A whale and a chihuahua dog are in free fall while skydiving on the moon (there is no air resistance).
Which animal has a greater acceleration?
Note : Don't worry about the whale and the chihuahua, they're skydiving with MoonJumps Inc. which supplies them with rocket packs for a safe landing.
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Well explained!
Love the added video!!!
Mam, Who did you added a video to your explanation. I always tried add a video to my solution but always failed.
This is only partly correct. Yes newtons law is accurate and im not questioning it at all. Although the example you gave, and the video are missleading. Yes there is no air resistance in space, however there is still one form of resistence, wich is space dust. Although the amount of resistance has very miniscule impact, it is not equal to zero, therefore the question you asked is not persistent with the reality of how space exists. In complete vaccum, only then would newtons law perfectly imply to the question you imposed. Space is not perfect vaccum. Hence more spacedust comes in contact with the whale due to its size and therefore has very slightly less accelreation than the dog has. Hope youve been educated :)
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Hi Trever,
The problem has specified that the animals are in free fall, implying the assumption that the only force acting on them is gravity. This assumption further implies that in the context of the problem, they are in a perfect vacuum. This is different than reality, but it is made to drive at the core of the problem — a focus on Newton's Second Law. Cheers!
Why there is no air resistance in moon? is it because of lack of atmosphere.? or no air above surface?
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Since there is no air on the moon there is no air resistance.
In this case, since we've specified the objects are in free fall there are no other forces acting on the animals except for gravity. When gravity is the only force acting, objects will experience the same acceleration.
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Thanks got it. Gravity of earth has any impact on this, since moon is pulled towards it by earth's gravity?
This is stupid. For real walk on a moon is a hoax. research it and you will know the truth. Gravity is a theory not scientific fact https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvdlSRJx-yU . The truth is out here you just need to open your mind and eyes for possibility that what you learn is not truth and cud be a lie. Peace.
This answer is ignoring the gravitational force that the whale and the chihuahua pull the moon towards them with. While it is tiny for both, the whales gravitational constant will be slightly larger. Therefore the acceleration that the whale experiences relative to its position from the moon’s surface is greater.
And what about mass inertia? So this would mean that it takes some time before any movement would occur on a heavy object vs the fast response of a lighter object.
Imagine two objects with the same geometries but different masses. Assume, for instance, that object A is a million times more massive than object B. Is it really the case that if two objects with the same mass (which we might call C & D) are released the same distance from A & B that both C & D will strike A & B at the same velocity?
How would you calculate the change in gravity if you were calculating it using Einstein's theory of gravity?
How about if this case on earth 🌎 , is it still same?
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It was scientifically tested that if a ball weighing 1 kg and a watermelon weighing 10 kg are dropped they land at the same speed.
On moon there is no air resistance and hence both whale and Chihuahua dog are equally pulled by the moon towards itself. It means they are accelerated equally.
Galileo conducted several experiments and concluded that the effect of gravity on earthly objects is the same, regardless of the mass of those objects.
He argued that in the absence of other forces such as air resistance, all falling objects accelerate towards any surface at the same rate
. In the absence of any (significant) resistance to free-fall on the Moon, any two objects should fall at the same rate regardless of mass. Not only whale and Chihuahua dog but every thing will experience an equal acceleration on moon due to the absence of air resistance. Let us take an example of an elephant (1000 Kg) and a boy (10 kg). They both reach the surface of the moon at the same time when released from a same height.
Boy mass 1Kg?
You said 10kg and then 1kg, why??!!!?
It is impossible to have a body mass of 1 kg.
Newton's law of universal gravitation states that:
F g = r 2 G m 1 m 2
Let m 1 = m Moon and m 2 = m o b j e c t , where the object is the whale or chihuahua in this case. By Newton's second law of motion , the acceleration due to gravity of the object g is given by:
m object g = r 2 G m Moon m object ⟹ g = r 2 G m Moon
This means that the acceleration on objects such as whale or chihuahua is independent of their masses. They have the same acceleration so long as they are the same distance from the Moon.
