92 of 100: Six Marbles

You have three bags that each contain two marbles.

  • Bag 1 has two red marbles.
  • Bag 2 has two blue marbles.
  • Bag 3 has one red marble and one blue marble.

First, you choose a bag at random. Then, from that bag, you choose a marble at random and end up with a red marble. What is the probability that the other marble in the bag is also red?

If you get stuck, try diagramming the possibilities.

1 3 \frac{1}{3} 1 2 \frac{1}{2} 2 3 \frac{2}{3}

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13 solutions

Arjen Vreugdenhil
Aug 30, 2017

Suppose the marbles are labeled 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B. There are six possible choices of marble, and all equally likely.

choice color other marble 1 A r e d r e d 1 B r e d r e d 3 A r e d b l u e 3 B b l u e r e d 2 A b l u e b l u e 2 B b l u e b l u e \begin{array}{cc|c} \hline \text{choice} & \text{color} & \text{other marble} \\ \hline 1A & red & red \\ 1B & red & red \\ 3A & red & blue \\ \hline 3B & blue & red \\ 2A & blue & blue \\ 2B & blue & blue \\ \hline \end{array}

The observation that the chosen marble was red restricts the possibilities to the three at top of the table. Two of three have the "other marble" red; therefore the answer is 2 / 3 \boxed{2/3} .

Moderator note:

The main thing people seemed to be getting tripped up by is thinking that both the red-red and red-blue bags are equally likely. You might have an easier intuition of this if you imagine one of the bags has 100 red marbles and the other bag has 1 red and 99 blue. You pick a bag at random, pick a marble at random, and find a red marble. Is it more likely you picked the first bag or the second bag?

The equal chance of picking either bag only applies if we know no useful information about that pick. Since we are later given the extra information there's at least one red, it's no longer 50-50. This can be paradoxical to some people - later disclosure of info affects probabilities of things that happened earlier.

Excellent and very succinct solution. I did not do a full solution as I worked out very quickly that there were three possible situations in which a red marble had been drawn first and that two of them involved a red marble being drawn second and only one resulted in a blue marble being drawn second.

Thomas Sutcliffe - 3 years, 9 months ago

@Arjen Vreugdenhil Nice Solution. Kindly change the first row last column of the table, it should be "2B" instead of "3A"(In the Choice column, the label 3A occurs twice)

Venkatachalam J - 3 years, 9 months ago


Suppose we have R R bags with two red marbles, B B bags with two blue marbles, and X X bags with one of each, for a total of N = 2 ( R + B + X ) N = 2(R+B+X) marbles.

Then P ( other = red this = red ) = P ( this = red other = red ) P ( this = red ) = 2 R / N ( 2 R + X ) / N = 2 R 2 R + X . \mathbb P(\text{other = red}|\text{this = red}) = \frac{\mathbb P(\text{this = red}\ \wedge\ \text{other = red})}{\mathbb P(\text{this = red})} = \frac{2R/N}{(2R+X)/N} = \frac{2R}{2R+X}.

Note that adding or removing bags with only blue marbles has no effect on the outcome!

In this case, we have R = B = X = 1 R = B = X = 1 , and we find the answer P = 2 1 2 1 + 1 = 2 3 . \mathbb P = \frac{2\cdot 1}{2\cdot 1 + 1} = \frac23.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 9 months ago

I find the problem much more interesting as you have described the issue above. Perhaps it could be reworded so that the "launching point" of when the probability assessment begins is more apparent to those of us who do not engage in probability analyses enough to know that the idea of later disclosure of info is merely informational, not changing the starting point of determination. That said, going through this has certainly been educational!

Daryl Bea - 3 years, 9 months ago

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I'm wondering on fault in my thinking below I've 1/3 probability of choosing any of the three bags or the specifically the Bag A which will satisfy the conditions of the question that second marble is also red. Hence shouldn't the probability be 1/3? If I choose B or C the conditions will not be met.

Jai Nair - 3 years, 9 months ago

I have a slightly different explanation for anyone still having difficulties with this. I did grapple with it for a bit, myself. The question "what are the odds the next marble is red?" is effectively the same as "what are the odds you picked bag 1?" At first glance, it does seem like the odds are 50/50. Bag 2 is out, and bags 1 and 3 are equally likely, right? Not quite. You picked one marble from the bag, and it was red. Bag 1 contains 2 red marbles, and so it is more likely that a red marble would have come from bag 1. There is a 2 in 3 chance you have bag 1, because there are 3 red marbles, and 2 of them are in that bag.

