Centroids and Circumcenters and Incenters, Oh My!

Geometry Level 4

If the centroid of a triangle is the midpoint of its circumcenter and incenter, and all three points are distinct points, then the secant of its biggest angle is an integer n n . Find n n .

The answer is 4.

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3 solutions

Chris Lewis
Sep 17, 2020

Say we have a triangle A B C ABC with B = C \angle B=\angle C , so that sidelengths b = c b=c . Let D D be the midpoint of B C BC .

Helpfully, the line A D AD (the axis of symmetry of the triangle) is simultaneously the median through A A , the perpendicular bisector of B C BC , and the angle bisector of A A ; so the centroid, circumcentre and incentre of a triangle all lie on this line. (As a side fact, if these points are collinear, the triangle must be isosceles, but we don't need that here).

The centroid G G is easiest to locate: we have A G = 2 3 A D = 2 3 b cos θ AG=\frac23 AD = \frac23 b \cos \theta , where θ = 1 2 A \theta=\frac12 A (this is a standard result)

Now consider the circumcentre O O . It lies on the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides. Say the midpoint of A B AB is E E . Then A E O = 9 0 \angle AEO=90^\circ and A O = 1 2 b sec θ AO=\frac12 b \sec \theta .

The incentre I I is the intersection of the angle bisectors. The triangle A I B AIB has A B = b AB=b , B I A = θ \angle BIA=\theta , and A B I = 45 1 2 θ \angle ABI=45-\frac12 \theta .

By the sine rule: A I sin A B I = A B sin A I B A I sin ( 45 1 2 θ ) = b sin ( 180 A B I B I A ) A I sin ( 45 1 2 θ ) = b sin ( 135 1 2 θ ) A I = b sin ( 45 1 2 θ ) sin ( 135 1 2 θ ) A I = b cot 45 + 1 2 θ \begin{aligned} \frac{AI}{\sin \angle ABI} &=\frac{AB}{\sin \angle AIB} \\ \frac{AI}{\sin (45-\frac12 \theta)} &=\frac{b}{\sin (180-\angle ABI-\angle BIA)} \\ \frac{AI}{\sin (45-\frac12 \theta)} &=\frac{b}{\sin (135-\frac12 \theta)} \\ AI &=\frac{b\sin (45-\frac12 \theta)}{\sin (135-\frac12 \theta)} \\ AI &=b \cot{45+\frac12 \theta} \end{aligned}

We want G G to be the midpoint of O O and I I ; that is 2 A G = A O + A I 4 3 b cos θ = 1 2 b sec θ + b tan 45 + 1 2 θ 4 3 cos θ = 1 2 sec θ + cot 45 + 1 2 θ \begin{aligned} 2AG&=AO+AI \\ \frac43 b \cos \theta &=\frac12 b \sec \theta + b \tan{45+\frac12 \theta} \\ \frac43 \cos \theta &=\frac12 \sec \theta + \cot{45+\frac12 \theta} \end{aligned}

At this point, we can make use of the substitution t = tan 1 2 θ t=\tan\frac12 \theta to rewrite this as

4 3 1 t 2 1 + t 2 = 1 2 1 + t 2 1 t 2 + 1 t 1 + t \frac43 \cdot \frac{1-t^2}{1+t^2} =\frac12 \cdot \frac{1+t^2}{1-t^2} + \frac{1-t}{1+t}

Cross-multiplying, cancelling and rearranging, this becomes ( t 2 8 t + 1 ) ( t 2 4 t + 1 ) = 0 \left(t^2-8t+1\right)\left(t^2-4t+1\right)=0

with solutions t = 2 ± 3 t=2\pm\sqrt3 , t = 4 ± 15 t=4\pm\sqrt{15} .

Checking these, we find two triangles that satisfy the condition; one is equilateral - but we disregard this as the three centres are not distinct.

In the other, we find tan 1 2 θ = 4 15 \tan \frac12 \theta=4-\sqrt{15} . In this triangle, B = C B=C are the largest angles; and we find sec B = 4 \sec B=\boxed{4} .

Label the sides A B \overline{\rm AB} , B C \overline{\rm BC} & C A \overline{\rm CA} as c c , a a & b b respectively. Draw A A \overline{\rm AA'} ( ( the median from A A onto B C \overline{\rm BC} ) ) , O A \overline{\rm OA'} , A D \overline{\rm AD} ( ( the perpendicular from A A onto B C \overline{\rm BC} ) ) . Extend O G \overline{\rm OG} to meet A D \overline{\rm AD} at H H . Draw I X \overline{\rm IX} \perp B C \overline{\rm BC} . H H is the orthocentre since O O , G G & the orthocentre lie on the Euler line \textbf{Euler line} and O G \overline{\rm OG} meets A D \overline{\rm AD} at H H .

