Castle siege

You are a barbarian invading a castle. Your particular specialty is aiming the catapults. Your catapult, which can launch boulders from the ground at a speed of 50 m/s 50~\mbox{m/s} , is 100 m 100~\mbox{m} from the castle wall, which is 10 m 10~\mbox{m} high. On top of the wall is a castle guard, waggling his fingers at you and yelling "Nyah, nyah, can't get in here!". What angle in degrees with respect to the horizontal should you launch your boulder at so that it hits the guard right between his eyes, which are 1.75 m 1.75~\mbox{m} above the top of castle wall?

Details and assumptions

  • The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s 2 -9.8~\mbox{m/s}^2 .
  • Ignore air resistance.

The answer is 18.55.

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9 solutions

Discussions for this problem are now closed

Mursalin Habib
Jul 28, 2013

(This has nothing to do with the solution but I find this problem hilarious!)

Okay, notice that the displacement of the boulder along the y y -axis (upwards) is equal to ( 10 + 1.75 ) (10+1.75) m = 11.75 \text{m}=11.75 m \text{m}

And the velocity along the y y -axis is equal to v sin θ v\sin\theta m/s = 50 sin θ \text{m/s}=50\sin\theta m/s \text{m/s} .

Let's say that the time it takes for the boulder to hit the guard is t t .

So, 11.75 = 50 sin θ t + 1 2 g t 2 11.75=50\sin\theta t +\frac{1}{2} g t^2 [ g g is the acceleration of gravity].

Or 11.75 = 50 sin θ t 4.9 t 2 11.75=50\sin\theta t - 4.9 t^2 ( 1 ) \cdots(1) .

The displacement along the x x - axis (horizontally) is equal to 100 100 m \text{m} .

And the velocity along the x x -axis is equal to v cos θ v \cos \theta m/s \text{m/s} .

So we have another equation:

100 = 50 cos θ t 100=50\cos \theta t [ t t is the same t t as before]

In other words, t = 100 50 cos θ = 2 cos θ t=\frac{100}{50\cos\theta}=\frac{2}{\cos\theta} .

Let's plug this value of t t in ( 1 ) (1) .

This is the equation we get:

11.75 = 100 tan θ 19.6 sec 2 θ 11.75=100\tan \theta-19.6\sec^2\theta

11.75 = 100 tan θ 19.6 ( 1 + tan 2 θ ) \Rightarrow 11.75=100\tan \theta-19.6(1+\tan^2\theta)

And after a little bit of re-arranging-

19.6 tan 2 θ 100 tan θ + 31.35 = 0 19.6\tan^2\theta-100\tan\theta+31.35=0 .

Solving this for tan θ \tan\theta gives us two values of tan θ \tan\theta which in turn gives us two values of θ \theta : 18.5 5 18.55^\circ and 78.1 5 78.15^\circ .

Both of them happen to be correct although I'm not sure if Brilliant accepts both the answers (you can't submit any more answers after getting the problem right).

The first value of θ \theta implies that the boulder hit the guard before attaining maximum height. The second one means the boulder attained maximum height and as it was falling down(and moving forward at the same time), it hit the guard.

The figure resembles the first scenario. So that's the one I went with.

So, (in my case) θ = 18.55 \theta=18.55 degrees \text{degrees} .

Moderator note:

Yes, we do want the smaller solution as in the picture.

From your initial comment, do you identify more with barbarians :)?

I submitted 78.15

Krishna Jha - 7 years, 10 months ago

I submitted 78.15

Krishna Jha - 7 years, 10 months ago

Actually, when the trajectory is a parabola, we can always have two angles for which we get the same range (provided initial conditions are same ) . It is easy to prove that the sum of these two angles will always be 90.

Harvey Dent - 7 years, 10 months ago
Thomas Beuman
Jul 30, 2013

Let us establish an expression for the height of the boulder h h in terms of the gravitational acceleration g g , the horizontal distance x x , the initial speed v v and the angle θ \theta , and then solve for θ \theta .

