Two generals, Adam and Terry, aim their long range cannons at a third general Tina. Each general calibrates the explosive power of their cannon so it will hit Tina's base using the least energy possible. Tina's base is an equal distance (along the surface of the Earth Earth) from Adam and Terry.
If the positions of Adam and Terry are as shown above, which general will need to launch their cannon rounds at a smaller speed in order to hit Tina?
Assumptions and Details
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'net velocity = velocity of the airplane with respect to the ground + velocity of the ground'.
'net velocity' relative to what? The fixed space the Earth lies in? In which case it is probably better to talk about 'speed' since they are not travelling in a straight line.
Secondly, given that air resistance can be ignored, then why would the rotation of the Earth affect the speeds of the planes relative to the fixed space the Earth lies in?
In fact, the rotation of the Earth decreases the speeds of the planes from Tina's point of view (which is what we're concerned with). Which would reverse the answer?
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Points at the equator move with a greater speed than the points at the poles, so the "ground" has different speeds, depending on the latitude. From the problem statement, I infer that both planes have the same reading on the speedometer during take off, which refers to their speeds with respect to the ground below them. Once they have taken off, their speed remains constant in an inertial frame where the earth's axis is at rest.
So as Terry moves south, his west component of velocity increases, whereas as Adam moves north, his east component of velocity increases.
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You are right. Actually, the velocity of the aircraft won't accelerate due to the earth's rotational speed. It's just that their take-off velocity will be different.
Correct me if I am wrong!
It seems that this explanation will hold, if Tina's position in 3D space was fixed.
But Tina in the airport is also moving along the surface of the earth.
So, it seems that the "velocity of the ground" should not be considered here.
What do you think? @Terry Chadwick
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The plane standing at the equator is actually moving along with the ground. It is not the air that gives it the speed.
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I understand and I agree. But that is exactly why I think this should not be considered here in this situation.
The velocity of the plane starting at the equator surely has a greater tangential component, compared to that of the one taking off from the north pole. But I do not see how that matters here.
All the three points involved are fixed on the surface of the earth, and the paths of the planes are also along the same curved surface. Since everything is rotating in the same way (around the same axis), I think it should be safe to ignore its effect.
This in turn limits our frame of reference only to the surface of the earth. We know that the distance between 'north pole and the destination' and 'equator and the destination' are the same. The speeds of the planes, with respect to the surface of the earth, are also the same. So, in this case (with the effect of the wind ignored) they should both arrive at the same time.
This is my point of view. Please do correct me if I am mistaken.
I am shocked that you would change the problem statement! Add to it, Ok. Add a version B where cannons are used and airplanes remain in version A.
You didn't "move the goal posts", you completely changed the field of play. Shame!
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Can you please clarify ? I couldn't understand you.
Surely it was meant that velocity is the same relative to the earth!?
If distance is based on the distance the airplane travels. I was assuming it meant straight-line distance.
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Your assumption can be assumed to be correct. Though the actual path will be parabolic but it doesn't make a difference because the distance covered between Terry and Tina will be same as that between Adam and Tina.
The figure states the displacement which is same as well for Terry - Tina and Adam - Tina.
The problem statement is ambiguous and incomplete. When is Tina's position equidistant from the other two (at takeoff, or landing?) and what control do the pilots have over engine power (must both planes apply the same power?). By varying these parameters any answer is possible.
Several proposed solutions state that one plane had a higher ground speed and therefor arrived first, but there was no adequate discussion of the flight path. The optimal flight path is a straight line ignoring ground motion (no air resistance).
If the landing point is at 45° latitude on the same longitude as Adam's position then, In my opinion, the best solution if for both planes to follow the same strategy (as described for Terry's Southbound flight in several solutions): fly a straight line North or South (respectively), with the North bound plane applying a small extra westward thrust to dissipate the initial eastward velocity. With this scenario each plain follows an equal path and takes equal time. It also allows each pilot to choose how much forward thrust to apply. Thus the outcome depends on the cooperation of the pilots.