Jason Everetts - 3 years, 9 months ago

Like some viewers, my way of reading the question "What is the probability that the other marble in the bag is also red?" is: What is the probability that the remaining marble is red after the first marble (that was red) has been removed (and therefore is "out of the equation)"? My answer: If the first marble was red and has been removed, we know that the chosen bag was either bag 1 or bag 3. If it were bag 1, the remaining marble would be red. If it were bag 3, the remaining marble would be blue. Now[!] the probability to have a red marble in the second draw is therefore 1/2. Since the answer "1/2" is considered incorrect, the question should better be phrased like this: What is the probability that the first draw came from bag 1? In that case the answer will be "2/3".

Axel Troike - 3 years, 9 months ago

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Your reasoning is correct up to the sentence starting in "Now[!]". Yes, for red marbles from bag 1 you get "red", and for red marbles from bag 3 you get "blue". But it does not follow that the probability of a red marble in the second draw is red. To see this:

Assume that you repeat this experiment several times. For every time you draw a red marble, write down the number of the bag from which it came.

You will find that the red marble is twice as likely to come from bag 1 than from bag 3. The reason is that half of the bag 3 drawings result in a blue marble, and are therefore discarded.

If the red marble is twice as likely to have come from bag 1, then it is also twice as likely that its companion was red.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 9 months ago

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I agree with your solution based on the way you understand the question. As I tried to point out in my previous comment, the question is ambiguous, and therefore leaves room for (at least) a second interpretation which leads to a different result.

Axel Troike - 3 years, 9 months ago

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@Axel Troike No, the wording isn't ambiguous - your idea of the red marble being "out of the equation" is incorrect. As I mention in the note, a future event can affect the probability of an event in the past . You're assuming since the bag was already chosen, that the probability of a particular bag pick is set in stone. That is never the case in probability. (A very simple example would be later learning exactly which bag it is - then the chance that you picked a particular bag switches to probability 1 and the others to probability 0!)

Let me repeat an analogous problem I mention to Gary below:

I am looking for the ace of hearts in a deck of cards. What is the probability that it is on the bottom? Well, 1 out of 52.

Now I draw 50 cards off the top without finding the card, and ask the same question again. Note that I did not move the bottom card - it's the same one it always was. These cards are also "out of the equation" as you say. But the new information indicates that the ace of hearts could only be on the bottom or second to bottom of the deck, so the probability changed from 1 out of 52 to 1 out of 2!

Jason Dyer Staff - 3 years, 9 months ago

I can read the solutions and follow some. But, if I have a bag in front of me with one marble in it and I have a red ball in my hand that i just took out of that bag, it is 50/50 at that point that that other marble is red! I see the 2/3 as being the right answer if asking what are the odds that if you select a marble from a bag and it it is red that the remaining marble will be red.

gary evenson - 3 years, 9 months ago

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As pointed out in my note, people are having trouble with events affecting probability of things that happened in the past . This is a crucial bedrock of conditional probability.

Here's a different example of the same concept: I am looking for the ace of hearts in a deck of cards. What is the probability that it is on the bottom? Well, 1 out of 52.

Now I draw 50 cards off the top without finding the card, and ask the same question again. Note that I did not move the bottom card - it's the same one it always was. But the new information indicates that the ace of hearts could only be on the bottom or second to bottom of the deck, so the probability changed from 1 out of 52 to 1 out of 2!

Finding out one of the marbles is red is like peeking at the top cards of the deck - it gives us extra info that we can now use to revise what we think the probability of a given choice was, even if that choice already happened.

Jason Dyer Staff - 3 years, 9 months ago

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This is a great explanation of the insight that probability is related to information about a situation.

If you understand this, test yourself by tackling the boy or girl paradox ... intuition about probability does not always get it right!

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 9 months ago

Thanks. There is a high probability that I agree with you!

gary evenson - 3 years, 9 months ago

I disagree. After the first marble is identified as red there could be only 2 situations: the second marble is red or blue. So it is 1/2

SAP TM - 3 years, 9 months ago

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But they are not equally likely. Two of the red marbles we can pick are in a bag with another red marble; but only one of them is in a bag with a blue marble.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 9 months ago

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Isn't this the difference between permutations and combinations? Distinguishing (Red1, then Red2) from (Red2, then Red1) seems irrelevant.

