Practice your exponents

Find the last digit of 5 7 89 57^{89} .

The answer is 7.

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26 solutions

I even did it Caleb Townsend's way, but was interested to post another type of solution not requiring Modular Arithmetic. Observation:- Last digit of 5 7 4 = 1 57^{4} = 1 .So, 5 7 89 = ( ( 5 7 4 ) 22 ) × 57 57^{89} = ((57^{4})^{22}) \times 57 \implies last digit of 5 7 89 = 1 × 7 = 7 57^{89} = 1\times 7 = 7 .

I was waiting for this answer!

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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Upvote if you like ! Thanks...

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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What makes you so strong in Mathematics?

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das Nothing bro ! Lol I am as strong in math as you !

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru No, I am not so strong in Mathematics as you!See my Levels! Well are you 14 really or by Birth Certificate?

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das Really 14 (Born on September 21 ,2000) ! Btw levels do not completely decide strength in math...

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru Which Class?

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das Class 9 th over ! Going to class 10 th...

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru Then U are reading 1 year advanced.?

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das There is nothing in syllabus and out of syllabus in math. Just find out what is interesting to you, and start focusing on it !

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru No No, I mean that U should be normally going to class 9!

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das Nope, It is normal to go to Class 10!

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru When is your birthday? Oh! Actually I was born in DEC 5 , 2000. Which is aprox, 2001, so I thought that u are reading in advance. I am going to class 9 now.

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das Ok that's nice !

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru How was your result this time? Are you on Google?

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das My CGPA ? Yes, I am on G+...

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru Would U like to hangout? Yes, Your CGPA , Accha your EMAIL? Mine is

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das is my email id

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

@Swapnil Das My CGPA 10.0, and sure, I would like to hangout. But unfortunately, I am accessing brilliant on my iPad and it doesn't have google hangouts installed. Anyways, you can add me to your circles so that we can hangout later :- g+ account !

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru Sure, well, my CGPA was not good this time, 9.83. All because partiality. I can explain u more if u like.

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das Sure, I am curious....

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru Thank You. Actually, I am a non coaching student. Many of my friends go to FIITJEE for coaching which prepare them for olympiads. Times have gone when I topped Mathematics in my Class( By God's Grace, Now I am called a Physicist in my class). Because of that, they win many olympiads and I"m left behind. So, the teachers are impressed and grant only them cgpa 10. It would have been better if i was never born!

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Swapnil Das Hey, don't feel bad bro ! No one is left behind.There is still a lot of scope for you. Anyways, let cut this conversation now. Bye bye !

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Venkata Karthik Bandaru Bye Bye! Have a good day

Swapnil Das - 6 years, 2 months ago

@Swapnil Das 24feb2000 DOB and I am going to class 11 Date does not decide the class

Abu Zubair - 6 years, 2 months ago

I even don't understand the solution

Md Mehedi Hasan Bappi - 6 years, 1 month ago

I didn't get it. Could you please explain it again.

Aurko Mitra - 6 years, 1 month ago


Muthu Cp - 6 years, 1 month ago

Note that the result you used actually follows from Euler's Totient Theorem which uses modular arithmetic. We denote by ϕ ( n ) \phi(n) the Euler's Totient Function. Now,

ϕ ( 10 ) = 4 gcd ( 7 , 10 ) = 1 7 ϕ ( 10 ) 1 ( m o d 10 ) 7 4 1 ( m o d 10 ) \phi(10)=4~\land~\gcd(7,10)=1\\ \implies 7^{\phi(10)}\equiv 1\pmod{10}\implies 7^4\equiv 1\pmod{10}

Since, we have 57 7 ( m o d 10 ) 57\equiv 7\pmod{10} , it follows that 5 7 4 1 ( m o d 10 ) 57^4\equiv 1\pmod{10}

Prasun Biswas - 6 years, 2 months ago

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Yeah, I know that my solution is just by observation and I even know that this was from Euler Totient function theorem, but I wanted to simplify the solution,So that people without the knowledge of Modular Arithmetic can understand it. Involving all of these facts you mentioned in your comment will complicate things. In my solution, I took it obviously that 5 7 4 1 ( m o d 10 ) 57^{4} \equiv 1 (mod 10) by observation that last digit of 5 7 4 = 57^{4} = last digit of 7 4 = 1 7^{4} =1 . But still, Thank you for your valuable comment that gives the underlying proof of my "taken for granted" observation !