H G \overline{\rm HG} = = 2 2 G O \overline{\rm GO} = = I O \overline{\rm IO} [ [ G G is the midpoint of I O \overline{\rm IO} ] ] .

H G \overline{\rm HG} = = I O \overline{\rm IO}

Subtracting I G \overline{\rm IG} from both sides gives, H I \overline{\rm HI} = = G O \overline{\rm GO} . \Rightarrow H I \overline{\rm HI} = = I G \overline{\rm IG} = = G O \overline{\rm GO} \Rightarrow I O \overline{\rm IO} = = 2 2 H I \overline{\rm HI}

Treating O H \overline{\rm OH} as a transversal cutting the parallel lines O A \overline{\rm OA'} , I X \overline{\rm IX} and H D \overline{\rm HD} ,we can say that, X A \overline{\rm XA'} = = 2 2 D X \overline{\rm DX} .

X A \overline{\rm XA'} = = X C \overline{\rm XC} - A C \overline{\rm A'C} = = ( ( s s - c c ) ) - a 2 \frac{a} {2}

On simplifying, this gives X A \overline{\rm XA'} = = b c 2 \frac{b-c} {2}

D X \overline{\rm DX} = = B X \overline{\rm BX} - B D \overline{\rm BD}

Let, B D \overline{\rm BD} = = x x

Now, c 2 c^2 - x 2 x^2 = = A D 2 \overline{\rm AD^2}

Also, b 2 b^2 - ( a x ) 2 (a-x)^2 = = A D 2 \overline{\rm AD^2}

Equating these two equations gives , c 2 c^2 - x 2 x^2 = = b 2 b^2 - ( a x ) 2 (a-x)^2 \Rightarrow x x = = c 2 + a 2 b 2 2 a \frac{c^2+a^2-b^2} {2a}

2 2 D X \overline{\rm DX} = = 2 2 ( ( B X \overline{\rm BX} - B D \overline{\rm BD} ) ) = = 2 2 { \{ ( ( s s - b b ) ) - c 2 + a 2 b 2 2 a \frac{c^2+a^2-b^2} {2a} } \}

On simplifying, this gives, 2 2 D X \overline{\rm DX} = = ( b c ) ( c + b a ) a \frac{(b-c)(c+b-a)} {a}

X A \overline{\rm XA'} = = 2 2 D X \overline{\rm DX}

\Rightarrow b c 2 \frac{b-c} {2} = = ( b c ) ( c + b a ) a \frac{(b-c)(c+b-a)} {a} \Rightarrow ( b c ) (b-c) ( 2 b + 2 c 3 a ) (2b+2c-3a) = = 0 0

Repeating the same constructions mentioned earlier on the other two sides similarly gives us, ( c a ) (c-a) ( 2 c + 2 a 3 b ) (2c+2a-3b) = = 0 0 and ( a b ) (a-b) ( 2 a + 2 b 3 c ) (2a+2b-3c) = = 0 0

The triangle can't be equilateral since I I , G G & O O are given to be distinct points. Hence it has to be either isosceles or scalene.

If A B C \bigtriangleup ABC is not isosceles, then,

2 b + 2 c 3 a 2b+2c-3a = = 0 0 \Rightarrow b + c a \frac{b+c}{a} = = 3 2 \frac{3}{2} . Similarly, c + a b \frac{c+a}{b} = = 3 2 \frac{3}{2} and a + b c \frac{a+b}{c} = = 3 2 \frac{3}{2}

But then, 3 2 \frac{3}{2} = = b + c a \frac{b+c}{a} = = c + a b \frac{c+a}{b} = = a + b c \frac{a+b}{c} = = 2 ( a + b + c ) ( a + b + c ) \frac{2\bcancel{(a+b+c)}}{\bcancel{(a+b+c)}} = = 2 2 , which is obviously a contradiction.

Hence, A B C \bigtriangleup ABC is isosceles. Let b b = = c c (WLG)

From the other two equations (which concur into one), we get, ( a b ) ( 2 a b ) (a-b)(2a-b) = = 0 0

\Rightarrow 2 a b 2a-b = = 0 0 [ [ Since a a \neq b b ] ]

\Rightarrow b b = = 2 a 2a

b b = = 2 a 2a = = A C \overline{\rm AC} > > a a = = B C \overline{\rm BC} \Rightarrow A B C \angle ABC > > B A C \angle BAC

A B C \angle ABC is the biggest angle in A B C \bigtriangleup ABC . Hence, sec \sec ( ( A B C \angle ABC ) ) = = b a / 2 \frac{b}{a/2} = = 2 a a / 2 \frac{2a}{a/2} = = 4 \boxed{4} .

David Vreken
Sep 18, 2020

If the centroid is the midpoint of the circumcenter and incenter, and all three points are distinct points, then the three points must be collinear. The orthocenter is already collinear with the circumcenter and centroid (on the Euler line), so if the incenter is collinear with them as well, at least one altitude and one angle bisector are on the same line, which means the triangle must be an isosceles triangle, and the collinear points are on a straight line perpendicular to the base of the isosceles triangle.