Brian Reetz - 3 years, 9 months ago

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@Brian Reetz It is possible to treat these two cases as one, but then the probability distribution is no longer homogeneous, making the math more complicated:

choice probability color other marble 1 1 / 3 r e d r e d 3 A 1 / 6 r e d b l u e 3 B 1 / 6 b l u e r e d 2 1 / 3 b l u e b l u e \begin{array}{cc|c} \hline \text{choice} & \text{probability} & \text{color} & \text{other marble} \\ \hline 1 & 1/3 & red & red \\ 3A & 1/6 & red & blue \\ \hline 3B & 1/6 & blue & red \\ 2 & 1/3 & blue & blue \\ \hline \end{array}

The conclusion is the same: the situations above the line have a total probability of 1 / 2 1/2 ; the probability for red-red is 1 / 3 1/3 ; thus the relative probability is 1 3 / 1 2 = 2 / 3 \tfrac13/\tfrac12 = 2/3 .

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 9 months ago

I meant that we need to calculate the probability after the first marble was identified as red - correct? I know that 1) This is not a blue/blue bag 2) This can be red/red bag or red/blue bag 3) The question is to find the "probability that the other marble in the bag is also red" . If my bag is red/red then the "other marble" is a red one. if my bag is red/blue then the "other marble" is blue one. I think this is equal probabilities 1/2 Probably I missed something :-( Thaks

SAP TM - 3 years, 9 months ago

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@Sap Tm What you are overlooking is the fact, that a given red marble is twice as likely to have come from a red/red bag than from a red/blue bag.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 9 months ago

Shouldn't the probability of the second ball being red be the same as the probability of picking a bag with two red balls? Since that's the only way the second ball will be red ...

Marina Longnickel - 3 years, 9 months ago

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It is true that P ( this = red other = red ) = P ( from red bag ) . \mathbb P(\text{this} = \text{red} \wedge \text{other} = \text{red}) = \mathbb P(\text{from red bag}). However, the question is one of conditional probability: given that this = red \text{this} = \text{red} , what is the probability that also other = red \text{other} = \text{red} ? To calculate this conditional probability P ( other = red this = red ) \mathbb P(\text{other} = \text{red}\ |\ \text{this} = \text{red}) , we must divide by the give probability. That leads to the formula I used under "generalization" above.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 9 months ago
Swagat Panda
Aug 30, 2017

Relevant wiki: Bayes' Theorem and Conditional Probability

We can do this quite easily using Bayes theorem:

P ( Bag 1|Red ) = P ( Red|Bag 1 ) × P ( Bag1 ) P ( Red|Bag 1 ) × P ( Bag 1 ) + P ( Red|Bag 3 ) × P ( Bag 3 ) = 1 × 1 3 1 × 1 3 + 1 2 × 1 3 = 2 3 P(\text{Bag 1|Red})=\dfrac{P(\text{Red|Bag 1})\times P(\text{Bag1})}{P(\text{Red|Bag 1})\times P(\text{Bag 1})+P(\text{Red|Bag 3})\times P(\text{Bag 3})}=\dfrac{1\times \dfrac{1}{3}}{1 \times \dfrac{1}{3}+\dfrac{1}{2} \times\dfrac{1}{3}}=\boxed{\dfrac{2}{3}}

Kazem Sepehrinia
Aug 27, 2017

Take R=red and B=blue. If the first pick is a red marble then possible outcomes are RR, RR and RB. In two of three of them second is also red. Thus the probability is 2 3 \frac{2}{3} .

For a teacher who has sworn she would have 'Read the question' on her gravestone, I really ought to read the question :(

Katherine barker - 3 years, 9 months ago

For those having a problem seeing that the second marble being red is a 2/3 probability ask yourself this: What are the odds the first red marble was drawn from bag 1? You'll see that it is twice as likely the red marble came from bag one than bag 3.