Venkata Karthik Bandaru - 6 years, 2 months ago
Caleb Townsend
Apr 3, 2015

The last digit of 57 57 is 7 , 7, so a simpler problem to answer is "what is the last digit of 7 89 ? 7^{89}? "

Consider x = 7 n , n Z + . x = 7^n,\ n\in\mathbb{Z}^+. The first few values of x mod 10 x \text{ mod } 10 are 7 , 9 , 3 , 1 , 7 , 9 , . . . 7,\ 9,\ 3,\ 1,\ 7,\ 9,\ ... If n 0 (mod 4 ) , n\equiv 0 \text{ (mod } 4), then the last digit is 1. 1. If n 1 (mod 4 ) , n\equiv 1 \text{ (mod } 4), then the last digit is 7. 7. If n 2 (mod 4 ) , n\equiv 2 \text{ (mod } 4), then the last digit is 9. 9. Lastly, if n 3 (mod 4 ) , n\equiv 3 \text{ (mod } 4), then the last digit is 3. 3.

In this case, n = 89 1 (mod 4 ) , n = 89 \equiv 1 \text{ (mod } 4), so the last digit is 7. 7.

Since we want the last digit of the number, it suffices to consider it modulo 10 10 . It is easy to see that 57 7 ( m o d 10 ) 57\equiv 7\pmod {10} So, we have 5 7 89 7 89 ( m o d 10 ) 57^{89}\equiv 7^{89}\pmod {10} Since 7 4 1 ( m o d 10 ) 7^4\equiv 1\pmod {10} it is seen that 7 89 = 7 × ( 7 4 ) 22 7 ( m o d 10 ) . 7^{89}=7\times (7^4)^{22}\equiv 7\pmod {10}. Hence our required answer is 7 \boxed{7} .

Lew Sterling Jr
Apr 4, 2015

Moderator note:

We did not ask you find to find all digits of 5 7 89 57^{89} . It's not practical nor helpful to find its digits.

I knew someone would do this :D

Stefan Chircop - 6 years, 2 months ago

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It's fun to do. :D

Lew Sterling Jr - 6 years, 2 months ago

\ \ Sonnhard.

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 2 months ago

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Sonnhard? You mean Dr. Sonnhard Graubner?

Lew Sterling Jr - 6 years, 2 months ago

How did you find it out?

Ritu Roy - 6 years, 2 months ago

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I used a simple calculator.

Lew Sterling Jr - 6 years, 2 months ago
Md Hasib
Apr 4, 2015

57^1= 7; 57^2= 9; 57^3= 3; 57^4= 1; 57^5= * 7; And it continues like this.It will repeat.So at 23th step the last digit will be 7.

good one bangboy

Aditya Kumar - 6 years, 2 months ago
Rafeek Abadeer
Apr 5, 2015

I noticed that last digit is of 57^1 is 7 The last digit of 57^2 will be the result of multiplying 7 of 57^1 by the 7 of the new 57^1. It will be the last digit of 7x7 which is 9 Fillowing this procedure we cab see 57^3 ends with the last digit of 9x7, which is 3 and 57^4 ends with 1 We can notice a pattern of 7,9,3,1 repeats with increasing the exponent. it is a 4 units series, so for 89th position we get 7

الترجمة :D

Medhat Fawzy - 6 years, 2 months ago
Krishna Garg
Apr 8, 2015

When we multiply last digit of 57 that is 7 with 1,2,3,4 5 times ,we get last digits as 7,9,3,1 and again repitition of the sequence,so 57^89 will haveninetimes aslast digit as 7 ans

Pintu Vaghela
Apr 4, 2015

It's all abot the rule of Cyclicity.

Vikas Jayswal
Apr 4, 2015

The order if cycle is 4a and it's 44timeso both side multiply 7we get 7

Suyash Agrawal
Apr 12, 2015

divide 89 by 4 remainder left is 1 ans is 7^1.

