Falling Rod

Its time to pick up the Fallen Rod

Determine the minimum coefficient of friction between a uniform rod and floor at which a person can slowly lift the rod without slippage to the vertical position, applying to its end a force perpendicular to it. Answer will be of the form μ m i n = 1 a b \displaystyle{{ \mu }_{ min }=\cfrac { 1 } { a\sqrt { b } } }

Give a + b a+b .

The answer is 4.

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2 solutions

Kushal Patankar
Feb 18, 2015

Suppose the minimum value of μ \mu occurs at θ \theta . And at the moment I pause the person.

So the FBD will be like 581 581

We write the torque equation about the intersecting point of F and mg line of force.

Since there is no motion at contact point of rod and floor. Then, F r × ( l 2 sin θ + l sin θ 2 ) N × l cos θ 2 = 0 Fr × \bigg( \frac{l}{2 \sin \theta} +\frac{l \sin \theta}{2} \bigg) - N × \frac{l \cos \theta}{2} = 0

Note that moment of F F and m g mg becomes zero.

Compare with F r = μ N Fr = {\mu} N μ = c o s θ s i n θ 1 + s i n ² θ {\mu} =\frac{ cos \theta sin \theta}{1+ sin² {\theta}} Min value of the expression gives the minimum value of μ \mu μ m i n = 1 2 2 \displaystyle{{ \mu }_{ min }=\cfrac { 1 } { 2\sqrt { 2 } } }

excuse me sir,in my opinion,not the miu that supposed to be made as derivative,but the friction. with makes the friction as derivative,i got miu

1 3 1 \frac{1} {3 \sqrt {1} }

Christian Leonardi - 6 years, 3 months ago

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Didn't got ur point.

Kushal Patankar - 6 years, 3 months ago

My doubt might be trivial but I need it to be cleared. You took torque through the intersecting point of F and mg line. But isn't the distance from the point to the Force applied l 2 s i n θ \frac{l}{2sin\theta} only ? Would please explain how did you take that distance? Thanks. And my sincere apologies if that question bugged you. :D

Sanchit Ahuja - 6 years, 3 months ago

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Projection of that length over the rod is l/2 and the angle over which projection is taken is 90 - θ \theta .

If we take the distance as x then x s i n θ = l 2 x \space \text{then} \space xsin \theta = \frac{l}{2}

Thus , x = l 2 s i n θ x=\frac{l}{2 sin \theta}

I guess thats clear now

Sorry for replying that late I was pretty busy with my xams

Kushal Patankar - 6 years, 2 months ago

some people might not have done like kushal ( finding intersection of mg and f ) but it does'nt matter , ultimately mg will get cancelled but you must get rid of moment of F F doint that and writing the conditions, of translational and rotational equilibrium you will get μ \mu as 1 8 \frac {1}{\sqrt8} which is the required answer :) !

Hey bro why you not posting mechanics problems since many days?

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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i will post some of my originals in coming time , by the way , have you seen my problem " feel the gravity " ? ( it was also original :)

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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No, will see now.

Also post tough mechanics questions! :)

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava ok deal : if you are able to do that i'll post a difficult one ! DONE ?

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member YES Let the challenge begin!

You post a tough prob if i do it, i'll post a tough one, then if you can do it, you post and so on, deal?

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava ok done :P it begins with my problem !

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member how much time do you need for that one ?

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member I'll try this problem after i come back from playing basketball.Probably i 'll do it around 7:15 pm.

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava okay but tell when you are able to do it and just 1 day will be given , if you or i fail he will be considered the loser and deal will end ! ( i'm in +2 but i'm 16 yrs old too , i skipped 8th class so, we are even ) OK ?

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member K

Aint your feel the gravity problem has hell lot of calculations?

Even Wolfram alpha can't do it.

Let me tell you the procedure,tell me weather i am right or wrong?

BTW i have not studied gravitation formally now.

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava okay, i don't think it has that much calculation and it is not that difficult !

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member Yes

Conserving momentum in y-direction, we get velocity after collision(let it be v v ).

Now to gravitational attraction,we get acc towards earth G M x 2 \dfrac{GM}{x^{2}} where x is distance from earth's center.

Therefore, v d v = G M x 2 d x vdv = -\dfrac{GM}{x^2}dx

Thus we can get v as a function of x,distance from center of earth.

Let v = f ( x ) v = f(x)

then d t = d x / f ( x ) dt = dx/f(x)

and we can get req time.

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava Am i correct?

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava I have got an integral which I am unable to solve:

t = 5 R R d x ( u c o s ) 2 + 2 G M ( 5 R x ) 5 R x t =\int_{5R}^{R} \dfrac{dx}{\sqrt{(ucos)^2 + \dfrac{2GM(5R-x)}{5Rx}}}

Sorry for disturbing is this correct?

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava Edited my comment,see now.

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava yep now it's correct , you should integrate it too !

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member I can't integrate it, its too tedious.Informally I have solved the problem so I get to post a problem.


Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava let it be so

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

@Harsh Shrivastava no you missed something !

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member Let me think.

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

@A Former Brilliant Member Do you mean that i am not considering the negligible velocity of earth?

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava no you do not need to consider it you are forgetting the initial velocity of balls , tell me what you get as your final expression ?

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member Well where am I forgetting the initial velocity?

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava ok try out the answer then if you feel it's okay , the integration can be done manually , i did it manually too !

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

Hey Bro Can you help me with a doubt?

A ring of radius R rolls without sliding with a constant velocity. Find the radius of curvature of path followed by any particle of the ring at the highest point of its path.

My solution: velocity of highest point = 2v.

total acc towards center = v^2/r

Also radius of curvature = velocity_{tangential}^2/acc twards center = 4r.

This answer is correct.But my doubt is that this is the radius of curvature as seen from COM of ring,so why is this also equal to radius of curvature as seen from ground frame?

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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oh ! sorry, i did'nt see it nor it came in my notification i cam here to ask if you are going to post a problem or not ? here is the answer to ur doubt : it is simple , since the centre of mass is itself not undergoing any rotation , it's(own) radius of curvature is zero ... it is given by eq'n = r-r(c.m) where you have to subtract radius of curvature of path undergone by the c.o.m but since , r(c.o.m ) =0 , it is same as seen from ground :)

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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Thanks for clearing my doubt!

Will post a problem soon . . .

Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

Posted, not so difficult.



Harsh Shrivastava - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Harsh Shrivastava yes i will do it i have seen that comment in other not , i think the comments you post here are not shown in my notifications ! i will do it after 6 pm i'm confused over my bad marks in chemistry school ( 59/70)

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@A Former Brilliant Member yes, it's not that tough , first calculate the angle at which it will break off and then it will follow a parabolic path and find it's trajectory and satify the x-co-ordinate of lowest ground to find P and then it's easy ! is'nt it ?

A Former Brilliant Member - 4 years, 6 months ago

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