Easy Trick

Algebra Level 1

2014 2014 × 2014 2014 2014 2013 × 2014 2015 = ? \large \color{#3D99F6}{2014}\color{#3D99F6}{2014} \times \color{#3D99F6}{2014}\color{#3D99F6}{2014} - \color{#3D99F6}{2014}\color{#D61F06}{2013} \times \color{#3D99F6}{2014}\color{fuchsia}{2015} = ?

Don't use a calculator!

The answer is 1.

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98 solutions

Victor Loh
Aug 5, 2014

EDIT (Friday, November 13, 2015): 20142014 = 20 , 142 , 014 20142014 = 20,142,014 . 20142014 20142014 is not the same as 2014 × 2014 2014\times 2014 . I've also changed the colors.


Let a = 20142014 a=20142014 . Then the given expression is equivalent to a 2 ( a 1 ) ( a + 1 ) a^2 - (a-1)(a+1) = a 2 ( a 2 1 ) =a^2-(a^2-1) = 1 =\boxed{1} and we are done.

I didn't use any kind of formula... 4x4=16 3x5=15 so there would be one left because the only numbers that changes are the last ones...

Lord Voldemort - 6 years, 9 months ago

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But, fundamentally, it is the formula which you applied

Fazal Talukdar - 6 years ago

Hehe, I did the same. Same reasoning . We are geniuses!!!!!!

Mahad Ali - 5 years, 10 months ago

The fact that 4x4 - 3x5 = 1 does not prove that the question is equal to 1.

Davy Ker - 5 years, 5 months ago

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No, it doesn't prove it. But combine this with 5x5 - 4x6 = 1 and 6x6 - 5x7 = 1 etc etc, which strongly indicates it with a pattern with no obvious exceptions. And on a timed problem, that's an excellent method. (Although an algebraic proof is more intellectually and academically satisfying when you are not constrained by time.)

David Miller - 5 years ago

I like the solution and its simplicity but what about a mathematical proof/calculation to get there?

william svedberg - 5 years, 10 months ago

Hey, I too did the same.

Prathmesh Choudhari - 5 years, 8 months ago

That's what I did

Kathy Williams - 5 years, 2 months ago

See, 20142014 is not equals to 2014*2014. Because if you'll solve it that way then your answer will be something else. Here 20142014 is a no. of 8-digits.

Pratiksha Sharma - 5 years, 8 months ago

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Yeah..... she is right 👍👍

Deepanshu Goel - 5 years, 7 months ago

I'm sorry but there is a flaw in your logic. (2014)(2014)-1 doesn't equal (2014)(2013). For this substitution to be correct it would have to look like this : a^2 - (a-2014)(a+2014). When you factor this out you get 2014^2 which = 4056196. If you intended the numbers to be 20142014 not (2014 2014) you should not have put them in separate colors to imply multiplication. That would be like giving this equation in the form aa aa-ab*ac and then saying that a is not a common factor.

Catrina Webb - 5 years, 11 months ago

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I think you misunderstood the question. I did the same thing initially, then realised that we are looking at the number 20142014, ie. 20,142,014. Not 2014 × 2014 2014\times2014 . Separate colours do not imply multiplication. Where did you get that notion? The colours were to emphasise 2013, 2014, 2015 as years. Your example of aa·aa-ab·ac is different because we're looking at algebraic letters.

Davy Ker - 5 years, 9 months ago

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That makes so much more sense now!

Elizabeth Wang - 5 years, 9 months ago

Sure, I think the problem somehow "hints" that it is a multiplication, where it isn't. Thus, it is kind of unclear.

Christian Orsos - 5 years, 8 months ago

The colours made it more confusing because some people thought it implied multiplication between the 2 different coloured numbers.

Ishan Maheshwari - 5 years ago

I Had same confusion like u

Utsav Patel - 5 years, 7 months ago

Are you really 13 years old?

Gab Celis - 6 years, 9 months ago

Find the square of 1000000005 without manual multiplication

gautam dikshit - 6 years, 9 months ago

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(100000000+5)^2= 10000000000000000 +1000000000+25 =10000000100000025

Omur Faruque - 5 years, 11 months ago


Pushpendra Verma - 5 years, 10 months ago


Shumit Kumarendra - 6 years, 9 months ago

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i really didn't get how to solve the above question!!!

HARISH SADAGOPAN - 5 years, 11 months ago


susshmitha reddy - 6 years ago

If you use small numbers, you will get 1. But if i use a number with 7 or more digits it gives me 0. The cause could be, the square of a big number is bigger, with 13 or greater power. So the calculator may not be able to minus those two big numbers and giving us 0 because those are quite close big numbers. (may be, but unlikely, but reality)

Istiaq Ansari - 6 years, 10 months ago

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Actually, the calculator you are using is rounding the number if it's very big. Like 1000000000099 1000000000099 to 1 0 12 10^{12} or 1000000000000 1000000000000 So if both numbers are rounded to same number their difference would always be 0, whether their actual difference is 1 or 1000

Omur Faruque - 5 years, 11 months ago


Boopathirajaa Rajaa - 6 years, 10 months ago

At first I had 1 as the answer, but the different colours employed threw me off; and I came up with 2014.

Bindiginavale Sampath - 5 years, 11 months ago

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Me too 😀 I answered 2014 at first

Paul Saligumba - 5 years, 11 months ago

Your answer is wrong.