We can decompose the initial velocity of the boulder in a horizontal component v x = v cos θ v_x = v \cos\theta and a vertical component v y = v sin θ v_y = v \sin\theta . Since gravity points straight down, the horizontal component of the velocity will remain constant. The time it takes the boulder to cover the horizontal distance x x is thus

t = x v x = x v cos θ . t = \frac{x}{v_x} = \frac{x}{v \cos\theta}.

The height of the boulder at time t t , given an initial height 0 0 , initial velocity v y v_y and constant acceleration g g is

h = v y t + 1 2 g t 2 = v sin θ x v cos θ + 1 2 g x 2 v 2 cos 2 θ = x tan θ + g x 2 2 v 2 ( 1 + tan 2 θ ) , h = v_y t + \frac12 g t^2 = v \sin\theta \frac{x}{v \cos\theta} + \frac12 g \frac{x^2}{v^2 \cos^2\theta} \\ \quad = x \tan\theta + \frac{gx^2}{2v^2} (1 + \tan^2\theta),

where I used the identity 1 cos 2 θ = 1 + tan 2 θ \frac1{\cos^2\theta} = 1 + \tan^2\theta . Since we wish to solve for θ \theta , we recognize a second-degree equation in tan θ \tan\theta :

0 = g x 2 2 v 2 tan 2 θ + x tan θ + g x 2 2 v 2 h , 0 = \frac{gx^2}{2v^2} \tan^2\theta + x \tan\theta + \frac{gx^2}{2v^2} - h,

with the solution(s)

tan θ = v 2 g x 2 ( x ± x 2 2 g x 2 v 2 ( g x 2 2 v 2 h ) ) = 1 g x ( v 2 ± v 4 + 2 g h v 2 g 2 x 2 ) . \tan\theta = \frac{v^2}{gx^2} \left( -x \pm \sqrt{x^2 - \frac{2gx^2}{v^2} \left( \frac{gx^2}{2v^2} - h \right) } \right) \\ \qquad = \frac1{gx} \left( -v^2 \pm \sqrt{v^4 + 2ghv^2 - g^2x^2} \right).

When we plug in the numbers g = 9.8 m / s 2 g = -9.8\,\mathrm{m/s^2} , h = 11.75 m h = 11.75\,\mathrm{m} , x = 100 m x = 100\,\mathrm{m} and v = 50 m / s v = 50\,\mathrm{m/s} , we find two possible solutions for θ \theta . In the spirit of the problem statement, we will take the solution with the smallest value of θ \theta , which gives the guard the least amount of time to react:

θ = 18.5 5 \theta = \boxed{18.55^\circ}

The other solution is θ = 78.1 5 \theta = 78.15^\circ .

Nishant Sharma
Jan 2, 2014

From the tarjectory of a particle undergoing projectile motion we have

y = x tan θ g x 2 sec 2 θ 2 u 2 y=x\tan\theta-\displaystyle\frac{gx^2\sec^2\theta}{2u^2} ( ) \,----(*)

where x , y x,y are co-ordinates of particle w.r.t launching point, θ \theta is launch angle w.r.t horizontal, g g is acceleration due to gravity, u u is launching speed.

Given the data we have y = 10 + 1.75 = 11.75 m y=10+1.75=11.75\,m , x = 100 m x=100\,m , g = 9.8 m s 2 g=9.8\,ms^{-2} , u = 50 m s 1 u=50\,ms^{-1} . We need to find θ \theta .

Substituting the values in ( ) (*) we have

11.75 = 100 tan θ 9.8 × 10 0 2 × ( tan 2 θ + 1 ) 2 × 5 0 2 11.75=100\tan\theta-\displaystyle\frac{9.8\times100^2\times(\tan^2\theta+1)}{2\times50^2}

\Rightarrow ( 2 × 9.8 ) × tan 2 θ ( 100 ) × tan θ + ( 11.75 + 2 × 9.8 ) = 0 (2\times9.8)\times\tan^2\theta-(100)\times\tan\theta+(11.75+2\times9.8)=0

Solving for θ \theta gives tan θ = 100 ± 10 0 2 94 × 9.8 16 × 9. 8 2 4 × 9.8 \tan\theta=\displaystyle\frac{100\pm\sqrt{100^2-94\times9.8-16\times9.8^2}}{4\times9.8}

which yields θ = 18.5 5 , 78.1 5 \theta=18.55^\circ,\,78.15^\circ both of which satisfy the given conditions.

