A gun fires a spherical bullet parallel to a horizontal, flat plane. An identical bullet is dropped at the same time, from the same height.
Which bullet will hit the plane first?
Hint: Compare the air resistance acting on the bullets.
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This solution correctly points out that drag in the horizontal direction will be greater for the fired bullet. That has absolutely no impact on the drag in the vertical direction. The vertical velocities of the two bullets will be identical throughout and therefore the vertical drag will also be identical throughout. It makes no difference whether the drag is linear or quadratic, it will be equal.
They will both hit the ground at the same time.
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Hi Michael
What leads you to conclude that the drag in the vertical direction would not depend on the total velocity of the bullet?
In physics we often depend on linear functions to easily separate orthogonal components, and doing this can provide useful intuition. But this intuition often fails when there is a non-linear dependency in a function, like drag. Let's consider the case of linear drag:
F drag = k ∣ v ∣
This drag force, like all drag forces, acts in the direction opposite to the object's velocity. Since this direction isn't going to be right along either axis for any moment after the bullet is fired, we can break the drag term up into x and y components like I did in the solution. I did this by drawing a right triangle and noting the angle away from horizontal θ for the velocity:
F drag , x = k ∣ v ∣ cos θ F drag , y = k ∣ v ∣ sin θ
Again as I did in the solution, these trig functions can be replaced by the ratio of the velocity components to the total velocity (the hypotenuse of the triangle):
F drag , x = k ∣ v ∣ ∣ v ∣ v x F drag , y = k ∣ v ∣ ∣ v ∣ v y
In this case, the total velocities cancel out, and the drag terms are completely separable and only dependent on their velocity component:
F drag , x = k v x F drag , y = k v y
But this is only the case for linear drag. If there is a greater power dependency on the total velocity (ie for quadratic drag, F d = k ∣ v ∣ 2 ), then some factor of the total velocity will remain. For the quadratic case, one power of ∣ v ∣ is cancelled off like above, but a factor of ∣ v ∣ remains and contributes to both the x and y components of the drag term.
I would just like to add, what I think is a more straight forward explanation ie no mathematical notation or complicate equations . As many others have posted the the air drag force is a function of the velocity of the bullet squared. This fact results in the air drag force increasing at a much higher rate then the velocity rate is increasing. For example twice the velocity will result in 4 times as much air drag acting on the bullet.
I will use a 3,4,5 right triangle because the math is so easy visualize. any other angel would be just as valid but require a bit more calculation. The units of velocity and drag are not important to the concept
Consider the hypothetical instant when a bullet happens to be traveling through the air at say 500 ft/sec. Now consider that this bullet happens have a vertical velocity of 300 ft/sec vertically downward and 400 ft/sec horizontally to the right at this instant. It may have just been fire out of a gun at that angle or could be traveling along after any length of time but that is the total velocity and the horizontal and vertical components at this instant. This scenario is possible because the velocity vectors fit nicely into a right triangle.
Now suppose we wanted to calculate the relative air drag force components on this bullet at this instant in time. Lets take the approach that the air drag can be calculated independently for each of the three velocities ie( total , horizontal, vertical) . The air drag force calculation for the total velocity would include 500 * 500 =250,000, the horizontal air drag force calculation would include 400 *400 = 160,000, the vertical air force calculation would include 300 *300 =90,000. At this instant in time according to our calculations the total air drag would be 277% of the horizontal air drag and 177% of the vertical air drag. We have a problem hear, the vertical and horizontal components of our drag forces that we calculated can not possibly be reconciled with the total drag force, the relative values of the three drag forces calculated do not form a right triangle they can not possibly be the right angle vectors of the same force.
Now suppose we take a different approach to determining the horizontal and vertical air drag forces. Again, The air drag force calculation for the total velocity would include 500 * 500 =250,000. We could calculate the vertical component of the air drag force based on the direction of the velocity of the bullet. Since we know that at this instant the bullet is traveling down 3 units and right 4 units for each 5 units of total travel. Using these simple ratios of the velocity vectors we calculate that the horizontal drag calculation would be 200,000 and the vertical drag component would include 150,000. In these calculations the three components of the drag force do form a right triangle therefor the horizontal and vertical components of the total drag force are determined.
The point of all of this is to attempt to show in a hypothetical but totally possible scenario that the two vector components of the air drag force can not be determined using the vector components of the velocity through the air. Yes! it is true that the vertical and horizontal components of the bullets velocity can by calculated at any instant if the direction of the bullets trajectory in known. But! the vertical and horizontal air drag components can not be determined using the velocities calculated.
After the bullet is fired horizontally it begins to accelerate downward. The trajectory angel of the bullets velocity changes as the vertical velocity increases do to gravity. The air drag force is a result of the total velocity of the bullet and the vertical component of that total air drag force can be determined using a vector calculation of the direction of the air drag force which would be in the same direction (negative) as the total velocity.
The total bullet velocity does in fact influence the vertical air drag component of the bullet. Because the air drag force is not a linear force with respect to velocity we cannot use the vertical and horizontal velocity components to calculate the air drag components.
In any event I find this type of example helpful when attempting to understand the concept hear.
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I think this "proof by contradiction" of non-linear drag you've written up here is a really great approach. It clicks intuitively in a way that the mathematical argument I presented might not.
If you have a vector with components Vx and Vy, the angle of the vector can be calculated with tan(theta) = Vy/Vx. It is important to realise that Vy/Vx is not equal to Vy^2/Vx^2. However the angle of the drag force vector is the same as the velocity vector, only in opposite direction. Therefore, the components of the drag force are not simply Fy=k Vy^2 and Fx=k Vx^2 as these components would make the wrong angle. This means that the vertical drag force is NOT identical in the two cases and the bullets will NOT hit the ground at the same time.
“Air” was not stated as part of the problem. A flat plane was introduced. Descent of the bullet to the flat plane would be a function of the gravitational attraction of the plane, proportional to the mass of the plane and bullet.
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Air was stated in the last sentence. Read the problem carefully.
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bjut no atmospheric density given so zero must be assumed, and it a hint not in the actual problem
Blake -- I haven't gone through all of your analysis yet, but I call attention to the fact that the problem states that the bullet in the gun is fired parallel to the horizontal - so there would be no y component of velocity due to the gunfire. You, however, state "If the bullet's trajectory is off from horizontal by an angle" (theta)... and imply that the angle is 'downward' from the horizontal. I see that you do several calculations with that involved. With all due respect (and I do have great respect for all of you at Brilliant), why did you deviate from the condition stated in the problem? Also, you did not define what k is in the equation directly underneath the vector resolution diagram. Is that the drag coefficient ?
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Blake's Figure depicts the velocity at same time after the bullet has left the barrel. Except for the very first moment after being fired, the bullet will always have a vertical component in the velocity, because it is attracted downwards by gravity.
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Thanks, Laszlo. I must have misunderstood Blake's text and thought that he meant that the gun was pointed at some angle (theta) downward from the horizontal when fired.
Hey Jesse
As Laszlo said, at every instant after the gun is fired there will be some angle θ associated with its total velocity. At the first instant, the v y will be zero, but after that it will be non-zero.
In the Mathematica simulations I included, the initial v y = 0 and the initial v x = 5 0 0 m s − 1 .
