Floating 3

A cuboid block of dimensions a × a × c a \times a \times c ( ( with a c ) a\ll c) and uniform density ρ < 0.5 \rho<0.5 floats on water. Depending on the density ρ \rho , there are three different equilibrium possibilities, illustrated in the figure.

A . The bottom side is horizontal.

B . The bottom side makes an angle of α < 4 5 \alpha<45^{\circ} to the horizontal. Note that there are two possibilities, one with a leftward tilt and the other with a rightward tilt, and these two configurations are equally stable.

C . The block floats so that two bottom sides make 4 5 45^{\circ} to the horizontal.

For densities close to ρ = 0.5 , \rho=0.5, C correctly describes the stable equilibrium. Configurations B and A follow as the density decreases and approaches ρ = 0.0 \rho=0.0 .

What is the minimum density for configuration C to be stable?

Notes : The density ρ \rho is measured relative to the water. For ρ > 0.5 , \rho>0.5, the stable configurations follow in reverse order, with configuration A being stable for ρ \rho approaching 1, except for the fact that the block is much more submerged.

The answer is 0.2813.

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2 solutions

Laszlo Mihaly
Sep 28, 2018

The block is submerged to a depth of h h , as indicated on the Figure.

The center of mass of the block is at an elevation of a / 2 h a/\sqrt{2}-h from the water (red dot on the Figure). The center of the mass of the displaced water is at depth of h / 3 h/3 below the water level (blue dot). The weight of the block and the weight of the displaced water are equal to each other, resulting in W = g c h 2 ρ w = g c a 2 ρ W=gch^2 \rho_w=gca^2 \rho , where g g is the acceleration of gravity. Therefore h 2 = ρ a 2 h^2=\rho a^2 , if we use ρ w = 1 \rho_w=1 .

Imagine that the block is tilted by a small angle α \alpha , and the displaced water water does not change its shape. In this situation the weight vector of the block does not line up with the upward force due to the displaced water. There will be a torque of τ 1 = W \tau_1=W \ell acting on the block, where = α ( a 2 2 3 h ) \ell=\alpha (\frac{a}{\sqrt{2}}-\frac{2}{3}h) is the distance between the two parallel an opposite forces. We get

τ 1 = W = α ( a 2 2 3 h ) g c h 2 \tau_1=W \ell=\alpha (\frac{a}{\sqrt{2}}-\frac{2}{3}h)gch^2

This torque is counter-acted by a wedge-shaped piece of water that flows from one side of the block to the other side, so that the water surface remains horizontal. For small α \alpha , the height of the water at a distance x x from the center line is α x \alpha x . The weight of a slice of water of width d x dx is d W = ρ w g c d x ( α x ) dW=\rho_w g c dx (\alpha x) and the torque is d τ = x ρ w g c d x ( α x ) d\tau=x \rho_w g c dx (\alpha x) . The torque due to this water amount is

τ 2 = 2 g α c 0 h x 2 d x = 2 3 g α c h 3 \tau_2= 2g \alpha c \int_{0}^{h}x^2 dx = \frac{2}{3} g \alpha c h^3 ,

where the factor 2 stands for the left and the right side from the center line and we assumed that the density of water is ρ w = 1 \rho_w=1 . For the configuration to be stable one needs τ 2 > τ 1 \tau_2>\tau_1 . At the at the critical density the two torques are equal

( a 2 2 3 h ) h 2 α c g = 2 3 h 3 α c g \left(\frac{a}{\sqrt{2}} -\frac{2}{3}h\right) h^2 \alpha c g = \frac{2}{3}h^3 \alpha c g or, using h 2 = ρ a 2 h^2=\rho a^2 ,

1 2 2 3 ρ = 2 3 ρ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} -\frac{2}{3}\sqrt{\rho} = \frac{2}{3} \sqrt{\rho}

The solution is ρ = 9 / 32 = 0.28125 \rho=9/32= 0.28125 .

Comments There is a huge literature on the stability of floating bodies, because the topic has an immediate and critical application to the stability of boats and ships. Most, if not all, of the discussions first establish the concept of "metacenter", and derive the rest from there. In my solution I did not use that concept.

  1. A slightly mathematical but very detailed and precise treatment is in a 1991 paper by E.M. Gilbert that is available here .

  2. Nick Berry's "How things float" WEB page has a detailed discussion and also numerical simulations about the topic. Lots of graphical illustrations! However, there is no analytical derivation of the magic number ρ = 9 / 32 \rho=9/32 , instead we have a statement: ""It's in interesting exercise in geometry to work out the centroids of the underwater sections under the various conditions of differing number of potential corners under the surface (maybe a future article?), but here, without any explanation of the derivations, are the results..."

