Three Legged Table

A well-built square table distributes its weight equally on its four legs. Now, one of the legs is removed. By symmetry, the weight on leg A would be the same as on leg C. How much of the table's weight is supported by leg B?

Weight on B would be more than weight on A Weight on B would be less than weight on A Weight on B would be equal to weight on A

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11 solutions

Arjen Vreugdenhil
Feb 11, 2018

The weight supported by leg B is zero .

If there were any upward force by the floor on leg B, it would create a torque around axis AC. Thus the table would topple. It can only remain in (unstable) equilibrium if there is no such force.

Here I have only considered a symmetric table top supported by the legs. If you consider the table including (massive) legs, then leg B supports precisely its own weight. The presence of the legs also makes the table more stable: it shifts the center of mass downward and toward leg B.

Let a 2 , M a\sqrt 2, M be the side and mass of the table top; let , m \ell, m be the height and mass of each leg, in the corner of the table. Call the center of the table top ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) (0,0,0) and let the legs run in the + z +z -direction. Leg B is attached at the tabletop at point ( a , 0 , 0 ) (a,0,0) ; legs A and C, at points ( 0 , ± a , 0 ) (0,\pm a,0) . The center of mass has coordinates x = m a M + 3 m , y = 0 , z = m M + 3 m . x = \frac{ma}{M + 3m},\ \ \ y = 0,\ \ \ z = \frac{m\ell}{M + 3m}. Because of symmetry, we only need to consider torques about the y y -axis. The torque of the gravitational force about the origin is τ g = + ( M + 3 m ) g x = + m g a ; \tau_g = +(M + 3m)gx = +mga; this is no surprise, as the lines of the gravitational forces on the tabeltop, leg A, and leg C all run through the y y -axis.

Let F B F_B and F A C F_{AC} be the vertical forces by the ground on the legs, then τ B = F B a ; τ A = τ C = 0. \tau_B = -F_Ba;\ \ \ \ \tau_A = \tau_C = 0. Equilibrium requires that τ g + τ A + τ B + τ C = 0 \tau_g + \tau_A + \tau_B + \tau_C = 0 , so that m g a F B a = 0 ; F B = m g a a = m g . mga -F_Ba = 0;\ \ \ F_B = \frac{mga}{a} = mg. This proves that the upward force by the ground on leg B only carries the weight of leg B. Each of the other two legs also carries its own weight, but also half of the weight of the tabletop. This follows from the fact that F A + F B + F C = ( M + 3 m ) g F_A + F_B + F_C = (M + 3m)g , so that F A = F C = ( M + 3 m ) g m g 2 = ( M 2 + m ) g . F_A = F_C = \frac{(M + 3m)g - mg}2 = \left(\frac M 2 + m\right)g.

If legs are not massless, weight supported by leg B is not zero. Centre of mass of the table shifts towards B, creating a torque on axis AC in opposite direction.

lovro cupic - 3 years, 4 months ago

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That is correct. I assumed that the legs have little weight compare to the legs.

Also, if we consider the forces by the legs on the tabletop (rather than by the floor on the legs), my conclusion holds true. In other words, leg B will only support its own weight, not that of the table top.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 3 months ago

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Does it make a difference how the leg is connected (or not) to the table top? Two pieces have two centers of gravity. One piece would have one gravitational center, in another location affecting the balance of the whole thing. I'm imagining balancing the main section of table top and two legs on a balance beam with one hand, and balancing the 3rd table leg vertically with the other hand, so they look like they are one piece but are actually just positioned closely together. Perhaps a magnetic connection would suddenly trigger when the two parts were close making them one and the change to the balancing solution would be immediately obvious.

Refuso PissedO - 3 years, 3 months ago

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@Refuso PissedO In the scenario you describe, the result would still be the same. If the mass of the tabletop is M M and that of each leg is m m , then balancing the tabletop + two legs would require force ( M + 2 m ) g (M + 2m)g and balancing the individual leg would require force m g mg -- precisely as in my analysis.

If there is a magnetic connection between the two, then the magnetic attraction will be perfectly balanced by the normal force between the magnetic surfaces. It does not change the analysis; you will still have to apply the same forces with both hands.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 3 months ago

Sir then do u mean that the weight of the table top is balanced by only the legs A and C??.

erica phillips - 3 years, 3 months ago

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Yes. That is why a three-legged table is so unstable.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 3 months ago

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But sir if the table is unstable even without the leg B not supporting the weight ,then would it make any difference if leg B supports the weight of the table top ,because at the end, the table will become unstable and topple down??

erica phillips - 3 years, 3 months ago

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@Erica Phillips The difference is that if the table starts toppling in one direction, leg B will stop it from falling over. At that moment, leg B will bear some of the weight, but only until the table stops tipping.

Another advantage of the leg is that it greatly increases the rotational inertia. When the table starts tipping, it will not accelerate as quickly as a tabletop without the leg.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 3 months ago

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@Arjen Vreugdenhil So,what does the words"By symmetry..."mean in the question??

erica phillips - 3 years, 3 months ago

the support in B is more than zero, it's exactly the weight of the asymmetric leg. That's why the position is stable

Meneghin Mauro - 3 years, 3 months ago

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I think Arjen neglected the mass of the legs,thats why he told 0

Aswin Ramesh - 3 years, 3 months ago

yes i absolutely agree, on experiment, one way to prove this is to put similar weighing scale under each leg, if there is an upward force it will topple. however with absence of gravity similar weight/zero will be applied to the legs.

Renemar Sultones - 3 years, 3 months ago

What if we consider centre of mass of the table?

R P - 3 years, 3 months ago

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The center of mass of the tabletop does not change.

