
There's a war on the playground, and you're the charismatic leader of the Greasers. The Socs, your sworn enemies, have fashioned themselves a defensive fort, behind which they're hiding their prized possession, the crown.

The only way to win the war is by making a direct hit on the crown with a tennis ball. Blocked from a direct hit by the fort, the Greasers have to shoot it off the wall behind the fort and bank it into the crown.

As shown in the diagram, the Greasers launch a tennis ball with speed v 1 = 20 m / s v_1 = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{20}{\meter\per\second} at an angle of θ = π 6 rad \theta=\SI{\frac{\pi}6}{\radian} with the horizontal. At the peak of its trajectory, the ball hits the wall and reflects with speed 1 2 v 1 . \frac12 v_1.

If the ball hits the crown as shown in the diagram, calculate the distance \ell (in m \si{\meter} ) between the launch point and the crown.

Assume that g = 9.81 m / s 2 . g = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared}.

The answer is 7.46229.

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4 solutions

Tapas Mazumdar
Aug 28, 2017

Relevant wiki: Projectile Motion

Let the distance between the point of projection and the wall be d 1 d_1 and that between the wall and the crown be d 2 d_2 .

Now, d 1 d_1 is the distance between point of projection and the highest point in the path of projectile. So we have ( T T is the time of flight of the complete projectile motion of the ball),

d 1 = v 1 cos θ T 2 = ( v 1 cos θ ) × ( 1 2 2 v 1 sin θ g ) = v 1 2 sin 2 θ 2 g d_1 = v_1 \cos \theta \cdot \dfrac T2 = \left( v_1 \cos \theta \right) \times \left( \dfrac{1}{2} \cdot \dfrac{2v_1 \sin \theta}{g} \right) = \dfrac{v_1^2 \sin 2\theta}{2g}

The altitude of the highest point (where it hits the wall) is

h = v 1 sin θ T 2 1 2 g ( T 2 ) 2 h = v 1 sin θ ( v 1 sin θ g ) 1 2 g ( v 1 sin θ g ) 2 h = v 1 2 sin 2 θ 2 g h = v_1 \sin \theta \cdot \dfrac T2 - \dfrac 12 g {\left( \dfrac T2 \right)}^2 \implies h = v_1 \sin \theta \left( \dfrac{v_1 \sin \theta}{g} \right) - \dfrac 12 g \cdot {\left( \dfrac{v_1 \sin \theta}{g} \right)}^2 \implies h = \dfrac{v_1^2 \sin^2 \theta}{2g}

After the projectile hits the wall (at exactly normal to the surface), the vertical velocity of the ball becomes zero and so the time it takes to come down is

h = 1 2 g t 2 t = 2 h g = 2 g v 1 2 sin 2 θ 2 g = v 1 sin θ g h = \dfrac 12 g t^2 \implies t = \sqrt{\dfrac{2h}{g}} = \sqrt{\dfrac{2}{g} \cdot \dfrac{v_1^2 \sin^2 \theta}{2g}} = \dfrac{v_1 \sin \theta}{g}


d 2 = v 1 2 t = v 1 2 sin θ 2 g d_2 = \dfrac{v_1}{2} \cdot t = \dfrac{v_1^2 \sin \theta}{2g}

The required length \ell is expressed as

= d 1 d 2 = v 1 2 2 g ( sin 2 θ sin θ ) = 2 0 2 2 × 9.81 ( sin π 3 sin π 6 ) 7.4623 \ell = d_1 - d_2 = \dfrac{v_1^2}{2g} \left( \sin 2 \theta - \sin \theta \right) = \dfrac{20^2}{2 \times 9.81} \left( \sin \dfrac{\pi}{3} - \sin \dfrac{\pi}{6} \right) \approx \boxed{7.4623}

The vertical velocity of the ball as it leaves the launch point is 20 x sin (pi/6), = 10m/s. The time taken to decelerate to 0m/s vertical is 10/9.81s. The horizontal velocity of the ball is 20 x cos (pi/6) m/s Thus, the ball will travel horizontally 20 x cos (pi/6) x 10/9.81 m, =17.65597m. Returning from the wall at a horizontal velocity of 10 m/s, the distance that it will travel in 10/9.81s is 10.19367m.
Then the difference between distance from launch point to the wall and wall to the crown is 7.4623m.

There is some confusion in that the velocity as the ball leaves the wall is half the initial velocity rather than half the initial horizontal velocity.

