Parity Coefficient

If ( n r n ) \dbinom{n}{r_n} is an even number for natural numbers r n < n r_n < n and denote R n R_n as the smallest possible value of r n r_n , find the value of n n less than 1 0 4 10^4 such that its corresponding R n R_n is maximized.

Details and Assumptions :

  • As an explicit example, ( 13 2 ) , ( 13 3 ) , ( 13 6 ) , ( 13 7 ) , ( 13 10 ) , ( 13 11 ) {13 \choose 2}, {13 \choose 3}, {13 \choose 6}, {13 \choose 7}, {13 \choose 10}, {13 \choose 11} are all even numbers. So the possible values of r 13 r_{13} are 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 , 10 , 11 2,3,6,7,10,11 . With R 13 = 2 R_{13} = 2 .
  • Note that there doesn't exist some values of r n r_n . For example, ( 7 1 ) , ( 7 2 ) , , ( 7 6 ) {7 \choose 1}, { 7 \choose 2} , \ldots , {7 \choose 6} are all odd numbers. So there's no value of r 7 r_7 nor R 7 R_7 .

Bonus : Can you generalize this for some constant M M such that n < M n < M ?

The answer is 6143.

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2 solutions

Patrick Corn
Apr 28, 2015

The key fact here is Kummer's theorem: the largest power of p p dividing ( n k ) \binom{n}{k} is the number of carries when adding k k and n k n-k mod p p .

So if the binary expansion of n n has a 0 0 in the 2 r 2^r place and a 1 1 in all the places to the right of that, then R n = 2 r R_n = 2^r (because there are no binary carries when the digits sum to 1 1 ). So we need a number for which the rightmost 0 0 is as far left as possible. This number is 10111 1 10111\cdots 1 , which is 3 2 r 1 3 \cdot 2^r-1 . For n < 1 0 4 n<10^4 the largest possible r r is 11 11 , which gives n = 6143 n = \fbox{6143} and R n = 2048 R_n = 2048 .

This generalizes for any M M : n = 3 2 r 1 n = 3 \cdot 2^r - 1 for r r chosen as large as possible so that n < M n < M .

Chew-Seong Cheong
Apr 26, 2015

Using a Python program, I noticed that R n m a x = 2 k R_{n_{max}} = 2^k are powers of 2 2 . It is also noticed that:

\(\begin{array} {} k = 0 & \Rightarrow n_0 = 2 & k = 1 & \Rightarrow n_1 = 5 & k = 2 & \Rightarrow n_2 = 11 \\ k = 3 & \Rightarrow n_3 = 23 & k = 4 & \Rightarrow n_4 = 47 & ... & \Rightarrow n_k = 3(2^k)-1 & \end{array} \)

Therefore, the largest

n k < 10000 3 ( 2 k ) < 10000 log 3 + k log 2 < 4 k < 4 log 3 log 2 = 11.7 k = 11 n 1 1 = 3 ( 2 11 ) 1 = 6143 n_k < 10000\quad \Rightarrow 3(2^k) < 10000 \quad \Rightarrow \log{3} + k\log{2} < 4 \\ \Rightarrow k < \dfrac {4-\log{3}}{\log{2}} = 11.7 \quad \Rightarrow k = 11 \quad \Rightarrow n_11 = 3(2^{11}) - 1 = \boxed{6143}

I have used a spreadsheet to plot out a Pascal Triangle with even coefficients shown as 0 0 and odd, 1 1 . You can check the first few n k n_k with it.

But you need to prove that it must be of the form 3 ( 2 k ) 1 3(2^k) - 1 or why must R n max R_{n_{\text{max}}} be a power of 2 2 .

Cool! Sierpinski triangle! I didn't expect that!

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 1 month ago

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I knew what I provided is inadequate. I was trained an engineer don't like to proof stuff. Let me look at it again.

Chew-Seong Cheong - 6 years, 1 month ago

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Hint hint: see title of this very webpage.

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Pi Han Goh DAMN IT! I got the answer after following the pattern and entered Rn instead of n! I too tried to answer it with a program and ended up making two guesses that were wrong. Just my luck. Or it's my imprudence. Once I start on a hard problem, I lose track of the actual question. Just to prove that I'm not lying, I can share a few more nos with you:

I call what you call maximizing Rn, longest odd streak possible.

First off, all even nos are dismissed.

Secondly, all nos with configuration 4n+1 are also dismissed.

So, you have 4n+3 left.

I wrote down a few of these binomial coefficient that started with 4n+3 and arrived at the condition for the number to not fail to keep up the streak with increasing r's in (4n+3)Cr. I noticed a pattern that I only had to define these criteria for when the r was a power of 2.

For 4n+3=N, say, to fail the streak at 2 k 2^{k} , it must follow this configuration:

N= 2 k + 1 × l + 2 k 1. 2^{k+1} \times l + 2^{k} - 1. , where l is any +ve integer.

Then I checked whether you asked me to maximize Rn or n, cause I got a larger number when I put k=10. Then I got the maximum value under 10000 to be 6143, but I entered 2048 because I lost track of the question. I also got that for the N=number to fail at 4096, it must be at least 12287 and for 8192, it must at least be 24575.

It's upto you to believe me or not because I saw Chew -Seong Cheong's solution and it was very similar to mine.