If the landing position is not on the same longitude as Adam's then Adam has to fly a longer distance and will arrive later, unless he applies much more thrust; in which cases the ambiguity in the problem statement invalidates the problem.
Enough already.
Bret Huggins, Arroyo Grande, CA
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The air planes are identical and of course they must be doing their best to reach their destination at the earliest. I think this is implicit.
The only difference is the initial speed they have. I suggest it would better if we consider the rotating frame of the Earth. In this frame the air planes will suffer a coriolis force . This coriolis force will help the airplane that flies from the equator to reach its destination. Therefore, Adam's plane will land on the destination first.
No, it is not ambiguous... it is clear that the position of Tina is perfectly defined as at the same distance when departing.... because Tina is moving with the earth (while both, Martin and Allan don't, they fly ) The problem is that they both pursue a target that is moving.... and the problem is if they'll follow the best trajectory or just follow the point where Tina is at a given instant. Tina is always at the same distance from the pole... so in a best approach Allan will follow an arc of R*colat of C. This is the distance that Martin would traverse only in case Tina doesn't move with earth... but as tina gest farther, the distance increases.... :)
But plane speed is measured in air speed not speed relative to the land. So two planes same speed same distance same time
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even, if wind is not relevant, then there's no wind, so air speed is the same as ground speed.... as you say, same speed, same distance.... except if the planes are considered ballistic (the problem states that they fly to altitudes where atmosphere is negligible), and so speeds are considered the same respect to an inertial system (or not, this should be clarified by the problem poster), and then the distance from Adam to the interception point of Tina's movement is longer than Terry's, then Terry wins (and not Adam, as stated in the solution) The fact that Adam is located on the equator only influences the cost for him to get the same speed as Terry, but then the speeds are the same.... and Tina is getting farther from Adam's departure point, while Terry is always at the same distance.
Once A(Terry) and B(Adam) depart, there are no forces that accelerate or brake them as they don't receive any influence from the earth (the air influence is negligible) so the earth movement can be safely ignored for them. The point C(Tina), on the other side, continues moving around an earth parallel at a speed given by omega * r C = omega * R * cos(lat C) this makes the distance to point B to enlarge as time elapses, while distance from point C to point A maintains constant. As both, A and B are intelligent, it's supposed they will fly directly to the meeting point of the they routes and the trajectory the point C is following, this is maximum circles on a perfectly spheric earth. As the distance to point C' grows for B and doesn't for A, always it will take for B more path (and more time) to reach C', except if it happens that C' is in circle segment of parallel that connects C to it's symmetric C'' over the meridian that connects A to B. In that case, the distance from B to C' will be lesser than the distance from A to C' (and to C) and it will take less time for B to reach C' than for A.
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It'd be helpful if you could explain what A and B are. Terry and Adam respectively? And presumably Tina is C?
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@Jeremy Ho , yes, sorry as I have developed a complete story without explaining my notation (I wrote it all time thinking the points A, B and C where originally on the problem graph). A is the departure point at the pole. B is the departure point at the equator (in an inertial reference system --- fixed to stars) and C is the Tina's arrival point. C' is the point where Tina's arrival point will be when Terry reaches it from the pole (going directly there to minimize travel time) and C'' is the symmetric point to C over the meridian of B in all my explanation.
@Terry Chadwick , please, the velocity of planes is the same or not?.... have you heard about galileo relativity. Are you considering any at all reference system? if you consider the equal velocity as the ground velocity (with respect to the moving earth) then the distance to Tina's point of arrival is the same for both all the time... as the problem states, the distance is the same for both, so despite any other consideration, T = V/D is the same for both (V constant and the same for both, and D is the same and constant for both, except allowing the earth to deform itself), and so, they should arrive at Tina's at the same time. Have you considered the fact that Tina is moving also, but always maintains the same distance to Terry's ground departure point?