The acceleration each body experiences due to gravitational attraction is independent of their mass And since they're being attracted by the same massive body,their accelerations are the same
But doesn’t the whale separately exert gravity on the moon? Thus dragging the moon an infinitesimal distance to it? The small dog exerts less gravitational force on the moon. So the whale wins. The Apollo 15 experiment was one over a short distance with objects of less different mass and had the problem of human not mechanical factors in both release, observation and calculation.
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Put another way, a whale that has a mass of 3 moons would attract the moon at a rate relative to its mass. No?
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The whale and chihuahua are dropped at exactly the same time, so whatever distance the whale drags the moon, the chihuahua also only has to go that far too.
Wow! another wrong answer. "They have about the same acceleration" - No! They have exactly the same acceleration.
When did I mention "about the same"? I mentioned "same accelerations"
This really should have been a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias...
Missed a perfect opportunity!
That's not a solution!!!!!!
Since it is free fall (no air resistance), they will fall with the same rate of acceleration regardless of their mass.
Let's not ignore the effect of the whale on the moon.
It is assumed the animals are sky-diving at the same time, but if the whale did a solo jump their mass would pull the moon toward it faster than the chihuahua doing a solo jump. Maximum acceleration would be attained when both skydive at once.
To illustrate clearly by exaggeration imagine another moon skydiving alongside the Whale and chihuahua. All three would meet the moon faster than the whale and chihuahua alone, obviously. The same principle applies to all objects; mass attracts mass in both directions .
In this case the differences might not even be measurable, but they would exist. It's pedantic but interesting.
(thank you spell check for "chihuahua")
Hi, Marvin Kalngan . Congratulations on your achievement of getting 1000 up votes on brilliant. I am the one who up voted this solution and took your up votes count to 1K.
Keep going on. All the best .
Note the words FREEFALL and no air resistance .
If there would have been some air resistance present the bodies would have faced different drags due to their different masses and also due to different body morphology.
But no air resistance thus no opposing force.Thus the only force that exists now is the gravitational force
considering its mass to be
a = M F = M W = M M g M O O N a = g M O O N
chihuahua dog
considering its mass to be
a = m F = m W = m m g M O O N a = g M O O N
You didnt consider space dust and tiny particles/gases in space and also contributes as a force of resistance. The whale is bigger therefore has very slightly more resistance than the dog. This would be correct in complete vaccum alone.
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Well the statement that we neglect the air resistance implys that we assume the situation to be completely ideal.
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you my assume so, but it would be inncorrect to do so. perhaps an alternative would be to mention this as a side notion rather than ignoring this fact all at once.
Well, we all know that particles can affect your air resistance ,so that solution is incorrect.
Gravity pulls us down on earth, and on the moon, gravity is only 1/3 that of Earth, so there's less air resistance. Though YOU might think mass is what matters, it's not the main principle, air resistance & accelaration is. Now we can plug in newtons second law which is A=FM. Next we plug in for the only force acting, our gravitational force, which is expressed as the weight of an object, or the mass of an object multiplied by the gravitational acceleration ( of the moon) g moon.
In a free fall motion the object has only gravity acting on it.and the value of gravity is constant for every object so a=g for both objects
The force of gravity on both objects is different and thus the net force on each object is different. This is because we know that Fg=Fnet ( this is because the only force acting on the objects is Fg). The reason we know that the net force on each object is different is because we know that the force of gravity acting on an object is proportional to its mass. Thus because Fnet=ma where Fnet and m are proportional then we know that for any mass 'a' must be a constant. Thus the two objects both accelerated at the same rate.
Here is a question.
We have two seemingly identical bricks. One is full (a proper brick) and the other one is made from paper and is hollow, therefore the first brick is very heavy while the other one is very light. Their surface roughness is more or less the same.
