80 of 100: Basketball Fallacy

Logic Level 1

Which of these statements about John is more likely to be true?

Be careful what assumptions you make!

John is over 7 feet tall John is a professional basketball player and is over 7 feet tall

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26 solutions

Tri Nguyen
Aug 18, 2017

P ( o p t i o n 1 ) = A + B P(option 1) = A+B

P ( o p t i o n 2 ) = B P(option 2) = B

A + B > B A+B > B

P ( o p t i o n 1 ) > P ( o p t i o n 2 ) P(option 1) > P(option 2)

Surely this should be a greater than or equal to sign? What if there was no-one who was 7 foot and not a basketballer: wouldn't the probabilities be the same? (where A = 0)

The question asks which is most likely to be true and although option 1 is correct as being more likely, it isn't in all cases

Stephen Mellor - 3 years, 9 months ago

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I should have added that P(B) > 0 since we know for a fact that there are 7-foot tal athletes

Tri Nguyen - 3 years, 9 months ago

Yes but, considering that the ball is too big if confronted with John, John can't be 7 feet tall. So both statements are impossible

Enrico Bussetti - 3 years, 9 months ago
Joseph Nguyen
Aug 18, 2017

If he is the former, he is not necessarily the latter.

If he is the latter, he is necessarily the former.

The former must be at least as likely as the latter.

Aristotle never goes out of date, does he?

Katherine barker - 3 years, 9 months ago

very clear

Chloe Davis - 3 years, 9 months ago

Any fool can hold a basket ball - 7ft or not. As a professional player he is more likely to be 7ft tall. So your answer is incorrect

Mike Watson - 3 years, 9 months ago

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But we aren't assuming he's a pro basketball player. That assumption is the fallacy.

Brian Moehring - 3 years, 9 months ago

Don't jump to conclusions. The first choice was that he was over seven feet, not that he was over seven feet BUT NOT a pro basketball player.

Whitney Clark - 3 years, 9 months ago

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I am not jumping to conclusions. There is no 'First choice' but two choices. Look at the illustration and use your intuition. Given that the guy is 'fit' and has a base ball he is more likely to play base ball. If he was changing a light bulb from a floor standing position then No1 is the correct answer. Probabilities are an answer if only if there are no other sources of information. Logic.

Mike Watson - 3 years, 9 months ago

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@Mike Watson If the two choices were: 1) He is a professional basketball player and 2) He is over seven feet tall, then you could make a case that intuition is the way to go. However, the way the problem is set up, there is a distinct answer. The illustration can be a grandma playing cards, a cat on a fence, or a guy shooting a basketball. It doesn't change that the probability of two things both being true is equal to or lower than the probability of one of those things being true.

Joseph Nguyen - 3 years, 9 months ago
Sundar R
Aug 18, 2017

P(A and B) <= P(A) (Probabilities being <= 1)

Should be <= if P(B)=1 tho

Yip Lim Wang - 3 years, 9 months ago

Yes it should be <=. Thanks for pointing it out

Sundar R - 3 years, 9 months ago
Mohammad Khaza
Aug 18, 2017

Since there is about 7.1 billion people in the world, we could just divide 7.1 billion by 300,000 to get 23,600 7 footers(a statistics and worldwide assumption). but very very few of them are basketball players.

so, John is 7 feet--this has the most probability.

... this isnt very rigorous lol

Wuu Yyiizzhhoouu - 3 years, 9 months ago

Even if not strictly mathematical, this approach could be correct from a scientific point of view, but you must declare what datas you're using! :)

Marco Giustetto - 3 years, 9 months ago
Atomsky Jahid
Aug 18, 2017

Proof using words \textbf{Proof using words}

Only a small fraction of people are over 7 feet tall. And, among these 'over-7-feet' people, only a small fraction are professional basketball players. So, people satisfying both the conditions are less likely to be found.

Proof using maths \textbf{Proof using maths}

Let, E be the event of people being more than 7 feet tall and F be the event of being a pro basketball player. We can use conditional probability now.

P ( E F ) = P ( E ) P ( F E ) P ( E ) P(E \cap F)=P(E)P(F|E) \leq P(E) P ( E F ) P ( E ) \implies P(E \cap F) \leq P(E)

It's because 0 P ( F E ) 1 0 \leq P(F|E) \leq 1 .

[ P ( F E ) P(F|E) is the probability of a person being a basketballer given that he's more than 7 feet tall.]

E Db
Aug 19, 2017

In order for the second option to occur, two stipends must be met, whereas in the first, only one of these must be true. Therefore, it must be more likely that the first option occurs.

John does not have to be a professional basketball player simply because he is holding a basketball.

Oscar Thompson
Aug 19, 2017

The answer is simple, the less assumption we make about a situiation, the more likely it is true.

Abby Titlow
May 26, 2020

If answer #2 is true, then so is answer #1. Therefore, #1 is more likely than #2.

So A>B

The first statement is true in 1/2 chance while the second statement is only true in 1/4 chance...

