The beauty of 71

( 71 + 1 ) 71 ( 71 1 ) 71 \left ( \sqrt {71} +1 \right )^{71} - \left ( \sqrt {71} -1 \right )^{71}

What is the last digit of the number above?

The answer is 8.

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7 solutions

Pi Han Goh
Mar 29, 2015

Consider the binomial expansion of ( a + 1 ) 71 (a+1)^{71} and ( a 1 ) 71 (a-1)^{71} which gives these two expressions below respectively:

a 71 + ( 71 1 ) a 70 + ( 71 2 ) a 69 + + ( 71 70 ) a 1 + ( 71 71 ) a 0 a^{71} + { 71 \choose 1} a^{70} + { 71 \choose 2} a^{69} + \ldots + { 71 \choose 70} a^{1} + { 71 \choose 71} a^0

a 71 ( 71 1 ) a 70 + ( 71 2 ) a 69 + ( 71 70 ) a 1 ( 71 71 ) a 0 a^{71} - { 71 \choose 1} a^{70} + { 71 \choose 2} a^{69} - \ldots + { 71 \choose 70} a^{1} - { 71 \choose 71} a^0

Take their difference and we are left with

2 [ ( 71 1 ) a 70 + ( 71 3 ) a 68 + + ( 71 5 ) a 66 + + ( 71 69 ) a 2 + ( 71 71 ) a 0 ] 2 \bigg [ { 71 \choose 1} a^{70} + { 71 \choose 3} a^{68} + + { 71 \choose 5} a^{66} + \ldots + { 71 \choose 69} a^{2} + { 71 \choose 71} a^{0} \bigg ]

In this case, a = 71 a = \sqrt{71}

2 [ ( 71 1 ) 7 1 35 + ( 71 3 ) 7 1 34 + ( 71 5 ) 7 1 33 + + ( 71 69 ) 7 1 1 + ( 71 71 ) ] 2 \bigg [ { 71 \choose 1} 71^{35} + { 71 \choose 3} 71^{34} + { 71 \choose 5} 71^{33} + \ldots + { 71 \choose 69} 71^{1} + { 71 \choose 71} \bigg ]

Consider modulo 10 10 on the powers (for any natural number n n ): ( 71 ) n ( 71 m o d 10 ) n 1 (71)^n \equiv (71 \bmod 10)^n \equiv 1 gives

2 [ ( 71 1 ) + ( 71 3 ) + ( 71 5 ) + + ( 71 69 ) + ( 71 71 ) ] 2 \bigg [ { 71 \choose 1} + { 71 \choose 3} + { 71 \choose 5} + \ldots + { 71 \choose 69} + { 71 \choose 71} \bigg ]

We are only adding the odd terms of the 7 1 st 71^\text{st} row of the Pascal Triangle

2 ( 1 2 2 71 ) = 2 71 2 71 m o d 4 8 2 \cdot \left ( \frac {1}{2} \cdot 2^{71} \right ) = 2^{71} \equiv 2^{71 \bmod 4} \equiv \boxed{8}

Nice!Same method I followed. At last I realized that 7+1=8 :P

Rohit Ner - 6 years, 2 months ago

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Can you please explain the method from pascal triangle

Ranjit Patil - 6 years ago

Where did the 71 mod 4 come from?

David Holcer - 6 years, 2 months ago

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Last digit of powers of any number repeats after a cycle of 4 4 .In this case, it's the powers of 2 2 : 2 , 4 , 8 , 6 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 6 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 6 2,4,8,6,2,4,8,6,2,4,8,6 \ldots

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 2 months ago

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Where does the 2 71 2^{71} come from?

Nice solution btw.

Trevor Arashiro - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Trevor Arashiro THANK YOU!

See the second example in this link

Using properties of binomial coefficient, we have

( 71 1 ) = ( 71 70 ) ( 71 3 ) = ( 71 68 ) ( 71 5 ) = ( 71 66 ) . . . ( 71 71 ) = ( 71 0 ) { 71 \choose 1 } = { 71 \choose 70} \\ { 71 \choose 3 } = { 71 \choose 68} \\ { 71 \choose 5 } = { 71 \choose 66} \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ { 71 \choose 71 } = { 71 \choose 0} \\

Add them all up gives 2 71 2^{71}

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Pi Han Goh If n is even, is it still true that the sum of all ( n k ) n\choose{k} for even (or odd) k is 2 n 1 2^{n-1} ? Just in case they ask a question like this about an even n some time... ;)

Otto Bretscher - 6 years, 2 months ago

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@Otto Bretscher y e s \boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{yes}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Joel Yip - 5 years, 4 months ago

@Otto Bretscher You are math genius, Sir! Your solutions often makes me confused. I just didn't expect it, hope this can help: medium=social&utm source=facebook&utm campaign=fb posts 05012015&utm content=n choose k_wiki#applications

Hafizh Ahsan Permana - 6 years, 1 month ago

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@Hafizh Ahsan Permana I'm sorry to hear about my confusing solutions, Hafizh... Sometimes I'm just too lazy to spell everything out. Also, I like to challenge and "tease" the readers... make them think for themselves! Feel free to ask questions, though.