EXCELLENT question though.

vishnu c - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Vishnu C I just found out why exactly my criteria for continuation for the odd streak were defined at powers of 2:

This is quite lengthy because I've mentioned a lot of obvious steps.

Say we start at 4n+3/1!. This is always going to be odd. Next, we move on to (4n+3)(4n+2)/2! We needn't worry about the previous number, i.e, 4n+3/1 satisfying the odd criterion, because we've already verified that. So, we only need to focus on (4n+2)/2 and we can see that this is also going to be odd. Next, we need to go to ( 3 4 n + 3 ) \left( ^{ 4n+3 }_{ 3 } \right) but now, since we've seen that (4n+3)(4n+2)/2! is odd, we can see that we need to focus on the new numbers:


This gives you the general pattern that we need to focus on the new numbers. Let's use induction.

If you've seen to it that the criterion for the number PASSING 2 k { 2 }^{ k } (in the denominator) is met, i.e, the number that you start with can be expressed as N = 2 k + 1 ( m + 1 ) 1 N = 2^{ k+1 }(m+1)-1 , where m = l 1 m=l-1 , say, is any positive integer.

Now we only need to focus on the new numbers. It's not going to need to be redefined till the next power of 2 because of the following:

N 2 k r + 1 = 2 k + 1 l 2 k r N-{ 2 }^{ k }-r+1 ={ 2 }^{ k+1 }l-{ 2 }^{ k }-r , for r = 1... 2 k 1 r=1...{ 2 }^{ k }-1 . We need to focus on the new term 2 k + 1 l 2 k r 2 k + r \frac { { 2 }^{ k+1 }l-{ 2 }^{ k }-r }{ { 2 }^{ k }+r } .We only need to worry about even r's because the odd r's cannot make the numerator even, and the denominator is also going to stay odd.

We focus on, for r = 2m, the following:

2 k + 1 l 2 k 2 m 2 k + 2 m = 2 k l 2 k 1 m 2 k 1 + m \frac { { 2 }^{ k+1 }l-{ 2 }^{ k }-2m }{ { 2 }^{ k }+2m } = \frac { { 2 }^{ k }l-{ 2 }^{ k-1 }-m }{ { 2 }^{ k-1 }+m } .

We can see that for odd m, the expression is odd in the numerator and denominator and we can focus on even m, i.e, m=2a. This means r=4a.

Now, again, we can reduce the expression to 2 k 1 l 2 k 2 a 2 k 2 + a \frac { { 2 }^{ k-1 }l-{ 2 }^{ k-2 }-a }{ { 2 }^{ k-2 }+a } . It's similar to the previous expression with m. Again, we have to worry about a being even, and so on till r = 2 k 1 b r={ 2 }^{ k-1 }b , where we get:

4 l 2 b 2 + b \frac { 4l-2-b }{ 2+b } .

Again, this is odd for when b is odd. For when b is even, b=2 and r = 2 k r={ 2 }^{ k } . So now, we have, from our first expression, 2 k + 1 l 2 k 2 k 2 k + 1 \frac { { 2 }^{ k+1 }l-{ 2 }^{ k }-{ 2 }^{ k } }{ { 2 }^{ k+1 } } .

We can see that l 1 = m l-1 = m = even for this to FAIL at 2 k + 1 { 2 }^{ k+1 } and l 1 = m l-1= m = odd for N to PASS 2 k + 1 { 2 }^{ k+1 } . Now we have, m = 2 c + 1 m={ 2 }c+1 , where c is any positive integer, to make N = 2 k + 1 ( 2 c + 1 + 1 ) 1 = 2 k + 2 ( c + 1 ) 1 N={ 2 }^{ k+1 }(2c+1+1)-1= { 2 }^{ k+2 }(c+1)-1 PASS. For it to fail, we have N = 2 k + 1 ( 2 c + 1 ) 1 = 2 k + 2 c + 2 k + 1 1. N={ 2 }^{ k+1 }(2c+1)-1=\quad { 2 }^{ k+2 }c+{ 2 }^{ k+1 }-1.


vishnu c - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Vishnu C Note that by PASSING, i mean that the oddness streak continues even beyond 2^k. Failing means that it becomes even at 2^k. I was talking to myself when I was solving this problem and that's why it's not as formal and concise as other proofs.

vishnu c - 6 years, 1 month ago

@Vishnu C Please refrain from typing text in LaTeX \LaTeX

Pranjal Jain - 6 years ago

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@Pranjal Jain I was still abusing it back then. Sorry!

vishnu c - 6 years ago

@Pranjal Jain I fixed it.

vishnu c - 6 years ago

@Vishnu C Please post your solution here! Thanks!

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 1 month ago

Hey, I just noticed you're in the same district as me! Meet up meet up!

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 1 month ago

Another Hint: binary expansion

The answer in binary is 1011111111111

Joel Tan - 6 years, 1 month ago

For n C r ^{n}C_{r} , binomial coefficient to start being even from r= 2 k 2^k , the number n should satisfy this equation : 2 k + 1 × l + 2 k 1 2^{ k+1 }\times l+2 ^{ k } -1 where l, is any +ve integer.

vishnu c - 6 years, 1 month ago

Superb solution!

A Former Brilliant Member - 6 years, 1 month ago

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