Ian Watson-Walker - 3 years, 9 months ago
Dan Ley
Aug 28, 2017

Relevant wiki: Projectile Motion

At the wall, the ball's horizontal speed changes from 10 3 m/s 10\sqrt{3}\ \text{m/s} to 10 m/s 10\ \text{m/s} .

Therefore instead of returning to its launch point, the ball only travels back 1 3 \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} times as far.

The range of the projectile is 2 v 2 sin θ cos θ g 35.3 m \frac{2v^2\sin\theta \cos\theta}{g}\approx35.3\text{m}

So l = 35.3 2 ( 1 1 3 ) 7.46 m l=\frac{35.3}{2}(1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}})\approx\boxed{7.46\text{m}} .

Why the answer isn't 7.45976.... ? 7.45976....?

Munem Shahriar - 3 years, 9 months ago

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Because 35.3 is a rounded value:)

Dan Ley - 3 years, 9 months ago

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Thanks. The last line should be l = 35.3 2 ( 1 1 3 ) 7.46 m l=\frac{35.3}{2}(1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}) \approx \boxed{7.46\text{m}} .

Munem Shahriar - 3 years, 9 months ago

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@Munem Shahriar Good point, I've changed both lines:)

Dan Ley - 3 years, 9 months ago
Peter Macgregor
Aug 28, 2017

We will work with Aziz's diagram, adding d, the distance from the launch point to the wall. Notice that the time to teach the top of the trajectory and the time to fall back down from the wall to the crown will be the same. Let's call it T.

First let's apply the equation for uniform acceleration " v = a t v=at " to the vertical component of motion, starting at the launch point and finishing at the top of the trajectory. This gives the equation

V sin θ = g T V \sin{\theta}=gT

Now let's apply the equation for unaccelerated motion " s = u t s=ut " to the horizontal component of the motion. First of all from the launch point to the wall, giving

d = V T cos θ d=VT \cos{\theta}

Then from the wall to the crown giving

d L = V T 2 d-L=\frac{VT}{2}

Simple algebra with these three equations allows us to eliminate d and T to get

L = V 2 sin θ g ( cos θ 1 2 ) L=\frac{V^{2} \sin{\theta}}{g}\left(\cos{\theta}-\frac{1}{2}\right)

Finally put in the numbers to get

L = 2 0 2 sin π 6 9.81 ( cos π 6 1 2 ) = 7.462 L=\frac{20^{2}\sin{\frac{\pi}{6}}}{9.81}\left(\cos{\frac{\pi}{6}}-\frac{1}{2}\right)=\boxed{7.462}

So, what we have and what we need.

We have:

  • v 1 = 20 m / s v_1 = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{20}{\meter\per\second}
  • θ = π 6 rad \theta = \SI{\frac{\pi}6}{\radian}
  • g = 9.81 m / s 2 g = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared}
  • At the peak of its trajectory, the ball hits the wall and reflects with speed 1 2 v 1 . \frac12 v_1.

We need:

  • l l

We can define l l as l = A B l = A - B .

Thus we have to gather information about two distances: A A and B B .

Let's find A firstly. In the horizontal direction, the motion is described by the uniform velocity motion (UVM) equations of motion (acceleration in horizontal direction is 0 0 ):

  • x ( t ) = v i x t + x i x(t) = v_{ix}t + x_i
  • v x ( t ) = v i x v_x(t) = v_{ix}

x i x_i is an initial position and v i x v_{ix} is an initial velocity.

In the vertical direction, the motion is described by the uniformly accelerated motion (UAM) equations of motion (there is an acceleration ( g = 9.81 m / s 2 g = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared} )):

  • y ( t ) = 1 2 ( 9.81 m / s 2 ) t 2 + v i y t + y i y(t) = \frac{1}{2}(-\SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared})t^2 + v_{iy}t + y_i
  • v y ( t ) = ( 9.81 m / s 2 ) t + v i y v_y(t) = (-\SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared})t + v_{iy}

y i y_i is an initial position and v i y v_{iy} is an initial velocity.

We know that the ball hit the wall at the peak of its trajectory (when the ball reaches its peak, it will have zero velocity in the y y -direction), so it was when v y ( t ) = 0 v_y(t) = 0 .

  • \(v_{ix} = v_1\cos \theta = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{20\cos (\SI{\frac{\pi}6})}{\meter\per\second} = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{10\sqrt{3}}{\meter\per\second}\)
  • \(v_{iy} = v_1\sin \theta = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{20\sin (\SI{\frac{\pi}6})}{\meter\per\second} = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{10}{\meter\per\second}\)

Knowing these guys we can go further.