Otto Bretscher - 6 years, 1 month ago

@Pi Han Goh Ohhh, it's the binomial expansion of ( 1 + 1 ) 71 (1+1)^{71} . But we only have even powers, so it's half by symmetry. Gotcha. Thanks!

Trevor Arashiro - 6 years, 2 months ago

I loved it👍👍👍👍

Manan Agrawal - 4 years, 8 months ago

I used very similar reasoning

David Richner - 4 years, 4 months ago

Amazing solution!!!

Mr. Krabs - 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Did the same! Upvoted!

Joel Yip - 6 years, 2 months ago
Peter Macgregor
Mar 31, 2015


S ( n ) = ( 1 + 71 ) n + ( 1 71 ) n ( 1 ) S(n)=(1+\sqrt{71})^n+(1-\sqrt{71})^n\dots(1)

We want to find the last digit of S ( 71 ) S(71) .

My strategy is to find the quadratic equation whose roots are the two bracketed terms in (1), and then to examine the pattern of the sums of the powers of the roots of this equation to find S ( 71 ) S(71) .

The required quadratic equation is

( x ( 1 + 71 ) ) ( x ( 1 71 ) ) = 0 \left(x-(1+\sqrt{71})\right)\left(x-(1-\sqrt{71})\right)=0

x 2 2 x 70 = 0 \implies x^2-2x-70=0

Now invoking Newtons marvellous iterative identities for the sums of the roots of a polynomial -

S ( 1 ) = 2 S(1)=2

S ( 2 ) = 2 × 2 + 70 × 2 = 144 S(2)=2\times2+70\times2=144

S ( 3 ) = 2 × 144 + 70 × 2 S(3)=2\times 144 +70\times2

and so on.

Each further iteration involves multiplication by two (and the addition of a multiple of 70 which does not change the last digit!).

The final digits thus cycle through the pattern

2 , 4 , 8 , 6 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 6 , 2,4,8,6,2,4,8,6,\dots

and so the final digit of S ( 71 ) S(71) is

2 71 m o d 4 = 2 3 = 8 2^{71\bmod 4}=2^3=8

Nice! I prefer yours! +1

Pi Han Goh - 6 years, 2 months ago

excellent solution....but can you please write newtons iterative identities in generic form, i.e, supposing the roots of the polynomial are r1 & r2 and the equation is ax^2+bx+c=0, what would be the successive values of s(1), s(2), s(3)......

Somesh Singh - 6 years, 2 months ago

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The iterations are easier if you first normalise the equation so that a = 1 a=1 .

For a quadratic equation

x 2 + b x + c = 0 x^2+bx+c=0

Newton's identities are

S ( 1 ) = b S(1)=-b

S ( 2 ) = b 2 2 c S(2)=b^2-2c

and then all further sums of powers are found using

S ( k ) = b S ( k 1 ) c S ( k 2 ) S(k)=-bS(k-1)-cS(k-2)

I hope you like this.

Peter Macgregor - 6 years, 2 months ago
Gamal Sultan
Apr 6, 2015

S (10) = 10(1 - 1/2)(1 - 1/5) = 4 .......... (FERMAT'S THEOREM)

Let square root of 71 be denoted by x

Then the given expression =

(x + 1)^71 - (x - 1)^71 = (x + 1)^3 - (x - 1)^3 (mod 10)

x = square root of 71 = square root of 1 (mod 10)


(x + 1)^71 - (x - 1)^71 = 2^3 - 0 = 8 (mod 10)

So , the last digit of the given number is 8

Note that Fermat/ Euler's Theorem only applies to integers, and not to fractions/irrationals.

For example, it is pretty clear that 0. 5 1 0. 5 5 ( m o d 10 ) 0.5 ^ 1 \neq 0.5 ^ 5 \pmod{10} .

It is possible to modify your initial argument slightly, to take into account the fact that odd powers of 71 \sqrt{71} have been removed, but then it would require more work and the step of ( x + 1 ) 3 ( x 1 ) 3 (x+1)^3 - (x-1)^3 will need to be justified in another way.