Chase Treadwell
Mar 19, 2018

Option B has two assumptions that have to be true in order for it to be the correct answer, while Option A only has one. Statistically, one assumption is more likely to be true than two. Additionally, in order for Option B to be true, Option A must also be true. So if the odds of being 7 feet tall are 1/2, and the odds of someone being a professional basketball player is 1/2, Option A has a 1/2 chance of being true, while Option B has only a 1/4 chance. If we factor in the statement that if Option B is correct then Option A is as well, this boosts Option A's chance to 3/4, with Option B's odds at only 1/4.

Hannah Park
Aug 28, 2017

John is seen shooting a basketball.

There are no other people or objects (Count out the clothes, the shoes, himself, and the basketball) to judge his height with.

And we cannot prove that he is a professional basketball player with just this picture.

So to make the least assumptions, choose the more general choice, which is " John is over seven feet tall "

Alex Wang
Aug 22, 2017

Not all 7feet or taller people are basketball players so 7feet or taller people have a higher probability than the intersection of athletes and 7 feet or taller people

Josh Hemmingway
Aug 19, 2017

Being >7ft AND a professional basketball player is a subset of the set of being an individual that is >7ft. To be >7ft is already a low likelihood, but to have the height characteristic + the skill/talent to play professional basketball is an even greater anomaly. Furthermore, think about the average NBA height: it's certainly nowhere near 7ft and therefore even if one makes it to the professional level, on average, they're <7ft.

Liviu Vigu-Giurea
Aug 19, 2017

The truth is usually the easier to understand answer. Also more probable.

Carl Muckenhoupt
Aug 19, 2017

It's easy to be tempted to think that the relative proportion of 7-foot people and basketball players in the general population is important, or that the tendency of basketball players to be very tall is important, but it really is not.

The crux of it is: The statement "John is a professional basketball player and is over 7 feet tall" can only be true if the statement "John is over 7 feet tall" is also true. There is no possible world in which John is a professional basketball player and is over 7 feet tall, and yet somehow John is not over 7 feet tall. And if every case where A is true is also a case where B is true, A cannot be more likely than B.

This leaves the option that the two statements are equally likely. That would be the case in a world where everyone who is over 7 feet tall is a professional basketball player. But we do not live in such a world.

I just assumed that if he was the latter, he would be grabbing the ball with both hands :^) ... also, there is nothing that proves he's a pro player

Howard Smith
Aug 19, 2017

The second statement requires something extra to be true, so at most the second statement is equally likely (and then only if all 7-footers are also professional basketball players, which is definitely false as a matter of fact).

So, we can conclude the 1st statement is more likely to be true.

Occam's Razor tells us that we should believe the possibility with fewer assumptions. the former has 1 and the latter has two so the answer should be the former

Adrian Ciurea
Aug 19, 2017

1st sentence has only one condition that must be fullfilled in order to be true. 2nd, although, has two conditions. It is quite obvious that 1st sentence is more likely to be true than the 2nd one. I don't see any other approach to this problem. What about you?

David Hairston
Aug 19, 2017

At first my reasoning was that there are less current NBA players in the world (i.e. about 400) than there are current 7-footers (about 4,000 but who knows really). After re-reading the choices, I realized that the second choice said professional basketball players . There are probably, at least, tens of thousands of people in the world that get paid to play basketball. Ugh... so then I consulted my magic 8-ball: question-"Is the first choice correct?", answer-"Concentrate and ask again." Thanks magic 8-ball ...

After re-reading the choices again, I thought the misleading temptation was to assume that given the fact that John was a paid professional basketball player, what was the probability that he would be over 7-foot tall. However, the second choice doesn't actually say that. I finally interpreted the second choice to say that John was a member of the subset of 7-footers in the world that get paid to play basketball. Logically, that has to be fewer people than the set of people in the world that are 7-feet tall. So I guessed the first choice: John is over 7-foot tall , and consulted the magic 8-ball (while holding a lucky charm this time) ... "Signs point to yes".

Yay! I'm glad there wasn't a third distractor, something like "John is under 7-foot tall AND marries a woman who is over 7-foot tall". Yikes!!!

You can assume that he is 7 foot tall because both answers have the statement, but just because he has a basketball in his hands doesn't show us that he's a basketball player.

John is 7 feet tall = P(S) John Play Basketball = P(B) John is 7 feet tall and plays basketball= P ( S ∩ B )

Of course, P(S) > P ( S ∩ B ) . So, it is more likely that John is 7 feet tall.

Tom Van Lier
Aug 18, 2017

The second statement contains 2 conditions, while the first one contains only 1 of those 2 conditions.

It is more likely that 1 condition holds true, than that both do.

Saswata Naha
Aug 18, 2017

John can be 7 feet tall because there are such people enough in the world. So probability is higher

In other case there are few basketball players. So probability is less.

Nikita Mahilewets
Aug 18, 2017

There are very few professional basketball players

But there are many tall people

I have only met 1 person over 7 ft. who was not a basketball player. Ed Gray

Edwin Gray - 3 years, 9 months ago

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Sorry for that I know five such persons They are skilled in basketball But they are amateurs, not professional

Nikita Mahilewets - 3 years, 9 months ago

1 pending report

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