I will add to the solution that the diagram depicts the velocity components some time after the bullet has been fired. Thanks for pointing that out!
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Okay, thanks. I must have misunderstood and thought you meant that the gun was pointed at some angle (theta) downward from the horizontal when fired.
The Mythbusters episode is actually more complex than just claiming that the bullets hit the ground at the same time. In fact, they do not, and that is discussed at the end. The conclusion is that the difference is very small. This is a tricky point, because a slight deviation in the gun's position can cause an error both ways.
A computer simulation shows that under similar circumstances (elevation: 36'' = 0.9 m; range: 330 feet = 102 m) the dropped bullet reaches ground in 0.431s and the fired bullet reaches ground in 0.440 s. The difference is 9 ms. That does not seem like a lot, but in terms of percentage it is 2%. That is measurable, but requires very accurate positioning of the gun in the horizontal direction.
BTW, the speed of the bullet in the Mythbusters episode was around 230 m/s. In your example you used much higher speed and you got a much larger time difference. However, there is a bit of a problem with high speeds. When the bullet moves faster than the speed of sound ( above 340 m/s), the drag force is no longer quadratic in the velocity, but it can be as much as 4-5 times higher, so the time difference can be very significant. Mythbusters carefully selected a slow gun to avoid this problem. They made it look easy, but they know their physics and they paid attention to every detail.
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I haven't gotten around to watching the Mythbusters episode yet, so all my info is second hand. I'll definitely check it out over the weekend.
I may not have made it entirely clear that I picked my velocity, mass, and drag coefficient pretty arbitrarily for the "simulations" at the end of my solution. I added this solution to try to make a bit clearer how the quadratic drag yields x and y components that both depend on the total velocity. The Mathematica notebook I attached just provides a fun sandbox for anyone interested in playing around with this system, possibly with more realistic physical variables.
Thanks for such a great question Laszlo, it's definitely provoked a lot of thought in the community!
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You are very good at picking problems that generate interest. I am sure these problems will motivate a bunch of people to dig deeper and learn more physics.
The problem is posed in simplicity and the simple answer of same time, that has been repeated in every low level physics course ever taught, should be acceptable. The complex answer provided is great but the proposition is deceptive. The error in simultaneous dropping and firing the gun in reality exceeds the difference calculated. The deformation of the fired bullet is ignored - why? If the answer is allowed to get so complicated then the question should have been posed in a manner that is as complex as this answer.
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First, let me point out that the problem explicitly mentions air resistance.
Your other point, "The error in simultaneous dropping and firing the gun in reality exceeds the difference calculated. " is more valid. As I pointed out elsewhere, in the Mythbusters experiment the elevation is about 1 m, the initial speed is about 200 m/s, and the expected time difference is about 2% of the time of flight. Positioning the gun in the exact horizontal direction, so that such a small difference is not covered by the error, is difficult. In Blake's example the speed is much larger and the time difference is 0.15 s, i.e. 30% of the time of flight of the dropped bullet. That is very easy to detect.
Finally, I do not think bullets get deformed when fired. They get deformed when they hit the target.
Correct. In simple words: The air resistance to the fired bullet, in the moving direction of bullet, is higher compared with the falling bullet. The moving direction is composed of a horizontal component and a vertical component, both encountering the higher resistance in case of the fired bullet. So, compare air resistance on vertical moving direction of both bullets ...
In the equation of motion in the vertical direction, you are using the same sign for both the gravitational and drag forces, is that correct? assuming k is positive, that means that the downward acceleration is increasing due to drag.
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The positive y direction is upwards. The vertical component of the velocity points downwards, therefore v y is a negative number. That makes the force point upwards, opposite to gravity.
no mention of an atmosphere, no listed velocity for the bullet once it leaves the barrel. Therefore both will hit the plane at the same time
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"Hint: Compare the air resistance acting on the bullets." This was part of the problem.
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Yes, but there's no mention of setting. You could still compare the air resistance acting on the bullets in a vacuum... It would be zero. This question is equivalent to asking whether a bowling ball or a feather dropped from the same height will hit the plane first. The answer is..."It depends."
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@Russell Mullin – When there are humans, there is air, and air resistance is always present.
By a slight abuse of notation, let v = ( v x , v y ) denote the velocity of either given bullet at any given time.
We know that the drag acts against the velocity and is proportional to ∣ v ∣ 2 . Therefore the vertical component of the drag is proportional to ∣ v ∣ v y . For the dropped bullet, this equals v y 2 but for the fired bullet, it will equal v y 2 1 + ( v y v x ) 2 > v y 2 .
That is, for a given vertical component of the velocity, the vertical component of the drag would be greater for the fired bullet than for the dropped bullet, so the resulting downward acceleration for the fired bullet will be less than the downward acceleration for the dropped bullet.
Therefore, the dropped bullet will hit the flat plane first.
Yes that is if there is air in the d scribed situation. The question does not differentiate between an air environment with drag and a vacuum. The assumptions would not be valid if it was a vacuum. Therefore at the same time is also a valid answer in a vacuum
In fact, if you dropped a bullet from your hand from the same height and at the exact same time as you fired a bullet from a perfectly level rifle barrel, which bullet will hit the ground first? They will both hit the ground at the exact same time. The fact that one bullet was traveling horizontally at 3,000 fps has no effect on that bullet falling due to gravity.
This has been taught to me my entire life...
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What you say is true only in vacuum. Please read my solution below.
The question lacks some important details. For example, the apparent fact that the plane is below the bullets. All we are told is that the plane is parallel to the flight of a bullet. If the plante is above the bullets, neither bullet will hit the plane. Worse, the plane could be on the other side of the planet!
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The plane (and mass below it) is the thing exerting the force of gravity. If the plane is above the bullet, it will simply fall up. I don't see any planet mentioned in the problem, so your final remark also makes no sense.
Certainly the whole problem statement of horizontal flat plane makes this an abstract problem. Atmosphere and drag are not in abstract problems. Another case of sucky, poorly posed questions having an answer in the poseur's mind that can only be guessed at.
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As some of the commenters pointed out, there is a Mythbuster episode that addresses this exact same question. They argue that the two bullets arrive to the ground at the same time. If you watch carefully, at the end they say that there was a time difference of 39ms. While this time difference looks small, it is not zero, especially if it is measured relative to the time it takes for the bullets to drop, 440ms. The difference is 10%. There is also a numerical simulation , where the time difference is calculated, and the result is 10ms. The difference between the Mythbusters and the simulation is probably due to an error in the horizontal positioning of the gun.
It is not stated whether the gun has a rifled barrel or not - a spinning bullet (even a spherical one) will be subject to both gyroscopic and aerodynamic effects which may alter the time of flight.
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Can you be a bit more specific? What is the effect of spinning for a spherical bullet?
I agree with the third comment. Both will hit at the same time. Not only is this basic physics - it was experimentally demonstrated on Mythbusters.
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Yes. The question is to vague. The physics is unclear because of insufficient specification..
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The question is very specific. Air resistance is explicitly mentioned.
You are wrong. Please point to the Mythbusters episode that proves your point.
I looked up the Mythbuster episode on Youtube. To my opinion that is not conclusive, because the result depends very much on the accuracy of the "horizontal" velocity of the fired bullet.
