Exponential growth

p x y 3 = 1 \large p^x - y^3 =1

Solve the equation above over integral values of x , y , p x,y,p .

Details and assumptions :

  • Input the answer as the sum of possible answers. As an explicit example, input 12 if the only triplet satisfying the equation is ( 1 , 1 , 10 ) (1,1,10) .

  • p p is a prime.

  • x , y x,y are positive integers.

The answer is 11.

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4 solutions

Patrick Corn
May 14, 2015

This doesn't require any fancy theorems.

Write p x = ( y + 1 ) ( y 2 y + 1 ) p^x = (y+1)(y^2-y+1) , and note that the gcd of y + 1 y+1 and y 2 y + 1 y^2-y+1 is 1 1 or 3 3 , because y 2 y + 1 = ( y + 1 ) ( y 2 ) + 3 y^2-y+1 = (y+1)(y-2)+3 . Both factors are powers of p p , so their gcd is the minimum of them. This restricts the possibilities for them quite dramatically.

If the gcd is 1 1 then one of the factors has to be 1 1 . This is only possible if y = 1 y = 1 , which leads to ( 2 , 1 , 1 ) (2,1,1) .

If the gcd is 3 3 then p = 3 p = 3 and one of the factors is 3 3 . The only possibility is y = 2 y = 2 (whence both factors are 3 3 ) which leads to ( 3 , 2 , 2 ) (3,2,2) .

That's it.

Brilliance at it's finest!Thanks for the nice solution.

Arian Tashakkor - 6 years, 1 month ago

Same approach :-) +1

Kazem Sepehrinia - 6 years ago

how did you find gcd og y+1 and y^2-y+1

Vrund Shah - 5 years, 10 months ago

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Let g c d ( y 2 y + 1 , y + 1 ) = d gcd(y^2 - y +1, y+1) = d Then, d y 2 y + 1 d|y^2 - y+ 1 and d y + 1 d|y+1 .

Now, d y + 1 d y 2 + y d|y+1 \Rightarrow d|y^2 + y

So, d ( y 2 + y ) ( y 2 y + 1 ) d|(y^2 + y) - (y^2 - y + 1) i.e. d 2 y 1 d|2y - 1

So, we also have, d ( 2 y 1 ) + ( y + 1 ) d|(2y-1) + (y+1) i.e. d 3 y d|3y

Now, as d y + 1 d|y+1 \Rightarrow d d does not divide y y

So, d must divide 3 \Rightarrow d=1,3

Raushan Sharma - 5 years, 5 months ago

This equation can be rewritten as p x = y 3 + 1 = ( y + 1 ) ( y 2 y + 1 ) , p^{x} = y^{3} + 1 = (y + 1)(y^{2} - y + 1), (A).

Thus by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra we must have that

y + 1 = p m y + 1 = p^{m} and y 2 y + 1 = p n y^{2} - y + 1 = p^{n} for some non-negative integers m , n m,n with x = m + n . x = m + n.

Now looking again at equation (A), we see that since p , x , y > 1 p,x,y \gt 1 we can have at most one of m , n m,n be zero. So we must look at the following three cases:

  • (i) m = 0 m = 0 : then p n = p 0 3 ( p 0 1 ) = 1 , p^{n} = p^{0} - 3(p^{0} - 1) = 1, which can be discarded since p > 1 ; p \gt 1;

  • (ii) n = 0 n = 0 : then p 0 = ( p m ) 2 3 ( p m 1 ) ( p m ) 2 3 p m + 2 = 0 p^{0} = (p^{m})^{2} - 3(p^{m} - 1) \Longrightarrow (p^{m})^{2} - 3p^{m} + 2 = 0

( p m 2 ) ( p m 1 ) = 0 p m = 2 \Longrightarrow (p^{m} - 2)(p^{m} - 1) = 0 \Longrightarrow p^{m} = 2 or p m = 1. p^{m} = 1.

Given these options, the only valid solution is p = 2 , m = 1. p = 2, m = 1. This gives us x = m + n = 1 , y = 1 x = m + n = 1, y = 1 for the solution triple ( x , y , p ) = ( 1 , 1 , 2 ) . (x,y,p) = (1,1,2).

