An equilateral triangle, a square, a regular hexagon, a regular octagon, and a circle all have the same perimeter. Which one has the
largest circumradius
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For x ≥ 1 , the graph of x sin x π is strictly increasing, which provides a mathematical reason for why the circumcircles are decreasing in radius.
Somewhat surprisingly, many believe will believe that "For regular polygons of equal perimeter, their circumradius decreases as the number of sides increases" based on a geometrical packing idea. Yet, when asked if " x sin x π is increasing for x > 1 ", they will not know how to proceed.
For x ≥ 1 , the graph of x sin x π is strictly increasing, which provides a mathematical reason for why the circumcircles are decreasing in radius.
Somewhat surprisingly, many believe will believe that "For regular polygons of equal perimeter, their circumradius decreases as the number of sides increases" based on a geometrical packing idea. Yet, when asked if " x sin x π is increasing for x > 1 ", they will not know how to proceed.
what about area? Are they decreasing too?
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for same perimeter circle has the largest area
Could you explain how you got the equation, r sin(pi/n) =a/2n ?
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The regular polygon of n sides are made of n congruent isosceles triangles with r as equal sides and the remaining side is b = n a in length and the angle between the equal sides is θ = n 2 π . We note that sin 2 θ = r 2 b , ⟹ sin n π = 2 n r a , ⟹ r sin n π = 2 n a .
start with any shape inside a circle. Draw a triangle within that from centre to one corner to one midpoint of a side and back to centre. This is a right-angled triangle Centre to corner (hypotenuse) is r. Angle at centre is half of 360/n, so 180/n, or in radians, pi/n Opposite side is r sin (pi/n) Opposite also = half of one polygon side, and each side is a/n So r sin (pi/n) = a/2n
Take a piece of string, tie it in a circle, and lay in on a flat surface. Then, using your fingers spread the string from a circle into the other shapes. The further apart you move your fingers the bigger the circumscribed circle. The equilateral triangle lets you move your fingers (three of them) apart the furthest, so this is the right shape.
That was my approach as well. But I started with two fingers.
One can calculate the areas and compare. However, it is true that if the area is fixed the more the "circular"( I don't know how to define it ) shape, the smaller the circumradius.
I used the fact that a circle (sphere) minimizes the surface area to volume ratio, and so extrapolated that a polygon which is least circular, would have the largest (and most inefficient) Circumradius.
The perimeter of any regular polygon is p = 2 * n * r * sin(π/n), where 'r' is the circumradius and 'n' the number of polygon sides (Re: of Regular Polygon by_Circumradius). So, r = p / (2 * n * sin(π/n)) (1). The perimeter of the circle is p = 2 * n * r, so r = p / (2 * n) (2). To compare the two 'r's, we divide the right parts of the equations (1) and (2) and we need to compare 1 / π with 1 / (n*sin(π/n)) (after simplification). Now, we find that the value of n * sin(π/n) is 2.61 (min) for n=3 and 3.04 (max) for n=8. For the circle we have 3.14, which is even larger than 3.04. So, since 'r' is inversely proportional to these values, it is larger for the triangle.
This is equivalent to inscribing each figure in a unit circle and asking which has the smallest perimeter. Visualize walking the polygon perimeter as opposed to following the circle. Since a straight line is the shortest distance between two points and the triangle path is forced out to the circle the fewest times, it cuts the most distance off the circular route.
Draw a circle around each figure. The circle drawn around each polygon has a larger circumference than the polygon and therefore a larger radius than the circle. If we consider the ratio of circumference of a circle to perimeter of inscribed regular n-gon we see it is bigger for smaller n and smallest for n = 3.
This is perhaps the most intuitive solution. As the number of sides decrease, the maximum distance from the chords formed by the ploygon to the arc increases and consequently the additional area inclosed by the circumcircle and not included by the polygon also increases. That is proof the circumradius must also be larger since it also vaires with total area inclosed.
Let the perimeter be p .Now, we have to compare the extremes (only) as (I think) the other would follow the same pattern as all them approach near to the circle as the number of sides increase. Side of equilateral triangle(hypotenuse) = 3 p and the half of the other side(base) = 6 p . Therefore height = 6 p 3 and the circumradius is 9 p 3 (by the property of centroid).
Circumradius of the circle is 2 π p . Clearly 9 p 3 > 2 π p .
Therefore the circumradius of the triangle is greater.
Good solution for showing the triangle case. We have to determine the radius for the other polygons in a similar manner, and then make the comparison.
For a equilateral triangle of side length l , the height is 2 l 3 and so the circumradius is 3 l 3 . I'm not sure where your 5 came from, but I think you applied Pythagorean Theorem wrongly, using 2 2 + 1 2 instead of 2 2 − 1 2 .
Also, you've only compared the triangle to the circle, and haven't dealt with the other polygons.
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The side of the equilateral triangle is 3 p and the half of the other side is 6 p . Since the centroid and the circumcentre coincide and lie on the altitude. Therefore Altitude = 9 p 2 + 3 6 p 2 and the circumradius is 3 2 of that,(Property of centroid division) which gives circumradius = 9 p 5 . I Didn't compare the other figures because they will follow the same trend as all are regular polygons with increasing number of sides.
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It is not immediately obvious "follow the same trend". That should be explained and justified.
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@Calvin Lin – Oh Sorry. That's my mistake. But if you still check 9 p 3 > 2 π p .Following the same pattern was taken because it seemed to as something obvious. Thumbs up to Chew-Sheong Cheong and I will follow that.
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@Vishal Yadav – My first point was only that the calculation was wrong.
Yes, I understand that following the pattern seems obvious. However, you should at least mention that "I believe there is a pattern of ....", as opposed to not stating it at all. Not all of us are mindreaders who know exactly what you are thinking.
Can you update your solution accordingly? You can do so by hitting the "Edit" button at the bottom of your solution.
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@Calvin Lin – Thanks. Edited.
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Let the perimeter be a , the number of sides on the regular polygon be n and the circumradius be r , then:
r sin ( n π ) = 2 n a ⟹ r = 2 n sin ( n π ) a
We find that r decreases with n as follows:
\(\begin{array} {} n = 3 & \implies r = \dfrac{a}{6\sin \left(\frac{\pi}{3}\right)} = \dfrac{a}{3\sqrt{3}} & = 0.19245009a \\ n = 4 & \implies r = \dfrac{a}{8\sin \left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)} = \dfrac{\sqrt{2}a}{8} & = 0.176776695a \\ n = 6 & \implies r = \dfrac{a}{12\sin \left(\frac{\pi}{6}\right)} = \dfrac{a}{6} & = 0.166666667a \\ n = 8 & \implies r = \dfrac{a}{16\sin \left(\frac{\pi}{8}\right)} & = 0.163320371a \\ n \to \infty & \implies r = \displaystyle \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{a}{2n \sin \left(\frac{\pi}{n}\right)} = \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{\frac{a}{2\pi}\dot{}\frac{\pi}{n}}{\sin \left(\frac{\pi}{n}\right)} = \frac{a}{2 \pi} & = 0.159154943a \end{array} \)
Therefore, the equilateral triangle has the largest circumradius.