A daredevil with questionable judgment bounces off of a trampoline and grabs onto a single phase conductor (phase A) of a high-voltage power line with both hands. As he hangs from the power line with his feet off of the ground, his hands are 1 meter apart.
What is the potential difference between his two hands (in volts RMS)?
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I think there is a typo in the final number, I got 0.34765V. Also, here is a question: How can be the line voltage the same, except for the phase? My guess would be that even if there is no load on the transmission line, the voltage at the receiving end will be always smaller than the source voltage, because of the capacitive currents to the ground and the ohmic losses in the wire.
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Greetings. I did the math again and got the same result that is posted. Regarding the question, in practice, the two ends will usually not be at the same voltage level, but they will be within about 5 percent of nominal. In this problem, we're essentially assuming that both ends of the line are connected to "infinite buses".
Interestingly, there is a phenomenon known as the "Ferranti effect" wherein the voltage actually rises over the line, due to the line capacitance.
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Indeed, interesting. I did not know about that. I did not realize that the inductive impedance of the wire dominates the resistive one.
What do you think about the arithmetic discrepancy?
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I am still getting the same, 0.34764V, using the exact same numbers as you do. It is about the last but one line in your solution.
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@Laszlo Mihaly – I have done it with a calculator and with computer software, and have gotten the same result both times. It doesn't really matter, since Brilliant has a 3% margin on decimal answers, but it's interesting. Are you doing everything in one shot, with no intermediate rounding?
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@Steven Chase
See this in Excel. The first line is the result, the second is the formula.
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@Laszlo Mihaly – Both the calculator and software I used did the complex math for me. However, I have added a post-script to the solution which illustrates how I would do it in a more manual fashion. It yields the same answer. Could you take a look?
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@Steven Chase – OK, I understand now. I did not use complex numbers in the actual calculation. The phase change over the 1m distance is small, ϕ = 1 5 ∘ 1 0 0 k m 1 m . I expanded the e i ϕ = 1 + i ϕ + . . . and used the the linear term. Yours is the exact result, mine is a good approximation.
My best guess is that you are an engineer, always precise and reliable. For me, a physicist, the linear approximation is coming so naturally, that I did not even notice it.
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@Laszlo Mihaly – In hindsight, picturing the vectors, it's fairly obvious that the difference is approximately just sin(15). That gives a very good approximation as well. So there's definitely merit in that approach. You guessed right, by the way :)
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Use the phase-to-neutral voltage to calculate the total voltage difference between the two line ends:
Δ V = 3 2 3 0 , 0 0 0 ( 1 ∠ 0 ∘ − 1 ∠ 1 5 ∘ )
Then divide the total voltage difference by the line length (in meters) to find the voltage difference between the daredevil's two hands:
Δ V 1 m = 3 × 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 2 3 0 , 0 0 0 ( 1 ∠ 0 ∘ − 1 ∠ 1 5 ∘ ) ∣ Δ V 1 m ∣ = 0 . 3 4 6 6 5
While this would most likely not cause any harm, do not try this stunt!
Post-script: Here's an expansion of the complex math, for calculation purposes
1 ∠ 0 ∘ − 1 ∠ 1 5 ∘ = 1 − c o s ( 1 5 ∘ ) − j s i n ( 1 5 ∘ ) ∣ 1 ∠ 0 ∘ − 1 ∠ 1 5 ∘ ∣ = 2 − 2 c o s ( 1 5 ∘ ) ∣ Δ V 1 m ∣ = 3 × 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 2 3 0 , 0 0 0 2 − 2 c o s ( 1 5 ∘ ) ≈ 0 . 3 4 6 6 5