  • (iii) m 0 , n 0 m \ne 0, n \ne 0 : In this case p p divides both y + 1 y + 1 and y 2 y + 1. y^{2} - y + 1. Thus p p divides ( y 2 y + 1 ) ( y + 1 ) = y ( y + 2 ) . (y^{2} - y + 1) - (y + 1) = y(y + 2). But since p ( y + 1 ) p | (y + 1) we know that p p does not divide y . y. Thus p ( y 2 ) , p | (y - 2), which in turn implies that p p divides ( y + 1 ) ( y 2 ) = 3 , (y + 1) - (y - 2) = 3, and the only prime that divides 3 3 is itself.

Now y = 1 y = 1 gives us 3 x 1 = 1 , 3^{x} - 1 = 1, which has no integer solution. With y = 2 y = 2 we have 3 x 8 = 1 , 3^{x} - 8 = 1, giving us the solution triple ( x , y , p ) = ( 2 , 2 , 3 ) . (x,y,p) = (2,2,3).

Next, suppose y 3. y \ge 3. Now we'll make use of Catalan's Conjecture , (which was proven in 2002), which states that the only pair of "non-trivial" solution of the equation a x y b = 1 a^{x} - y^{b} = 1 is 3 2 2 3 = 1. 3^{2} - 2^{3} = 1. By "non-trivial" it is meant that the powers are 2 , \ge 2, and since x = m + n 2 x = m + n \ge 2 the Conjecture applies in this case.

Thus having covered all the cases, we find that the only solution triples are ( 1 , 1 , 2 ) (1,1,2) and ( 2 , 2 , 3 ) , (2,2,3), so the desired sum is ( 1 + 1 + 2 ) + ( 2 + 2 + 3 ) = 11 . (1 + 1 + 2) + (2 + 2 + 3) = \boxed{11}.

I think it's much simpler if you just start with finding all the solutions of x , y x,y with 1 1 as one (or two) of its values then immediately move to Mihăilescu's theorem because it satisfies the condition. There's no need factor it like what you did in the first half.

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 1 month ago

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What about this one?

p x y 3 = 1 p x = y 3 + 1 = y 3 + 1 3 p^x-y^3 = 1 \Rightarrow p^x = y^3 +1 = y^3 + 1^3 According to Fermat's Last Theorem, if x 3 x\geq3 then there will be no p , y p,y fulfilled. So I test for x = 1 x=1 and x = 2 x=2 . For x = 2 x=2 indirectly I use Catalan's Conjencture.

Is that correct?

Figel Ilham - 6 years, 1 month ago

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In FLT, you must have the powers to be all the same, p x = y 3 + 1 3 p^x = y^3 + 1^3 has no solution if x x is a multiple of 3 3 . So you still need to prove that there's no solution for x m o d 3 ≢ 0 x \bmod 3 \not \equiv 0 , which is pointless.

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Pi Han Goh Understand now. Thanks.

Figel Ilham - 6 years, 1 month ago

You're quite right. When I was dealing with my last case I realized that it was necessary to use that theorem, and I didn't feel like revising all the previous work I'd already done. :P

Brian Charlesworth - 6 years, 1 month ago

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It's also much simpler to write a program to do the work :D

I learnt some new things from your solutions. But this definitely more than a level 4 question.

vishnu c - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Vishnu C How would you set up a program to test for infinite number of cases?

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Pi Han Goh You don't. Computers hate infinity.

You start out small, with about 1000 iterations with each variable going from 1 - 10, but in this case, the prime part came to the rescue of one of the variables. Then you can move on to 20, then 30, then so on. If it stays the same, then you can make a guess that it's going to stay the same and enter your answer. Especially if you think that work of researching and looking for solutions to the problem is not worth it and if someone else has posted the solution already.

If the count is something you think you can skim over, then you say display the variables' values when the conditions are satisfied. Then you can verify for yourself that your code has no bugs.

Sometimes a graph helps.

vishnu c - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Vishnu C What you're trying to say is that you have found no solution for small values of p , x , y p,x,y (other than those mentioned) but you didn't come close to prove that there's no other solution. You would have gotten wrong for Pólya_conjecture .

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Pi Han Goh I was not interested in proving or disproving conjectures or theorems that have already been done so. I just wanted to solve this problem in some way or the other so that I can read the solution. If proving conjectures or theorems independently is the easier method, then I opt for that. Most number theory questions that you can find on brilliant eventually get a solution that somebody has tried and obtained using computer programs. It's all a gamble- for them and for me.

