Find the potential difference
for the circuit shown below.
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@Steven Chase Exactly.
@Steven Chase for the new problem I am getting 3 5 . 0 4 4
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@Karan Chatrath There was an "equals" sign in my code that should have been a "plus sign". I have uploaded a corrected version of the problem. @Neeraj Anand Badgujar The answer is not 35.044, however
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@Steven Chase Did you have changed any data??
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@A Former Brilliant Member – Same problem. Just different answer
Thanks for clarifying.
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@Karan Chatrath – @Steven Chase ok Thanks in next 10 min ready for seeing my solution.
@Karan Chatrath – And the typo just happened to be in the z force equation, so it didn't cause me to get the previous question wrong.
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@Steven Chase – Oh, now it makes sense. Cause even I did your problem by tweaking the parameters from the previous one. Typos happen. It was fun to solve anyway, so thanks for sharing
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@Karan Chatrath – @Karan Chatrath @Steven Chase I am getting 7 2 7 0 8 0 . 5 9 6
@Karan Chatrath and @Steven Chase Sir I have added 2 more methods of this Problem . Hope you enjoyed it.
@Steven Chase sir are you posting 2nd order RLC circuit one problem? Please
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This one is less trivial than one would think just by glancing at it. Start by declaring the potential at B to be zero. Then write the nodal current sum equation for the green node. This results in a series of expansions and simplifications going from right to left.