Let the base of the isosceles triangle be 2 x 2x , its legs be y y , and its height be h h .

Then the sides of the isosceles triangle are a = 2 x a = 2x , b = y b = y , c = y c = y , and T = 1 2 2 x h = x h T = \frac{1}{2} \cdot 2x \cdot h = xh , and by the Pythagorean Theorem, x 2 + h 2 = y 2 x^2 + h^2 = y^2 .

That means the circumradius is R = a b c 4 T = 2 x y y 4 x h = y 2 2 h R = \frac{abc}{4T} = \frac{2x \cdot y \cdot y}{4xh} = \frac{y^2}{2h} , which will be positioned at a height of h R = 2 h 2 y 2 2 h = ( 2 x 2 y 2 ) y 2 x 2 2 ( x y ) ( y + x ) h - R = \frac{2h^2 - y^2}{2h} = \frac{(2x^2 - y^2)\sqrt{y^2 - x^2}}{2(x - y)(y + x)} above the base of the triangle.

It also means that the inradius is positioned at a height of r = 2 T a + b + c = 2 x h 2 x + y + y = x h x + y = x y 2 x 2 x + y r = \frac{2T}{a + b + c} = \frac{2xh}{2x + y + y} = \frac{xh}{x + y} = \frac{x\sqrt{y^2 - x^2}}{x + y} above the base of the triangle.

Finally, the centroid is positioned at a height of p = h 3 = y 2 x 2 3 p = \frac{h}{3} = \frac{\sqrt{y^2 - x^2}}{3} above the base of the triangle.

By the midpoint formula, ( 2 x 2 y 2 ) y 2 x 2 2 ( x y ) ( y + x ) + x y 2 x 2 x + y = 2 y 2 x 2 3 \frac{(2x^2 - y^2)\sqrt{y^2 - x^2}}{2(x - y)(y + x)} + \frac{x\sqrt{y^2 - x^2}}{x + y} = \frac{2\sqrt{y^2 - x^2}}{3} , which simplifies to ( y 2 x ) ( y 4 x ) = 0 (y - 2x)(y - 4x) = 0 and solves to y = 2 x y = 2x or y = 4 x y = 4x .

The solution y = 2 x y = 2x represents an equilateral triangle in which the centroid, circumcenter, and incenter are not distinct, so it must be that y = 4 x y = 4x , with the base angle as the biggest angle, and the secant of that angle is y x = n = 4 \frac{y}{x} = n = \boxed{4} .

I think you flipped 'incenter' and 'centroid' in the second sentence. The Euler line includes the centroid, not (usually) the incenter.

I'm still trying to understand how the four points being collinear (a very helpful thought!) ensures the triangle is isosceles. The claim that 'the altitude and angle bisector are the same line' is only true for one vertex of an isosceles triangle. Any help?

Matthew Feig - 8 months, 3 weeks ago

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Thanks, I flipped them back.

Let R S RS be the altitude and angle bisector of P R Q \triangle PRQ :

Then P R S Q R S \angle PRS \cong \angle QRS from the angle bisector, R S P R S Q \angle RSP \cong \angle RSQ from the altitude, and R S R S RS \cong RS by the reflexive property, which makes P R S Q R S \triangle PRS \cong \triangle QRS by ASA congruence. That makes R P R Q RP \cong RQ as corresponding parts of congruent triangles, which makes P R Q \triangle PRQ an isosceles triangle.

David Vreken - 8 months, 3 weeks ago

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Thanks. I agree that any two of the special lines (altitude, angle bisector, median, ...) of a triangle coinciding means the triangle is isosceles. I'm still working on convincing myself that the altitude and the angle bisector must be the same line here (for one of the triangle's vertices). Even in this problem where all the triangle centers are collinear, the altitude and the angle bisector drawn from corner P P are different lines. But, of course, they are the same for one vertex of the triangle, R R , making it isosceles. 2IgKwF.md.png 2IgKwF.md.png

Matthew Feig - 8 months, 3 weeks ago

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@Matthew Feig "the incenter generally does not lie on the Euler line; it is on the Euler line only for isosceles triangles" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_line

This page has several proofs for it: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/97471/the-incenter-and-euler-line

David Vreken - 8 months, 3 weeks ago

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@David Vreken Thanks for the link. I looked at it briefly earlier, but I'm going to go back and follow the proofs more closely. (The formula for the distance of the incenter from the Euler Line in terms of the triangle sides is impressive!) I spent most of the time on this problem working out the isosceles case, but never really put together an argument to rule out scalene triangles.

Matthew Feig - 8 months, 2 weeks ago

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@Matthew Feig Yes, it's good to be thorough!

David Vreken - 8 months, 2 weeks ago

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