How many 4 -digit integers (from 1 0 0 0 to 9 9 9 9 ) have at least one digit repeated?
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Brilliant solution! BTW, what is inclusion-exclusion principle? I understand what you mean. but what is its formal definition?
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It is a very famous technique in combinatorics... here see this link. I think i should add this in the explanation as well. You might hear it as PIE later
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Thanks! I'll see to it tomorrow, but I will upvote your colorful solution today only. Your solutions mostly contain something which I never heard. Although I forget some, they make me learn a lot! Keep it up!
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@Vinayak Srivastava – Thank you for your general appreciation. It matters a lot. BTW If you are preparing for PRMO, this might come very handy in general. This isn't a hi-fi concept, just a formally stated definition that is very useful
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@Mahdi Raza – Ok, thanks a lot!
I realized it has the same formula which I had to mug up for exam:
n ( A ∪ B ) = n ( A ) + n ( B ) − n ( A ∩ B )
Rest of the things went above my head! :)
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Is there anything you would like me to simplify or breakdown
Suppose in your class 50% students like dancing , 30% students like singing and 20% students like both singing as well as dancing.Now, what is the total percent of students who likes either dancing or singing??So,to solve this, we have to find the student who only likes singing(30%-20%=10%) and dancing (50%-20%=30%),therefore answer will only singers + only dancer + both singer as well as dancer = 60%
And,the formula is saying same thing
Hope it helps!!!
You are in 9th right, so this formula of set theory comes in 11th if I am right...
No problem @Mahdi Raza and @Kriti Kamal ! I have understood this formula, I read a little from my book and I can understand. But, the rest of the equations in that wiki just went above my head :) I don't want to disturb you because I am slow at learning, so please don't waste your time! Thanks for asking! Also @Kriti Kamal , your explanation is also good! Thanks!
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@Vinayak Srivastava PIE is mostly taught in 11th in India. But the formula you are referring n(A∪B)=n(A)+n(B)−n(A∩B) is actually related to this only which you might have learnt in 9th. Basically what @Mahdi Raza means is that if I know the total no. of 4-digit no.s and I know that how many no.s are those in which no digit is repeated it means simply the rest no.s are the ones in which at least 1 digit is repeated. n(A∪B)=n(A)+n(B)−n(A∩B) simply means that if I have two sets or categories and I want to know the union or total no. of things in set A and set B, then I simply add them to get their total however if some things are common in A and B they will get counted twice so to add them only once we subtract the common things once which is represented by n(A∩B). If there are no things in common then n(A∩B) is 0 which means the total of A and B is just n(A∪B)=n(A)+n(B).
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@Siddharth Chakravarty – Yes, and these two sets here are disjoint. Meaning there is no such number which “does not have any repeated digit” and have “at least 1 digit repeated”
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@Mahdi Raza – Yes therefore n(A∩B) =0. They are also referred to as mutually exclusive sets.
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@Siddharth Chakravarty – Oh, so this is what mutually exclusive means! Thank you!
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@Vinayak Srivastava – Yes mutually exclusive is something in which one thing prevents the other from happening the same thing. In this case if in a number it has no digits repeated then it prevents this no. being included in the set of no.s in which atleast 1 digit is repeated. Mutually means understanding together or in the same way and exclusive means removing or not admit. So mutually exclusive means agreeing and understanding together thus to remove one element from another.
@Mahdi Raza ,same method.
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
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The total numbers are:
Total such numbers = 9 9 9 9 − 1 0 0 0 + 1 = 9 0 0 0
We can count the numbers which have No digit repeated as follows
No digit repeated = 1st digit = 0 9 × The order follows 9 × 8 × 7 = 4 5 3 6
Using the inclusion-exclusion principle:
Total such numbers 9 0 0 0 − 4 5 3 6 4 4 6 4 = No digit repeated + At least one digit repeated = At least one digit repeated = At least one digit repeated