Murray Brown - 6 years, 9 months ago

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It would be more constructive to tell him why his answer is wrong than just tell it!

Davy Ker - 5 years, 9 months ago

that's amazing thanx for the solution

santhosh kumar - 5 years, 12 months ago

That can't be right... Let x = 2014. Would end up with x^2 at the end.

(x^2)(x^2) - [x(x-1)][x(x+1)] x^4 - (x^2 - x)(x^2 + x) x^4 - (x^4 +x^3 - x^3 - x^2) x^4 - (x^4 - x^2) x^2

Please check your answer

Crystal Heuft - 5 years, 11 months ago

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There is no x(x-1). It's 20142013, not 2014*2013

Omur Faruque - 5 years, 11 months ago

hahah the same mistake i fall in

Mohamed El-ashmawy - 5 years, 8 months ago

same method :)

Josselyne Cantos - 6 years, 9 months ago

I did it exactly the same way as Mr Victor.

Aditya Paul - 6 years, 8 months ago

i think applying vedic maths here would be d best approach! It's fast n easy and accurate too..

Shourya Gupta - 6 years, 8 months ago

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How is the vedic math approach?

Rishi Jaientilal - 5 years, 11 months ago

brilliant guy

Akhil Nandan - 6 years, 1 month ago

I also solved this by applying the same identity...

Asha Gupta - 5 years, 10 months ago

Good solution!

Yuki Kuriyama - 5 years, 10 months ago

That's just what I did. I used x x though!

Davy Ker - 5 years, 9 months ago

Good approach

Vaibhav Sharma - 6 years, 10 months ago


Anubhav Satapathy - 6 years, 10 months ago


Jaitheradevi Nadar - 6 years, 10 months ago


Tawsif Samin - 6 years, 10 months ago

this solution was so simple and easy to follow thank you :) and however while I do understand this, how come when you put this question into a calculator the answer is 0? perhaps this is a stupid question but I'm very confused and would be very glad if someone could help me with this.

s bean - 6 years, 10 months ago

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nononononononono. no calculator. :D

Victor Loh - 5 years ago

Same method. :)

Carlos David Nexans - 6 years, 10 months ago

the above solution is ok but solving through calculator the answer came out as 0, (zero), why?

Aamir Usman - 6 years, 10 months ago

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but my answer with a calculator is coming 1. you must have done some mistake

Kriti Verma - 6 years, 10 months ago

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I do not thinks so since this is a trick question. If your calculator doesn't have enough digit processing power, it will get zero as an answer. Intuitively, you know this is wrong. Even * even = even, and odd * odd=odd. Therefore, the answer must be odd. Zero is not odd.

Hasun Song - 5 years, 12 months ago

always use BODMAS rule that is firstly division , multiplication......

Devansh Sharma - 6 years, 10 months ago

i m also getting zero, i have checked the values but by calculator it shows only...do u get where are the mistake take place???

Abhishek Harit - 6 years, 9 months ago

You must have made a mistake somewhere.

Victor Loh - 6 years, 10 months ago

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can you please explain me... 20142014 20142014 = 4.05700728 10^14 20142013 20142015 = 4.05700728 10^14 when we subtract these two terms, how could 1 come.

Abhishek Harit - 6 years, 9 months ago

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@Abhishek Harit Since the number is so large the calculator has to round it. The work is right. Use smaller numbers or variables to represent the larger numbers

Emily Hasenauer - 6 years, 1 month ago

@Abhishek Harit Not for those guys who try to by heard thing rather tha using a simple logic

hashim shaikg - 6 years, 8 months ago

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@Hashim Shaikg Your calculator probably went overflow

Fabio Gama - 6 years, 7 months ago

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@Fabio Gama Intuitively, you know zero is wrong. Even * even = even, and odd * odd=odd. Therefore, the answer must be odd. Zero is not odd.

Carl Hansen - 6 years ago

no by calculator also the ans came was 1

Shivam Tyagi - 6 years, 9 months ago

devansh sharma is correct

Dinesh Nath Goswami - 6 years, 9 months ago

My answer using the calculator of computer was 1.

Rishabh Setiya - 6 years, 1 month ago

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This is a trick question. If your calculator doesn't have enough digit processing power, it will get zero as an answer.

Intuitively, you know this is wrong. Even * even = even, and odd * odd=odd. Therefore, the answer must be odd. Zero is not odd.

Carl Hansen - 6 years ago


Leomar Guquib Ü - 6 years, 10 months ago

i too solved in same method

Ronak Jain - 6 years, 10 months ago

same approach here...

efren pineda - 6 years, 10 months ago

Dx I forgot to distribute haha

Ella Puerto - 6 years, 10 months ago

hand held calculators have a six or seven decimal precision the others are rounded off. So the two very large numbers would appear as identical - using better calculators (wincal) with higher precision should allow you to get 1

sufian aslam - 6 years, 10 months ago

0 - (20142013x20142015) = -405700727976195

Murray Brown - 6 years, 9 months ago

when done with a calculator,answer is 0

akhil vinod - 6 years, 9 months ago

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This is a trick question. If your calculator doesn't have enough digit processing power, it will get zero as an answer.

Intuitively, you know this is wrong. Even * even = even, and odd * odd=odd. Therefore, the answer must be odd. Zero is not odd.