There have been many cases where I've tried to do it by computer but couldn't, including the first two attempts of your coefficients problem (and where I screwed up the third attempt when I entered the wrong value after figuring it out manually). In these cases, I have to click the "reveal solutions" button in the end.

vishnu c - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Vishnu C So you're treating this as a CS problem instead of a NT problem? Even so, how would you know that there's only two solution that exist? Your program only iterates itself for a finite number of times.

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Pi Han Goh I got lucky. Besides, I've never even heard of these conjectures.

vishnu c - 6 years, 1 month ago

if y>2 then y+1<y^2-y+1<(y+1)^2 which implies p^k<p^x-k<p^2k giving x>2k and x<2k which is impossible so only solutions are where y=1 an y=2

Des O Carroll - 6 years, 1 month ago

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What? It's y 3 y^3 , not y 2 y^2 .

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 1 month ago

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y^3+1=(y+1)(y^2-y+1) now I am letting(y+1)=p^k and so (y^2-y+1)=p^(x-k)

Des O Carroll - 6 years, 1 month ago

@Brian Charlesworth Exactly the way I did it sir!Well done.@Pi Han Goh I'm sorry but I really needed to ask how on the earth did you solve my other problem minutes after it was posted sir?!?!Was is that easy?

Arian Tashakkor - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@arian tashakkor Thanks! Patrick Corn's solution is more elegant, though. :)

I tried your other question and it's not easy, but I did finally get the answer. One comment, though; I think that you should specify that x , y x,y must be positive integers in order to get the posted solution, since ( x , y ) = ( 0 , 2 ) (x,y) = (0,2) is also a solution, so my first attempt was 2 2 more than the posted answer, (which I got on my second attempt).

Brian Charlesworth - 6 years, 1 month ago

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Always forget to add that positive part ... Thanks again sir

Arian Tashakkor - 6 years, 1 month ago
Mathh Mathh
May 14, 2015

Clearly y 1 y\ge 1 and p x = y 3 + 1 p^x=y^3+1 . Zsigmondy tells us this lemma:

a n + b n a^n+b^n has at least two prime divisors when a > b > 0 a>b>0 , n 2 n\ge 2 , ( a , b , n ) ( 2 , 1 , 3 ) (a,b,n)\neq (2,1,3) .

( a , b , n ) = ( 2 , 1 , 3 ) (a,b,n)=(2,1,3) here gives ( x , y , p ) = ( 2 , 2 , 3 ) \boxed{(x,y,p)=(2,2,3)} . Otherwise, since 3 2 3\ge 2 , y > 1 > 0 y>1>0 will give contradiction by above lemma. So y = 1 y=1 , which gives ( x , y , p ) = ( 1 , 1 , 2 ) \boxed{(x,y,p)=(1,1,2)} .

You don't need Zsigmondy as others have shown. But this lemma generalizes better. Or of course you can use Catalan's conjecture (now proved), which says (for x , y , a , b > 1 x,y,a,b>1 ) x y a b = 1 ( x , y , a , b ) = ( 3 , 2 , 2 , 3 ) x^y-a^b=1\iff (x,y,a,b)=(3,2,2,3) .

So using it we have either ( x , y , p ) = ( 2 , 2 , 3 ) (x,y,p)=(2,2,3) or at least one of p , x , y p,x,y is 1 1 .

y = 1 y=1 gives ( x , y , p ) = ( 1 , 1 , 2 ) (x,y,p)=(1,1,2) and x = 1 x=1 gives y + 1 = p , y 2 y + 1 = 1 y+1=p, y^2-y+1=1 , the latter giving either y = 0 y=0 , impossible, or y = 1 y=1 , giving ( x , y , p ) = ( 1 , 1 , 2 ) (x,y,p)=(1,1,2) .

Here is why Zsigmondy's Lemma generalizes better. Let's solve p x = a n + b n p^x=a^n+b^n , where p p is prime, x , a , b 1 , n 2 x,a,b\ge 1, n\ge 2 . Then either ( { a , b } , n , p , x ) = ( { 2 , 1 } , 3 , 3 , 2 ) (\{a,b\},n,p,x)=(\{2,1\},3,3,2) or ( a , b , n , p , x ) = ( 2 , 2 , n , 2 , n + 1 ) (a,b,n,p,x)=(2,2,n,2,n+1) or wlog a > b > 0 a>b>0 , in which case Zsigmondy gives us a contradiction.

Navneel Mandal
Feb 7, 2016

Using Catalan's Conjecture, we get the triplet (3,2,2): And one more i.e. (2,1,1)

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