  • v y ( t ) = ( 9.81 m / s 2 ) t + v i y v_y(t) = (-\SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared})t + v_{iy}
  • 0 = ( 9.81 m / s 2 ) t + v i y 0 = (-\SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared})t + v_{iy}
  • 0 = ( 9.81 m / s 2 ) t + 10 m / s 0 = (-\SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared})t + \SI[per-mode=symbol]{10}{\meter\per\second}
  • ( 9.81 m / s 2 ) t = 10 m / s (-\SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared})t = - \SI[per-mode=symbol]{10}{\meter\per\second}
  • \(t = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{\frac{10}{\SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared}}}{\meter\per\second}\)
  • t = 1.019 s t = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.019}{\second}

Now we know we hit the wall after 1.019 s \SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.019}{\second} . So, the distance is:

  • x ( 1.019 s ) = ( 1 03 m / s ) ( 1.019 s ) + 0 = 17.649 m x(\SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.019}{\second}) = (\SI[per-mode=symbol]{10\sqrt{3}}{\meter\per\second})(\SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.019}{\second}) + 0 = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{17.649}{\meter}
  • A = 17.649 m A = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{17.649}{\meter}

And the height:

  • h m a x = y ( 1.019 s ) = 1 2 ( 9.81 m / s 2 ) ( 1.019 s ) 2 + ( 10 m / s ) ( 1.019 s ) + 0 h_{max} = y(\SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.019}{\second}) = \frac{1}{2}(-\SI[per-mode=symbol]{9.81}{\meter\per\second\squared})(\SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.019}{\second})^2 + (\SI[per-mode=symbol]{10}{\meter\per\second})(\SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.019}{\second}) + 0
  • h m a x = 5.0968 h_{max} = 5.0968

Let's find B secondly. The ball hit the wall. What is going on now? The velocity has changed. Now we have:

  • v 1 = 20 m / s 2 = 10 m / s v_1 = \frac{\SI[per-mode=symbol]{20}{\meter\per\second}}{2} = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{10}{\meter\per\second}

When the ball hits the crown? When y ( t ) = 0 y(t) = 0 (the ball will hit the ground in this time). So, we have to calculate 0 = 1 2 ( 9.81 ) t 2 + v i y t + y i 0 = \frac{1}{2}(-9.81)t^2 + v_{iy}t + y_i . We need information about y i y_i and v i y v_{iy} .

  • \(v_{iy} = v_1\sin 0 = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{10\sin (\SI{0})}{\meter\per\second} = 0\)
  • y i = h m a x = 5.0968 y_i = h_{max} = 5.0968

Now, we can find a solution for this guy:

  • y ( t ) = 1 2 ( 9.81 ) t 2 + v i y t + y i y(t) = \frac{1}{2}(-9.81)t^2 + v_{iy}t + y_i
  • 0 = 1 2 ( 9.81 ) t 2 + 0 t + 5.0968 0 = \frac{1}{2}(-9.81)t^2 + 0t + 5.0968
  • 0 = 1 2 ( 9.81 ) t 2 + 5.0968 0 = \frac{1}{2}(-9.81)t^2 + 5.0968
  • t = 1.019 36 s t = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.01936}{\second}

So, we know that the ball will hit the crown after 1.019 36 s \SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.01936}{\second} (after hitting the wall). Let's put this into x ( t ) = v i x t + x i x(t) = v_{ix}t + x_i . But, before we need to know the value of v i x v_{ix} .

  • \(v_{ix} = v_1\cos \theta = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{10\cos (\SI{0})}{\meter\per\second} = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{10}{\meter\per\second}\)

Now we can figure out the value of x ( 1.019 36 s ) x(\SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.01936}{\second}) :

  • B = x ( 1.019 36 s ) = ( 10 m / s ) ( 1.019 36 s ) + 0 B = x(\SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.01936}{\second}) = (\SI[per-mode=symbol]{10}{\meter\per\second})(\SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.01936}{\second}) + 0
  • B = x ( 1.019 36 s ) = 10.193 6 m B = x(\SI[per-mode=symbol]{1.01936}{\second}) = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{10.1936}{\meter}

We have A A and B B , so we can find out l = A B l = A - B :

  • l = 17.649 m 10.193 6 m = 7.46 m l = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{17.649}{\meter} - \SI[per-mode=symbol]{10.1936}{\meter} = \SI[per-mode=symbol]{7.46}{\meter}

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