Now the question is, if we dropped those two bricks from the same height here on Earth (with air resistance) it is clear that the heavy brick will reach the ground first and will reach much higher velocity than the paper one. How is this possible? As stated, all objects in vacuum should reach the same accelerations in freefall, so why are the results different in a non-vacuum environment? To me the only parameter that changes is the absence/presence of the air resistance. But we omitted that by saying the surfaces of the bricks are equal. What am I missing?
I will be very glad to know the answer. Thanks.
That is a good question. The reason is found in that the force of gravity exerted on each object is modeled by F=mg where g is a constant. Therefore, it can be seen that the force of gravity acting on each object is proportional to its mass (I.e as m increases so does F). Therefore, the force of gravity acting on the heavier brick is greater than on the lighter brick. Now at this point you must realise that as the bricks fall the air resistance increases as the bricks fall. This is important because it shows that it will take a certain amount of time before the force exerted by the air resistance is equal to the weight of the object. When the forces are equal the acceleration stops. Because the force of gravity on the heavier brick is greater than the light brick it means it will take longer before the force of air resistance cancels the force of gravity meaning the heavier brick will reach a greater velocity before the acceleration stops than the lighter brick. Thus, the key you are missing is time. The lighter brick will reach constant velocity quicker than the heavier brick so its constant velocity will be smaller since it has had less time to accelerate. Ultimately the result is the heavier brick reaching the ground first. Hope this helps. I remember being confused over the same thing.
Consider two identical balloons; one filled with normal air, the other with hydrogen. On the moon; both will fall down. On earth, the hydrogen balloon will rise while the one filled with air will fall.
Compare this with your example.
Everything is attracted by not only moon's gravity at an equal force but all other objects , there is no air on moon to slow it down
As gravity attracts every object in an equal force unless it is too fluffy or soft for air to slow them down. The whale and the chihuahua will fall at the same time
Unless you are Aristo, we all know that if there's no air resistance both animals would get the same acceleration independently of their mass.
No friction, no resistance to overcome.
Call the Soul of G a l i l e i G a l i l e o if you cannot answer this...
moon has no air means no air resistance therefore both of them have same acceleration as gravity acts equal on both objects
I was going to post 'Even Galileo could have this one right!' but you know what? That might be construed as mocking Galileo and what he did was one of the most important discoveries ever.
Since there is no drag, all objects will have the same acceleration in free fall.
There is drag
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"there is no air resistance" are you blind?
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no im not blind. there is space dust and other gases in space that makes resistance. the whale is bigger so it has more resistance. why are you so aggressive? geez
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@Trever Braflovski – Hi Trever Braflovski . More than your arguments I like your confidence in your arguments. So, I followed you.
See the comments section to my solution in Two possibilities . Although I know that there is some wrong in my solution I argued till the end. For the first 2 days I got 47 upvotes but after that the staff removed them and I am left with only 15 up votes.
Keep going on with that confidence.
Since there is a possibillity of drag, the solution is incorrect.
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Objects are said to be in free fall when the only force acting on them is gravity. Therefore the only force that we need to consider in this situation is the gravity acting on each animal. It's tempting to assume that because the whale has a greater mass than the chihuahua, that it will have a greater acceleration. But it turns out that their acceleration is the same. We can examine the motion of objects in free fall using Newton's Second Law. According to Newton's Second Law, an object's acceleration is: a = m F Now we can plug in for the only force acting, the gravitational force, which is expressed as the weight of an object, or the mass of an object multiplied by gravitational acceleration (of the moon), g m o o n . a = m F = m W = m m g m o o n a = g m o o n
Thus, all objects have the same acceleration in free fall, regardless of their mass. This was tested in an experiment in 1971 when Commander David Scott of Apollo 15 dropped a feather and a hammer on the moon at the same time. Since the objects have the same acceleration, they hit the ground at the same time.