I'm not so sure on the current given answer to this. Here is my solution, which gets Terry as the answer -
I think the addition of a few assumptions are necessary:
(Minor assumptions might include: 'North Pole' referring to the geographic one, the Earth being considered to be a sphere, and the Earth being modelled as a rotating ball with period 24 hrs in a fixed space (all of which are fairly obvious))
We can probably assume that the planes travel along a great circle of the fixed sphere the Earth lies in to reach their destination (as opposed to continuously 'chasing' their target which is constantly moving). To do this, they need to predict the position of their destination at time of arrival, and we'll need to assume they can do this perfectly.
How does the speed of the planes vary? Do we just assume a constant speed throughout the flight? If this isn't the case, and the planes initially build up to a maximum speed from take-off, then the rotation of the Earth will mean that Adam's initial speed (relative to the fixed space the Earth lies in) isn't 0 , but Terry's is. This will give Adam a slight advantage or disadvantage (depending on the location of Tina) over Terry, although it's hard to quantify this advantage (it depends on what the maximum speed and acceleration of the planes are). So we probably will have to assume the planes move at a constant speed throughout the flight in order to avoid this problem.
We also need to make an assumption about Tina's initial position and the speed of the planes which I shall explain in the solution. (imo this is a pretty big assumption which we can perhaps deduce from the diagram, but needs the question to be edited, preferably).
To find which of the distances between two pairs of points on a sphere is larger, or if they are the same, comparison of the straight line distance and the shortest distance over the surface of the sphere produces the same result. Therefore only the straight line distances from Tina to Terry and Adam need to be considered in this problem.
Given the first assumption, the plane which has the shortest of the distances between the planes' initial and landing positions will be the first to arrive.
Over time, relative to the fixed space the Earth lies in, Terry and Adam's positions move due to the motion of their planes (and are independent from the rotation of the Earth, given the assumptions in the question), while Tina's position moves due to the rotation of the Earth.
Let the sphere x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 represent the Earth with the equator being the intersection with z = 0 .
Let the initial positions of Terry and Adam be ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) and ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) respectively.
The set of points which are equidistant from their initial positions is the plane x = z .
Let Tina's initial position in cylindrical coordinates be ( r 0 , θ 0 , z 0 ) where r 0 = 1 − z 0 2 and z 0 = r 0 cos θ 0 (satisfying the sphere and plane equations).
Then Tina's position over time is ( r 0 , θ 0 + 1 2 π t , z 0 ) where t is the time since take off in hours.
For Tina's position over time, x − z = r 0 cos ( θ 0 + 1 2 π t ) − z 0 = r 0 ( cos ( θ 0 + 1 2 π t ) − cos θ 0 ) .
Now we'll need to make the last assumption which is that 0 < θ 0 + 1 2 π t < π throughout the whole problem. This assumption imposes restrictions on θ 0 and the speed of the planes. Note that this assumption is sufficient but not necessary for the rest of the solution to produce a unique answer to the problem.
( 0 < θ 0 + 1 2 π t < π ) ∧ ( r 0 > 0 ) ⟹ x − z = r 0 ( cos ( θ 0 + 1 2 π t ) − cos θ 0 ) < 0
The region x < z is closer to Terry than Adam while x > z is closer to Adam than Terry.
Therefore Tina's position lies closer to Terry than Adam throughout the problem.
Therefore Terry will arrive first.
All things considered, perhaps it'd make things much clearer in this problem and remove quite a number of ambiguities and assumptions which currently necessary if it asked which plane has to travel the shortest distance rather than for the shortest amount of time.
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Thanks a lot Jeremy for so much cooperation! Please read some of my comments. I am pondering over the problem and people like you are providing insights on this topic .
To say that the wind is negligible is to say that there is no wind. By "no wind" we mean that the air is moving at the same rate as the earth under it. If not, then people on the ground at the equator would experience a constant westward gale.
To say that two planes are moving "at the same speed" means that they are doing so relative to the air they are moving through.