On the other hand, I found a computer simulation here: https://www.wired.com/2009/10/mythbusters-bringing-on-the-physics-bullet-drop/ that very nicely shows what happens, and supports the solution that I have given to this problem. They started at a height of about 1m, and initial velocity of about 200m/s for the fired bullet. Admittedly the time difference was small (0.01s), but the dropped bullet hits the ground first.
Is that effect always greater than the Magnus effect? There's a pressure differential perpendicular to horizontal motion, so the fired bullet will experience more drag along its bottom. As a result, it will build up topspin until the pressure differential is balanced by the Magnus effect, but at that point it has... actually, I'm not sure about this, but I suspect this means it has zero buoyancy since it doesn't experience a pressure differential anymore. Which means that while it experiences more friction, it also effectively experiences an additional downward force growing to be proportional to the weight of displaced air.
Since bullets tend to be made of heavy stuff, this tends to be a small contribution, but I suspect I could craft numbers such that it outweighs the added extra drag. Possibly using styrofoam bullets. Which might help explain why very light materials sometimes fly so differently from what our intuition about heavy materials tells us.
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There is no Magnus effect here since the spin of the bullet points in the same direction as the bullets velocity. There might be a slight Magnus effect due to the vertical trajectory of the bullet being perpendicular to the axis of the bullet's rotation but the pressure differential would then be horizontal not vertical.
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I'm not talking about spin from rifling (which isn't specified and would probably stop this from happening by gyroscopic stabilization), I'm talking about the spin created in-flight because air has higher pressure closer to the ground (which explains why objects can float), causing higher drag and slowing down the bottom part of the bullet more than the top part, making the bullet "roll forward" purely due to drag. That "rolling forward" is the same rotation relative to motion as topspin, and will push the bullet down ever so slightly, I suspect at most as much as necessary to counteract buoyancy.
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@Sal Wolffs – I am not sure wether there is such a substantial pressure differential due to gravity between the top and bottom of a bullet of that small of a size.
= same time.
Drag acts in direct opposite way to velocity (which is a vector), so the drag against the forward velocity has no effect on the vertical velocity because they are at right angles to each other. The dropped velocity is the same as the vertical velocity and has the same drag. The two hit the ground at the same time (unless you have some other turbulence issues that affect the horizontally fired bullet differently).
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Your statement that the "drag against the forward velocity has no effect on the vertical velocity because they are at right angles to each other" is not true in this case. It is true if the magnitude of the drag is proportional to the velocity. However, here the magnitude is proportional to the square of the velocity. I have actually posted a problem about that, too: https://brilliant.org/problems/dropped-in-oil/?ref_id=1541083
Are there any recommended courses to understand this?
not correct.
Forces at right angles do not interested. The vertical velocity of both bullets is the same at all times and air resistance is the same for both....therefore they hit at the same time.
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That is not true. The drag force is proportional to the square of the velocity.
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What drag there is no mention of an atmosphere
I don't see any reason or any explanation why the the horizontal air drag component acting on the bullet will have any effect on the vertical vertical acceleration of the bullet. By definition the horizontal and vertical components of the bullets moment are at right angles to each other and therefor do not share any common vector components they are completely independent of each other. I believe the answer is incorrect, the bullets will drop at the same rate as the vertical component of movement of both bullets is strictly do to the acceleration caused by gravity. I have not seen any explanation or posted solution that explains how a force (horizontal drag) can possible be contributing to a vertical acceleration. The answer accepted as correct is ignoring a very fundamental and well established concept of vector analyses. Forces or ,velocities at right angels to each other do not have any common components. ie a horizontal force no mater how large can not possible have any effect on the vertical acceleration of a mass. The horizontal and vertical velocities and accelerations can be isolated and calculated independently.
Someone is going to have to make a much more convincing argument to explain why a horizontal drag component do to horizontal speed through the air will have any effect on the vertical drag component do to vertical speed through the air.
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I agree totally. The vertical acceleration on both bullets is the same and hence they will land at the same time and at the same vertical velocity albeit at different places (due to the horizontal component of the shot bullet). This does ignore the curvature of the earth and variations in gravity over the earth's surface!
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I have just posted a response to Darryl's post. Please read it.
First, let me point to you a situation when your argument works. In this problem I set up the parameters so that the drag force is proportional to the velocity. Indeed, in that case the horizontal and vertical motion is totally separated.
Many concepts in physics benefit from a linear relationship between the parameters. The "principle of superposition" that is used in the theory of electricity and magnetism, and also in quantum mechanics, follows from the linear relationship. This is so prevalent in physics that we tend to forget that there is no law of nature that requires it to be true all the time.
The key in the current problem is that drag force is proportional to the square of the velocity. The vectors can be still separated into components, but it is no longer true that the vertical motion is independent of the horizontal one. Let me go through your arguments one by one:
"By definition the horizontal and vertical components of the bullets moment are at right angles to each other and therefor do not share any common vector components they are completely independent of each other." True, as far as the momentum vector is concerned. However the change of the momentum is determined by the force and that is where your argument fails.
"Forces or ,velocities at right angels to each other do not have any common components. ie a horizontal force no mater how large can not possible have any effect on the vertical acceleration of a mass. " The force acting on the bullet is opposite to the velocity, true. The horizontal force is opposite to the horizontal velocity and the vertical force is opposite to the vertical velocity, true. You imply that therefore the horizontal force is can be expressed strictly as a function of the horizontal velocity and the vertical force is can be expressed strictly as a function of the vertical velocity. That is not true . In our case the vertical force is proportional to the product of the vertical velocity and the total velocity. The total velocity, of course, depends on the vertical and horizontal components as well. Therefore the vertical force does depend on the horizontal velocity.
I tried to make a convincing argument, let me know if it convinced you.
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I have been a bit preoccupy with other things and therefor have not had much time to get a full understanding of this concept. It seams counter-intuitive to me, my natural inclination is to believe that the vertical air drag component can be explained and calculated by considering only the vertical velocity component of the bullets movement through the air. However having said that, it is now evident to me that this is not the case. Between your explanation and the detailed post made by Blake Farrow I now can concede that I will have to rethink my understanding of this.
I now have to consider the validity of the problem and my posted solution that I submitted several year ago. My understanding of a bullets trajectory was at best incomplete. I think I remove my posted problem https://brilliant.org/problems/a-long-shot/ or at least make some kind attempt to correct it. Maybe by stipulating some assumptions. I suppose just removing the question would be simplest solution. As if anyone else cares about a very old and obscure problem I posted that is not actually valid.
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@Darryl Dennis – At the speed you specified in your problem the situation is even more complex, because the bullet starts out with a speed that is larger than the speed of sound. In that case the drag force does not obey the quadratic behavior with the velocity.
Having said that, I would not remove the problem. In the discussion section you clearly stated that you wanted to drag out of the consideration to make it an easier problem.
I did not consider drag😑
Not sure if the answer here is correct. There is a lot going on with that fired bullet not being taken into account. And I agree with Darryl Dennis below.
John I original did strongly believe that the answer was incorrect. But after reading a couple of posts hear I now realize I was incorrect. I occasionally find solutions difficult to understand and accept, particularly if they involve a lot of mathematical notation and are generalized. Not that there is anything wrong with the explanations they may be very good mathematical proofs that cover the solution very thoroughly. I sometimes like to examine a simple example and build understanding from there.