Ferriel Melarpis
Apr 12, 2015

pattern :

  • 7 ^ 0 = 1

  • 7 ^ 1 = 7

  • 7 ^ 2 = 49

  • 7 ^ 3 = 343

  • 7 ^ 4 = 2401 ...

thus the exponent cycle of 7 is mod 4

end_digit(57^{89}) = (7^{89 mod 4}) = 7^1 = 7

I just find the last digit of 7^9

Pranav Jha
Jun 9, 2015

If unit's digit is 7 , then units digit for 7^4 is we take 57^89 as (7^4)^22 7^1...7^4 is 1 therefore 1 7=7 answer

Venkat Suresh
Apr 29, 2015

For every 4 multiplications of 57, last digit will be 1. So, 88 times of multiplication of 57 will result 1 at last and with multiply with last 57 will give last figure as 7

Abid Chohan
Apr 27, 2015

Last digit will be 7 as unit digit of any number repeating itself after every fifth power. Hence after 88the power the 89th term will be having 7 as last digit.

Wael Hagag
Apr 19, 2015

Last digit is 7

Akash Padhan
Apr 18, 2015

since after 7^4,again 7 comes in the first place,so 9=4*2+1.thats why 7 will come again

Rudradeb Pati
Apr 18, 2015

Get the answer of 7 to the power 9 you will get the last digit

Rishabh Bhonsle
Apr 17, 2015

Power cycle 7,9,3,1

S Harry
Apr 16, 2015

last no from 57^(89) is evidently last no from 7^(9) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7=40353607 take the last no from it that is 7

Aldo Putra
Apr 16, 2015

7^5 the last digit will be 7 again so in 7^85 it will be 7 so just do the sequence 7^86 will be 9, 7^87 will be 3 7^88 will be 1 then the last one 7^89 will be 7 again

Bruce Barbour
Apr 15, 2015

My method was to use the last digit by power: 57 to the first power would have a last digit of 7, with the second power having a last digit of 9. You keep doing this until you have reached the number 7 again, which you will leave out. Then, count how many of the different various last digits there are and record. Divide the power of 89 by the number of possible last digits to receive the minimum power. Now look back at the list you made and write down the minimum power where you will follow up with the last digits per power again (notice there is a pattern). So, if you were given 13.5 as minimum power, then you will go through the list until you have ended up at the power of 13 which the pattern should reveal what the last digit is.

Gamal Sultan
Apr 15, 2015

(57)^89 = (57)(3249)^44 = (57)(................... 1) = ................... 7

So , the answer is 7

Another solution :

(57)^89 = (5 X 10 + 7)^(22 X 4 + 1) = (7)^(1) (mod 10) = 7 (mod 10)

The question is asking the remainder of the number ( m o d 10 ) (mod 10) . Thus it makes sense to look for a pattern in the powers of 7 since 7 is congruent to 57 m o d 10 {57} mod { 10} . The powers of 7 have the following classes ( m o d 10 ) (mod 10) : 1, 7, 9, 3. Since the pattern repeats after every 4th power, we must look at 89 m o d 4 {89} mod {4} to see which class 5 7 89 57^{89} falls into. We find that 89 is congruent to 1 mod 4, so 5 7 89 57^{89} is in the class of 7. Therefore, 5 7 89 57^{89} is congruent to 7 m o d 10 {7} mod {10} .

Asma Rasheed
Apr 5, 2015

Last digit of any number whose unit digit is 7 are 7,9,3,1 with power 1,2,3,4 then repeating , that with power 5 last digit is 1 and so on. Using this trick we find with power 88 last digit is 1 and with power 89 the last digit is 7

Stewart Gordon
Apr 5, 2015

The fifth power of every integer has the same final digit as the original integer. Furthermore, the final digits repeat every four successive powers. I suppose this fact is related to the reduced residue system modulo 10 ( { 1 , 3 , 7 , 9 } , × 10 ) (\{1, 3, 7, 9\}, \times_{10}) happening to be the cyclic group of order 4.

This reduces the whole calculation from 5 7 89 57^{89} to 7 1 7^1 .

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