Carl Hansen - 6 years ago

nice solution …. just awesome … thanks man...

Mahedi Prince - 6 years, 9 months ago

So cutely calculated! I worked it manually and got the same result. But it was laborious.

Terefe Feyisa - 6 years, 8 months ago

nice problem ever

Ratnesh Pandey - 6 years, 1 month ago

In the age of 13; such a brilliant brain

Rakesh Kaushik - 5 years, 10 months ago

2014x2013=2014x2014 -1???????

Quang Long Phạm - 5 years, 9 months ago

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20142013 chứ không phải 2014x2013, nó 2 tô màu làm làm cho ta nhầm tưởng đó là 2 số nhân nhau

Lucas Minh - 5 years, 7 months ago

Is the problem 20142014^2 - 2013 2014 * 2014 2014 ?

Yasin Akşit - 5 years, 5 months ago

Just for verification check this on calculator and see what are we getting is it 0

Mohit Jain - 5 years, 5 months ago

exactly dude!!!!!!! yeah

Ratnesh Pandey - 5 years, 2 months ago

Even I did the same thing.

Aditya Oke - 5 years, 1 month ago

If you take out 20140000 as a common factor than you get 20140000(2014^2-2013×2015). The total inside the brackets are zero, so the entire product is zero. Sorry if my simple mind is outlooking something here or if I have made a mistake but please explain my error. Thanks.

Ran Aloni - 5 years, 1 month ago

বুঝি নাই....

Arian Rahman - 4 years, 8 months ago

Mine is -(2014-2013) (2014-2015) =(-1) (-1) =1 Not sure if its only coincidence ;-)

Dionimar Vic Bañez - 6 years, 10 months ago

How can I easily understand the Algebraic and Rational Expression can you help me?????????

Chearin Lee - 6 years, 10 months ago

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Check out the Algebra Practice section. There's lots of good problems there, be it easy or hard. Each problem comes with a detailed solution too. Alternatively you can check out Calvin or Arron's sets on Algebra. They're really useful.

Victor Loh - 6 years, 10 months ago

Haha I had this all written out to submit as a solution, and saw it was identical to yours. Great minds think alike. ;)

Sam Brown - 6 years, 10 months ago

it was nice problem . I couldn't get it that how to solve it.

Ratnesh Pandey - 6 years, 1 month ago

WRONG. Here is the answer: 2014x2014x2014x2014 - 2014x2013x2014x2015 (for 2014=a) = (a^4) - (a^2) x [(a-1)(a+1)] = (a^4) - (a^2) x [a^2 + a - a - 1] = (a^4) - (a^4) + (a^2) = (a^2) = (2014^2) = 4056196

Paulo Szymanski - 5 years, 11 months ago

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It's because of the different colours used for the two parts of the same no that you've got this answer . actually, the question is 20142014×20142014 - 20142013×20142015

Sonali Sinha - 5 years, 11 months ago

I totally agree. The answer would be 1 if you divide all the number by 2014 before you solve.

Wilson Konig - 5 years, 9 months ago

Factor out a 2014 to get 2014 (2014^2- 20132015) which reduces to 2014 (1) thus 2014 is the answer

Brandon Lopez - 5 years, 11 months ago

Nice I did it in the same way..

Bhaskar sen - 5 years, 11 months ago

seems like a miracle. if we apply this trick, the answer is 1. but if we're going to apply MDAS and apply some tricks, we can simply get 0 as the answer. 20142014x20142014 is the same as with a^2. We subtract this with 20142013x20142015 which is the same with 20142014x20142014 . by subtracting 20142015 by 1, and adding 1 to 20142013., the factors become both 201 42014, or 20142014^2. which is also a^2. a^2-a^2=0.

Geneveve Tudence - 5 years, 11 months ago

Your's logic is correct but practically it is wrong. If you want to prove your logic then question was complete with it is not equal to zero, then your logic is correct

Aryan Krishna - 5 years, 10 months ago

There’s a misunderstanding happen here. You have to show the expression clearer, because it seem like 20,142,014 more than 2014x2014. However this problem is so beautiful, and I like it.

Weerakorn Misuna - 5 years, 8 months ago

But in number 20142014 two number is there. 2014 is written in different colour so I think the correct answer is 2014. 20142014 × 20142014 -20142013 × 20142015

So we can take 2014 common out

2014(2014 × 2014 -2013 × 2015) 2014(4056196-4056195) 2014(1) =2014

Ajay Pal Srivastav - 5 years, 7 months ago

let 20142014 be x , so, x = 20142014 ; x - 1 = 20142013 and x + 1 = 20142015 therefore, A.T.Q x 2 ( x 1 ) ( x + 1 ) = x 2 x 2 = 0 x^2 - (x-1)(x+1) = x^2 - x^2 = 0

Vaishnav Raj - 6 years, 9 months ago

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bro,thts =1 not 0

Muhammad Hakim Mahmud - 6 years, 9 months ago


The problem, as written in the original dialogue: 20142014 * 20142014 - 20142013 * 20142014 = ? let A = 20142014. Then: A^2 - (A-1)*A Then A^2 - A^2 + A = A

Just replace 20142014 with a smaller number, say "6"...The result will always be 6, in that example.