I now understand that the total velocity (can be expressed as a vertical and a horizontal component) of the bullet does have a influence on the vertical air drag force.
I would just like to add, what I think is a more straight forward explanation ie no mathematical notation or complicate equations . As many others have posted the the air drag force is a function of the velocity of the bullet squared. This fact results in the air drag force increasing at a much higher rate then the velocity rate is increasing. For example twice the velocity will result in 4 times as much air drag acting on the bullet. I will use a 3,4,5 right triangle because the math is so easy visualize. any other angel would be just as valid but require a bit more calculation. The units of velocity and drag are not important to the concept Consider the hypothetical instant when a bullet happens to be traveling through the air at say 500 ft/sec. Now consider that this bullet happens have a vertical velocity of 300 ft/sec vertically downward and 400 ft/sec horizontally to the right at this instant. It may have just been fire out of a gun at that angle or could be traveling along after any length of time but that is the total velocity and the horizontal and vertical components at this instant. This scenario is possible because the velocity vectors fit nicely into a right triangle. Now suppose we wanted to calculate the relative air drag force components on this bullet at this instant in time. Lets take the approach that the air drag can be calculated independently for each of the three velocities ie( total , horizontal, vertical) . The air drag force calculation for the total velocity would include 500 * 500 =250,000, the horizontal air drag force calculation would include 400 *400 = 160,000, the vertical air force calculation would include 300 *300 =90,000. At this instant in time according to our calculations the total air drag would be 277% of the horizontal air drag and 177% of the vertical air drag. We have a problem hear, the vertical and horizontal components of our drag forces that we calculated can not possibly be reconciled with the total drag force, the relative values of the three drag forces calculated do not form a right triangle they can not possibly be the right angle vectors of the same force. Now suppose we take a different approach to determining the horizontal and vertical air drag forces. Again, The air drag force calculation for the total velocity would include 500 * 500 =250,000. We could calculate the vertical component of the air drag force based on the direction of the velocity of the bullet. Since we know that at this instant the bullet is traveling down 3 units and right 4 units for each 5 units of total travel. Using these simple ratios of the velocity vectors we calculate that the horizontal drag calculation would be 200,000 and the vertical drag component would include 150,000. In these calculations the three components of the drag force do form a right triangle therefor the horizontal and vertical components of the total drag force are determined. The point of all of this is to attempt to show in a hypothetical but totally possible scenario that the two vector components of the air drag force can not be determined using the vector components of the velocity through the air. Yes! it is true that the vertical and horizontal components of the bullets velocity can by calculated at any instant if the direction of the bullets trajectory in known. But! the vertical and horizontal air drag components can not be determined using the velocities calculated. After the bullet is fired horizontally it begins to accelerate downward. The trajectory angel of the bullets velocity changes as the vertical velocity increases do to gravity. The air drag force is a result of the total velocity of the bullet and the vertical component of that total air drag force can be determined using a vector calculation of the direction of the air drag force which would be in the same direction (negative) as the total velocity. The total bullet velocity does in fact influence the vertical air drag component of the bullet. Because the air drag force is not a linear force with respect to velocity we cannot use the vertical and horizontal velocity components to calculate the air drag components. In any event I find this type of example helpful when attempting to understand the concept hear.
This is the second and last time I have posted this example. Darryl Dennis
I though gravity acted on both equally
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Gravity as a force does act on both equally, but the acceleration of the bullets is related to the sum of all the forces, and in this case, the force due to air resistance on the fired bullet is significant enough to consider when computing the acceleration on the bullet.
Gravity does act on both equally.
However the bullet moving through the air causes air resistance or air drag on both bullets. At very low velocities air drag is very small. The higher the speed of the bullet the greater the air drag will be. The air drag force increase at a rate proportional to the square of the velocity through the air ie twice as fast results in four times the air drag force.
In both cases the fired bullet and the drop bullet there would be some air drag.The bullet that was dropped and would be traveling relatively slowly and the air drag force would be very small, perhaps negligible for a short drop. The bullet that was shot from the gun would be moving much faster and therefor have a much greater air drag force. The air drag is a result of the movement through the air and therefore would be a negative force force in in the direction of the velocity of the bullet, resisting the movement . Any component of the total air drag on either bullet that is in the vertical direction will work against the pull of gravity and the result would be the bullet would drop somewhat slower in air then it would in a vacuum. In the case of the dropped bullet all of the velocity is in the vertical direction and therefore all of the air drag, as small as it may be, is slowing down the drop rate of the bullet. In the case of the fired bullet all of the air drag is initially in the horizontal direction. As the bullet begins to accelerate vertically downward do to gravity the trajectory of the fast moving bullet ( that is slowing down) changes to a more and more downward pointing vector. The vertical component of the total bullets velocity becomes larger over time.The vertical component of the bullets total air drag becomes larger as well,as the trajectory points downward. In the case of a fast moving bullet, it turns out that the vertical component of the total air drag on the bullet is larger then the very small air drag acting on the slow moving dropped bullet. So the vertical component of the air drag force is higher on the shot bullet then the dropped bullet whereas the gravity is the same on each bullet resulting in a slower vertical acceleration of the shot bullet.
I believe the concept that was a bit hard to get my head around is; Even when the vertical component of the velocity of the shot bullet is lower then the dropped bullet. ie it is falling towards the ground at a slower rate. The vertical component of the drag force is higher on the shot bullet then the dropped bullet. This counter-intuitive (at least for me) result is possible because even a relatively small vector component of the relatively huge total drag force on the shot bullet is greater then the tiny drag force on the dropped bullet.
Anyway! that is how I would attempt to explain this.
You ignore spin. H1. The ball sits on the base of the barrel making gases more able to escape at the top and so ball gets backspin H2. The ball sits on the base of the barrel and there is friction and so the ball leaves the barrel with top spin. H3 The ball is imperfect and has some side spin H4 The barrel is rifled and creates rotational spin along the line of flight (this is created even with a smooth ball) Backspin will generate lift extending the balls flight time. Topspin will generate downlift shortening the balls flight. Side spin shortens the flight. Rotational spin in line of flight creates lift in the presence of crosswind (Magnus effect)
I believe the shot bullet, actually. For, not unless that plane is about a mile long, I would believe the shot bullet would hit some wall on the plane before the dropped bullet hits the ground.
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I honestly can't tell whether you're being serious. Are you truly interpreting "plane" as an aircraft? A plane as given in the problem obviously has no walls.
Dropped bullet falls faster as the drag resistance for it is less than for the fired bullet.
I think this is not sufficient explanation. Even if the drag force is larger, it is possible that the to objects hit the ground at the same time. See my other problem here: https://brilliant.org/problems/dropped-in-oil/?ref_id=1541083
I call bull shit.
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I agree with Mike. Since gravity acts on the vertical velocity only, the horizontal speed is not relevant. Both the fired bullet and the dropped bullet both start from zero velocity in the vertical direction. Both are accelerated in the same direction by gravity and will hit the ground at the same time with the same vertical velocity.
