There are three drink labels: one for tea, one for coffee, and one random (which will randomly give either tea or coffee). However, these three labels have been mixed up such that they all describe one of the
drinks. What is the minimum number of drinks you need to dispense to determine which label corresponds to which drink?
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Ook, but if it is random how do you know that if random just gives out tea randomly, it could give coffee on the 2nd dispensing...
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Every single label in wrong. But if random is coffee,the random labeled container is not tea. The tea labeled container is also not tea. So coffee labeled container is tea. Random labeled is coffee. Tea labeled random.
Because it has been stated that labels are not correct.
I thougt the same, but if all labels are incorrect, then you know that the random has coffee for instance, so the tea label has random drinks and the coffee has random beverages.
"These three labels have been mixed up such that they all describe one of the other drinks." This means that the current Random label is actually either Coffee of Tea.
ya...why didn't I think of this?!?
It is stated that each label is incorrect, so pressing random immediately tells you which is either only coffee or only tea, the label saying the other beverage of the two will be random since it is also incorrect, and the last one will be the remaining unlabeled drink
Re: some confusion below; A better version of this puzzle comes from Martin Gardner; three boxes are labeled "Apples" , "Oranges" and "Apples and Oranges". Thus taking a single piece of fruit from this last box yields the solution. I think the use of the label "Random" in the drinks version is the reason for the consternation!
Answer is one try!!!! you should just try "random" labeled one! That gives you a tea or a coffee.... if its a tea then "coffee" labeled one should be the "true random" one and the "tea" labeled one should be the "true coffee". Otherwise ... you get the coffee from the "random" one then the "tea" labeled one should be the "true random" and the "coffee" one should be the "true tea" :)
In the first turn you check all the buttons and you may got the follow results:either 2 buttons have given you coffee or 2 buttons have given you tea.Let´s say 2 of the buttons have given you tea.This means that of those is the random button.The button that has given you coffee must be labeled as either tea or random.The both button that have given you tea must to be labeled as either coffee or random.As the random cannot be labeled as random,if one of those buttons which has given you tea be labeled as tea you may realize that´s the random one.And if the coffee button is labeled as tea,then the random must be labeled as coffee.
The question hasn't mentioned what does one turn mean.
You took first turn as pressing all buttons
Where as I took 'one turn' as pressing 1 button only
So someone please clarify the question or post a valid solution.
I got it as 2.
coffee will be named as (tea or random),tea will be named as (coffee or random) and random will be named (coffee or tea)
press the button named coffee or tea, if coffee/tea comes out as coffee/tea(respectively) then the button is random,
BUT(extreme case)
if coffee/tea comes out as tea/coffee(respectively)
then press random button(work out the maths after this)whatever comes out ,random button is for that
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I agree with you. I thought one turn was actually one press of the button.
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The question doesn't say turns. It states "What is the minimum number of drinks you need to dispense to determine which label corresponds to which drink?" so it is not ambiguous.
The question is absolutely correct and quite clear.
It has been specified in the question that "these three labels have been mixed up such that they all describe one of the other drinks". So, in the dispenser marked "tea" will give either coffee or random. But it cannot give tea. Hence, it will only give coffee. Similarly, the one marked "coffee" will give tea. The one marked "random" can give any of the two drinks. Therefore we can dispense the label which is marked "tea" or the one marked "coffee". '1' is the correct option.
My problem with this question is that it states that the labels have been "mixed up", not that they are all "incorrectly" labelled.
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I think Kevin Bishop got the point, that's why is ambiguous.
It also states such that they all describe one of the other drinks. That statement tells you all the labels a mixed up.
"these three labels have been mixed up such that they all describe one of the other drinks." Seems pretty clear that ALL the labels are mixed up and incorrect
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In my point of view, "Mixed up" doesn't necessarily means "Incorrect"
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@Rafael Garritano – You have to answer based on what's given. One cup would determine that one pot, only. However, If they are, in fact, mixed up, you would need an additional sample from another pot to determine the last pot. This is so subjective.
@Rafael Garritano – Read it again. "these three labels have been mixed up such that they ALL describe one of the OTHER drinks."
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Just test the Random label. If it vends coffee, you know it is the Coffee container (it cannot be Random, as the label is wrong, and it obviously isn't Tea.) Knowing this, you know that the Tea label must be the Random container (it cannot be Coffee as that is already taken, and it cannot be Tea because the label must be wrong.) And, of course, the Coffee label must be Tea by elimination.
Similarly, if the Random label vends tea, you know it is the tea container. This means that the Coffee label must be the random container (it cannot be coffee and tea is already taken) and therefore the Tea label must be coffee.
The interesting thing is that there are only 2 possible permutations where all three labels are wrong. Note that testing either the Coffee or Tea label first may require two tests, not just one, as there in not enough information contained in the result if the beverage delivered does not match the label. If it does match the label, you can also solve as above, knowing the tested container is the Random container.