Rich Moraghan - 5 years, 12 months ago

x^2 - (x-1)(x+1) = x^2 - (x^2 - 1) = x^2 - x^2 +1 = 1

Brandt Ozawa - 5 years, 9 months ago

i think 4.4 - 3.5 = 1

Tu NGuyen - 6 years, 9 months ago

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nope that's 0.9

Quinn Mood - 6 years, 6 months ago

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Tu meant (4x4) - (3x5) (16) - (15) = 1

Ethan Byrne - 5 years, 4 months ago

yeah...same here :)

Simil Thejus - 6 years, 9 months ago

Just assume that 2014 =2 2013 = 1 and 2015 = 3 there we go : 2 x 2 - 1 x 3

Asa Neri - 6 years, 10 months ago
Mapscrew Cut
Aug 7, 2014

Disregard the first seven digits. Use only the last digits. (4x4)-(3x5). 16-15=1.

Correct, because you multiply the first seven digits and then subtract that same number, they would cancel out leading to the above.

Steve Canham - 6 years, 9 months ago

This is what I did as well seemed easy enough

Chris Regula - 4 years, 9 months ago

thats what I did

james brady - 6 years, 10 months ago

Dang very cool!

Vishal Addagatla - 4 years, 11 months ago
Jack Mamati
Aug 15, 2014

201 4 2 ( 2014 1 ) ( 2014 + 1 ) 2014^2-(2014-1)(2014+1)

= 201 4 2 ( 201 4 2 1 ) =2014^2-(2014^2-1)

= 201 4 2 201 4 2 + 1 =2014^2-2014^2+1

= 1 =1

I tried to do something like this.

Chenjia Lin - 5 years, 11 months ago

it's not 2014 its 20142014

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 10 months ago

But then you're multiplying 2014^2 power by 2014 so the final answer should be 2014(1).

Daniel Steigleman - 4 years, 10 months ago

It would be (20142014-1)

Prokash Shakkhar - 4 years, 9 months ago
Rohit Saini
Aug 6, 2014

Let X=20142014 then According to Question, x^2-(x-1)(x+1)=x^2-(x^2-1) =x^2-x^2+1 = 1 ans.

Govind Balaji
Aug 8, 2014

Let x = 20142014 x=20142014

Then the problem becomes x 2 ( x 1 ) ( x + 1 ) = x 2 ( x 2 1 2 ) = x 2 x 2 + 1 = 1 \begin{aligned} x^2-(x-1)(x+1)&=x^2-(x^2-1^2)\\&=x^2-x^2+1\\&=1 \end{aligned}

Muhammad Uzair
Aug 6, 2014

=20142014^2 -( 20142014-1) x (20142014+1) ; // As (a-b)x(a+b) = a^2-b^2 ; = 20142014^2 - (20142014^2 - 1^2 ) ; = 1 ;

Way too complicated my dude

Caiden Cleveland - 5 years, 10 months ago
Suraqa Yaseen
Aug 6, 2014

Let x =20142014, Then The above eq. is: = x × x ( x 1 ) × ( x + 1 ) A s ( a + b ) ( a b ) = ( a 2 b 2 ) ( x 1 ) ( x + 1 ) = ( x 2 1 ) = x 2 ( x 2 1 ) = x 2 x 2 + 1 = 1 =x\times x-(x-1)\times (x+1)\\As (a+b)(a-b)=({ a }^{ 2 }-{ b }^{ 2 })\\ \therefore (x-1)(x+1)=({ x }^{ 2 }-1)\\{ =x }^{ 2 }-({ x }^{ 2 }-1)\\ ={ x }^{ 2 }-{ x }^{ 2 }+1\\ =1

Huynh Julie
Jul 10, 2015

It's really really easy ^^ nearly the same as Victor Loh but maybe some don't understand so let's make it clear *but a bit longer :( * .

   20142014 x 20142014 -  20142013 x 20142015

= (20142014)^ 2  -  (20142014 - 1) x (20142014 + 1) 

= (20142014) ^ 2 -  [ (20142014) ^ 2 - 1]

= 0 - (-1) = 1

We also have another way to solve this, no expanding or factoring formulas required :)

    20142014 x 20142014 - 20142013 x 20142015

= 20142014 x 20142014 - 20142013 x (20142014 + 1) 

= 20142014 x 20142014 - 20142013 x 20142014 - 20142013 

= 20142014 x ( 20142014 - 20142013) - 20142013 

= 20142014 - 20142013 = 1

That's all :) Have a nice weekend :)

Smart @ age of 16

dhrumil shah - 5 years, 10 months ago

Victor saved a lot of time by letting a=20142014 !

Davy Ker - 5 years, 9 months ago
David Razmadze
Oct 17, 2015

I defined x=2014

X(2014) * X(2014) which would be X^4

X^4 - x(X-1) * x(X+1) X^4 - X^4 = 1

Siddhartha Das
Jun 15, 2015

The problem is invariably wrong. It should have a^2-(a-1)(a+1) in which case the figures should have appeared as (20142014 20142014) - (20142013 20142015). Here we are given the problem as a^2-(a-1)a in which the answer comes as "a" itself always. The answer to (20142014 20142014)-(20142013 20142014) evaluates to 20142014 itself.