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Your argument works only if there is no drag force (i.e. in vacuum). The drag force is F = c D ρ v 2 A , where c D is the drag coefficient, ρ is the density of air, v is the velocity and A is the area facing the airflow. We take a bullet that is a 1cm diameter sphere, and select a velocity of v = 3 0 0 m / s , which is typical of a handgun, slightly less than the speed of sound. For a sphere c D = 0 . 4 7 and the density of air in ρ = 1 . 2 5 k g / m 3 . The drag force is 4.15N.
In contrast, the weight is W = ρ l e a d V , where ρ l e a d = 1 1 . 3 × 1 0 3 k g / m 3 is the density of the bullet and V is its volume. We get W = 5 . 9 1 × 1 0 − 3 N , that is 700 times less than the drag force.
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@Laszlo Mihaly – the drag doesn't matter as it only acts significantly on the fired bullet. The verticle drag component is the same for both bullets, as is the vertical acceleration due to gravity. In any case, the horizontal velocity of the bullet should create a pressure wave that is the same up and down, hence no/negligible effect on vertical velocity, so the "drag force" argument is moot. Bill Thrush
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@William Thrush Thrush – You are right that the drag is insignificant for the dropped bullet.
Assume (incorrectly) that the magnitude of the drag force is proportional to the velocity. In that case your argument works, and the vertical component of the drag force is the same for both bullets. The only difference is that the fired bullet has a horizontal drag force as well, but that does not influence the vertical motion, just as you stated.
In reality the drag force is proportional to the square of the velocity, and in that situation your argument is no longer valid. Please read the solutions by Brian Moehring (above) or by me (below).
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@Laszlo Mihaly – Introducing the drag force is "realistic" but it complicates the didactic value of this standard thought experiment. It is similar to emphasizing air resistance in the classic galilean Tower of Pisa experiment. The usual point of this is that if one only considers gravity then Newtonian physics predicts they fall at the same rate.
Of course if one allows a sufficiently high horizontal velocity and the curvature of the Earth then the dropped bullet hits the ground first. In fact if orbital speed is allowed and mysteriously maintained then the shot bullet never returns to Earth. Of course it would then hit the tangential plane when the dropped bullet hits it because we don't foolishly mask the point of the thought experiment with considerations of air resistance. That is not how you teach classical mechanics.
same this is my explanation to the over-simplicity: the bullet that has been fired has much more air resistance and most bullets are sharp or a rounded spike to keep high speeds and extra range also bullets will travel their max distance in under a second so just a sphere would slow down and due to gravity fall at the same time it would just simply land due to its ballistics and characteristics much faster than the stationary bullet
the bullet that has been fired has much more air resistance and most bullets are sharp or a rounded spike to keep high speeds and extra range also bullets will travel their max distance in under a second so just a sphere would slow down and due to gravity fall at the same time it would just simply land due to its ballistics and characteristics much faster than the stationary bullet
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Wrong. If you decompose the drag in its two components: vertical and horizontal you find the vertical component is the same for both bullets at any given moment because the vertical component of the drag depends only on the vertical component of the speed. And the vertical compnent of the speed depends only on the gravity which is the same for both bullets. So they hit the plane at the same time. Since the vertical component of the speed is the same at any given moment. Brilliant is stating times are different for both and that is wrong.
Constraints were not made clear. Gravity is acting on either bullets equally therefore presuming the difference in drag is negligible due to the short vertical drop in the stationary bullet ( with a different aspect vertically to the shot bullet horizontally) presuming the thrust from the shot does not create uplift force ( as in flying) as there wouldn't be by design ( for accuracy purposes). The shot bullet would follow a trajectory governed by the addition of kinetic energy and potential energy conversion into kinetic energy. Both should hit the ground at the same time. Using physics equations involving mass , g, height, Newtonic equations, you should be able to graph the trajectory for both cases.
Paolo Giammarco
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Energy conservation does not hold if there is a drag. Your argument works in vacuum, where the air drag is not present. The "Hint" makes it clear that in this problem the air drag is important.
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Wrong. If you decompose the drag in its two components: vertical and horizontal you find the vertical component is the same for both bullets at any given moment because the vertical component of the drag depends only on the vertical component of the speed. And the vertical compnent of the speed depends only on the gravity which is the same for both bullets. So they hit the plane at the same time. Since the vertical component of the speed is the same at any given moment. Brilliant is stating times are different for both and that is wrong.
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@Michel Latil – Your point has been made by several others as well, but that does not make it right. Please read the solutions by Blake Farrow or me, where all is explained as clearly as possible.
I totally agree. Both bullets hit the plane at the same time presuming the gravity is vertical all the time and perpendicular to the plane. Because in the vertical axis the only acceleration is gravity and it is the same for both bullets. Brilliant is wrong in this one stating otherwise.
The falling bullet gets help from gravity, but the shotted one has only its starting velocity, that decreases over time. Thus falling one speeds up, to some point. However I think, there might be some limit short distance, in witch the shotted bullet would be faster than falling, because falling one would not speed up fast enough.
I do not think that there is a limit at short distance. Under some conditions the "shotted" bullet may reach ground at the same time as the dropped one, see my other problem here: https://brilliant.org/problems/dropped-in-oil/?ref_id=1541083 . But it will never reach ground faster.
also gravity would keep the bullet falling while it flies through the air
Gravity affects moving things the same as it affects still things. If you did this on the moon, they indeed would hit at the same time, however, on Earth, you must account for air resistance.
Shotted? :-O :-) ;-)
Let us take the positive y direction downwards. Assuming turbulent flow, the air resistance acting on the dropped bullet is F = − α v 2 , where α depends on the density of the air and the shape of the bullet and v y is the velocity of the bullet. The velocity is downward and the force is upward. For the fired bullet the air resistance is similar, F = α v t o t 2 = α ( v x 2 + v y 2 ) . The vertical component of this force is F y = − v t o t v y α v t o t 2 = − α v y v x 2 + v y 2 , where the negative sign represents the fact that v y is downward and F y is upward.
In both cases the drag force reduces the acceleration due to gravity, but for the fired bullet the reduction is larger by a factor of
. Accordingly, if we make graphs of
, the line for the dropped bullet falls a little bit below the straight line that corresponds to the frictionless case,
(see red curve below). On the graph for the fired bullet, at any value of
the slope must be smaller than for the dropped bullet, therefore this line will be below the line corresponding to the dropped bullet (see blue curve below). Since the area under the curves corresponds to the distance traveled, the dropped bullet covers more distance in the same time, and therefore reaches the plane first.
As some of the commenters pointed out, there is a Mythbuster episode that addresses this exact same question. They argue that the two bullets arrive to the ground at the same time. If you watch carefully, at the end they say that there was a time difference of 39ms. Computer simulations show that the expected time difference is about the same. While this time difference looks small, it is not zero, especially if it is measured relative to the time it takes for the bullets to drop, 440ms. The difference is 10%. There is also a numerical simulation , where the time difference is calculated, and the result is 0.01s. The difference between the Mythbusters and the simulation is probably due to an error in the horizontal positioning of the gun.