What is wrong with this answer??? h max= u^2 sin^theta / 2g

Shakthi Janardhanan - 7 years, 4 months ago

Final Revised Solution: Set the launching pad as the origin. Since the velocity is 50, the horizontal velocity will always be 50 cos θ 50\cos{\theta} , since there are no forces acting on the ball's horizontal. Thus, the time it will take the ball to hit the guard is 2 cos θ \frac{2}{\cos{\theta}} . Now, the vertical velocity at time t t is 50 sin θ 9.8 t 50\sin{\theta}-9.8t To find the distance travelled up, we must take the integral of the velocity, since velocity is the derivative of distance. Thus, the distance travelled up at time t t is 50 t sin θ 4.9 t 2 50t\sin{\theta}-4.9t^{2} , as when t = 0 t=0 , the expression is equal to 0, which does not affect the integral. Thus, using substitution, we get 100 tan θ 19.6 cos 2 θ = 11.75 100\tan{\theta}-\frac{19.6}{\cos^{2}{\theta}}=11.75 . Using Wolfram Alpha, it is easy to find that θ = 18.55 \theta=18.55 after converting radians to degrees, and we're done.

Sam Thompson - 7 years, 3 months ago

Since I don't really like any of the other solutions, I'm going to post my solution in this comment (I missed this problem a couple of months ago, so I can't write an official solution) My Solution: Set the launching pad as the origin. Since the velocity is 50, the horizontal velocity will always be 50 sin θ 50\sin{\theta} , since there are no forces acting on the ball's horizontal. Thus, the time it will take the ball to hit the guard is 100 50 sin θ \frac{100}{50\sin{\theta}} , or \frac{2}{\sin{\theta}}. Now, the vertical velocity at time \(t is 50 cos θ 9.8 t 50\cos{\theta}-9.8t . To find the distance travelled up, we must take the integral of the velocity, since velocity is the derivative of distance. Thus, the distance travelled up at time t t is 4.9 t 2 + 50 t cos θ -4.9t^{2}+50t\cos{\theta} , as when t = 0 t=0 , the expression is equal to 0, which does not affect the integral. Thus, using substitution, we get 100 cos θ 19.6 cos 2 θ = 11.75 \frac{100}{\cos\theta}-\frac{19.6}{\cos^2 \theta}=11.75 . Using Wolfram Alpha, it is easy to find that θ = 18.55 \theta=18.55 after converting radians to degrees, and we're done.

Sam Thompson - 7 years, 3 months ago
Martin Falk
Dec 17, 2013

We start by defining the desired height H = 11.75 m H=11.75m and the length L = 100 m L=100m .

The starting velocity v 0 = 50 m / s v_{0}=50m/s is decomposed into the horizontal direction ( x x ) and the vertical direction ( y y ) according to the starting angle θ \theta :

v 0 x = v 0 c o s θ v_{0x}=v_{0} cos \theta

v 0 y = v 0 s i n θ v_{0y}=v_{0} sin \theta .

Gravity g g only acts on the vertical velocity, and so the velocities as functions of time t t become:

v x ( t ) = v 0 x = v 0 c o s θ v_{x} (t) = v_{0x} = v_{0} cos \theta

v y ( t ) = v 0 y g t = v 0 s i n θ g t v_{y} (t) = v_{0y} - g t = v_{0} sin \theta - gt .

Integrating these functions with respect to t t gives the distance functions:

D x ( t ) = v 0 c o s θ t D_{x} (t) = v_{0} cos \theta \cdot t

D y ( t ) = v 0 s i n θ t 1 2 g t 2 D_{y} (t) = v_{0} sin \theta \cdot t - \frac {1}{2} g t^{2} .

