Real roots added

Algebra Level 5

( x + 3 ) 4 + ( x + 5 ) 4 = 20 \large(x+3)^4+(x+5)^4=20

Find the sum of all real roots of the equation above.

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Image Credit: Wikimedia Radicals .

The answer is -8.

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10 solutions

It would be tempting to use Vieta's here, but since we are just looking for the sum of all real roots I'll try a different approach.

Let y = x + 4. y = x + 4. Then the equation becomes

( y 1 ) 4 + ( y + 1 ) 4 = 20 2 y 4 + 12 y 2 + 2 = 20 y 4 + 6 y 2 9 = 0. (y - 1)^{4} + (y + 1)^{4} = 20 \Longrightarrow 2y^{4} + 12y^{2} + 2 = 20 \Longrightarrow y^{4} + 6y^{2} - 9 = 0.

This is a quadratic in y 2 y^{2} and has solutions y 2 = 3 ± 3 2 . y^{2} = -3 \pm 3\sqrt{2}.

Now as we are looking for just real solutions here, we take y 2 = 3 ( 2 1 ) . y^{2} = 3(\sqrt{2} - 1).

Thus x + 4 = y = ± 3 ( 2 1 ) x = 4 ± 3 ( 2 1 ) x + 4 = y = \pm \sqrt{3(\sqrt{2} - 1)} \Longrightarrow x = -4 \pm \sqrt{3(\sqrt{2} - 1)} ,

and so the sum of the two real roots is just 8 . \boxed{-8}.

Mvs Saketh
Mar 9, 2015

Graph of LHS is symmetric about x= -4,

also it is inceasing to its right and decreasing at its left,

So it cuts y=20 only twice,

so sum of real roots is 2(-4) = -8

to understand why i did the last step, do this, if the graph was symmetric about origin, roots would have been perhaps t and -t, then upon shifting the whole graph by 4 units left, the positive root becomes t-4 and the negative ones become -t-4, adding them we get -8

+1 You Nailed It . :) , I did it exactly as Brian sir Posted But your approach kills this problem.

Deepanshu Gupta - 6 years, 3 months ago

You sir, deserve an up vote. Also, you haven't explained your answer on this note here

Raghav Vaidyanathan - 6 years, 3 months ago

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I have already commented, but bro did you get answer as 26 using computer? Then you are probably right, in that case i wonder why RMS is giving wrong reason, is it that yours is a stronger inequality and ours simply tells on of the lower bounds? also please check my reply to your report on electromagnetism

Mvs Saketh - 6 years, 3 months ago

Nice approach.

Sanjeet Raria - 6 years, 3 months ago

Thanks. A nice approach.

Niranjan Khanderia - 6 years, 3 months ago

What does it mean to say that the graph of LHS is symmetric about x = 4 x=-4 ? Thanks.

Satvik Golechha - 6 years, 3 months ago

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Let , f ( x ) = ( x + 5 ) 4 + ( x + 3 ) 4 20 f\left( x \right) ={ (x+5) }^{ 4 }+{ (x+3) }^{ 4 }-20 and If f ( a x ) = f ( a + x ) f(a-x)=f(a+x) then It means function f f is symmetric about x = a x=a here in this situation a = 4 a=-4 , Beacuse if we put x = a + 1 x=a+1 or putting x = a 1 x=a-1 in the function 'f' them result is same and we see It is True for every x x . Hence we can say f f is symmetric about Line x = a x=a , Means Its Graph is symmetric about x = a x=a This is very Intersting Property of functions, for ex: Such functions have one more property that f ( a ) ˙ = 0 \dot { f\left( a \right) } =0 means It's has either local maximum or local minimum value at x = a x=a , Obeviously I assume that f(x) is cont. and diff. function .

Deepanshu Gupta - 6 years, 3 months ago

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Thanks a lot @Deepanshu Gupta . How do we find the value of a a about which the function f f is symmetric? Thanks again!

Satvik Golechha - 6 years, 3 months ago

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@Satvik Golechha actually there is no such rule , but when we do it , when we feel like after putting different values we get same value of function. Like in this question a feeling arouse that when we put x=-5 and x=-3 then we gate same value of 'y' because f(x) is zero at x=-5 and x=-3 so Intuitions come that may be this function is symmetric about x = 4 x=-4 and similarly when we put x=-6 and x=-2 then also same. Hence an intuitions came that this may be symmetric about x=-4 . So then we just check f ( 4 x ) = ? f(-4-x)=? and f ( 4 + x ) = ? f(-4+x)=? then we got f ( 4 x ) = f ( 4 + x ) f(-4-x)=f(-4+x) . Hence It is symmetric about x=-4 . I know It's is difficult to strike immadetily , but when you tried this concept in some question and practising , then it will become handy. And You will automatically know that , this and that function is symmetric about this and that value of ' a a ' , and after some time you will get expertise and can find it orally. Hopes this helps you . @Satvik Golechha

Deepanshu Gupta - 6 years, 3 months ago

If you place a mirror at x=-4 that is paralell to y-axis, you will see no difference in the curve

Mvs Saketh - 6 years, 3 months ago

Nice solution...

