Four Touching Circles

Geometry Level 1

There are 4 circles, each with a radius of 8 meters, that are tangent to each other (touching) as seen in the picture.

What is the area of the red region?

64 16 π 64 - 16\pi 256 48 π 256-48\pi 256 64 π 256-64\pi 128 32 π 128 - 32\pi

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20 solutions

Roberto Vázquez
Jul 18, 2014

You can form a square with the radii of the circles, using the centers as corners. If each radius is 8m, then each side of the square is equal to 16m.

Area of square = 16 2 = 256 { 16 }^{ 2 }= 256

Then, as we can tell from the newly created square, each blue section of the circle is 1 4 \frac{1}{4} of the original circle. Since there are four of these sections inside the square, we have a full circle inside that consists of all the non-shaded area.

Area of circle = π r 2 = 8 2 π = 64 π \pi { r }^{ 2 }= { 8 }^{ 2 }\pi = 64\pi

So, the area of the red region is 256 64 π . 256 - 64\pi.

Haytam Falflaoui
Sep 9, 2014

If you connect the centre of the circles you will have a square, which has area 1 6 2 = 256. 16^2 = 256.

Then, the blue area of each circle is 1/4 of the circle, or 1 4 π 8 2 = 16 π . \frac{1}{4} \cdot \pi \cdot 8^2 = 16\pi. So all of the circles combined have area 64 π . 64\pi.

Thus, the red area is 256 64 π . 256-64\pi.

just focus on one circle... make an imaginary square around it. By inspection, the Area outside the circle but inside the square is just equal to the shaded area you are looking for. to solve. first, we must find the area of the square(As) which is As= (8+8)^2 = 256. second, we must find the the area of the circle (Ac) which is Ac= 3.142 X 8^2 = 201.088 Lastly, subtract the area of the square to the area of the circle. As-Ac = 256- 201. 088 = 54. 912 .

Vasant Barve
Jul 28, 2015

– Consider a square through centers of 4 circles. Required area is Area of square – 4 quarter circles = (2 r)^2 – pi r^2 = r^2 (4 – pi) = 54.9 m^2

Ujjwala Ananth
Jun 21, 2015

Join the centres of the circles to firm a square of side 16 units. Required area equals (area of square)-4*(area of one quadrant)

Ruel Ranay
Oct 6, 2014

solve for the area of the sector of one blue circle... A(sec) = 1/2 radius^2 (pi/2) = 1/2 8^2 (pi/2) = 1/2 64 1.5708 = 50.2656 sq m

then solve for the area of the square... A(sq) = 8^2 = 64 sq m

then, A(red) = 4 (A(sq)-A(sec)) = 4 (64-50.2656) A(red) = 54.9376 sq m (ans)

Gajender Singh
Sep 3, 2014

can you pls post more questions like this?

Krishna Garg
Aug 28, 2014

If we join centres of all circles,we get a squarehaving each side 16 cm and 4 quadrant circle with red portion inside of quadrant.rea of square is 16 x 16 =256 and all 4 quadrant of circle of radius 8.Area of circles will be pi x r sqare that is 3.14 X 64 = 200.96 cm2. now ,subtracting yhis from 256 we get area of red square = 54.94 Ans K.K.GARg,India

Mð Å
Aug 21, 2014

To make it much more clear.. As someone earlier in the comments mentioned, a square can be formed by joining the centres of circles. Each side of square becomes 16,hence area of square formed will be 16x16=256! Out of which the blue portion inscribed in the square should be subtracted. Area of each circle will be πr² and for four circles and 1/4th part of it we get 4 (1/4) πr² Resulting in the Area of highlighted portion- 256-π(8)²=54.94 units.

Bikramjit Paul
Aug 2, 2014


Edilson Pereira
Jul 31, 2014

Percebam que a área formada pelos 4 pontos forma um quadrado de aresta 16, portanto, uma área de 256. Se somarmos a área dos 4 um quarto da circunferência, obteremos área de uma delas usando Pi. R2. cujo raio é 8 metros. dessa forma, subtraindo a Área da circunf. do total do quadrado formado pelos pontos tem-se o valor de 54,94.

Muhammad Naveed
Jul 27, 2014

Required area = area of square whose half side is equal to the radius of circle- area of complete circle ( since 4 quarter part of circle makes up a cirle=16 (16)- 3.14 (8) (8)=54.94

Ely Gangat
Jul 25, 2014

the red part is simply the outside of single blue circle inscribed in a square

the area of the square = 16x16 = 256

the area outside the circle is the area of square - area of circle

or this can be in a simple proportion of

[(4 - 3.141592)/4] (area of square)

(0.858408/4) (256) = 54.938

William Isoroku
Jul 22, 2014

actually it should be 54.93

54.938070170253232738390823470113 :D nope this one

Suleman Muqeed - 6 years, 9 months ago
Aaditya Bhatt
Jul 17, 2014

First of all connect those 4 dots (which is origin of circles) in your mind making it a square.

It is given that radius of each circle is 8 meters. Hence each side of the square will be 8 + 8 = 16 meters.

Area of that square will be 16 2 { 16 }^{ 2 } = 256.

Now we have to find area of sector of circle with 90 degree of angle. (We have to take 90 degree because we formed a square from the origins of all of the circles.)

Area of Sector

= ½ × (θ × π/180) × r^2   (where θ will be in degree)

= ½ × (90 × 3.142/180) × 8^2 = 50.27

Multiply it with 4 since we have 4 circles. = 50.27 × 4 = 201.088.

Now just deduct area of sectors from area of square. = 256 - 201.088 = 54.912 is correct answer.


Your other question was flagged because it was a duplicate of this, with a different answer.

I believe that the solution you are referencing is the above solution. I do not see any solution submitted for the other question.

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Calvin Lin Staff - 6 years, 11 months ago

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I hv already deleted wrong one... this is correct one...

Aaditya Bhatt - 6 years, 11 months ago

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FYI - You can edit and delete your own question by selecting from the "dot dot dot" menu in the lower right corner.

Calvin Lin Staff - 6 years, 11 months ago

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@Calvin Lin I didn't know that. HAHA

Astro Enthusiast - 6 years, 11 months ago

Symmetry for the win

Carlos David Nexans - 6 years, 10 months ago

Great question Aditya

Shalom Patole - 6 years, 10 months ago

the answer 54.91 cover all the side of sq what only red shaded has been asked in question answer 50.27 is corret.

amar nath - 6 years, 10 months ago

Connect the centers of the circles to form a square with side length of 16. The area of the red region is equal to the area of the square minus the area of four quarter circles (which is also equivalent to one circle). So the desired area is

area of red region = area of square - area of circle

area of red region = 16² - pi * 8² = 256 - 64pi

Venkatachalam J
Jul 11, 2016

Answer: 256 - 64 * pi

Kevin Patel
Jul 20, 2014

256-201.09 = 54.91

David Lancaster
Jul 20, 2014

area of the highlighted part is equal to the area of the square minus the area of a single circle

square is the connection of the 4 centers of the circles

Vishal Vanzara
Jul 19, 2014

First take center of all 4 circles which will make square of area 16 16=256 Then minus the area of all circles one fourth make one circle .... 256-(π 16*16/4)= 54.91

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