The net result of these two points is that when you are considering speed across the ground in "non-moving" air, you can consider the Earth not to be moving at all. The movement of the Earth and the air on it cancels out of any equation. If it didn't, then if Adam were to travel due north (in dead air) he'd arrive somewhere northeast of his starting point. He would not.
Also, you never said that Tina was east of Adam, only indicated it on the picture, which we always know not to trust relative positioning in pictures unless they are stated.
@Terry Chadwick The rotational speed of the Earth is going to slow Terry/Adam down if Tina is where she is according to the diagram. You need to think if the rotation gives a positive or negative effect to the speed.
Got this right according to the officially posted "answer", but am feeling uneasy about it. Mr. Chadwick's idea seems to be that the plane sitting on the ground at the equator acquires the eastward vector of the ground and, when it takes off, maintains that eastward vector in the air, which as others have noted below, must be assumed not moving relative to the ground at any latitude. Since Terry's plane does not have that eastward vector, he will be at a disadvantage in getting to a point on the earth that is to the east of his initial position. Sounds good, but that seems to say that no one starting from the equator can fly directly north; would have to aim a little to the west to fly due north. That seems absurd. I guess I have to agree with what seems to be a general sense of confusion about this question as indicated in these postings.
What are you talking about? "velocity of the ground'? If that was a real term then explain to me the hell does a helicopter hover? Once we ignore wind effects, there is no such thing as velocity of the ground. Everything hovering in the sky moves at the exact same speed as the ground absent wind effects. If there was a "velocity of the ground component" then a balloon launched at the ground would move at a fairly hefty speed eastward, ignoring wind effects.
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Did you know that when two identical planes with the same velocity are set to revolve around the Earth for once, the plane moving from the West to the East will take lesser time than the one travelling from East to west.
was it helpful ?
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Greg Grapsas is arguing that this is due to wind, though. I'm not so sure how 'wind' is defined myself, and I'd suggest changing the problem to make the currently ambiguous things clear. We all seem to have slightly different models of the problem in mind so we're disagreeing on quite a few things.
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@Jeremy Ho – This is the last nail in the coffin.
Acceleration due to gravity is lower at the equator than at poles .
See my updated solution.
Thank you!
@Jeremy Ho – I agree with Jeremy, planes are misleading in the problem. Although, the problem statement has been updated and planes are replaced by cannon balls.
The air is moving as fast as the ground is. For example if you're in a train and you jump, you don't suddenly get buffered by 60 mph of wind
Someon brought up the case where a west to east plane goes faster than an east to west. True. But that is due to wind direction which was ignored in this problem
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But I didn't ignore the acceleration due to gravity. See my updated solution .
Thanks !
Considering planes in the problems is misleading but the problem statement has been fixed. The planes are replaced by cannon balls and coriolis force is responsible for the difference in the speed of the balls.
Equal distance + identical speed = arrive at the same time.
If Terry just flies due south and 'leads' his trajectory (starting omega) such that, accounting for Earth's rotation, his path will intercept with Tina's position as he crosses her latitude, he will arrive at least as soon as Adam, whether Adam needs to fly due north or take some other route. The answer is incorrect; the question is also not specific enough as mentioned by others.
Disagree with answer. The planes follow the same air speed and the problem stated that the air [correction: WIND] speed was negligible. Therefore there is no Coreolis Effect. By the problem statement, we were to ignore the effect that the equator is moving faster than the pole. Air speed was all that mattered and the winds were zero. Therefore ground speeds of the planes were equal, Time of arrival was the same.
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The problem statement is now updated and the planes are replaced by cannon balls. The coriolis force is a pseudo force that comes into picture in the rotating frame of Earth. The coriolis force will act on the cannon balls irrespective of the air or wind.