Owen Berendes - 3 years, 9 months ago

I agree with Dhavit. The question phrasing made it seem that the marble selector knew that there was a bag with two blue marbles and that fiunding a red one on that first pick meant that he had one of the other two bags- or am I loosing my marbles?

john McCullagh - 3 years, 9 months ago

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The sequencing is really clear: First , you choose a bag at random. Then , from that bag, you choose a marble at random and end up with a red marble.

What's baffling people is the fact that in probability, the probability of an event that happened in the past can be affected by present information. If you just consider the first sentence, each bag was picked with equal probability. Then we drew a red. Via that knowledge, we can adjust our initial probability in two ways: 1.) we know Bag 2 is completely out of consideration and 2.) We know that Bag 1 is twice as likely to be picked, because it has 2 red marbles to pick as opposed to Bag 3's one red marble.

Jason Dyer Staff - 3 years, 9 months ago

1/. only at the initial stage was the chance of selecting a bag containing ONE red marble 2/3. the chance of selecting a bag containing TWO red marbles was ONLY 1/3, as was the chance of selecting a bag containing two blue marbles. therefore at this point, the chance of the second marble in the selected bag being red is 1/3. however, a choice was made for us and a marble extracted from the selected bag. the chance that a red marble would be pulled out of the bag first was 3/6, and doing so would have automatically eliminated the bag containing two blue marbles. the first out being red, we only have to consider two bags at this point. the opened bag had earlier either contained two reds or a red and blue. the remaining marble must, therefore, be either a red or blue. there is no other choice. in this scenario, the chance of the remaining marble being red is 1/2

2/. the chance of selecting the bag containing two red marbles was 1/3. the chance of selecting the bag containing a red and a blue marble is also 1/3. we eliminate the third bag by pulling out a red marble out of our selected bag. we are at this point still left with the 1/3 chance that we selected the bag with two reds. however, we must now extract the second marble from the bag. there are two reds and one blue still unrevealed. in this scenario, each has a 1/3 chance of being revealed.

3/. the probability of selecting a bag and extracting a red at first pick would be 2/3 only if the bag containing two blues was eliminated prior to opening the selected bag. in this scenario, the chance of a second red is 2/3.

Alec Trivass - 3 years, 9 months ago

Then the question was wrong. Because you said "what is the chance that the second marble IS ALSO red?" . So stating that "also" means that you already picked the bag #1 or #3 do there is just a 50% of chance that thw second marble is ALSO red

Dhavit Satyam - 3 years, 9 months ago

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The question is fine, and I believe you interpreted it correctly. It's obvious that if the first marble you draw is red, you could not have picked bag 2, leaving bag 1 or bag 3 as options. However, just because there are two options doesn't mean it's 50-50. Because both of the marbles in bag 1 are red, as opposed to only one in bag 3, it is more likely that if you drew a red marble it came from bag 1.

Emily Namm - 3 years, 9 months ago

Surely the answer is 50%. the second ball is either red or blue.

Keith Burton - 3 years, 9 months ago

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As I mention to John in a different comment, what's baffling people is the fact that in probability, the probability of an event that happened in the past can be affected by present information. If you just consider the first sentence, each bag was picked with equal probability. Then we drew a red. Via that knowledge, we can adjust our initial probability in two ways: 1.) we know Bag 2 is completely out of consideration and 2.) We know that Bag 1 is twice as likely to be picked, because it has 2 red marbles to pick as opposed to Bag 3's one red marble.

There are contexts where most people do treat probability this way -- consider a version of poker where cards slowly get revealed face up; if someone shows 3 cards all the same suit and has 2 hidden cards, it becomes more likely they initially drew a flush. The new information changed the likelihood of something happening in the past (after all, their hand didn't change, just which cards were revealed).

Jason Dyer Staff - 3 years, 9 months ago
Jim Cutts
Aug 30, 2017

2/3. There are six balls. All are equally likely to be the ball you picked. We're told you picked a red ball so we know you didn't take a ball from the bag with 2 blues and you didn't take the blue ball from the bag with one of each. That leaves 3 cases... One case is where the red ball you picked was in the bag with a blue ball. The other two cases are when you picked a red ball from the bag with two red balls. That means 2 out of 3 cases have another red ball in the bag.

I like a good, logical solution without any complicated maths! Thanks, you have made everything clearer for me!

William Huang - 3 years, 9 months ago
Sundar R
Aug 30, 2017

This is a typical conditional probability problem.

