Spring and SHM - 1

A block of mass m m is gently attached to the spring and released at time t = 0 t=0 , when the spring has its free length. During subsequent motion of the block, the displacement of the block x x with respect to time t t is considered. Find 0 3 x d t \displaystyle\int_0^3 x ~\mathrm{d}t

Details and Assumptions

  • Neglect air resistance.
  • k k is the spring constant.
  • m = 10 kg , k = 34 Nm 1 , g = 9.8 ms 2 m = 10\text{ kg},k = 34 \text{ Nm}^{-1}, g = 9.8 \text{ ms}^{-2}

This Question is not Original

The answer is 9.71425.

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2 solutions

Kishore S. Shenoy
Dec 23, 2015

Method 1:

As we see, x ¨ = g ω 2 x \ddot x = g-\omega^2x where x ¨ = a \ddot x = a , the acceleration of the block.

So we get a second degree non-homogenous differential equation, x ¨ + ω 2 x = g \ddot x + \omega^2x = g

Taking auxiliary equation, x ¨ + ω 2 x = 0 \ddot x+\omega^2x=0 with general solution x = e r t x=e^{rt} , x ¨ = r 2 x \ddot x = r^2x . So, ( r 2 + ω 2 ) e r t = 0 r = i ω x c = { e i ω t } x c = cos ω t (r^2+\omega^2)\cdot e^{rt} = 0\\\therefore r = i\omega\\\begin{aligned}x_c &= \Re \left\{e^{i\omega t}\right\}\\x_c &=\cos \omega t\end{aligned}

Now taking particular solution, the D.Eq is of the form A x ¨ + B x = C A\ddot x + Bx = C

C is of the form c t 0 c\cdot t^0 . So, particular solution x p = c t 0 x_p = c\cdot t^0 . So, x ¨ p = 0 \ddot x_p = 0 .

Substituting in our D.Eq, 0 + ω 2 x p = ω 2 c = g c = g ω 2 x p = g ω 2 0+\omega^2x_p =\omega^2\cdot c = g\\\Rightarrow c = \dfrac g{\omega^2}\\x_p =\dfrac g{\omega^2}

Thus, the solution for x x is x = C 1 x c + x p = C 1 cos ω t + g ω 2 \begin{aligned}x &= C_1x_c+x_p\\&=C_1\cos\omega t +\dfrac g{\omega^2}\end{aligned} where ω = k m \omega = \sqrt{\dfrac k m} .

Taking initials conditions to get C 1 C_1 , x t = 0 = 0 x = C 1 c o s ω t + g ω 2 0 = C 1 + g ω 2 C 1 = g ω 2 x_{t=0} = 0\\x = C_1cos\omega t+\dfrac g{\omega^2}\\\Rightarrow 0 = C_1 + \dfrac g{\omega^2}\\\Rightarrow C_1 = -\dfrac g{\omega^2}

Hence, the solution is x = g ω 2 ( 1 cos ω t ) x = \dfrac g{\omega^2}\left( 1-\cos\omega t\right)

Thus 0 3 x d t = 0 3 g ω 2 ( 1 cos ω t ) d t = 9.714246925 \displaystyle\int_0^3 x~dt = \int_0^3 \dfrac g{\omega^2}\left( 1-\cos\omega t\right)~dt = 9.714246925

Method 2:

We know that the spring oscillates harmonically.Also x ¨ = g ω 2 x \ddot x = g-\omega^2x

At equilibrium position, x ¨ = 0 x e q = g ω 2 \ddot x = 0\\\Rightarrow x_{eq} = \dfrac g{\omega^2}

So, writing equations of harmonic oscillations, x e q x = a cos ( ω t ) x_{eq}-x = a\cos(\omega t)

Substituting initial conditions, at t = 0 t=0 , x = 0 x=0 . So, a = x e q = g ω 2 a=x_{eq}=\dfrac g{\omega^2}

So, the equation of motion becomes, x = x e q x e q cos ( ω t ) x = m g k ( 1 cos ω t ) x = x_{eq}-x_{eq}\cos(\omega t)\\\boxed{x=\dfrac{mg}k\left(1-\cos \omega t\right)}

Thus 0 3 x d t = 0 3 g ω 2 ( 1 cos ω t ) d t = 9.714246925 \displaystyle\int_0^3 x~dt = \int_0^3 \dfrac g{\omega^2}\left( 1-\cos\omega t\right)~dt = 9.714246925

Here is an easier approach. The mass will be in simple harmonic motion with ω = k m = 1.84391. \omega = \sqrt{\frac k m} = 1.84391. It is obvious that the starting point x = 0 x = 0 is the highest point of the motion, so that x ( t ) = A ( 1 cos ω t ) . x(t) = A\:(1 - \cos \omega t). The amplitude corresponds to the equilibrium position: A = m g k = 2.88235. A = \frac{mg}k = 2.88235. Integrating, we get 0 t x d t = 0 t A d t A 0 t cos ω t = A t A ω sin ω t . \int_0^t x\:dt = \int_0^t A\:dt - A \int_0^t \cos\omega t = At - \frac A\omega \sin\omega t. Plug it all in and you get 0 3 x d t = 9.71425 \int_0^3 x\:dt = 9.71425 , so that the answer is 9715 \boxed{9715} .