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I disagree strongly with erasing the previous problem and changing it post-hoc. You should instead correct your solution. Additionally, you could add to the problem a "version B" where by you use cannon balls instead of airplanes. Once you publish a problem it should stay as written. If you must, mark changes with strike-outs and [Edit: comments with a date]
I don't agree. Tina is at a fixed ground point x equal distance from her two friends. While the Adam initially has a greater relative ground speed, as he approach Tina his relative ground speed decreases. Terry may have a slower relative ground speed but as he approaches the fixed spot x his relative speed increases. Since they are both flying east the same distance, air speed,altitude and same weather, the gain and loss in relative ground speed offset and they should arrive at the same time. Your explanation seems to ignore the gain in relative ground speed accrued by Terry and lost by Adam
Is it fair to change the question after you realize the error and people have answered? Don't ethics come into play at some point and you admit your error instead of changing the pretense to suit your answer?
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When we update the question, we also ensure that those who previously gave the "correct answer" have been marked correct. You are notified about such changes in an email.
The coriolis force in north pole acts towards right.Since Adam's cannon fire is moving towards his right, so coriolis force will act in direction of his motion and hence his speed would increase. But Terry's cannon fire is moving towards his left , coriolis force will act towards his right i.e. in the direction opposite to his motion and so his speed would decrease. Therefore Adam's cannon fire will fly with a speed faster than Terry and hence would be the first to reach.
Terry is at k distance from frien that is always equal or less that distant from Adam to friend Frien could be at the other dide of the world from Adam Adam got there faster?!!!
Coriolis force doesn't affect this system, except if you consider the rotating reference system linked to the earth... but not if you consider a static system in where Allan and Martin depart from the pole and equator resp. and Tina moves (constantly) at a fixed rate around the earth rotating axis. In that case, the distance Alan has to travel to the meeting point (not following Tina, of course) is always constant (and equal to the distance from Allan to any point in the same parallel of Tina's location) while the distance of Martin enlarges (so by some real numbers axiom, it must be greater, if initially equal and then grows)
@Kunal Kundwani , I'm afraid that coriolis forces are not important for this problem, as the statement of constant velocity must take all of these (coriolis and centrifugue forces emerging of a rotating reference system) and compensate them to fix a constan velocity. Forces involve accelerations (first newton principle) and make speeds to change, which from problem definition is not allowed.
Gravity is weaker at the Equator than at the North pole. So you fly faster on Equator and that is a Adam.
its simple the angular velocity of earth is const now ve know for a uniform circular motion v=rw ( though a perfect circle isnt form ed we can make correlate the helical path of plane with this...) at any inst r of adams plane is greater hence is his plane's velocity dist to b covered remaining same adam reaches first
As drawn, we must take into account the rotational velocity of the Earth. If it were drawn as all the on the same longitude, the travel time should be the same.
If you decompose the flights into a North/South component and a vertical component, the higher angular velocity of the equator route will not require velocity from the engines to get to the destination. Therefore, the plane only needs to thrust due North, v and the Earth does the rest.
For the polar flight, velocity must be decided between the x and y axes--the velocity is all along the hypotenuse. This is longer than the longitude, so at the same speed, more time is needed.
This is why space launches are easier from the equator toward the East and polar launches are more challenging.
i'm afraid the velocity of earth at the equator only helps in B having less effort to achieve some velocity at all, but not on the overall velocity that is assumed to be equal for both planes. As it is assumed also that the earh doesn't impose any interaction to the planes, it's movement should be ignored and consider both planes moving in a non-rotating inertial reference system linked to both planes and C point (rest point of Tina at start of movement) and consider that only Tina (and point C) is moving actually, along a parallel at Tina's latitude. In that case, no extra velocity has to be considered. No coriolis or centrifugue forces, just the earth gravity attraction and the centrifugue force due to the curvature of the trajectories.
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As Adam is near the equator while Terry is near the poles, Adam's cannon ball will acquire larger velocity (because net velocity = velocity of the cannon ball with respect to the ground + velocity of the ground).
The Adam's cannon is at the equator and already has a velocity eastwards. When Adam shoots a cannon ball the coriolis force acts on it and push it towards Tina's base.
Whereas, for Terry's cannon, the coriolis force pushes it away from Tina's base.
Hence, Adam would need to fire at smaller speed to hit Tina's base.