How large is the drag force relative to the weight of the bullet? The drag force is F = c D ρ v 2 A , where c D is the drag coefficient, ρ is the density of air, v is the velocity and A is the area facing the airflow. We take a bullet that is a 1cm diameter sphere, and select a velocity of v = 3 0 0 m / s , which is typical of a handgun, slightly less than the speed of sound. For a sphere c D = 0 . 4 7 and the density of air is ρ = 1 . 2 5 k g / m 3 . The drag force is 4.15N. In contrast, the weight is W = ρ l e a d V g , where ρ l e a d = 1 1 . 3 × 1 0 3 k g / m 3 is the density of the bullet, g is the acceleration of gravity and V is its volume. We get W = 0 . 0 5 8 N , that is 70 times less than the drag force. Clearly, the drag force is a very important part of this problem.
Mark Lyttle asked: How do we know that the air flow is turbulent for the dropped bullet? That is a very good question. The answer depends on the Reynolds number, defined as
, where
is the velocity,
is the diameter of the bullet and
is the kinematic viscosity of the air. For Reynolds numbers larger than about 100 the flow is turbulent, and the drag force is
, where
is a coefficient that depends on the shape of the object (
for a sphere),
is the area facing the flow and
is the density of air . For low Reynolds numbers the flow is laminar, the drag force is proportional to the velocity and it is always
than the drag force calculated for turbulent flow.
Assuming we drop the bullet from a height of 2m, the velocity at the ground will be 6.3m/s. With
the Reynolds number is 4,200 and the flow is turbulent.
There is no question that the flow is laminar at the very beginning of the motion. That means that the drag force is less than the force we assumed and the dropped bullet reaches the ground in a little bit less time. Our conclusion is still valid.
Why would the falling bullet have turbulent flow?
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That is a very good question. The answer depends on the Reynolds number.
The Reynolds number is defined as R e = v d / ν , where v is the velocity, d is the diameter of the bullet and ν = 1 . 5 × 1 0 − 5 m 2 / s is the kinematic viscosity of the air. For Reynolds numbers larger than about 100 the flow is turbulent, and the drag force is F = c f ρ v 2 A , where c f is a coefficient that depends on the shape of the object ( c f = 0 . 4 7 for a sphere), A is the area facing the flow and ρ is the density of air . For low Reynolds numbers the flow is laminar, the drag force is proportional to the velocity and it is always less than the drag force calculated for turbulent flow.
Assuming we drop the bullet from a height of 2m, the velocity at the ground will be 6.3m/s. The Reynolds number is several 1000 and the flow is turbulent.
There is no question that the flow is laminar at the very beginning of the motion. That means that the drag force is less than the force we assumed and the dropped bullet reaches the ground in a little bit less time. Our conclusion is still valid.
Great explanation, this is then a consequence of the drag force being proportional to v^2 instead of just v.
shouldn't the red line also be concave? since there is a point when Vy is constant due to both the drag force and the weight being equal.
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You are right. If you look carefully6, you see that the red line actually curves downwards. I just assumed that the bullet hits the ground well before it reaches terminal velocity.
In case of laminar flow for both bullets, the y-component of the drag force will be identical for both bullets. So, in that case both will reach the ground at the same time. The conclusion is not valid. Moreover, things become more complicated if flow is laminar for the dropped bullet and turbulent for the fired bullet (which is highly likely in reality). Then the comparison is no longer straightforward and will depend on other material parameters like size, density, coefficient of viscosity etc.
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Please look at a problem I posted a few days ago: https://brilliant.org/problems/dropped-in-oil/?ref_id=1541083 . In that problem the flow is laminar, and we come to the interesting conclusion that the two object reach the ground at the same time - just as they do if there is no drag at all (in vacuum).
To decide if the flow is laminar or turbulent we need to look at the Reynolds number, defined as R e = v d / ν , where v is the velocity, d is the diameter of the bullet and ν = 1 . 5 × 1 0 − 5 m 2 / s is the kinematic viscosity of the air. For Reynolds numbers larger than about 100 the flow is turbulent, and the drag force is F = c D ρ v 2 A , where c D is a coefficient that depends on the shape of the object ( c D = 0 . 4 7 for a sphere), A is the area facing the flow and ρ is the density of air . For low Reynolds numbers the flow is laminar, the drag force is proportional to the velocity and it is always less than the drag force calculated for turbulent flow.
For the fired bullet the Reynolds number is several 100,000, and the flow is turbulent. For the dropped bullet, assuming we drop the bullet from a height of 2m, the velocity at the ground will be 6.3m/s. With d = 1 c m the Reynolds number is 4,200 and the flow is turbulent.
There is no question that the flow is laminar at the very beginning of the motion. That means that the drag force is less than the force we assumed and the dropped bullet reaches the ground in a little bit less time. Our conclusion is still valid and straightforward.
At any instance in time, the drag force, d, is proportional to the square of the instantaneous speed, v, and acting in the opposite direction to the instantaneous direction of travel. d = − k v 2 ( 1 ) where k is an arbitrary scalar constant and d and v are scalar. But since we have mentioned direction, we recognise that the bullet has a velocity vector V , and the drag has a force vector D .
D Dv
\ |
\d |
\ |
Dh ----*----Vh
| \
| \v
| \
Vv V
apologies for the ASCII art; I have not worked out how to insert a diagram
We can break the vector velocity, V , of the bullet with speed v (magnitude) and at an angle θ below horizontal (direction) into its vertical (downward) and horizontal components, V v and V h respectively, where v = V h 2 + V v 2 ( 2 ) θ = sin − 1 ( v V v ) ( 3 )
Similarly we can break the drag force vector, D , with magnitude d and at an angle α above horizontal (direction), into its vertical (upward) and horizontal components (back towards the gun), D v and D h respectively, where sin ( α ) = d D v ( 4 ) and we are only interested in the vertical component, D v , because it is only that which determines the time it takes for the bullet to reach the plane. The drag force D acts in exactly the opposite direction to the velocity vector V , so α = θ ( 5 )
The following steps are purely algebra.
From (4) and (5) D v = d sin ( θ ) ( 6 ) From (1) and (6) D v = − k v 2 sin ( θ ) ( 7 ) From (3) and (7) D v = − k v 2 sin ( sin − 1 ( v V v ) ) ( 8 ) Since sin ( sin − 1 ( x ) ) = x D v = − k v 2 ( v V v ) ( 9 ) From (2) and (9) D v = − k ( V h 2 + V v 2 ) ( V h 2 + V v 2 V v ) ( 1 0 ) Since x x = x D v = − k V v V h 2 + V v 2 ( 1 1 ) When the horizontal component V h = 0 , the case where the bullet is dropped, this reduces to D v = − k V v 2 ( 1 2 )
Comparing (11) and (12) we see that the vertical component of the drag force, D v , contains an additional element V h in (11), for the case for the bullet which is shot from a gun.
Since the vertical component of the drag force is larger, then the bullet shot from the gun will take longer to reach the ground, hence the dropped bullet reaches the plane first.
In words: Since the drag force depends on the square of the speed, comprising both horizontal and vertical components, then the horizontal component of the speed of the bullet cannot be eliminated from the vertical drag force by the normal rules for separating horizontal and vertical components of the velocity and force vectors.
This discussion is very similar that presented by Blake Farrow, but the conclusion is reached without using the |v| notation, and without resorting to the equations of motion.
This problem was a challenge to me. The correct solution appears counter intuitive and I had thought that Brilliant had got it wrong. I would have been bitterly disappointed with Brilliant if that was the case, so I went about trying to prove that Brilliant had made a mistake. I ended up concluding that Brilliant were indeed correct.