When the boulder reaches the position D x = L D_{x} = L , the time T T will be:

T = L v 0 c o s θ T= \frac {L}{v_{0} cos \theta } ,

and this is exactly the time when the vertical position must be D y = H D_{y} = H :

H = v 0 s i n θ T 1 2 g T 2 H = v_{0} sin \theta \cdot T - \frac {1}{2} g T^{2}


H = v 0 s i n θ L v 0 c o s θ 1 2 g ( L v 0 c o s θ ) 2 H = v_{0} sin \theta \cdot \frac {L}{v_{0} cos \theta } - \frac {1}{2} g ( \frac {L}{v_{0} cos \theta } ) ^{2} .

By rearrangement, this becomes:

H c o s 2 θ L s i n θ c o s θ = g L 2 2 v 0 2 H cos ^2 \theta - L sin \theta \cdot cos \theta = - \frac{g L^2}{2 v_{0}^2} .

We now introduce the substitutions

c o s 2 θ = 1 2 + 1 2 c o s 2 θ cos ^2 \theta = \frac {1}{2} + \frac {1}{2} cos 2 \theta

s i n θ c o s θ = 1 2 s i n 2 θ sin \theta \cdot cos \theta = \frac {1}{2} sin 2 \theta .

which transform the equation into:

H c o s 2 θ L s i n 2 θ = ( g L 2 v 0 2 + H ) H cos 2 \theta - L sin 2 \theta = - ( \frac {gL^2}{v_{0}^2} + H ) .

In order to solve this equation, we can further transform it by exploiting the general equivalence

a c o s α + b s i n α = c a cos \alpha + b sin \alpha = c


R c o s ( α ϕ ) = c R cos (\alpha - \phi ) = c , where R = a 2 + b 2 R= \sqrt {a^2 +b^2} and t a n ϕ = b c tan \phi = \frac {b}{c} .

For our equation this yields:

R = H 2 + L 2 R= \sqrt {H^2 +L^2}


t a n ϕ = L H ϕ = 83.2 9 tan \phi = - \frac{L}{H} \Rightarrow \phi = -83.29 ^ \circ :

c o s ( 2 θ ϕ ) = ( g L 2 v 0 2 + H ) 1 H 2 + L 2 cos (2 \theta - \phi ) = - ( \frac {gL^2}{v_{0}^2} + H ) \cdot \frac {1}{ \sqrt {H^2 + L^2 } } .

Finally now, inserting the numerical values of the variables, the solution becomes:

2 θ + 83.2 9 = 120. 4 2 \theta + 83.29^ \circ = 120.4^ \circ

θ = 18.5 5 \boxed { \theta = 18.55^ \circ } .

This problem actually has 2 solutions 18.6 degrees and 78.1 degrees correct?

William Song - 7 years, 5 months ago

Yes, I entered 78.15 degrees, it said it was wrong...

Mihik Agrawal - 7 years, 5 months ago

I think that since the problem wants the boulder to hit the guard "between the eyes", it has to be 18.55 degrees. Else 78.15 would hit the top of his head.

Yue Zhang - 7 years, 5 months ago

@Yue Zhang How do you know the structure of the head of the guard ? W.L.O.G I think both are correct unless specified.

Nishant Sharma - 7 years, 5 months ago

@Yue Zhang No matter you use 78.1 5 \,78.15^\circ or 18.5 5 \,18.55^\circ , both are correct and will still hit the guard between his eyes .