  3. The Floating block simulator by Fu-Kwun Hwang, Fremont Teng and Loo Kang Wee allows you to adjust many parameters, and it also displays the time evolution in the position-velocity space. If you want to speed up the process leading to the equilibrium, click on "Display", "Drag coefficient" and adjust the value to 0.6.

  4. I have 3 other problems related to floating objects, 1 here and 2 here and 3 here .

Can you explain how the volume of displaced water is ch2.

SUBY CHANDY - 2 years, 8 months ago

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On the left side of the Figure the dark yellow triangle has an area of h 2 h^2 . Perpendicular to the figure the linear size is c c , so the volume is c h 2 ch^2 .

Laszlo Mihaly - 2 years, 8 months ago

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Why is the area of triangle h2.

SUBY CHANDY - 2 years, 7 months ago

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@Suby Chandy The two sides make 45 degree angle to the horizontal. Therefore the base is 2 h 2h and the height is h h . The area is h 2 h^2 .

Laszlo Mihaly - 2 years, 7 months ago

Am I being very naïve? There seem to me to be 3 possible situations, with one, two or three corners submerged. In the first two I took x as the length of one side under water, and A as the angle that side makes with the water. Then the height of the CG of the block above water is x.sin A + a.(sin A + cos A)/2.

Case 1: volume under water is 0.5.x^2.c.tan A, and this must equal p.c.a^2 (thanks, Archimedes). Thus x = a.sqrt(2p.cot A). Thus the PE of the block is V = mga(sqrt(p.sin 2A) + {sin A + cos A}/2). For equilibrium we require that V' = 0, so sqrt (p). cos 2A/sqrt(sin 2A) + (cos A - sin A)/2 = 0. Either c = s (c = cos A, s = sin A), so A = pi/4, By considering the sign of V’’ (I’ll spare you the algebra) I found that V’’ > 0 (so a minimum for PE, so stable) when p > 1/8 Or 2.sqrt(p) (c + s) = sqrt (sin 2A), so 4p.(1 + sin 2A) = sin 2A, so sin 2A = 4p/(1 - 4p), valid iff 0 < p < 0.25. Again, by considering V’’, stable when p < 1/8

Case 2: Working as before, V = (mga{1-2p}.sin A)/2, V’ = (mga{1-2p).cos A)/2 = 0 when A = pi/2 V’’ = -(mga{1-2p).sin A)/2, so V’’ > 0 when -1 + 2p > 0, i.e. p > 0.5

Case 3: Analysis as in Case 1, giving symmetrical stability when p < 7/8 and asymmetrical when sin 2A = 4(1-p)/(4p-3) and p > 7/8

A Former Brilliant Member - 2 years, 7 months ago
Vinod Kumar
Oct 8, 2018

The short answer is that between density ratio of 9/32 and 23/32, the log will rest at 45° angle.



That is the short answer. But where did you get the 9/32 number from?

Laszlo Mihaly - 2 years, 8 months ago

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Read, how things float, particularly, run the simulation: http://datagenetics.com/blog/june22016/index.html,

Vinod Kumar - 2 years, 8 months ago

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That WEB page does not derive the ratio 9 / 32 9/32 . Instead we have a statement "It's in interesting exercise in geometry to work out the centroids of the underwater sections under the various conditions of differing number of potential corners under the surface (maybe a future article?), but here, without any explanation of the derivations, are the results..." and proceeds to the numbers.

On the other hand, I agree with you, it is very hard to set up a physics problem that is not solved somewhere in the internet. To this problem there are several good WEB pages, including the one you cited.

Laszlo Mihaly - 2 years, 8 months ago

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@Laszlo Mihaly I realized, the details of carrying out algebra was going to be time consuming, instead, the web page contained a beautiful simulation and a graph giving not only the lower limit 9/32 but also the other limit (23/32) symmetric to 0.5. Answer was easy after that.

Vinod Kumar - 2 years, 8 months ago

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@Vinod Kumar I have two other problems related to floating stability:

1 here and 2 here

For the second one, you will find the solution on the same WEB page. I do not think the first one is solved on the WEB, but I may be proven wrong.

Laszlo Mihaly - 2 years, 8 months ago

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@Laszlo Mihaly For the details of Answer of (Q.1) as (1/2)√6, Please read under discussion of the question.

Vinod Kumar - 2 years, 8 months ago

??? What is the difference between configurations B. The bottom side makes an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. Note that there are two possibilities, one with a leftward tilt and the other with a rightward tilt, and these two configurations are equally stable.

C. The block floats so that two bottom sides make 45 degrees to the horizontal???

Kermit Rose - 2 years, 5 months ago

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