The probability of drawing a red marble from bag 1 is 1/3 * (2/2) = 1/3

The probability of drawing a red marble from bag 2 is 1/3 * 0 = 0

The probability of drawing a red marble from bag 3 is 1/3 * (1/2) = 1/6

Therefore, using Bayes theorem, the probability that the marble came from the 1st bag (which is also the required probability) = 1/3 / (1/3 +1/6)

= 1/3 / 1/2

= 2/3

I prefer this as an exemplar of conditional probabilty, as it really uses logic than than Baye's theorem as a mathematical construct (sorry, Swagat), so is easier to explain to a class (or better still, prompt themto go through it themselves)

Katherine barker - 3 years, 9 months ago
Syrous Marivani
Aug 31, 2017

P(bag 1| we picked a red ball) = P ( b a g 1 a n d r e d ) P ( w e p i c k e d a r e d b a l l f r o m b a g s 1 o r 3 ) \frac{P(bag1 and red)}{P(we picked a red ball from bags 1 or 3)} . P(bag1 and red) =P(red}bag 1)P(bag 1) = 1 × 1 3 \times\frac{1}{3} = 1 3 \frac{1}{3} . But P(1st red) = P(red from bags 1, or 3) = P(red | bag 1)P(bag 1) + P(red | bag 3)P(bag 3) = 1 × 1 3 + 1 2 × 1 3 1\times \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{2} \times \frac {1}{3} = 1 2 \frac{1}{2} . Therefore, P(bag 1| red) = 1 3 1 2 = 2 3 \frac{\frac{1}{3}}{\frac{1}{2}} = \frac{2}{3} .

It should be 50/50. Bag 2 is not relevant because the question is about red balls which excludes bag 2. The question posed relates to a situation after the red ball has ben drawn not vefore so the Q is about the two baags 1 or 3 and not bag 2 that is out of the game. We have taken a red ball either from bag 1 or from bag 2. If taken from bag 1 then there is one red ball left. If taken from bag 3 then there is one blue ball left. As there are only two possibilities with equal chance of outcome the chance is 50/50. It is a simple yes or no Q, is it bag 1 or bag 3 ? The whole problem could be rephrased as : "I have two bags, one contains one red ball and one contains one blue ball. What is the chance that I choose the bag with the red ball ?" A: 50/50. Andries

Andries Grabowsky - 3 years, 9 months ago

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Please show me your solution.

Syrous Marivani - 3 years, 9 months ago

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The solution is 1/2 I made a typo above, It should read 'We have taken a red ball either from bag 1 or bag 3". Andries

Andries Grabowsky - 3 years, 9 months ago

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@Andries Grabowsky It's absolutely not 50/50. This kind of question strikes many as counterintuitive but I promise if you ever take a course in probability (and endlessly fascinating and surprisingly challenging subject), you will never be fooled by a question like this again.

Spencer McLeod - 3 years, 8 months ago

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@Spencer McLeod Dear Spencer, I certainly will consider to do a course in probability. Still the problem under consideration is according to me is : I have two bags, one contains 1 blue marble and the other 1 red marble. Q: What is the probability that the other marble in the bag is also red? As I see this as a stand alone problem you can rephrase the Q as follows : Q: What is the probability that the marble in the bag is red? A : 50/50 QED Cheers, Andries :

Andries Grabowsky - 3 years, 8 months ago

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@Andries Grabowsky Another way to look at it is as follows. I have three bags etc. I perform what is given i.e : "First, you choose a bag at random. Then, from that bag, you choose a marble at random and end up with a red marble." It is obvious that this bag either has another one red ball in it or one blue ball. Now the question is : "What is the probability that the other marble in the bag is also red?" I believe this question may be misleading because of the word "other". Would the question simply be : "What is the probability that the remaining marble in the bag is also red?" Then the answer is 50/50 because it is either red or blue. However... by using the word "other" the question becomes quite different because suddenly the reference is to the bag and not to the marble, the Q becomes thus : "What is the probability that I have chosen bag 1 as I already have take out the other red ball" ? Then the chance is 2/3 because there are two bags but three red balls (but I have to think about it a bit more). By the way I am not a native English speaker so I may feel this wrong. Cheers, Andries

Andries Grabowsky - 3 years, 8 months ago

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@Andries Grabowsky The answer to both of those questions is 2/3, because they are the same question. It is true that there are two options for the other marble, red or blue. But one of those options is twice as likely as the other.

