equation.

Lu Chee Ket - 6 years, 10 months ago


Lu Chee Ket - 6 years, 10 months ago

My answer is FALSE. It only applies for symmetric figure. How about triangle with sides 3,4,5. Can you find any dissecting line that gives both equal perimeter and area?

Renante Nate - 6 years, 11 months ago

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