The answer to this question does depend on whether the air flow against the bullets is laminar or turbulent. First we make a realistic assumption that the bullet speeds are high and flow is turbulent. Next, the most important concept required is that the time of flight for each bullet is completely determined by the net acceleration in the vertical direction. If there were no air resistance, then irrespective of how fast the fired bullet is in the horizontal direction, both bullets would have reached the ground at the same time. Now the force of air resistance is proportional to the square of the magnitude of the velocity of the bullet. The fired bullet has an additional x-component of velocity, which increases its magnitude of the velocity vector compared to the dropped bullet. In case of the dropped bullet, the drag force is along the vertical direction and is = K T . v y 2 , where K T is the proportionality constant and v y is the magnitude of velocity along the y-direction. In case of the fired bullet, the drag force is a vector directed opposite to the net velocity vector. Therefore, we must extract the y-component of this force. The y-component of drag is = K T . v y . ( v y 2 + v x 2 ) 1 / 2 . Clearly, the y-component of the drag is always higher for the fired bullet than that for the dropped one. Hence, the net downward acceleration is less for the fired bullet, which means it will take a longer time to reach the ground. So, the dropped bullet reaches ground first. Now if we assume that bullet speeds are low such that air flow is laminar, then we can derive that the y-component of the drag forces in both bullets are the same: K L . v y . Thus, in such a scenario both bullets will reach the ground at the same time. In a qualitative way one can visualize this outcome as follows: The air drag will create discrepancy in the time of flight for the two bullets only when their speeds reach high enough value for the air flow to enter turbulent regime. In real life this means: increasing the height of launch or increasing the muzzle speed of the gun.
You make a great point about the laminar and turbulent flow. Please look at a problem I posted a few days ago: https://brilliant.org/problems/dropped-in-oil/?ref_id=1541083 . In that problem the flow is laminar, and we come to the interesting conclusion that the two object reach the ground at the same time - just as they do if there is no drag at all (in vacuum).
To decide if the flow is laminar or turbulent we need to look at the Reynolds number, defined as R e = v d / ν , where v is the velocity, d is the diameter of the bullet and ν = 1 . 5 × 1 0 − 5 m 2 / s is the kinematic viscosity of the air. For Reynolds numbers larger than about 100 the flow is turbulent, and the drag force is F = c D ρ v 2 A , where c D is a coefficient that depends on the shape of the object ( c D = 0 . 4 7 for a sphere), A is the area facing the flow and ρ is the density of air . For low Reynolds numbers the flow is laminar, the drag force is proportional to the velocity and it is always less than the drag force calculated for turbulent flow.
For the fired bullet the Reynolds number is several 100,000, and the flow is turbulent. For the dropped bullet, assuming we drop the bullet from a height of 2m, the velocity at the ground will be 6.3m/s. With d = 1 c m the Reynolds number is 4,200 and the flow is turbulent.
There is no question that the flow is laminar at the very beginning of the motion. That means that the drag force is less than the force we assumed and the dropped bullet reaches the ground in a little bit less time. Our conclusion is still valid.
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Yes its rubbish what the other guy wrote laminar flow should not alter the general conclusion...
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I even think he's mixing up his x and y calculations, since the dropped ball never has any x motion/drag
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@Colin Troth – If you are referring to me, then please read my answer again..I never mentioned any x-component for the dropped ball. You are mistaken.
I have to disagree with you. If the flow is laminar, the general conclusion is different: the two bullets hit the ground at the same time.
Yes..with the numbers you provide, the conclusion is valid. I just took a general approach to the problem to understand that there are plenty of variables involved, including the size of the bullet, and the value of height.
If the fired bullet had sufficient velocity, it would never hit the ground because of curvature of earth. If the ‘fired’ bullet had zero velocity, it would hit the ground at the same time as dropped bullet. As a ‘fired’ bullet must have SOME velocity, the dropped one must always hit the ground first.
The problem is assuming no earth curvature.
There are too many assumptions in this problem that are not addressed adequately in the initial description. I, too, made the assumption that this was an idealized surface with gravity acting as a continuous downward force. It may not be interpreted as such. And no... I am not a flat Earther :)
You would be right if the bullets are dropped/fired in vacuum. For the velocities in this problem, there is no reason the think about the curvature of the earth. The air resistance is overwhelming.
if that worked than we would be using space guns to get sattelites into space not a slight roll maneuver on a rocket! this is my explanation the bullet that has been fired has much more air resistance and most bullets are sharp or a rounded spike to keep high speeds and extra range also bullets will travel their max distance in under a second so just a sphere would slow down and due to gravity fall at the same time it would just simply land due to its ballistics and characteristics much faster than the stationary bullet
and this is a flat plane not earth
If the bullet is fired parallel to the horizontal plane it will take a lot longer to hit the plane. The bullet has to lose velosity, slow down, and cover more distance ,then fall onto plane, where the dropped bullet has a shorter path to the horizontal plane.
No , the bullet starts falling immediately , regardless of its velocity.
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Agree, There are several professors showing the equation to support this, while myth busters doing a segment proving this fact as well.
I agree with Devon, they both start falling immediately after being released/shot. In a different situation they may actually hit the ground at the same time, see I think this is not sufficient explanation. Even if the drag force is larger, it is possible that the two objects hit the ground at the same time. See my other problem here: https://brilliant.org/problems/dropped-in-oil/?ref_id=1541083
In a perfect vacuum, both would hit the ground at the same time due to lack of drag. The vertical force acting on both the fired and dropped bullets is gravity, and because they are identical, they both accelerate downwards at the same rate regardless of any horizontal motion.
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if there was drag then the bullet would be first no drag? probably the same time
Wrong. They both have the same vertical distance to drop. The only challenge here is if the bullet fired creates its own lift or change in air resistance to counteract the force of gravity.
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Agreed. The horizontal and vertical vectors are independent. On an infinite plane they hit at the same time.
the bullet that has been fired has much more air resistance and most bullets are sharp or a rounded spike to keep high speeds and extra range also bullets will travel their max distance in under a second so just a sphere would slow down and due to gravity fall at the same time it would just simply land due to its ballistics and characteristics much faster than the stationary bullet
as a person with enough speed can remain on water speed can remain everything in the air
The dropped bullet drops first because the fired bullet travels further horizontally through the barrel. Also, shooters will deflect their arms slightly up from the force of the powder ignition.
I figured both bullets have equal gravitational forces working on them but only the fired bullet has the inertia from the gun fire forcing it in the direction the gun was pointing. Since the Earth is round, the fired bullet can't truly project parallel to the ground and is actually gaining altitude for a time while the unfired bullet does not
For the fired bullet to gain height it has to move faster than 7,8000m/s. This is not possible in air, due to the tremendous drag force. In reality the velocity is about 200m/s (for a handgun) and the air resistance still more important than the curvature of the Earth.
I was going to say, " whichever one will hit my groin at the end.
The drag resistance from the dropped bullet makes it fall faster, While the shotted bullet only gets help from gravity.
This might not be correct thinking but it got me the right answer.
Because the dropped bullet will be free to orient itself efficiently as it falls, or with tumble, it will on average, have a more efficient wind profile in the "Up-Down" direction than will the bullet that was fired from a gun.
