In America, today's date is written as
, and at
10 digits of
will appear on watches for the first time in 100 years. Now, in what position in
will the sequence
commence for the first time?
Note: The sequence 3 , 1 , 4 , 1 , 5 commences at position 1 , 1 , 4 , 1 , 5 , 9 commences at position 2 , etc.
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I did it the slightly less efficient way; I wasn't aware that the String class had an index function.
+1 for teaching me something new about Python.
Python 2.7:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
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thanks for teaching me one more efficient way of searching a text -
pi[index:index+5] != '12345':
This is basically how I did it, except I used the first billion digits of pi :D
This exercise's answer is wrong according with its own terms. The answer is set as '49703', which would be correct in 'computer counting', as for example in an array where the first element is indexed as '0', not '1'. Since the first element in the actual digits of pi is indexed as '1' in the exercise's note, the correct answer following the guidelines should be '49704'.
By the way, below is my solution, written in Python:
pi = "3.1415(...)" # first 100,000 digits, source:
for i in range(0,len(pi)):
if (pi[i] == "1"):
if (pi[i+1] == "2"):
if (pi[i+2] == "3"):
if (pi[i+3] == "4"):
if (pi[i+4] == "5"):
print (i + 1)
Your algorithm also counts the decimal point, that is why your result came as 49704
I don't know if there's a Mathematical solution for it , seeing as the question is tagged under NT .
Well , let me make it very clear that I cheated ! I visited here and typed 12345 to get the answer .
Also some cool sites for you guys!
Also I asked this question in DSE thinking perhaps someone from there might be able to provide a better answer ,any way I have provided the link , see for yourselves !
This should be under computer science, I believe!
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Wait ... You didn't solve this question ?
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Nah, I was too lazy. But I don't see how there could be any other solution besides a CS one. If there is one, I'd love to see it!
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@Ryan Tamburrino – You could use Java for instance and using the instr function you could get it . Now I am too lazy to type it out right now !
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@A Former Brilliant Member – Being lazy is awesome. Procrastinators, unite! ... tomorrow.
this is incredible.
Java solution -
String pi = read(); //pi contains 1 million pi digits
for(int i = 0;; i++)
if(pi.substring(i, i + 5).equals("12345"))
System.out.println(i + 1);
Execution time - 0.006526417 seconds (excluding time taken to read the pi file)
I just opened up a python console and copied pi from here once I scrolled down enough that ctrl-f returned something for '12345'.
And the decimal fixes the problem with indices starting at 0.
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The EASIEST solution
Get digits here -
The inbuilt method "index()" can be used here -
Because the decimal is also included in the digits in text file, so it will not affect the answer otherwise we would add 1 to answer.