Tunk-Fey Ariawan - 7 years, 4 months ago

From the law of projectile we know that,

y = ( tan θ ) x g x 2 2 ( v cos θ ) 2 y = (\tan \theta) x - \frac{g x^{2}}{2 (v\cos \theta)^{2}}

or, y x = tan θ g x 2 v 2 ( cos θ ) 2 \frac{y}{x} = \tan \theta - \frac{gx}{2v^{2}(\cos \theta)^{2}}

where, y= height of the projectile = (10+1.75)m=11.75m

x= distance travelled by the projectile = 100m

g = gravitational acceleration = 9.8 m\s^2

θ \theta = angle to launch the boulder

v = the velocity = 50 m\s

so from the equation above we get

y x = tan θ g x 2 v 2 × 1 ( cos θ ) 2 \frac{y}{x} = \tan \theta - \frac{gx}{2v^{2}} \times \frac{1}{(\cos \theta)^{2}}

Let, y x = a \frac{y}{x} = a and g x 2 v 2 = b \frac{gx}{2v^{2}}=b

Now the equation becomes,

a = tan θ b × 1 ( cos θ ) 2 a = \tan\theta - b\times \frac{1}{(\cos\theta)^{2}}

or, a = tan θ b ( sec θ ) 2 a = \tan\theta - b(\sec\theta)^2

or, a = tan θ b ( 1 + ( tan θ ) 2 ) a = \tan\theta - b(1+(\tan\theta)^2) or, a = tan θ b b ( tan θ ) 2 a = \tan\theta - b - b(\tan\theta)^{2}

or, b ( tan θ ) 2 tan θ + ( a + b ) = 0 b(\tan\theta)^{2} - \tan\theta + (a+b) = 0 And with value of a a and b b

0.196 × ( tan θ ) 2 tan θ + 0.3135 0.196 \times(\tan\theta)^{2} - \tan\theta + 0.3135

By solving the equation we get,

tan θ = 4.76646 \tan\theta = 4.76646 and t a n θ = 0.3355 tan\theta = 0.3355 so, θ = 78.15 \theta = 78.15 or θ = 18.55 \theta = 18.55

The first Value doesn't satisfy our equation.


θ = 18.55 \theta = 18.55

Matt McNabb
Aug 2, 2013

v x = 50 cos θ v_{x} = 50 \cos \theta is the horizontal component of the velocity.

v y = 50 sin θ v_{y} = 50 \sin \theta is the vertical component of the velocity.

h = 11.75 m h = 11.75m is the target height.

t h i t t_{hit} is the flight time before hitting the target.

In the horizontal direction we get v x t h i t = 100 v_{x}t_{hit} = 100 , so t h i t = 2 sec θ t_{hit} = 2 \sec \theta

In the vertical direction: h ( t ) = 50 t sin θ g t 2 / 2 h ( t h i t ) = 100 tan θ 2 g sec 2 θ = 100 tan θ 2 g 2 g tan 2 θ 0 = 2 g tan 2 θ 100 tan θ + ( 2 g + 11.75 ) \begin{aligned} h(t) &= 50t \sin \theta - gt^2/2\ \\ h(t_{hit}) &= 100 \tan \theta - 2g \sec^2 \theta \\ &= 100 \tan \theta - 2g - 2g \tan^2 \theta \\ 0 &= 2g \tan^2 \theta - 100 \tan \theta + (2g + 11.75) \end{aligned} Using the quadratic formula, tan θ = 100 ± 10000 8 g ( 2 g + 11.75 ) 4 g \tan \theta = \frac{100 \pm \sqrt{10000 - 8g(2g + 11.75)}}{4g}

Putting this into the calculator and choosing the sign that gives a sensible answer gives us tan θ = 0.3355711... \tan \theta = 0.3355711... so θ = 18.55... \theta = 18.55...{}^{\circ}

Thomas Jones
Jul 30, 2013

When dealing with this projectile question you have to component the initial velocity into its vertical ( 50 sin θ 50 \sin \theta ) and horizontal ( 50 cos θ 50 \cos \theta ) components and deal with them separately:

In the horizontal direction there is no acceleration so there is a constant velocity so you can use s p e e d = d i s t a n c e t i m e speed = \frac{distance}{time} The only unknown in this equation is the time and so you end up with the time taken for the projectile flight to be 100 50 cos θ \frac{100}{50 \cos \theta} .