The bullet which was fired from the gun will be oriented horizontal to the flat plane at all times. That profile is good for vertical travel, but not as good in the for horizontal travel.
In a vacuum, I believe these would hit the plane at the same time since the bullet's orientation as it falls won't matter.
In the problem I stated that the bullet is spherical. "Tumble" is not an issue.
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You're correct, my mistake. My answer is invalid so it should probably be removed.
Fired bullet have some energy which oppose gravity while dropped bullet don’t have.
the bullet that has been fired has much more air resistance and most bullets are sharp or a rounded spike to keep high speeds and extra range also bullets will travel their max distance in under a second so just a sphere would slow down and due to gravity fall at the same time it would just simply land due to its ballistics and characteristics much faster than the stationary bullet
As it defys sound barrier its most likely to continue on as gravity cannot pull it immediately
even if it goes faster than the sound barrier it still has to go through air the sound barrier is when its faster than sound so the bullet that has been fired has much more air resistance and most bullets are sharp or a rounded spike to keep high speeds and extra range also bullets will travel their max distance in under a second so just a sphere would slow down and due to gravity fall at the same time it would just simply land due to its ballistics and characteristics much faster than the stationary bullet
This solution is using a couple of rules and Concepts of gun ballistics and Newton's laws of inertia.:
1: a gun has rifling to increase the spin, this decreasing the drag of air resistance of a bullet after it leaves the barrel. A link here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/io9.gizmodo.com/5944455/the-physics-of-bullets-why-a-modern-gun-shoots-10-times-further-than-its-19th-century-counterpart/amp more accurately explains the physics than I can; however, to sum it up, the bullet acts much like a spinning top going sideways through the air, stabilizing it and keeping it rotating on a horizontal axis. This causes effects like the Eötvös effect and the Coriolis effect. The former effect causes objects and mediums not secured to the ground to be more affected by gravity when moving to the West or less to the east. The latter, or the Coriolis effect, cause a bullet to spin left or right depending on the rotation of the rifling of the gun. Fortunately, or unfortunately the Coriolis effect has no effect in this problem.
2: the bullet traveling through the air has more horizontal velocity at the beginning, thus is less affected by gravity on its mass until it overcomes it's horizontal vertical Velocity in relation to its initial vertical inertia, using Newton's second law in relation to rotational inertia. A much easier explanation: the bullet fired from the gun has more horizontal Force thus increasing the distance it has to travel before falling to the ground; while the bullet released from the hand has a straight vertical path to the ground.
In a similar problem that is posted here: https://brilliant.org/problems/dropped-in-oil/?ref_id=1541083 the two objects reach ground at the same time. So, the situation is not as simple as you argue.
Both of your arguments are defeated by the fact that both bullets have the same vertical distance to travel with the aid of gravity. The only additional forces at play are air resistance and/or lift.
it is easy, the bullet dropped has the less distance to cover until it hits the ground, while the fired bullet has more velocity than the dropped one causing it to go farther, thus taking more time to land.
You are wrong. If there were no air resistance both bullets would hit the ground at the same time.
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Thank you!
Exactly, some of the answers are right but the explanation about longer distance is absolutely wrong. The question did not mentioned about air resistance, else both should reach the plane at the same time.
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Please read the question. Air resistance is mentioned explicitly.
Blazej is right. Air resistance is absolutely crucial here. It is also important that the resistance increases with the square of the velocity and not simply proportional to the velocity. When the resistance is proportional to the velocity the two objects hit the ground at the same time. https://brilliant.org/problems/dropped-in-oil/?ref_id=1541083
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There has been a great deal of discussion about this problem in the solutions. Many people have invoked an experiment performed by the Mythbusters several years back which showed that a fired bullet and a dropped bullet hit the ground at the same time. We here at Brilliant love the Mythbusters, but we love physics more. Let's break this problem down a bit:
Quadratic Drag
As some of the solutions have indicated, the interesting bit of physics in this problem comes from the fact that the drag force from air resistance is proportional to the squared velocity of the bullet. The proportionality constant depends on the object's geometry, but for our purposes we'll just call the drag coefficient k . If we break down the velocity into its v x and v y components, that means the drag term is something like this at some moment after the bullet has left the barrel.
F d = − k ∣ v ∣ 2 ,
where ∣ v ∣ = v x 2 + v y 2 .
Breaking down the force
Like any other force, we can break down the drag force into components along the x and y axes. If the bullet's trajectory is off from horizontal by an angle θ , then the y component of the force is F d sin θ and the x component of the force is F d cos θ . To avoid any unnecessary variables, we can express these trigonometric functions using the bullet's x and y components. Using the right triangle above, we can observe that
sin θ = ∣ v ∣ v y , cos θ = ∣ v ∣ v x .
When substituted into the x and y components of the drag force, the divided factor of ∣ v ∣ simplifies and yields x and y components of − k ∣ v ∣ v x and − k ∣ v ∣ v y respectively. Even though these components of the force are orthogonal, notice that they both still depend on the total velocity ∣ v ∣ in addition to their velocity component.
Equations of motion
Now that we've broken down the drag force into the x and y components, we can construct the equations of motion according to Newton's second law:
m v x ′ ( t ) m v y ′ ( t ) = − k ∣ v ∣ v x = − m g − k ∣ v ∣ v y
Substituting ∣ v ∣ as the norm of the two spatial components:
m v x ′ ( t ) m v y ′ ( t ) = − k v x v x 2 + v y 2 = − m g − k v y v x 2 + v y 2
You might notice now that these equations are coupled through ∣ v ∣ , and likely can't be solved explicitly. Even without solving, we can consider what effect the total velocity of the bullet ∣ v ∣ = v x 2 + v y 2 contributes to the drag term in both components of the bullet's velocity. If the bullet is fired from a gun, a large horizontal velocity will increase the vertical drag force that resists the pull of gravity. If a bullet is simply dropped, the horizontal velocity will be zero, and the total velocity will be much lower. This would yield a weaker drag force to resist gravity, and explains why a dropped bullet hits the ground quicker
Finding the trajectories
Though explicitly solving these coupled differential equations is nasty, we can use a numerical solver in Mathematica (or your computational tool of choice, my notebook that generates these plots and zeros is here ). Picking some physical constants for the drag coefficient k , the mass m and an initial height yields the following trajectories for a dropped bullet and one fired at 5 0 0 m s − 1 .
The fired bullet hits the ground after about 0.60 seconds, while the dropped one hits after only 0.45 seconds.
What about linear drag?
If we were to use a simpler linear approximation of air drag, the total velocity would no longer factor in to the drag of both components, and the equations would no longer be coupled. I leave that to the reader to construct similar equations of motion using a linear drag term like F d = − k ∣ v ∣ . The trajectory of such a bullet looks something like the one below, and hits the ground just like the dropped one, after about 0.45 seconds.
This 0.45 seconds figure is about the same as the time for a bullet to drop from a height of 1 meter neglecting all air drag: ( 2 1 g ( 0 . 4 5 s ) 2 = 1 m ). This kind of calculation exemplifies why in many cases where the velocity of an object is low, air drag can be neglected without much loss of accuracy. But when a bullet is fired at hundreds of meters per second, the contribution of quadratic drag becomes significant.