Spencer McLeod - 3 years, 8 months ago

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@Spencer McLeod Dear Spencer, now why is that ? I have one bag with either a blue or a red ball in it. Surely 50/50 ? What does it matter whet was chosen before ? That is a fait a compli. Cheers, Andries

Andries Grabowsky - 3 years, 8 months ago

@Andries Grabowsky This is incorrect. You are making the mistake, I believe, in considering both of the red marbles in the second bag to be the same marble. Here's another way to word the exact same problem. In one bag, I have a blue truck and a red train. In another, I have a red airplane and a red boat. I randomly select one bag and then randomly select an item from that bag. I tell you that the item I selected is a red vehicle. What is the probability that the other item is also a red vehicle?

Obviously, with equal probability, I could have selected the boat, the airplane, or the train. In 2 out of 3 of these equally likely scenarios, the other item in the bag is also a red vehicle. The answer is 2/3, just as it is with the marble question.

At some point you'll just have to accept that you are in fact wrong, and actually try to understand why that is. If you were to actually test this out as an experiment first hand, you'd quickly realize that you were wrong all along.

Spencer McLeod - 3 years, 8 months ago

Please look at my solution again, I hope this time you agree.

Syrous Marivani - 3 years, 8 months ago
Corwin Silverman
Aug 31, 2017

P(B given A)=P(B and A)/P(A).

The probability that you picked a red marble is (1+0.5+0)/3, which is 1/2.

If you choose the bag with two red marbles, you will always pick a red marble, so the probability that you picked a red marble out of the bag with two red marbles is the same as the probability that you chose the bag with two red marbles, which is 1/3.

Now, use the formula provided at the beginning: (1/3)/(1/2)=2/3

the probability of selecting the initial red marble is of no importance to the question.

Alec Trivass - 3 years, 9 months ago
Mohammad Khaza
Aug 31, 2017

bags with red marbles is=2

total bags=3

so, possibility of getting red marbles is= 2 3 \frac{2}{3}

The question was about the marbles, not just the bags.

Whitney Clark - 3 years, 9 months ago

This solution is wrong. If you get the 3rd bag, the other marble is going to be blue. So it wouldn't count.

Kevin Tong - 3 years, 9 months ago

This is not an elegant way to solve it, but it is the most intuitive.

In two bags we have two ball with same color, but they are different balls, so let's assume that the balls are numbered.

We have the following possibilities:

Marble left in the bag Drawn marble \text{Marble left in the bag} \rightarrow \text{Drawn marble}

Bag #1

red marble #1 red marble #2 \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble \#1} \color{#333333} \rightarrow \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble \#2}

red marble #2 red marble #1 \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble \#2} \color{#333333} \rightarrow \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble \#1}

Bag #2

blue marble #1 blue marble #3 \color{#3D99F6} \text{blue marble \#1} \color{#333333} \rightarrow \color{#3D99F6} \text{blue marble \#3}

blue marble #2 blue marble #1 \color{#3D99F6} \text{blue marble \#2} \color{#333333} \rightarrow \color{#3D99F6} \text{blue marble \#1}

Bag #3

red marble blue marble \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble} \color{#333333} \rightarrow \color{#3D99F6} \text{blue marble}

blue marble red marble \color{#3D99F6} \text{blue marble} \color{#333333} \rightarrow \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble}

The problem says that a red marble was drawn. Then, we can remove the cases where a blue marble is drawn. We have these cases left:

red marble #1 red marble #2 \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble \#1} \color{#333333} \rightarrow \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble \#2}

red marble #2 red marble #1 \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble \#2} \color{#333333} \rightarrow \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble \#1}

blue marble red marble \color{#3D99F6} \text{blue marble} \color{#333333} \rightarrow \color{#D61F06} \text{red marble}

The problem asks for the probability of the other ball be red. Then, we have 2 cases in 3 where the ball left in the bag is red. Then the answer is 2 3 \boxed{\frac{2}{3}}

Kevin Tong
Aug 31, 2017

There are 3 ways you can pick a red marble: 2 2 ways to get a red marble from the first bag (there are 2 2 red marbles in the first bag, and you can get any of them) and 1 1 way to get it from the third bag. The only time the second marble would also be red is if it were from the first bag, so we get 2 3 \boxed{\frac{2}{3}} (Because the probability of something happening is equal to the number of cases of it happening over the total number of cases).