In the vertical direction there is a constant acceleration on the projectile of 9.8 m s 2 -9.8ms^{-2} which means that you have to use the equations of constant acceleration (the "suvat" equations). In this scenario, the most appropriate one to use is: s = u t + 1 2 a t 2 s = ut + \frac{1}{2} at^{2} You know that the vertical displacement, s, is 11.75 m 11.75m the initial vertical velocity, u, is 50 sin θ m s 1 50 \sin \theta ms^{-1} , the time taken, t, is 100 50 cos θ s \frac{100}{50 \cos \theta} s and the acceleration, a, is 9.8 m s 2 -9.8ms^{-2} . When you substitute this into the equation, you get:

11.75 = 50 sin θ . 100 50 cos θ + 1 2 . 9.8. ( 100 50 cos θ ) 2 11.75 = 50 \sin \theta . \frac{100}{50 \cos \theta} + \frac{1}{2} . -9.8 . (\frac{100}{50 \cos \theta})^{2}

This equation can be simplified by using the trig identity: tan θ = sin θ cos θ \tan \theta = \frac{ \sin \theta}{ \cos \theta}

11.75 = 100 tan θ 19.6 cos 2 θ 11.75 = 100 \tan \theta - \frac{19.6}{ \cos^{2} \theta }

We know that 1 cos θ = sec θ \frac{1}{ \cos \theta} = \sec \theta :

11.75 = 100 tan θ 19.6 sec 2 θ 11.75 = 100 \tan \theta - 19.6 \sec^{2} \theta

We now need to use another trig identity: sec 2 θ = 1 + tan 2 θ \sec^{2} \theta = 1 + \tan^{2} \theta

11.75 = 100 tan θ 19.6 ( 1 + tan 2 θ ) 11.75 = 100 \tan \theta - 19.6(1 + \tan^{2} \theta )

From which you can form a quadratic equation in terms of tan θ \tan \theta :

19.6 tan 2 θ 100 tan θ + 31.35 = 0 19.6 \tan^{2} \theta - 100 \tan \theta + 31.35 = 0

This equation can be solved for tan θ \tan \theta using the quadratic formula to give:

tan θ = 4.7665 \tan \theta = 4.7665 and tan θ = 0.33557 \tan \theta = 0.33557

From this we can see that the angle needed is:

θ = 78.15 \theta = 78.15 and θ = 18.55 \theta = 18.55

So the answer is:

θ = 18.55 \theta = 18.55

Assuming there is no air resistance, the movement along horizontal axis is uniform, while along vertical axis it is uniformly accelerated.

Writing down the equations for both the motions one gets

{ x = v t cos ϑ y = v t sin ϑ g 2 t 2 \begin{cases}x=vt\cos{\vartheta} \\ y=vt\sin{\vartheta}-\frac{g}{2}t^2 \end{cases}

Substituting generic x x , y y and t t for those at the moment of a hit and solving simultaneous equations for ϑ \vartheta excluding T T one gets Y = X tan ϑ g X 2 2 v 2 1 cos 2 ϑ Y = X\tan{\vartheta} - \frac{g X^2}{2 v^2}\frac{1}{\cos^2{\vartheta}} or, reducing all the trigonometric functions to tan \tan : Y = X tan ϑ g X 2 2 v 2 ( 1 + tan 2 ϑ ) Y = X\tan{\vartheta} - \frac{g X^2}{2 v^2}(1+\tan^2{\vartheta}) .

Solving this quadratic equation for tan ϑ \tan{\vartheta} , one gets tan ϑ = v 2 g X ± v 4 g 2 X 2 1 2 Y v 2 g X 2 \tan{\vartheta} = \frac{v^2}{gX} \pm \sqrt{\frac{v^4}{g^2 X^2}-1-\frac{2 Y v^2}{g X^2}} , and ϑ { 18.55 , 78.15 } \vartheta\in\{18.55, 78.15\}^\circ .