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 5 years, 5 months ago

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Actually I was trying to solve this way, but got stuck somewhere... ☺😊. Thank you!

Kishore S. Shenoy - 5 years, 5 months ago

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bro why not Asin wt ?

hiroto kun - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Hiroto Kun Sorry, I did not get you... Could you explain?

Kishore S. Shenoy - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Kishore S. Shenoy why equation of motion is not A sin(wt) ?? and why A(1-cos(wt)) ??

hiroto kun - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Hiroto Kun The function x = A sin ω t x = A \sin \omega t has its equilibrium position at x = 0 x = 0 , but in the problem given here x = 0 x = 0 is the highest point of the motion. The function x = A ( 1 cos ω t ) x = A(1 - \cos \omega t) was the desired behavior: its minimum value is zero, its equilibrium position is x = A x = A , an the maximum value is x = 2 A x = 2A .

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 4 years, 6 months ago

@Hiroto Kun I see... It's because the position origin I refer and that you refer are different. I refer the starting point(one extreme) as x = 0 x=0 , whereas you refer equilibrium point as x = 0 x=0 .

Kishore S. Shenoy - 4 years, 6 months ago

How can you assume that x(t)=A(1-coswt)? It isn't mentioned that the motion is according to the law x(t)=A(1-coswt). We have to derive it first, just like what kishore did.

Aditya Kumar - 5 years, 5 months ago

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No, Aditya, we know that it is a SHM. Also, it starts with one extremes, x = a cos ω t \Rightarrow x'=a\cos\omega t But since x mentioned in the question is from the top, x = a x = a ( 1 cos ω t ) x=a-x'=a(1-\cos\omega t) Thus the solution!

Kishore S. Shenoy - 5 years, 5 months ago

Yes, I did the same (upvoted), but unfortunately my calculator stored the wrong value! Oh well...

Michael Ng - 5 years, 5 months ago

Hi. I tried doing the same method, but I have a doubt.

You equated forced to calculate the amplitude, but won't we use energy conservation, as the object will continue it's motion even after the forces are equal due to inertia?

k A 2 2 = m g A \frac {k{A}^{2}} {2} = mgA A = 2 m g k A=\frac {2mg} {k}

A Former Brilliant Member - 5 years, 2 months ago

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Energy is conserved, but not in the way you propose. Here are two correct applications:

(1) Compare equilibrium position to top of motion: Δ K + Δ U e + Δ U g = 0 1 2 m v 0 2 + 1 2 k A 2 m g A = 0 1 2 m ( ω A ) 2 + 1 2 k A 2 m g A = 0 1 2 m k m A 2 + 1 2 k A 2 m g A = 0 k A 2 m g A = 0 A = m g / k . \Delta K + \Delta U_e + \Delta U_g = 0 \\ \tfrac12mv_0^2 + \tfrac12 kA^2 - mgA = 0 \\ \tfrac 12 m (\omega A)^2 + \tfrac12 kA^2 - mgA = 0 \\ \tfrac 12 m \cdot \frac k m \cdot A^2 + \tfrac12 kA^2 - mgA = 0 \\ kA^2 - mgA = 0 \ \ \therefore\ \ A = mg/k.

(2) Compare bottom of motion to top of motion: Δ K + Δ U e + Δ U g = 0 0 + 1 2 k ( 2 A ) 2 m g ( 2 A ) = 0 2 k A 2 2 m g A = 0 A = m g / k . \Delta K + \Delta U_e + \Delta U_g = 0 \\ 0 + \tfrac12 k(2A)^2 - mg(2A) = 0 \\ 2kA^2 - 2mgA = 0 \ \ \therefore\ \ A = mg/k.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 5 years, 2 months ago

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@Arjen Vreugdenhil Yep yep! I mistook the initial position of the mass to be it's mean position and not the extreme one! :+1:

A Former Brilliant Member - 5 years, 2 months ago

The x here is taken from equilibrium position. So the equation should be x EQUALS ACOS(wt)

shivansh dubey - 5 years, 1 month ago

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x x is taken from the position where the string is unstretched, but that is not the equilibrium position. The reason is the gravitational force, which causes the equilbirium position to lie at x 0 = m g / k x_0 = mg/k .