Thanks, Siddhartha

No your solution is incorrect the correct answer is 1

Caiden Cleveland - 5 years, 10 months ago

Was the question originally posed with an error? I've seen a few comments talking about "20142014·20142014 - 20142013·20142014"

Davy Ker - 5 years, 9 months ago
Mandar Chougule
Jun 14, 2015

its simple take 20142013 on the right side then take anyone of the 20142014 and divide it u will be left with jst 20142014 and 20142013 on both sides subtact them and theres ur answer

Beauty is in simplicity!Good job!

Irena Kotleryte - 5 years, 5 months ago
Sidra Wagan
Aug 24, 2014

we have given 20142014^2= x^2, and 20142013*20142015= (x-1)(x+1) so that why, Let's considered x^2-(x-1)(x+1) therefore x^2-1^2=(x-1)(x+1) =x^2-(x^2-1^2) =x^2-x^2+1 =1

Since every time 2 of the same numbers are multipled together, for example 4x4 which is 16. And every time the numbers is one less and one more, the answer is one less, like 5x3 which is 15 which is one less than 16. Another example could be 7x7 makes 49, and 6x8 makes 48. Or 10x10 makes 100 and 11x9 makes 99. So for this question it is 2014x2014-2015x2013 (this is when you simplify it) which we know equals one, even when we dont know the answer for 2014x2014 or 2015x2013.

Nunglenmang Hm
Jan 22, 2017


x²-{(x-1)(x+1)} =x²-(x²-1²) =1

Mohd Sufyan
Jan 19, 2017

Consider 20142014 = a 20142014 = a Then, 20142013 = a 1 20142013 = a-1 and 20142015 = a + 1 20142015 = a+1 So, we have 20142014 × 20142014 = a 2 20142014\times 20142014 = a^2 And 20142013 × 20142015 = ( a 1 ) ( a + 1 ) = a 2 1 20142013\times 20142015 = (a-1)(a+1) = a^2-1 So, we have a 2 ( a 2 1 ) = ( a 2 a 2 ) + 1 = 1 a^2-(a^2-1) = (a^2-a^2)+1 = 1

I did the easier way: the numbers are almost the same: 20142014-20142014-20142013 -20142015 just the last digit has changed so... I forgot the whole number and keep just the last digit and did it 2014201(4)x2014201(4)-2014201(3)x2014201(5) then.. 4x4-3x5 16-15 = 1


Pranay Devidan
Aug 30, 2016

Let 20142014 = x - 1

Thus 20142013 = x - 2

And 20142015 = x


=(x-1)^2 - ((x-2)*x)

=x^2 -2x +1 -x^2 + 2x


Refath Bari
Jul 3, 2016

Alright, let's see what we've got!: 20142014 × 20142014 20142013 × 20142015 20142014\times 20142014-20142013\times 20142015

Let us first re-write 2013 & 2015 as ± 1 \pm 1 of 2014, as such: 20142014 × 20142014 ( 20142014 1 ) × ( 20142014 + 1 ) 20142014 × 20142014 ( 20142014 1 ) × ( 20142014 + 1 ) 20142014\times 20142014-(20142014-1)\times (20142014+1) 20142014\times 20142014-(20142014-1)\times (20142014+1)

Now, we distribute the negative sign, to the one, as so: 20142014 × 20142014 20142014 + 1 × 20142014 + 1 20142014\times 20142014-20142014+1\times 20142014+1

Now, we just simplify, as such: 20142014 × 20142014 20142014 × 20142014 + 1 20142014\times 20142014-20142014\times 20142014+1

Now, we merely factor out the 2014, as so: ( 2 ( 20142014 ) 2 ( 20142014 ) ) + 1 (2(20142014)-2(20142014))+1

Now, we merely cancel out the 2014s, as both of them are 2 ( 20142014 ) 2(20142014) , therefore leading us to: 1 \boxed{1}

Q E D Q\bullet E\bullet D

TIP: Oh, and one more thing, start using current dates, like 2016. 2014 was 2 years ago!

Guy Cohen
May 14, 2016

I must say that the answer is not right. Its simply 0. The last digit is useless as you take one and move to the other. You did there (a x a) - (b x c) but the fact is that (a x a) = (b x c).

Two close numbers multiplied have a trick, Average^2 - difference^2

If we apply this here we get: 20142014 * 20142014 - 20142013 * 20142015

20142014^2 - 20142014^2 -1^2 -1^2=1

Ivan Tanuwijaya
Apr 10, 2016

20142014(20142014) - (20142014 + 1 )(20142013) = a(a) - (a+1)(b) = a(a) - a(b) - b =a(a-b) - b = (20142014)(20142014 - 20142013) - (20142013) =20142014 - 20142013 = 1

Simple. x^2 -(x^2 -1) = 1

Chris Whatever
Apr 3, 2016

Why would a single number ever be displayed as two different colors? The years to me have no significance in solving this equation other than if they were being multiplied by each other, seems like most other people commenting have the same thought process.

Wolf Bane
Apr 3, 2016

It's a trap

Just regards the last digits of every term which is 4x4-3x5=>16-15=1

Chris Ko
Apr 1, 2016

20142014 x 20142014 - 20142013 x 20142015 =

20142014 x 20142014 - (20142014-1) x (20142014+1) =

20142014 x 20142014 - (20142014 x 20142014 - 1 x 1) =

20142014^2 - 20142014^2 +1=


Clayton Becker
Apr 1, 2016

Color formatting makes question unclear. I'd prefer if all 8 digits of a number one color instead of splitting it pink and blue . It implies multiplication at a glance. Had to work the problem both ways to check myself.