If you include the legs, and they have mass, then the center of mass shifts indeed. The floor will end up supporting the table at leg B, but no more than the weight of the legs. See the additional notes in my solution.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 3 months ago

What if you wanted the whole load distributed equally onto the three table legs? Can you distribute more weight onto the 3rd post by torquing it to the ground, the table and using the inherent strength of the table to "pull" the additional weight towards the anchoring system, by tightening the torquing mechanism? Different materials (concrete, wood, glass) would behave differently but could be designed structurally in the first place, (pre-stressed concrete for example) to accept an equally distributed load. That also leaves the 4th corner wide open.

Refuso PissedO - 3 years, 3 months ago

I don't believe this can be correct. Imagine the floor is cut away under leg B. If the weight on leg B is zero, the table remains balanced over AC and would not tip over. This is inherently obviously not the case.

Christopher Cornette - 3 years, 3 months ago

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If the table is perfectly balanced, leg B bears no weight.

Leg B does make a difference when the table becomes unbalanced. If it would start tipping in the direction of B, the leg would provide whatever force is needed to stop it from toppling. If it would start tipping in the opposite direction, the increase in rotational inertia due to leg B would slow down the tipping motion.

But you will not see a sustained force on leg B greater than the weight of the leg itself.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 3 months ago

maybe,it is just in an ideal is hard to think .

chenlong zhao - 3 years, 3 months ago

I need you for a tutor 😎😎

beyond measures - 3 years, 3 months ago

the result is quite counter intuitive for me but definitely wonderful one!!

erica phillips - 3 years, 3 months ago
Markus Pfaff
Feb 12, 2018

Actually, I think

The weight on leg B = the weight of leg B itself.

Why? Well, imagine if only the table itself had mass, and all its legs were weightless... Then the table's center of mass would be exactly in the middle of the square, which means the table would 'pivot' about that point, and all its mass would be equally distributed onto legs A and C.

This means that as long as the table is parallel to the ground (or tipping toward the missing leg), none of the table's mass will be resting on leg B.

Bonus: Now imagine chopping half of the length off of leg B. If you are extremely skilled, you could in theory balance the table solely on legs A and C if you were able to keep the table exactly parallel to the floor. But as soon as it starts tipping to one side, it will fall. If it fell to the side with the halved leg B, it would land on B and now finally some of the table's weight would be resting on leg B.

Steven Chase
Jan 22, 2018

There are three unknown upward (z-direction) forces (A,B,C). We can write three balance equations (the torque vector inherently has no z-component):

1) Force in z-direction
2) x-component of torque vector (about the table top center)
3) y-component of torque vector (about the table top center)

These equations turn out to be:

A + B + C = W A + B C = 0 A + B + C = 0 A + B + C = W \\ A + B - C = 0 \\ -A + B + C = 0

Solving these results in:

A = W 2 B = 0 C = W 2 A = \frac{W}{2} \\ B = 0 \\ C = \frac{W}{2}

This result holds no matter how long the table legs are (assuming that they are massless).

Is it just me or did you forget to change the sign in front of "B" to negative?

Mustafa Ibrahim - 3 years, 3 months ago

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I would double check, if it weren't for the fact that the answer is the same either way.

Steven Chase - 3 years, 3 months ago

And this is 'BASIC' leve?! Someone's taking the p@$$!

Peter Longdon - 3 years, 3 months ago

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If one does it this way, I agree. I think one could also argue from symmetry, without requiring the technicalities.

Steven Chase - 3 years, 3 months ago
Ken Haley
Feb 13, 2018

Common sense should give you the right answer: Imagine trying to lift up on the B corner. Even if the table is very heavy, it would lift easily and tip over with almost no effort. Conversely, it would obviously take much more effort to lift up on leg A or C. Other solutions posted here give the correct analytical reason why this is true.

Yeah, it is very intuitive to think in this way. B is just providing a support here.

Rohit Gupta - 3 years, 3 months ago
Nikhil Garg
Feb 13, 2018

Let the weight of the table is 40 N. When there were all the 4 legs, the whole weight was supported by all the four legs equally means 10N per leg and it was in angular equilibrium as well. As soon as the 4th leg is removed, the whole weight would lie upon the two diagonally situated legs i.e. A and C because there is no counter support to the leg B which would balance the torque created by the leg B. So now, each of the leg A and C would support 20 N weight. So better remove the leg B as well if you are removing the leg D. Would save you the extra material. :-p

Sahit Dodda
Feb 12, 2018

Think of the B leg as "hanging off". the *only * force used is that for the leg itself, anything more would be virtually non-existent.

If foot B is removed, the table balances the rest of the legs.

Muhammad Abdullah
Feb 17, 2018

The mass of table is being supported only between the legs a and c. Leg b only supports a small part of table

Yash Ghaghada
Feb 16, 2018

Well as it's mentioned that the table is well built so,

First remove the leg B also, theoretically the table shouldn't fall.

Now add leg B so now there is small torque due to that and also the contact force from the ground acting on the leg B so overall the table shouldn't fall {as normal force is self adjusting force}---(1)

Let's see some math

Mg∆=N∆ {∆=length of diagonal/2} (as (1) is true)

So Mg=N

Also the mass of leg is much less than the table top so we get our answer

Reuben Heffer
Feb 16, 2018

If the table was split in half diagonally such that it was triangular with a leg at each corner, the weight distribution would be even (or very close). However, by adding this other half, completing the square, a moment is created relieving force off leg B thus meaning that the weight on B would be less than A

Reuben - age 14

Karun Mathews
Feb 11, 2018

When the leg diagonally opposite B is removed the torque due to the weight of that edge of the table would cancel the torque acting at B (due to that edge of the table) - all the torques are about the AC axis- and so the leg B wouldn't be supporting any weight.

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