Rishabh Mishra - 6 years, 3 months ago

What to say... Simply awesome!

Anurag Pandey - 4 years, 10 months ago

excellent .....upvoted

space sizzlers - 4 years, 5 months ago

Exactly!! :p

Sumanth R Hegde - 4 years, 3 months ago
Curtis Clement
Mar 9, 2015

Let y {y} = x {x} +4, such that the equation becomes: ( y 1 ) 4 + ( y + 1 ) 4 = 2 y 4 + 12 y 2 + 2 = 20 y 4 + 6 y 2 9 = 0 (y-1)^4 + (y+1)^4 = 2y^4 +12y^2 +2 = 20 \Rightarrow\ y^4 +6y^2 -9 = 0 Now completing the square and taking positive values only (as y 2 y^{2} \geq 0 ): ( y 2 + 3 ) 2 = 18 y 2 = 3 + 3 2 (y^2+3)^2 = 18 \Rightarrow\ y^2 = -3 +3\sqrt{2} Now from our original substitution we have: y 2 = ( x + 4 ) 2 = 3 + 3 2 x 2 + 8 x + ( 19 3 2 ) = 0 y^2 = (x+4)^2 = -3 +3\sqrt{2} \Rightarrow\ x^2 +8x +(19 - 3\sqrt{2} ) = 0 N o w b 2 4 a c > 0 s o w e c a n u s e v i e t a s u m s : Now \ b^2 - 4ac > 0 \ so \ we \ can \ use \ vieta \ sums: r o o t s = b a = 8 \therefore\sum_{}^{} roots \ = -\frac{b}{a} = \boxed{-8}

nice solution curtis

tapas pal - 6 years, 2 months ago
Huân Lê Quang
Aug 6, 2015

Let n = x + 4 n=x+4 , for real number x x . The transformed equation is:

( n 1 ) 4 + ( n + 1 ) 4 = 20 2 n 4 + 12 n 2 + 2 = 20 n 4 + 6 n 2 9 = 0 (n-1)^{ 4 }+(n+1)^{ 4 }=20\Rightarrow { 2n }^{ 4 }+12{ n }^{ 2 }+2=20\Rightarrow { n }^{ 4 }+6{ n }^{ 2 }-9=0 n 2 = 3 ± 18 \Rightarrow { n }^{ 2 }=-3\pm \sqrt { 18 }

Because, n is real, so: n = ± 18 3 x = 4 ± 18 3 n=\pm \sqrt { \sqrt { 18 } -3 } \Rightarrow x=-4\pm \sqrt { \sqrt { 18 } -3 } , therefore the sum of 2 real roots is 8 -8 .

Moderator note:

For clarity, you should state that "Because n n is real, hence reject negative value of n 2 n^2 ."

Rajdeep Brahma
Mar 26, 2018

Ok so u may take derivatives of the function given above.....The 3rd derivative is linear from there u csn extract the coefficients of x^4 (16) and x^3 (2) easily.The reqd ans. then is -8...from sum of roots theorem.

Zach Bian
Sep 1, 2016
from math import *

# Newton's method for finding roots
# Original function
f = lambda x: (x+3)**4+(x+5)**4-20
# Derivative:
fp = lambda x: 4*(x+3)**3+4*(x+5)**3


bound = 343     # Highest coefficient -> loose upper bound
while i <= 343:

for guess in guesses:
    val = f(guess)
    deriv = fp(guess)
    if deriv == 0:
    nextguess = -val/deriv
    err = 1e-5

    while fabs(nextguess-guess)>err and fabs(nextguess-guess)<1e5:
        guess = nextguess
        nextguess = guess-f(guess)/fp(guess)

    roots[round(nextguess, 5)] = 0

acc = 0
for root in roots.keys():
    acc += root

print("Sum:", acc)

Sum: -8.0

How is this a level 5 problem? It took me less than 10 seconds to solve it. Based on the diagram, all the roots are part of the roots of unity (so they are symmetric), so instead of using -b/a as per Vieta's, use -b/2a = -8.

Lu Chee Ket
Oct 16, 2015

Eliminates difficulty of solving quartic polynomial equation,

x^4 + 16 x^3 + 102 x^2 + 304 x + 343 = 0

-2.8852620545082 + -5.1147379454918 = - 8

Other two are non-real numbers.

Put y = x + 4 y = x + 4

You get some value of y y

ie y = ± a [ for some a ] y = \pm a [\text{for some } a]

Adding, x = y 4 = ± a 4 x = 2 × 4 = 8 \begin{aligned}x &= y - 4\\&=\pm a - 4\\ \Rightarrow \sum x &= 2\times -4 \\&= -8\end{aligned}

S u m = 8 \Huge \displaystyle \therefore \boxed{Sum = -8}

Aakash Khandelwal
Mar 23, 2015

put a=x+4 , rearrange the eqution
expand by binomial theorem solve quadratic to get roots

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