Tan Yu Hang
Mar 30, 2016

20142014 X 20142014 - 20142013 X 20142015 =(20142014)^2 - (20142014 - 1)(20142014 + 1) =(20142014)^2 - (20142014^2 - 1^2) =20142014^2 - 20142014^2 + 1^2 =1

I just used other numbers as an example.

3 * 3 - (3 - 1) * (3 + 1)

3² - 2 * 4

9 - 8


20142014 x 20142014 - (20142014-1) x (20142014+1)

20142014^2 - ( 20142014^2 - 1 )

20142014 - 20142014 + 1 = 1

Mohammed Radwan
Feb 13, 2016

=(20142014)^2 -[(20142014-1)(20142014+1) =(20142014)^2-[(20142014)^2 -1] =(20142014)^2 - (20142014)^2 +1 = 1

Afia Any
Jan 27, 2016

a²-(a-1)(a+1) =a²-a²+1 =1.

Rebaz Sharif
Jan 10, 2016

The solution by Victor Loh is very clear, but for people who want to deal with the numbers only, here is another form of the solution:

20142014 * 20141014 - 20142013 * 20142015 =20142014 * 20141014 + 20142015 - 20142014 * 20142015 (we add 20142015 to both terms) =20142014 * 20141014 + 20142015 - 20142014 - 20142014 * 20142014 (subtracting 20142014 from both sides) = 20142015 - 20142014 =1

Mohit Bhavsar
Jan 3, 2016

Its very easy. You just need to multiply the last numbers i.e. 4×4 - 3×5=16-15=1.

Pedro Vitor
Dec 22, 2015

20142013 = 20142014 - 1 and 20142015 = 20142014 + 1. Then: (20142014-1)×(20142014+1) = 20142014² - 1. 20142014² - (20142014²-1), will be 20142014² - 20142014² + 1; resulting in 1.

Ashish Menon
Nov 28, 2015

Yeah, I realised it while giving my last try

Bot Villegas
Oct 30, 2015

= ((2014201)^(2) * 4 * 4) - ((2014201)^(2) * 3 * 5) = 16 - 15 = 1

David Bloom
Oct 29, 2015

I looked at it and said screw that. Set 20142014 = 2

20132013 = 1

20152015 = 3

Then... 4-(1*3) = 1

Bhavna Sachan
Oct 23, 2015

We can simply minus LHS AND RHS. 2014-2014=0 2014-2014=0 2014-2013=1 2015-2014=1 and at last we will multiply answer 1×1=1

Shubham Banyal
Oct 16, 2015

let 20142014 be x

now you will get the expression like this

a^2-(a-1)(a+1) a^2-(a^2-1)



Aayan Patel
Oct 11, 2015

The problem can be easily solved by breaking down numbers into simple variables: For example, we can assign 20142014 to be x. Rewriting the equation:

(x*x)-(x+1)(x-1). Notice how 20142013 is really just 20142014-1 or x-1. Same follows for 20142015. Simplifying the difference of squares gives us x^2-(x^2-1). The x^2's cancel out leaving -(-1), which is just 1.

Thomas Deyo Dtm
Oct 4, 2015

I did not use a formula that I was aware of, I noticed that the numbers on each side of the minus were the same, and then looked closer to see that there was only 1 number difference ib the two numbers, and 1 times one is one. it was strictly observational intuition.

Vinay Annagauni
Sep 28, 2015

SUBTRACTING EACH NUMBER WITH 20142013... (20142014-20142013)X (20142014-20142013)-(20142013-20142013)X(20142015-20142013) = 1X1-0X2 = 1

Jerry Jia
Sep 17, 2015

2014 2 ( 20142014 1 ) ( 20142014 + 1 ) {2014}^{2}-(20142014-1)(20142014+1)

Since we already know the formula for difference in squares, which:

a 2 b 2 = ( a b ) ( a + b ) {a}^{2}-{b}^{2}=(a-b)(a+b)

We can simplify the question even further:

2014 2 ( 2014 2 1 2 ) {2014}^{2}-({2014}^{2}-{1}^{2})

Remove the bracket and you will have:

2014 2 2014 2 + 1 {2014}^{2}-{2014}^{2}+1

Evaluate and you will end up in the answer as:

1 \boxed{1}

Avinash Kumar
Sep 16, 2015

Let x = 20142014

Then, 20142013 = ( x - 1 )

And , 20142015 = ( x + 1 )

So the given conditions become,

x^2 - ( x - 1)( x + 1 )

= x^2 - ( x^2 - 1 )

= x^2 - x^2 + 1

= 1

Clyve Bowen
Sep 15, 2015

I simply worked with the differentials - the end digits - because, in any normal operation, the common factors would cancel each other. Hence: 4×4 -3×5 = 16-15 = 1.