Calvin Lin Staff - 6 years, 2 months ago

According to the theory of Binet Forms, the sequence x n = ( 1 + 71 ) n + ( 1 71 ) n x_n=(1+\sqrt{71})^n+(1-\sqrt{71})^n satisfies the recursive equation x n = 2 x n 1 + 70 x n 2 x_n=2x_{n-1}+70x_{n-2} , with x 0 = x 1 = 2 x_0=x_1=2 . Thus x n 2 x n 1 ( m o d 10 ) x_{n}\equiv2x_{n-1} \pmod{10} and x n 2 n ( m o d 10 ) x_{n}\equiv2^n \pmod{10} . Now x 71 2 71 2 3 = 8 ( m o d 10 ) x_{71}\equiv2^{71}\equiv2^3=\boxed{8} \pmod{10}

nice solution by recurrence relation

A Former Brilliant Member - 1 year, 1 month ago
Alex Hack
Aug 27, 2019

We have

( 71 ) + 1 ) 71 ( 71 ) 1 ) 71 = ( 71 + 1 ) 71 + ( 1 71 ) 71 = 2 m = 0 35 ( 71 2 m ) 7 1 m (\sqrt{71})+1)^{71}-(\sqrt{71})-1)^{71}=(\sqrt{71}+1)^{71}+(1-\sqrt{71})^{71} = 2\sum_{m=0}^{35}{{71}\choose{2m}}71^{m}

because the odd terms cancel out and the even one sum up. So we have to find these expression ( m o d 10 ) \pmod{10} . Write:

2 m = 0 35 ( 71 2 m ) 7 1 m = 2 m = 0 35 ( 71 2 m ) ( 70 + 1 ) m = 2 m = 0 35 ( 71 2 m ) k = 0 m ( m k ) 7 k 1 0 k 2\sum_{m=0}^{35}{{71}\choose{2m}}71^{m}=2\sum_{m=0}^{35} {{71}\choose{2m}}(70+1)^{m} =2\sum_{m=0}^{35} {{71}\choose{2m}}\sum_{k=0}^{m}{{m}\choose{k}}7^{k}10^{k}

and of course the only term in the second sum that survives after taking the congruence ( m o d 10 ) \pmod{10} is the k = 0 k=0 term, so:

2 m = 0 35 ( 71 2 m ) 7 1 m 2 m = 0 35 ( 71 2 m ) ( m o d 10 ) 2\sum_{m=0}^{35} {{71}\choose{2m}}71^{m} \equiv 2\sum_{m=0}^{35} {{71}\choose{2m}} \pmod{10} .

Consider now the identity

2 71 = ( 1 + 1 ) 71 + ( 1 + ( 1 ) ) 71 = k = 0 71 ( 71 k ) + k = 0 71 ( 71 k ) ( 1 ) k = 2 m = 0 35 ( 71 2 m ) 2^{71}=(1+1)^{71}+(1+(-1))^{71}=\sum_{k=0}^{71} {{71}\choose{k}}+\sum_{k=0}^{71} {{71}\choose{k}}(-1)^{k}=2\sum_{m=0}^{35} {{71}\choose{2m}}

and so we finally have that

( 71 + 1 ) 71 ( 71 1 ) 71 2 71 2 [ 2 10 ] 7 2 [ 4 ] 7 8 ( m o d 10 ) (\sqrt{71}+1)^{71}-(\sqrt{71}-1)^{71} \equiv 2^{71} \equiv 2*[2^{10}]^{7} \equiv 2*[4]^{7} \equiv 8 \pmod{10}

Alan Yan
Jun 25, 2017

Define F n = ( 1 + 71 ) n + ( 1 71 ) n . F_n = (1 + \sqrt{71} )^n + (1 - \sqrt{71} )^n. Observe that we want the last digit of F 71 F_{71} . Observe that the characteristic polynomial of F n F_n is x 2 2 x 70 x^2 - 2x - 70 , so we must have that F n = 2 F n 1 + 70 F n 2 . F_n = 2F_{n-1} + 70F_{n-2}. From here we can easily see that F n 2 F n 1 ( m o d 10 ) F_n \equiv 2F_{n-1} \pmod{10} . Hence, the unit digits cycle 2 , 4 , 8 , 6 2,4,8,6 . Since 71 3 ( m o d 4 ) 71 \equiv 3 \pmod 4 , the answer is 8 \boxed{8} .

Mahiuddin Rasel
Apr 6, 2015

First of all I thank to problem writer :)

(71.1/2 + 1)^71 - (71.1/2 -1)^71

= (71/2+1)^71 - (71/2-1)^71

=((71+2)/2))^71 - ((71-2)/2)^71

=(73/2 - 69/2)^71




Now we know how to find last digit of any number. If we mod by 10 on any number we got last digit of that number.So now 2 multiply by itself up to 71 times and every time we mod by 10 and finally we got last digit of the equation and that is 8.

How did you go from ( 71 + 1 ) 71 ( \sqrt{ 71} + 1 ) ^ {71} to ( 71 2 + 1 ) 71 ( \frac{71}{2} +1 )^ {71} ?

How did you go from ( 73 2 ) 71 ( 69 2 ) 7 1 = ( 73 2 69 2 ) 7 1 ( \frac{73}{2})^{71} - (\frac{69}{2} )^71 =(\frac{73}{2}-\frac{69}{2})^71 ?

Calvin Lin Staff - 6 years, 2 months ago

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