What is the minimum number of straight segments needed in a single closed loop , in order to pass through a 3 × 3 square grid of points such that
This closed loop meets the requirements, but can we do with fewer segments?
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It was not clear to me that you wanted this accomplished with a closed loop. Thanks for clarifying that in the problem now.
Good puzzle!
Since the grid points are finite in size, how about if you closed off these three lines, making it 4 lines in a loop?
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That is the mentioned solution true in infinite loop case. The problem asked here is more simplified.
Hahaha. The diameter of a dot! I yell CHEAT, you win, congrats! I'll find something else to do. DISGUSTING.
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That is why I restrict the problem to 2D case. :)
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@Michael Huang – But dots are 2D...
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@Geoff Pilling – But if 9 dot problem were to exist on the sphere, then it is possible to have a line, which may not be straight.
More strictly, the lines should pass directly the centers instead of outside the centers.
I got four. I violated one condition. We need at least three lines. How to prove this rigorously that 5is the answer.
It can be done with 3 lines on a sphere, interpreting "straight lines" as shortest paths and "square" as a quadrilateral with four right angles and four sides of equal length. I wonder if there's some exotic metric in which it can be done with 2 or less geodesics.
@ Michael Huang - You are the original poser. You mentioned this is inspired by "12-dot puzzle." But, you used the words "point/s" and "endpoint(s)" in your problem. Points have no dimension, but dots can. It makes a difference for this problem and the answer (staying within the plane).
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Yes, but points and endpoints are actually two different things. Instead of posing this problem as the single-stroke-pencil problem, I instead ask for the minimum number of lines. Otherwise, the interpretation becomes the issue for both pencil-stroke-drawers and logicians.
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No, my post was not the distinction between points and endpoints. It was to make sure in your problem that the points have no size. The "12-dot puzzle" that is an inspiration for yours is not a good name. It should be called the "12-point puzzle," because the lines pass through points, not dots. So, I understand, in your puzzle as well, the lines pass through points, again, which have no size.
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@Dennis Rodman – Yes, that is the thing I made the adjustment. However, someone have edit this problem.
If I look at the drawing and read "point" as "dot" (with a dimension) there is a solution with only four straight line segments. You can choose the endpoints in the drawing linked below so they can be connected with the fourth straight line to build the loop without touching the dots again: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/10/12/11/395321CF00000578-3833985-image-m-27_1476268613250.jpg
Given that you say straight lines couldn't one just use a curved line?
I counted 4 lines because one line contains three points and the other three lines each contain two points.
It has been shown it can be done with 5, but not that it cannot be done with 4 or below.
The most dots a line can pass through is 3, so 2 or below lines is ruled out otherwise the total is below 9.
3 lines: All lines must have three dots, it is clearly impossible to join them up in a loop.
I will partition 4 lines by the numbers of dots on each line.
4 lines: if three lines have 3 dots then they must be parallel so as not to repeat a dot, and the last line cannot make them a loop.
If two lines have three dots then they still must be parallel, one of the other lines must have two dots, therefore must be parallel, therefore cannot be used to make a loop.
If none of the lines have 3 dots then the most the total dots crossed can be is 4x2=8 So this cannot work.
Therefore we can just consider the situation with one line with 3 dots, and the other lines must each have 2 to reach the total of 9.
If the 3 dot line is a diagonal, then it never intersects (beyond the grid as it must) another line which passes through 2 dots, so is impossible.
If the 3 dot line is a middle vertical or horizontal, then again beyond the grid it never intersects a line which goes through two other points.
If the 3 dot line is an end vertical or horizontal it is trickier (And I don't know how to add a diagram here). But from each end of the 3 dot line there are two possible 2 dot lines, and by attempting the 4 combinations, in none of them can you join the ends up in such a way it passes through the two final points.
A good explanation regarding different cases
@ Ben Symington - You are referring to them as "dots." That is not equivalent to "points." The OP mentioned "points."
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Sorry, perhaps sloppy notation. I used 'dots' to describe the 9 points in the original grid.
If a closed loop solution with 4 lines was possible, one line would intersect three points and the other three lines would intersect two points. Imagine that you had a closed loop solution of 4 lines. Start with the line that has three points on it. The second line going through 2 points would have a particular horizontal and vertical direction. For example, suppose the second line went down and to the right. Then the third line would have to go up and to the left. And the fourth line would again go down and to the right, the same as the second line. Therefore, the fourth line could not end where the first line began.
As Alexandre Nolan notes, the line can be shifted so that the lines do not have any gridpoint endpoints.
The minimum number of lines required is 5 lines .
Endpoints cannot be gridpoints?
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Indeed the endpoints are wrong but this graph can be easily "massaged" into a graph with that property. https://www.desmos.com/calculator/m723znrwqe
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Yes. Thank you, I should have been more clear on how to shift the graph to make a solution.
4 is the best answer without a closed loop, 6 is the luxurious answer with a closed loop, therefore, the best most probable answer is 5.
I saw a closed loop with 4 lines. Am I mistaken? I don't know how to show my drawing here.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
First line is 7 5 3
second line continues from 3: 3 6 9
Third line is 8 4
Fourth line is 1 2 3, ending in 3.
Oops. Not a closed loop.
Can it be generalized for NxN square ?
5 lines is possible. One 3, two 2s and two 1s. mention[5004150:Ben Symington]'s excellent answer proves that 4 lines is not.
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Since two lines each pass through a single point, we can change their slopes, such that the lines do not pass an extra point. This is inspired by 12-dot puzzle , where 5 straight lines in a loop must pass through a 3 × 4 grid.