Pratyush Sahoo
Sep 9, 2015

very simple

just take x = 20142014

then x X x -(x-1)(x+1) =x^2 - (x^2-1^2) =x^2 - x^2 + 1 =1 . :) simple

Nitin Khodade
Sep 6, 2015

The correct answer is 1

Write a solution. x^2 -(x-1)(x+1) =x^2-((x^2)-1) =(x^2)-(x^2)+1 =1

Jose Ruiz
Aug 29, 2015

20142014×20142014 - 20142013×20142015= 2014 (2014^2)- 2014 (2013x2015)= 2014^2 - 2013×2015= 1

Saanika Gupta
Aug 23, 2015

Let 20142014 be x x^2-(x-1)(x+1) x^2-x^2-(-1) 1

Bryan Baez
Aug 14, 2015

only the claw knows

Noel Alex
Aug 13, 2015

Ur method is wrong and ans I'd also not one..... a=2014x2014 ...doesn't mean a-1=2014x2013......rather it's 2014x2014-1

Jason Williams
Aug 10, 2015

it took me a while with the colors and all, but in the end I realized it was incredibly easy. by the way i never gnu that color meant factor, I'll have to keep that in mind

Dewa Arga Candra
Aug 7, 2015

use the last digit 4x4-3x5

20142014 × 20142014 20142013 × 20142015 20142014 \times 20142014 - 20142013 \times 20142015 = ( 20142010 + 4 ) ( 20142010 + 4 ) ( 20142010 + 3 ) ( 20142010 + 5 ) = (20142010 + 4)(20142010 + 4) - (20142010 + 3)(20142010 + 5) = ( 2014201 0 2 + 8 ( 20142010 ) + 16 ) ( 2014201 0 2 + 8 ( 20142010 ) + 15 ) = (20142010^{2} + 8(20142010) + 16) - (20142010^{2} + 8(20142010) + 15) = 1 = 1

Lee Shepherd
Aug 3, 2015

Simple trick of squared numbers n^2 -1 = (N-1)(N+1) example 8x8=64, 7x9 =63, try with any square numbers

A^2-[(A-B)(A+B)]=A^2-[A^2-B^2]=A^2-A^2+B^2=B^2; here A=20142014 and B=1;

This problem seems difficult at first, though thinking of it differently can help.

For the equation:

20142014 * 20142014 - 20142013 * 20142015 = ?

think of the number 20142014 as a variable, in this case x therefore we get the equation:

X * X - ( X - 1 ) * ( X + 1 ) = ?

Solving we get:

X ^ 2 - (X ^ 2 - 1)

Distributing the -1 from in front of the parentheses:

X ^ 2 - X ^ 2 + 1

Subtracting the X ^ 2:


Adi Yerabati
Jul 27, 2015

Easy just guess

Preethi Sundar
Jul 24, 2015

Use the last digit of all numbers, multiply and subtract

Mark Leahy
Jul 19, 2015

Ignore the redundant digits (2014201) to leave 4x4-3x5=1.

Quy Vu
Jul 17, 2015

20142014^2 - (20142014-1)(20142014+1) = 20142014^2 - 20142014^2 - 20142014+20142014 +1 = 1

Chase Cawood
Jul 17, 2015

I disagree with the solution given of 1. Here is my reasoning. 2014x2014x2014x2014-2014x2013x2014x2015

Take out a common factor of 2014^2. 2014^2x(2014^2-2013x2015)

Now you have to do the calculations. Using algebra will not simplify the equation any more. (I've tried) The answer comes out as 4,056,196.

I've checked some of the other solutions mentioned and the algebra is flawed. If you still don't believe me then use a calculator to solve the equation from the start and you will see that the answer isn't 1 but 4,056,196. it is impossible to use algebra to find a different solution to an equation.

When it said 20142014 it is a number and not 2014*2014

Tan Yu Hang - 5 years, 2 months ago
Amr Bahaa
Jul 17, 2015

Let 20142015 be y^3 Let 20142014 be y^2 let 20142013 be y Then 20142014 × 201402014 =20142013 × 20142015

Y^2 × y^2 = y × y^3 Y^4 = y^4

Then y^4/y^4 = 1

Is it right or wrong ?

Ritu Chakraborty
Jul 14, 2015

What the hell! I had no idea how to do it. I casually put 1in the answer. Turned out right!!

William Cummings
Jul 12, 2015

X^2 - (X+1) (x-1)= X^2 - X^2-1= X^2-X^2 - - 1= 0- -1= +1

Krishna Garg
Jun 24, 2015

Multiplying the last digits we get 16 - 15 = 1 Ans

Vadlamani Madhav
Jun 16, 2015

4 X 4=16 and 3 X 5=15 and other digits are same. So 1 is the answer.

let 20142014 be x. So the problem boils down to x^{2}-(x-1)*)(x+1) = x^{2}-[ x^{2}-1 ] = x^{2}-x^{2}+1 = 1

Michael Horton
Jun 10, 2015

I found that any number times itself minus the product of the number minus one and the number plus one is always one. For example, (4X4)-(5X6) =1. Also, (6X6)-(5X7) is also 1. (100X100)-(99X101) is also 1. Therefore, the answer to this problem must be 1.

Hyunmin Na
Jun 10, 2015

a squared - (a-1)(a+1)= always 1

Diana Augustine
Jun 6, 2015

The numbers are all the same except the last digit so I if you just pretend the rest of the numbers aren't there the problem looks like "4x4 - 3x5." 4x4=16 and 3x5=15 so I just did 16 -15= 1.

Billal Hossain
May 27, 2015

calculator is giving answer 0. what's wrong?