The Q is not : "What is the chance of picking up red marbles" out of a mixture. The Q is : What is the probability that of two bags one has a red marble and the other has a blue marble" ? A:; two bags, one each one marble therefore chance is 50/50. Andries

Andries Grabowsky - 3 years, 9 months ago

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The question is asking for the probability of picking the bag with 2 red marbles as opposed to the bag with 1 red marble, given that you chose a red marble. There are 2 ways to choose the bag with 2 red marbles, as you can select any of the 2, and 1 way to choose the bag with 1 red marble, therefore, the answer is 2 2 + 1 = 2 3 \frac{2}{2+1}=\frac{2}{3} If you read the question, it asks "First, you choose a bag at random. Then, from that bag, you choose a marble at random and end up with a red marble. What is the probability that the other marble in the bag is also red?" It does not involve choosing another bag, it is dealing with only one bag, the one with a red marble. And it asks for the probability of the other being red, not blue.

Kevin Tong - 3 years, 9 months ago
Charles Breiling
Aug 31, 2017

Label the three red marbles R1 R2 and R3. If you select a red marble at random (the initial problem setup gets you to this point), what is the probability that it's next to another red marble? 2/3 :-)

read the question! you select a bag (A), pull out a red marble. you are THEN told that there are only two bags with red marbles in them (A+C), either of which may contain another red marble, and one of which (A) you have already selected. you have already discounted the bag with two blues. it doesn't have to be factored into the equation. the chance that you selected the bag containing two reds out of the possible number of bags (two) containing at least one red marble is obviously 1/2. the choice isn't about the probability of the next marble being red, but the probability of the selected bag originally containing two reds or a blue and red.

Alec Trivass - 3 years, 9 months ago

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Hello Alec, I did read the question. Did you read my response? :-) Yes, you pick a bag at random, then you pick a random marble. But the question starts with you having selected a red marble. This is the same as selecting any of the three red marbles at random. The question asks about the other marble in your bag. You've got a 2/3 chance that it's red. Cheers! :-)

Charles Breiling - 3 years, 9 months ago

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hi charles. why? there are three red marbles, and you have already selected one (a 1/3 chance of being selected amongst the reds, a 1/4 chance of being selected from the four marbles). there is only one marble left in your selected bag. so, of the remaining red marbles (two), at most, only one could be in the opened bag, a 1/2 chance. put another way, the remaining marble may be blue. red or blue? 1/2! elsewhere above, i have posited three scenarios where the outcomes are any of 1/3, 1/2, or 2/3. :>))

in a four-horse race, (three white and one black horse), one white horse (the first red marble) romps home. then the probability of a white horse coming second IS 2/3. agreed. but this is the same as having three red and one blue marble in one bag and extracting a red, then calculating the odds of the second marble being red. 2/3. but put those horses in two two-horse chariots (bags), then the probability of the winning chariot having one white horse is 1/2, and the probability of the winning chariot having two white horses is also 1:2. innit? ; > ))

Alec Trivass - 3 years, 9 months ago
Angel Ong
Aug 30, 2017

Since we know at least one of the marbles in the bag is red, it means that the bag picked was not Bag 2(which has 2 blue and 0 red marbles). Of the remaining 4 marbles in bags 1 and 3, 3 are red. If we drew either of the red marbles from Bag 1, the other is also red, but if we drew the one red marble from Bag 3, the other marble is blue, meaning that if we draw either of the red marbles from Bag 1 from the 3 red marbles, we have a successful outcome(the other is also red). Therefore, the probability is 2 3 \frac{2}{3} .

P ( Red 2 | Red 1 ) = P ( Red 2 Red 1) P ( Red 1) = P (Bag 1) 3 6 = 1 3 1 2 = 2 3 P(\text{Red 2 | Red 1}) = \frac{P \text{( Red 2} \space \cap \space \text{Red 1)}}{P \text{( Red 1)}} = \frac{P \text{(Bag 1)}}{\frac{3}{6}} = \frac{\frac{1}{3}}{\frac{1}{2}} = \frac{2}{3}

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