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 5 years, 1 month ago

No OFFENCE please but i want to point out one thing that i like solving problems in which i get the answer till end by myself only. but seeing so ugly values i can't avoid using calculator. so its by suggestion (again no offence ) that please try to include the data which can be calculated . the calculation with integers are easy but when it comes to like square root of 10/34 its too much of work .

Its my suggestion only ! :)

You can have a look at deepanshu gupta's problems . he is one of the best problem makers on brilliant of mechanics . (i am saying this becoz i love your mechanics problems ) Keep posting

Prakhar Bindal - 5 years, 5 months ago

Change the topic from classical mechanics as there are only 2 basic concepts of physics involved. There is more of calculus in it.

Aditya Kumar - 5 years, 5 months ago

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LoL! Yes, very true... Do you think there is another way to solve it?

Kishore S. Shenoy - 5 years, 5 months ago

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Even I did it in the same way. Actually the Deq took me a lot of time to solve. Btw where did u get this problem? I fell in love with this problem. I bet this won't be in jee books.

Aditya Kumar - 5 years, 5 months ago

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@Aditya Kumar Do you get such problems in Fiitjee?? Btw If u like calculus in physics try the problems " speck of dust " and " speck of dust returns" cause I want to know if there is a shorter approach

Rohith M.Athreya - 5 years, 3 months ago

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@Rohith M.Athreya See Arjen's solution. I don't go to fiitjee.

Aditya Kumar - 5 years, 3 months ago

You can also use the direct result of shm that is given in most standard books.isnt it By the way @Kishore S Shenoy in which class are you now

Aditya Kumar - 5 years, 5 months ago

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11 t h \!^{th} Standard. You're in 12 t h \!^{th} right?

Kishore S. Shenoy - 5 years, 5 months ago

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Yes in fiitjee south delhi

Aditya Kumar - 5 years, 5 months ago

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@Aditya Kumar All the best for JEE

Kishore S. Shenoy - 5 years, 5 months ago

Did the same as Arjen Vreugdenhill did :) . But dont you think that problem is like too easy for 400 Points!! . should be about 170-200 points (max) . but still nice problem!

Prakhar Bindal - 5 years, 5 months ago

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i don't think so , it deserves 400 !

hiroto kun - 4 years, 6 months ago

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even wolfram was not able to do it !

hiroto kun - 4 years, 6 months ago
Tanishq Varshney
Dec 23, 2015

May be I was lucky to get the answer , plz do correct me if I were wrong.

Using law of conservation of energy

E = 0.5 k x 2 m g x 0.5 m v 2 E=0.5 kx^2-mgx-0.5 mv^2

d E d t = 0 \large{\frac{dE}{dt}=0}

We get k x v m g v m v d v d t = 0 \large{kxv-mgv-mv \frac{dv}{dt}=0}

d v d t = k x m g m \large{\Rightarrow \frac{dv}{dt}=\frac{kx-mg}{m}}

0 3 d v = k m 0 3 x . d t g 0 3 d t \large{\Rightarrow \displaystyle \int^{3}_{0} dv=\frac{k}{m} \displaystyle \int^{3}_{0} x.dt- g \displaystyle \int^{3}_{0} dt}

@Tanishq Varshney , how would you get 0 3 d v \displaystyle\int_0^3 dv for proceeding?

Kishore S. Shenoy - 5 years, 5 months ago

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I don't know I simply took it 3 and luckily got the answer correct , can u post ur solution?

Tanishq Varshney - 5 years, 5 months ago

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I was stuck at the previous step. But one more thing left, how do you know that at t = 3 t = 3 , v = 3 v = 3 ? If you know that, the answer is pretty easy.

Kishore S. Shenoy - 5 years, 5 months ago

And the answer is wrong too, you would've got the answer to be 9.52941176470588 right?

But the answer is 9.71424692498118

Kishore S. Shenoy - 5 years, 5 months ago

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@Kishore S. Shenoy Yes , and in brilliant 5-10℅ error is allowed

Tanishq Varshney - 5 years, 5 months ago

@Kishore S Shenoy is right. See u cannot directly integrate both the side. If v and x were independent, u could've. Here u should've used v=dx/dt to solve. If u proceed further you'll get the solution.

Aditya Kumar - 5 years, 5 months ago

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Yaa got it thanx!!

Tanishq Varshney - 5 years, 5 months ago

Is the answer 8.5 ?

Anirban Mandal - 5 years, 5 months ago

@Kishore S Shenoy

Tanishq Varshney - 5 years, 5 months ago

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