Ahmed Obaiedallah
May 22, 2015

I just did this

4 4 4*4 - 3 5 3*5 =16-15=1

Renoy C Babu
May 12, 2015

Your answer is wrong.

let 20142014 =a then the expression would look like

(a x a) - (a-1)(a+1) = a^{2} - a^{2} + a - a - 1 = -1

wrongly done a^2 - (a-1)(a+1)= a^2 - (a^2 - 1) = a^2 - a^2 +1 = 1

Mohit Kumar - 6 years ago
Johny Khajuria
May 12, 2015

20142000 is same . I just took 14x14 - 13x15 = 196-195 =1

Grace Elcock
May 9, 2015

if you notice that its basically just the same multiplication problem on each side except for the one at the end. the answer is one.

Parthu Pal
May 4, 2015

=[20142014 +(20142013 20142014)]-[(20142013 20142014)+20142013] =20142014-20142013

Amr Ashraf
Apr 30, 2015

in my opinion if we replace those big numbers by small ones as if we put 2 instead of 20142014 and put 1 instead of 20142013 and put 3 instead of 20142015 because it's the biggest number so if we normally calculate 2 2-1 3 it will be simply equal 1

All you have to do is 4 4-3 5=1!

i just multiplied last one digits and subtracted

Hansen Young
Apr 3, 2015

20142014 x 20142014 - 20142013 x 20142015

(20142013 + 1)(20142013 + 1) - 20142013(20142013 + 2)

20142013^2 + 2(20142013) + 1 - 20142013^2 - 2(20142013)

= 1

(14 14-15 13)=1

Mere H
Sep 17, 2014

I just guessed :)

This is what I did 2x2-1x3

Callum Morrison
Sep 6, 2014

When I first looked at this question I thought of this:

20142014 x 20142014 - 20142013 x 20142015

let 2014 be 1

(11 x 11) - (10 x 12) = 121 - 120 = 1

I know this is strange, but for a situation like this it works! Where (a*a) - (a-1)(a+1).

I do the same you did

Antony Joshva - 5 years, 10 months ago
Azza Al-Tayeb
Aug 29, 2014

I started with easier example like 4* 4= 16 , 3 5=15 6 6 =36 , 5*7 = 35 the difference each time is 1

simple matter, you do remove every 5 number.than last 1 number (4\times 4-3\times 5=1)={(4\times 4=16)-(3\times 5=15)=1}.....

= (20142013+1) (20142015-1) - (20142013* 20142015) = (20142013* 20142015)-20142013+ 20142015-1- (20142013* 20142015) =20142013+20142015-1 =1 Write a solution.

Lydia Burnett
Aug 17, 2014

You could look at this the fast way and take the last digits of each of the numbers. You end up with




Simple :)

Makram Attia
Aug 9, 2014

Write a solution.

J-R Plasus
Aug 8, 2014

= (2014 * 2014) - (2013 * 2015)

= 4,056,196 - 4056195

= 1

U must look the same value and remove it both sides remain the others and start the operation given that's it no need to make a long term to solve a simple solution.

J-r Plasus - 6 years, 10 months ago
Ozge Kutun
Aug 7, 2014

you see, we can see a pattern if we start from the whole numbers starting from 0. Like 1 times 3 is 3 and the square of 2 (the number in the middle) is one plus 3, equals to 4. Like 2 times 4 is 8, and the square of 3 (the number in the middle) is one plus 8, equals 9. 3x5 is 15 and square of 4 is 16. 4x6 is 24 and 5x5 is 25. 5x7=35, 6x6=36. . . . . . 99x101=9999, 100x100=10000

And you can see in our problem we are asked to substruct 20142013x20142015 from the square of the number in middle, 20142014! And if we take that our pattern will work, the answer would be 1. This is my simple solution. (Sorry if any linguistic mistakes have been done during the solution, I'm not a native.)

Nitin Garg
Aug 7, 2014

2014201 4 2 20142014^2 -- (20142014-1) (20142014+1)

a 2 a^2 -- a 2 a^2 +1

1 : ans

Adrian Hansen
Aug 6, 2014

what I have done is I disregarded the first six digit (201420), then used the calculator. So, 14 14 - 13 15 = 1

Let's say we accept your stupid kind of thinking, still 1414-1315 is not equal to 1.

Avis Jay Lorenzo - 6 years, 10 months ago

I only used the last numbers (4 x 4) - (3 x 5) = 16 - 15 = 1

Frank Sarte - 6 years, 10 months ago

this is wrong ,how it can possible 1414-1315=1 ??????

Rohit Saini - 6 years, 10 months ago

really you didnt realize that he was doing the following 14x14-13x15=1. 196-195=1

Kila Gman - 6 years, 10 months ago
Tú Nguyễn
Aug 6, 2014

20142014 x 20142014 - 20142013 x 20142015 = 20142014^2 - (20142014 - 1)(20142014 + 1) = 20142014^2 - (20142014^2 - 1) = 20142014^2 - 20142014^2 +1 = 1

Mahmoud Mahjoub
Aug 6, 2014

let 20142014 x (x*x)-(x-1)(x+1) then x^2 - (x^2+x-x-1)=1

I just delete the same number positionned at the same position, on top and bottom..I got 4x4 - 3x5.. 16-15=1 :)

Xaber Azahiri - 6 years, 9 months ago

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