Aaron Aquino
Jul 28, 2013

For a projectile whose given parameters are the initial velocity v o v_{o} , vertical and horizontal displacement x x and y y , the appropriate solution would be

y = x tan θ g x 2 2 v o 2 cos 2 θ y = x\tan \theta - \frac {gx^{2}}{2v_{o}^{2} \cos^{2} \theta}

Substituting the given values x = 100 x = 100 m m , y = 11.75 y = 11.75 m m and v o = 50 v_{o} = 50 m / s m/s , we get θ = 18.5 5 \theta = 18.55^ \circ .

How do you get θ \theta from this? It occurs twice on the right hand side.

Matt McNabb - 7 years, 10 months ago

You start of with y f = y i + v y i t + 1 2 a y t 2 y_f = y_i + v_{yi}t + \frac {1}{2}a_yt^{2}

taking y i y_i to be 0, and v y i v_{yi} to be v i sin θ i v_i\sin \theta_i ,

we can write this as y f = ( v i sin θ i ) t 1 2 g t 2 y_f = (v_i\sin \theta_i)t - \frac {1}{2}gt^{2}

then we have x f = x i + v x t x_f = x_i + v_xt

taking x i x_i to be 0, and v x v_x to be v i cos θ i v_i\cos \theta_i

which can be written as x f = ( v i cos θ i ) t x_f = (v_i\cos \theta_i) t

expressing the equation in terms of t gives us t = x f v i cos θ i t = \frac {x_f}{v_i\cos \theta_i}

substituting this into the original equation we get

y f = ( v i sin θ ) ( x f v i cos θ i ) 1 2 g ( x f v i cos θ i ) 2 y_f = (v_i\sin \theta)(\frac {x_f}{v_i\cos \theta_i}) - \frac {1}{2} g(\frac {x_f}{v_i\cos \theta_i})^{2}

Simplifying this we get

y f = x f tan θ i 1 2 ( g x f 2 v i 2 cos 2 θ i 2 ) y_f = x_f \tan \theta_i - \frac {1}{2}(\frac {g x_f^{2}}{v_i^{2}\cos^{2} \theta_i^{2}})

now we can sub in values. y f = 11.75 m y_f = 11.75 m , x f = 100 m x_f = 100 m , g = 9.8 m s 2 g = 9.8 ms^{-2} and v i = 50 m s 1 v_i = 50 ms^{-1}

thus we get

11.75 = 100 tan θ i 11.75 = 100\tan \theta_i ( 9.8 ) ( 100 ) 2 2 ( 50 ) 2 cos 2 θ i - \frac {(9.8)(100)^{2}}{2(50)^{2} \cos^{2} \theta_i}

11.75 = 100 tan θ i 11.75 = 100\tan \theta_i 19.6 cos 2 θ i - \frac {19.6}{\cos^{2} \theta_i}

we can re-write it as the following

11.75 = 100 tan θ i 19.6 1 cos 2 θ i 11.75 = 100\tan \theta_i - 19.6\frac {1}{\cos^{2} \theta_i}

as we all know by now, 1 cos 2 θ i = sec 2 θ i \frac {1}{\cos^{2} \theta_i} = \sec^{2} \theta_i

so therefore

11.75 = 100 tan θ i 19.6 sec 2 θ i 11.75 = 100\tan \theta_i - 19.6\sec^{2} \theta_i

as you probably should know, sec 2 θ = 1 + tan 2 θ \sec^{2} \theta = 1 + \tan^{2} \theta

11.75 = 100 tan θ i 19.6 ( 1 + tan 2 θ i ) 11.75 = 100\tan \theta_i - 19.6(1 + \tan^{2} \theta_i)

thus we get a quadratic equation in terms of tan θ i \tan \theta_i

19.6 tan 2 θ i 100 tan θ i + 31.35 = 0 19.6\tan^{2} \theta_i - 100\tan \theta_i +31.35 = 0

tan θ i = 4.77 \tan \theta_i = 4.77 or tan θ i = 0.336 \tan \theta_i = 0.336

θ i = 78. 2 \theta_i = 78.2^\circ or θ i = 18. 6 \theta_i = 18.6^\circ

Saad Haider - 7 years, 10 months ago

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